missing data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The selection of auxiliary variables is an important first step in appropriately implementing missing data methods such as full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation or multiple imputation. However, practical guidelines and statistical tests for selecting useful auxiliary variables are somewhat lacking, leading to potentially biased estimates. We propose the use of random forest analysis and lasso regression as alternative methods to select auxiliary variables, particularly in situations in which the missing data pattern is nonlinear or otherwise complex (i.e., interactive relationships between variables and missingness). Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of random forest analysis and lasso regression compared to traditional methods (t-tests, Little\'s MCAR test, logistic regressions), in terms of both selecting auxiliary variables and the performance of said auxiliary variables when incorporated in an analysis with missing data. Both techniques outperformed traditional methods, providing a promising direction for improvement of practical methods for handling missing data in statistical analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyzing longitudinal data in health studies is challenging due to sparse and error-prone measurements, strong within-individual correlation, missing data and various trajectory shapes. While mixed-effect models (MM) effectively address these challenges, they remain parametric models and may incur computational costs. In contrast, functional principal component analysis (FPCA) is a non-parametric approach developed for regular and dense functional data that flexibly describes temporal trajectories at a potentially lower computational cost. This article presents an empirical simulation study evaluating the behavior of FPCA with sparse and error-prone repeated measures and its robustness under different missing data schemes in comparison with MM. The results show that FPCA is well-suited in the presence of missing at random data caused by dropout, except in scenarios involving most frequent and systematic dropout. Like MM, FPCA fails under missing not at random mechanism. The FPCA was applied to describe the trajectories of four cognitive functions before clinical dementia and contrast them with those of matched controls in a case-control study nested in a population-based aging cohort. The average cognitive declines of future dementia cases showed a sudden divergence from those of their matched controls with a sharp acceleration 5 to 2.5 years prior to diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Early identification of children at high risk of developing myopia is essential to prevent myopia progression by introducing timely interventions. However, missing data and measurement error (ME) are common challenges in risk prediction modelling that can introduce bias in myopia prediction.
    METHODS: We explore four imputation methods to address missing data and ME: single imputation (SI), multiple imputation under missing at random (MI-MAR), multiple imputation with calibration procedure (MI-ME), and multiple imputation under missing not at random (MI-MNAR). We compare four machine-learning models (Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Xgboost) and three statistical models (logistic regression, stepwise logistic regression, and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator logistic regression) in myopia risk prediction. We apply these models to the Shanghai Jinshan Myopia Cohort Study and also conduct a simulation study to investigate the impact of missing mechanisms, the degree of ME, and the importance of predictors on model performance. Model performance is evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and the area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC).
    RESULTS: Our findings indicate that in scenarios with missing data and ME, using MI-ME in combination with logistic regression yields the best prediction results. In scenarios without ME, employing MI-MAR to handle missing data outperforms SI regardless of the missing mechanisms. When ME has a greater impact on prediction than missing data, the relative advantage of MI-MAR diminishes, and MI-ME becomes more superior. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that statistical models exhibit better prediction performance than machine-learning models.
    CONCLUSIONS: MI-ME emerges as a reliable method for handling missing data and ME in important predictors for early-onset myopia risk prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time series data are recorded in various sectors, resulting in a large amount of data. However, the continuity of these data is often interrupted, resulting in periods of missing data. Several algorithms are used to impute the missing data, and the performance of these methods is widely varied. Apart from the choice of algorithm, the effective imputation depends on the nature of missing and available data. We conducted extensive studies using different types of time series data, specifically heart rate data and power consumption data. We generated the missing data for different time spans and imputed using different algorithms with binned data of different sizes. The performance was evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) metric. We observed a reduction in RMSE when using binned data compared to the entire dataset, particularly in the case of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. We found that RMSE was reduced when using binned data for 1-, 5-, and 15-min missing data, with greater reduction observed for 15-min missing data. We also observed the effect of data fluctuation. We conclude that the usefulness of binned data depends precisely on the span of missing data, sampling frequency of the data, and fluctuation within data. Depending on the inherent characteristics, quality, and quantity of the missing and available data, binned data can impute a wide variety of data, including biological heart rate data derived from the Internet of Things (IoT) device smartwatch and non-biological data such as household power consumption data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Missing data are common in observational studies and often occur in several of the variables required when estimating a causal effect, i.e. the exposure, outcome and/or variables used to control for confounding. Analyses involving multiple incomplete variables are not as straightforward as analyses with a single incomplete variable. For example, in the context of multivariable missingness, the standard missing data assumptions (\"missing completely at random\", \"missing at random\" [MAR], \"missing not at random\") are difficult to interpret and assess. It is not clear how the complexities that arise due to multivariable missingness are being addressed in practice. The aim of this study was to review how missing data are managed and reported in observational studies that use multiple imputation (MI) for causal effect estimation, with a particular focus on missing data summaries, missing data assumptions, primary and sensitivity analyses, and MI implementation.
    METHODS: We searched five top general epidemiology journals for observational studies that aimed to answer a causal research question and used MI, published between January 2019 and December 2021. Article screening and data extraction were performed systematically.
    RESULTS: Of the 130 studies included in this review, 108 (83%) derived an analysis sample by excluding individuals with missing data in specific variables (e.g., outcome) and 114 (88%) had multivariable missingness within the analysis sample. Forty-four (34%) studies provided a statement about missing data assumptions, 35 of which stated the MAR assumption, but only 11/44 (25%) studies provided a justification for these assumptions. The number of imputations, MI method and MI software were generally well-reported (71%, 75% and 88% of studies, respectively), while aspects of the imputation model specification were not clear for more than half of the studies. A secondary analysis that used a different approach to handle the missing data was conducted in 69/130 (53%) studies. Of these 69 studies, 68 (99%) lacked a clear justification for the secondary analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Effort is needed to clarify the rationale for and improve the reporting of MI for estimation of causal effects from observational data. We encourage greater transparency in making and reporting analytical decisions related to missing data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Missing covariate data is a common problem that has not been addressed in observational studies of gene expression. Here, we present a multiple imputation method that accommodates high dimensional gene expression data by incorporating principal component analysis of the transcriptome into the multiple imputation prediction models to avoid bias. Simulation studies using three datasets show that this method outperforms complete case and single imputation analyses at uncovering true positive differentially expressed genes, limiting false discovery rates, and minimizing bias. This method is easily implemented via an R Bioconductor package, RNAseqCovarImpute that integrates with the limma-voom pipeline for differential expression analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scarcity of stream salinity data poses a challenge to understanding salinity dynamics and its implications for water supply management in water-scarce salt-prone regions around the world. This paper introduces a framework for generating continuous daily stream salinity estimates using instance-based transfer learning (TL) and assessing the reliability of the synthetic salinity data through uncertainty quantification via prediction intervals (PIs). The framework was developed using two temporally distinct specific conductance (SC) datasets from the Upper Red River Basin (URRB) located in southwestern Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle, United States. The instance-based TL approach was implemented by calibrating Feedforward Neural Networks (FFNNs) on a source SC dataset of around 1200 instantaneous grab samples collected by United States Geological Survey (USGS) from 1959 to 1993. The trained FFNNs were subsequently tested on a target dataset (1998-present) of 220 instantaneous grab samples collected by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB). The framework\'s generalizability was assessed in the data-rich Bird Creek watershed in Oklahoma by manipulating continuous SC data to simulate data-scarce conditions for training the models and using the complete Bird Creek dataset for model evaluation. The Lower Upper Bound Estimation (LUBE) method was used with FFNNs to estimate PIs for uncertainty quantification. Autoregressive SC prediction methods via FFNN were found to be reliable with Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values of 0.65 and 0.45 on in-sample and out-of-sample test data, respectively. The same modeling scenario resulted in an NSE of 0.54 for the Bird Creek data using a similar missing data ratio, whereas a higher ratio of observed data increased the accuracy (NSE = 0.84). The relatively narrow estimated PIs for the North Fork Red River in the URRB indicated satisfactory stream salinity predictions, showing an average width equivalent to 25 % of the observed range and a confidence level of 70 %.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When using multiple imputation, users often want to know how many imputations they need. An old answer is that 2-10 imputations usually suffice, but this recommendation only addresses the efficiency of point estimates. You may need more imputations if, in addition to efficient point estimates, you also want standard error (SE) estimates that would not change (much) if you imputed the data again. For replicable SE estimates, the required number of imputations increases quadratically with the fraction of missing information (not linearly, as previous studies have suggested). I recommend a two-stage procedure in which you conduct a pilot analysis using a small-to-moderate number of imputations, then use the results to calculate the number of imputations that are needed for a final analysis whose SE estimates will have the desired level of replicability. I implement the two-stage procedure using a new SAS macro called %mi_combine and a new Stata command called how_many_imputations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auxiliary variables are used in multiple imputation (MI) to reduce bias and increase efficiency. These variables may often themselves be incomplete. We explored how missing data in auxiliary variables influenced estimates obtained from MI. We implemented a simulation study with three different missing data mechanisms for the outcome. We then examined the impact of increasing proportions of missing data and different missingness mechanisms for the auxiliary variable on bias of an unadjusted linear regression coefficient and the fraction of missing information. We illustrate our findings with an applied example in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. We found that where complete records analyses were biased, increasing proportions of missing data in auxiliary variables, under any missing data mechanism, reduced the ability of MI including the auxiliary variable to mitigate this bias. Where there was no bias in the complete records analysis, inclusion of a missing not at random auxiliary variable in MI introduced bias of potentially important magnitude (up to 17% of the effect size in our simulation). Careful consideration of the quantity and nature of missing data in auxiliary variables needs to be made when selecting them for use in MI models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Peter Clark (PC) algorithm is a popular causal discovery method to learn causal graphs in a data-driven way. Until recently, existing PC algorithm implementations in R had important limitations regarding missing values, temporal structure or mixed measurement scales (categorical/continuous), which are all common features of cohort data. The new R packages presented here, micd and tpc, fill these gaps.
    METHODS: micd and tpc packages are R packages.
    UNASSIGNED: The micd package provides add-on functionality for dealing with missing values to the existing pcalg R package, including methods for multiple imputations relying on the Missing At Random assumption. Also, micd allows for mixed measurement scales assuming conditional Gaussianity. The tpc package efficiently exploits temporal information in a way that results in a more informative output that is less prone to statistical errors.
    BACKGROUND: The tpc and micd packages are freely available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Their source code is also available on GitHub (https://github.com/bips-hb/micd; https://github.com/bips-hb/tpc).





