missing self

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) is a leading cause of graft failure. Emerging evidence suggests a significant contribution of natural killer (NK) cells to microvascular inflammation (MVI). We investigated the influence of genetically determined NK cell functionality on ABMR development and activity. The study included 86 kidney transplant recipients subjected to systematic biopsies triggered by donor-specific antibody detection. We performed killer immunoglobulin-like receptor typing to predict missing self and genotyped polymorphisms determining NK cell functionality (FCGR3AV/F158 [rs396991], KLRC2wt/del, KLRK1HNK/LNK [rs1049174], rs9916629-C/T). Fifty patients had ABMR with considerable MVI and elevated NK cell transcripts. Missing self was not related to MVI. Only KLRC2wt/wt showed an association (MVI score: 2 [median; interquartile range: 0-3] vs 0 [0-1] in KLRC2wt/del recipients; P = .001) and remained significant in a proportional odds multivariable model (odds ratio, 7.84; 95% confidence interval, 2.37-30.47; P = .001). A sum score incorporating all polymorphisms and missing self did not outperform a score including only KLRC2 and FCGR3A variants, which were predictive in univariable analysis. NK cell genetics did not affect graft functional decline and survival. In conclusion, a functional KLRC2 polymorphism emerged as an independent determinant of ABMR activity, without a considerable contribution of missing self and other NK cell gene polymorphisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells that contribute to host defense against virus infections. NK cells respond to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro and are activated in patients with acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, by which mechanisms NK cells detect SARS-CoV-2-infected cells remains largely unknown. Here, we show that the Non-structural protein 13 of SARS-CoV-2 encodes for a peptide that is presented by human leukocyte antigen E (HLA-E). In contrast with self-peptides, the viral peptide prevents binding of HLA-E to the inhibitory receptor NKG2A, thereby rendering target cells susceptible to NK cell attack. In line with these observations, NKG2A-expressing NK cells are particularly activated in patients with COVID-19 and proficiently limit SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected lung epithelial cells in vitro. Thus, these data suggest that a viral peptide presented by HLA-E abrogates inhibition of NKG2A+ NK cells, resulting in missing self-recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection of mismatched human leukocyte antigens by adaptive immune cells is considered as the main cause of transplant rejection, leading to either T-cell mediated rejection or antibody-mediated rejection. This canonical view guided the successful development of immunosuppressive therapies and shaped the diagnostic Banff classification for kidney transplant rejection that is used in clinics worldwide. However, several observations have recently emerged that question this dichotomization between T-cell mediated rejection and antibody-mediated rejection, related to heterogeneity in the serology, histology, and prognosis of the rejection phenotypes. In parallel, novel insights were obtained concerning the dynamics of donor-specific anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies, the immunogenicity of donor-recipient non-human leukocyte antigen mismatches, and the autoreactivity against self-antigens. Moreover, the potential of innate allorecognition was uncovered, as exemplified by natural killer cell-mediated microvascular inflammation through missing self, and by the emerging evidence on monocyte-driven allorecognition. In this review, we highlight the gaps in the current classification of rejection, provide an overview of the expanding insights into the mechanisms of allorecognition, and critically appraise how these could improve our understanding and clinical approach to kidney transplant rejection. We argue that consideration of the complex interplay of various allorecognition mechanisms can foster a more integrated view of kidney transplant rejection and can lead to improved risk stratification, targeted therapies, and better outcome after kidney transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circulating anti-HLA donor-specific antibodies (HLA-DSA) are often absent in kidney transplant recipients with microvascular inflammation (MVI). Missing self, the inability of donor endothelial cells to provide HLA I-mediated signals to inhibitory killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) on recipient natural killer cells, can cause endothelial damage in vitro, and has been associated with HLA-DSA-negative MVI. However, missing self\'s clinical importance as a nonhumoral trigger of allograft rejection remains unclear.
    In a population-based study of 924 consecutive kidney transplantations between March 2004 and February 2013, we performed high-resolution donor and recipient HLA typing and recipient KIR genotyping. Missing self was defined as the absence of A3/A11, Bw4, C1, or C2 donor genotype, with the presence of the corresponding educated recipient inhibitory KIR gene.
    We identified missing self in 399 of 924 transplantations. Co-occurrence of missing self types had an additive effect in increasing MVI risk, with a threshold at two concurrent types (hazard ratio [HR], 1.78; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.26 to 2.53), independent of HLA-DSA (HR, 5.65; 95% CI, 4.01 to 7.96). Missing self and lesions of cellular rejection were not associated. No HLA-DSAs were detectable in 146 of 222 recipients with MVI; 28 of the 146 had at least two missing self types. Missing self associated with transplant glomerulopathy after MVI (HR, 2.51; 95% CI, 1.12 to 5.62), although allograft survival was better than with HLA-DSA-associated MVI.
    Missing self specifically and cumulatively increases MVI risk after kidney transplantation, independent of HLA-DSA. Systematic evaluation of missing self improves understanding of HLA-DSA-negative MVI and might be relevant for improved diagnostic classification and patient risk stratification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current transplant immunology dogma defends that allograft rejection is initiated by recipient\'s adaptive immune system. In this prevalent model, innate immune cells in general, and natural killer (NK) cells in particular, are merely considered as downstream effectors which participate in the destruction of the graft only upon recruitment by adaptive effectors: alloreactive T cells or donor-specific antibodies (DSA). Challenging this vision, recent data demonstrated that recipients\' NK cells are capable of a form of allorecognition because they can sense the absence of self HLA class I molecules on the surface of graft endothelial cells. Missing-self triggers mTORC1-dependent activation of NK cells, which in turn promote the development of graft microvascular inflammation and detrimentally impact graft survival. The fact that some patients develop chronic vascular rejection in absence of DSA or genetically-predicted missing self suggests that other molecular mechanisms could underly NK cell allorecognition. This review provides an overview of these proven and putative molecular mechanisms and discusses future research directions in this emerging field in organ transplant immunology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Binding of donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) to kidney allograft endothelial cells that does not activate the classic complement cascade can trigger the recruitment of innate immune effectors, including NK cells. Activated NK cells contribute to microvascular inflammation leading to chronic antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). Recipient NK cells can also trigger antibody-independent microvascular inflammation by sensing the absence of self HLA class I molecules (\"missing self\") on allograft endothelial cells. This translational study investigated whether the condition of missing self amplifies DSA-dependent NK cell activation to worsen chronic AMR.
    Among 1682 kidney transplant recipients who underwent an allograft biopsy at Lyon University Hospital between 2004 and 2017, 135 fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for AMR and were enrolled in the study. Patients with complement-fixing DSAs identified by a positive C3d binding assay (n=73, 54%) had a higher risk of transplant failure (P=0.002). Among the remaining patients with complement-independent chronic AMR (n=62, 46%), those in whom missing self was identified through donor and recipient genotyping exhibited worse allograft survival (P=0.02). In multivariable analysis, only proteinuria (HR: 7.24; P=0.01) and the presence of missing self (HR: 3.57; P=0.04) were independent predictors for transplant failure following diagnosis of chronic AMR. Cocultures of human NK cells and endothelial cells confirmed that addition of missing self to DSA-induced NK cell activation increased endothelial damage.
    The assessment of missing self at the time of diagnosis of chronic AMR identifies patients at higher risk for kidney transplant failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The contribution of natural killer (NK) cells to immunosurveillance of human cancer remains debatable. Here, we discuss advances in several areas of human NK cell research, many of which support the ability of NK cells to prevent cancer development and avoid relapse following adoptive immunotherapy. We describe the molecular basis for NK cell recognition of human tumor cells and provide evidence for NK cell-mediated killing of human primary tumor cells ex vivo. Subsequently, we highlight studies demonstrating the ability of NK cells to migrate to, and reside in, the human tumor microenvironment where selection of tumor escape variants from NK cells can occur. Indirect evidence for NK cell immunosurveillance against human malignancies is provided by the reduced incidence of cancer in individuals with high levels of NK cell cytotoxicity, and the significant clinical responses observed following infusion of human NK cells into cancer patients. Finally, we describe studies showing enhanced tumor progression, or increased cancer incidence, in patients with inherited and acquired defects in cellular cytotoxicity. All these observations have in common that they, either indirectly or directly, suggest a role for NK cells in mediating immunosurveillance against human cancer. This opens up for exciting possibilities with respect to further exploring NK cells in settings of adoptive immunotherapy in human cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of NK cells to specifically recognize cells lacking expression of self-MHC class I molecules was discovered over 30 years ago. It provided the foundation for the \"missing self\" hypothesis. Research in the two past decades has contributed to a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms that determine the specificity and strength of NK cell-mediated \"missing self\" responses to tumor cells. However, in light of the recent remarkable breakthroughs in clinical cancer immunotherapy, the cytolytic potential of NK cells still remains largely untapped in clinical settings. There is abundant evidence demonstrating partial or complete loss of HLA class I expression in a wide spectrum of human tumor types. Such loss may result from immune selection of escape variants by tumor-specific CD8 T cells and has more recently also been linked to acquired resistance to checkpoint inhibition therapy. In the present review, we discuss the early predictions of the \"missing self\" hypothesis, its molecular basis and outline the potential for NK cell-based adoptive immunotherapy to convert checkpoint inhibitor therapy-resistant patients into clinical responders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Missing self recognition makes cancer sensitive to natural killer cell (NKc) reactivity. However, this model disregards the NKc licensing effect, which highly increases NKc reactivity through interactions of inhibitory killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (iKIR) with their cognate HLA-I ligands. The influence of iKIR/HLA-ligand (HLA-C1/C2) licensing interactions on the susceptibility to and progression of plasma cell (PC) dyscrasias was evaluated in 164 Caucasian patients and 286 controls. Compared to controls, myeloma accumulates KIR2DL1-L2+L3- genotypes (2.8% vs. 13.2%, p < 0.01, OR = 5.29) and less diverse peripheral repertoires of NKc clones. Less diverse and weaker-affinity repertoires of iKIR2D/HLA-C licensing interactions increased myeloma susceptibility. Thus, the complete absence of conventional iKIR2D/HLA-C licensing interactions (KIR2DL1-L2+L3-/C2C2, 2.56% vs. 0.35%; p < 0.05; OR = 15.014), single-KIR2DL3+/C1+ (20.51% vs. 10.84%; p < 0.05; OR = 2.795) and single-KIR2DL2+/C1+ (12.82% vs. 4.9%; p < 0.01; OR = 5.18) interactions were over-represented in myeloma, compared to controls. Additionally, KIR2DL1-L2+L3- (20% vs. 83%, p < 0.00001) as well as KIR3DL1- (23% vs. 82%, p < 0.00001) genotypes had a dramatic negative impact on the 3-y progression-free survival (PFS), particularly in patients with low-tumor burden. Remarkably, myeloma-PCs, compared to K562 and other hematological cancers, showed substantial over-expression of HLA-I (\"increasing-self\" instead of missing-self), including HLA-C, and mild expression of ligands for NKc activating receptors (aRec) CD112, CD155, ULBP-1 and MICA/B, which apparently renders myeloma-PCs susceptible to lysis mainly by licensed NKc. KIR2DL1-L2+L3-/C2C2 patients (with no conventional iKIR2D/HLA-C licensing interactions) lyse K562 but barely lyse myeloma-PCs (4% vs. 15%; p < 0.05, compared to controls). These results support a model where immunosurveillance of no-missing-self cancers, e.g., myeloma, mainly depends on NKc licensing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells represent a first line of defense against pathogens and tumor cells. The activation of NK cells is regulated by the integration of signals deriving from activating and inhibitory receptors expressed on their surface. However, different NK cells respond differently to the same stimulus, be it target cells or agents that crosslink activating receptors. The processes that determine the level of NK cell responsiveness have been referred to collectively as NK cell education. NK cell education plays an important role in steady state conditions, where potentially auto-reactive NK cells are rendered tolerant to the surrounding environment. According to the \"tuning\" concept, the responsiveness of each NK cell is quantitatively adjusted to ensure self tolerance while at the same time ensuring useful reactivity against potential threats. MHC-specific inhibitory receptors displayed by NK cells play a major role in tuning NK cell responsiveness, but recent studies indicate that signaling from activating receptors is also important, suggesting that the critical determinant is an integrated signal from both types of receptors. An important and still unresolved question is whether NK cell education involves interactions with a specific cell population in the environment. Whether hematopoietic and/or non-hematopoietic cells play a role is still under debate. Recent results demonstrated that NK cell tuning exhibits plasticity in steady state conditions, meaning that it can be re-set if the MHC environment changes. Other evidence suggests, however, that inflammatory conditions accompanying infections may favor high responsiveness, indicating that inflammatory agents can over-ride the natural tendency of NK cells to adjust to the steady state environment. These findings raise many questions such as whether viruses and tumor cells manipulate NK cell responsiveness to evade immune-recognition. As knowledge of the underlying processes grows, the possibility of modulating NK cell responsiveness for therapeutic purposes is becoming increasingly attractive, and is now under serious investigation in clinical studies.






