microbial interactions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    None declared.Conflicts of interestAntibiotic resistance has grown into a major public health threat. In this study, we reveal predation by protists as an overlooked driver of antibiotic resistance dissemination in the soil microbiome. While previous studies have primarily focused on the distribution of antibiotic resistance genes, our work sheds light on the pivotal role of soil protists in shaping antibiotic resistance dynamics. Using a combination of metagenomics and controlled experiments in this study, we demonstrate that protists cause an increase in antibiotic resistance. We mechanistically link this increase to a fostering of antimicrobial activity in the microbiome. Protist predation gives a competitive edge to bacteria capable of producing antagonistic secondary metabolites, which secondary metabolites promote in turn antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This study provides insights into the complex interplay between protists and soil microbiomes in regulating antibiotic resistance dynamics. This study highlights the importance of top-down control on the spread of antibiotic resistance and directly connects it to cross-kingdom interactions within the microbiome. Managing protist communities may become an important tool to control outbreaks of antibiotic resistance in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial chemoautotroph-heterotroph interactions may play a pivotal role in the cycling of carbon in the deep ocean, reminiscent of phytoplankton-heterotroph associations in surface waters. Nitrifiers are the most abundant chemoautotrophs in the global ocean, yet very little is known about nitrifier metabolite production, release, and transfer to heterotrophic microbial communities. To elucidate which organic compounds are released by nitrifiers and potentially available to heterotrophs, we characterized the exo- and endometabolomes of the ammonia-oxidizing archaeon Nitrosopumilus adriaticus CCS1 and the nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrospina gracilis Nb-211. Nitrifier endometabolome composition was not a good predictor of exometabolite availability, indicating that metabolites were predominately released by mechanisms other than cell death/lysis. Although both nitrifiers released labile organic compounds, N. adriaticus preferentially released amino acids, particularly glycine, suggesting that its cell membranes might be more permeable to small, hydrophobic amino acids. We further initiated co-culture systems between each nitrifier and a heterotrophic alphaproteobacterium, and compared exometabolite and transcript patterns of nitrifiers grown axenically to those in co-culture. In particular, B vitamins exhibited dynamic production and consumption patterns in nitrifier-heterotroph co-cultures. We observed an increased production of vitamin B2 and the vitamin B12 lower ligand dimethylbenzimidazole by N. adriaticus and N. gracilis, respectively. In contrast, the heterotroph likely produced vitamin B5 in co-culture with both nitrifiers and consumed the vitamin B7 precursor dethiobiotin when grown with N. gracilis. Our results indicate that B vitamins and their precursors could play a particularly important role in governing specific metabolic interactions between nitrifiers and heterotrophic microbes in the ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil contamination with heavy metals from industrial and mining activities poses significant environmental and public health risks, necessitating effective remediation strategies. This review examines the utilization of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) for bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils. Specifically, it focuses on SRB metabolic pathways for heavy metal immobilization, interactions with other microorganisms, and integration with complementary remediation techniques such as soil amendments and phytoremediation. We explore the mechanisms of SRB action, their synergistic relationships within soil ecosystems, and the effectiveness of combined remediation approaches. Our findings indicate that SRB can effectively immobilize heavy metals by converting sulfate to sulfide, forming stable metal sulfides, thereby reducing the bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals. Nevertheless, challenges persist, including the need to optimize environmental conditions for SRB activity, address their sensitivity to acidic conditions and high heavy metal concentrations, and mitigate the risk of secondary pollution from excessive carbon sources. This study underscores the necessity for innovative and sustainable SRB-based bioremediation strategies that integrate multiple techniques to address the complex issue of heavy metal soil contamination. Such advancements are crucial for promoting green mining practices and environmental restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A previous study highlighted the role of antibiotic-induced dysbiosis in the tick microbiota, facilitating the transstadial transmission of Babesia microti from nymph to adult in Haemaphysalis longicornis. This study builds on previous findings by analyzing sequence data from an earlier study to investigate bacterial interactions that could be linked to enhanced transstadial transmission of Babesia in ticks. The study employed antibiotic-treated (AT) and control-treated (CT) Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks to investigate shifts in microbial community assembly. Network analysis techniques were utilized to assess bacterial interactions, comparing network centrality measures between AT and CT groups, alongside studying network robustness and connectivity loss. Additionally, functional profiling was conducted to evaluate metabolic diversity in response to antibiotic treatment.
    RESULTS: The analysis revealed notable changes in microbial community assembly in response to antibiotic treatment. Antibiotic-treated (AT) ticks displayed a greater number of connected nodes but fewer correlations compared to control-treated (CT) ticks, indicating a less interactive yet more connected microbial community. Network centrality measures such as degree, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality, differed significantly between AT and CT groups, suggesting alterations in local network dynamics due to antibiotic intervention. Coxiella and Acinetobacter exhibited disrupted connectivity and roles, with the former showing reduced interactions in AT group and the latter displaying a loss of connected nodes, emphasizing their crucial roles in microbial network stability. Robustness tests against node removal showed decreased stability in AT networks, particularly under directed attacks, confirming a susceptibility of the microbial community to disturbances. Functional profile analysis further indicated a higher diversity and richness in metabolic capabilities in the AT group, reflecting potential shifts in microbial metabolism as a consequence of antimicrobial treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support that bacterial interaction traits boosting the transstadial transmission of Babesia could be associated with reduced colonization resistance. The disrupted microbial interactions and decreased network robustness in AT ticks suggest critical vulnerabilities that could be targeted for managing tick-borne diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene loss is expected in microbial communities when the benefit of obtaining a biosynthetic precursor from a neighbor via cross-feeding outweighs the cost of retaining a biosynthetic gene. However, gene cost primarily comes from expression, and many biosynthetic genes are only expressed when needed. Thus, one can conversely expect cross-feeding to repress biosynthetic gene expression and promote gene retention by lowering gene cost. Here we examined long-term bacterial cocultures pairing Escherichia coli and Rhodopseudomonas palustris for evidence of gene loss or retention in response to cross-feeding of non-essential adenine. Although R. palustris continued to externalize adenine in long-term cultures, E. coli did not accumulate mutations in purine synthesis genes, even after 700 generations. E. coli purine synthesis gene expression was low in coculture, suggesting that gene repression removed selective pressure for gene loss. In support of this explanation, R. palustris also had low transcript levels for iron-scavenging siderophore genes in coculture, likely because E. coli facilitated iron acquisition by R. palustris. R. palustris siderophore gene mutations were correspondingly rare in long-term cocultures but were prevalent in monocultures where transcript levels were high. Our data suggests that cross-feeding does not always drive gene loss, but can instead promote gene retention by repressing costly expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria in nature often thrive in fragmented environments, like soil pores, plant roots or plant leaves, leading to smaller isolated habitats, shared with fewer species. This spatial fragmentation can significantly influence bacterial interactions, affecting overall community diversity. To investigate this, we contrast paired bacterial growth in tiny picoliter droplets (1-3 cells per 35 pL up to 3-8 cells per species in 268 pL) with larger, uniform liquid cultures (about 2 million cells per 140 µl). We test four interaction scenarios using different bacterial strains: substrate competition, substrate independence, growth inhibition, and cell killing. In fragmented environments, interaction outcomes are more variable and sometimes even reverse compared to larger uniform cultures. Both experiments and simulations show that these differences stem mostly from variation in initial cell population growth phenotypes and their sizes. These effects are most significant with the smallest starting cell populations and lessen as population size increases. Simulations suggest that slower-growing species might survive competition by increasing growth variability. Our findings reveal how microhabitat fragmentation promotes diverse bacterial interaction outcomes, contributing to greater species diversity under competitive conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surface-associated microbial systems are hotspots for the spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance, but how surface association affects plasmid transfer and proliferation remains unclear. Surface association enables prolonged spatial proximities between different populations, which promotes plasmid transfer between them. However, surface association also fosters strong metabolic interactions between different populations, which can direct their spatial self-organization with consequences for plasmid transfer and proliferation. Here, we hypothesize that metabolic interactions direct the spatial self-organization of different populations and, in turn, regulate the spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance. We show that resource competition causes populations to spatially segregate, which represses plasmid transfer. In contrast, resource cross-feeding causes populations to spatially intermix, which promotes plasmid transfer. We further show that the spatial positionings that emerge from metabolic interactions determine the proliferation of plasmid recipients. Our results demonstrate that metabolic interactions are important regulators of both the transfer and proliferation of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In fermented foods, acetic acid bacteria (AAB), kinds of bacteria with a long history of utilization, contribute to safety, nutritional, and sensory properties primarily through acetic acid fermentation. AAB are commonly found in various fermented foods such as vinegar, sour beer, fermented cocoa and coffee beans, kefir beverages, kombucha, and sourdough. They interact and cooperate with a variety of microorganisms, resulting in the formation of diverse metabolites and the production of fermented foods with distinct flavors. Understanding the interactions between AAB and other microbes is crucial for effectively controlling and utilizing AAB in fermentation processes. However, these microbial interactions are influenced by factors such as strain type, nutritional conditions, ecological niches, and fermentation duration. In this review, we examine the relationships and research methodologies of microbial interactions and interaction studies between AAB and yeasts, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and bacilli in different food fermentation processes involving these microorganisms. The objective of this review is to identify key interaction models involving AAB and other microorganisms. The insights gained will provide scientific guidance for the effective utilization of AAB as functional microorganisms in food fermentation processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human gut pathogen Clostridioides difficile displays substantial inter-strain genetic variability and confronts a changeable nutrient landscape in the gut. We examined how human gut microbiota inter-species interactions influence the growth and toxin production of various C. difficile strains across different nutrient environments. Negative interactions influencing C. difficile growth are prevalent in an environment containing a single highly accessible resource and sparse in an environment containing C. difficile-preferred carbohydrates. C. difficile toxin production displays significant community-context dependent variation and does not trend with growth-mediated inter-species interactions. C. difficile strains exhibit differences in interactions with Clostridium scindens and the ability to compete for proline. Further, C. difficile shows substantial differences in transcriptional profiles in co-culture with C. scindens or Clostridium hiranonis. C. difficile exhibits massive alterations in metabolism and other cellular processes in co-culture with C. hiranonis, reflecting their similar metabolic niches. C. hiranonis uniquely inhibits the growth and toxin production of diverse C. difficile strains across different nutrient environments and robustly ameliorates disease severity in mice. In sum, understanding the impact of C. difficile strain variability and nutrient environments on inter-species interactions could help improve the effectiveness of anti-C. difficile strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subaerial biofilms (SAB) are intricate microbial communities living on terrestrial surfaces, of interest in a variety of contexts including cultural heritage preservation, microbial ecology, biogeochemical cycling, and biotechnology. Here we propose a mathematical model aimed at better understanding the interplay between cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria, common microbial SAB constituents, and their mutual dependence on local environmental conditions. SABs are modeled as thin mixed biofilm-liquid water layers sitting on stone. A system of ordinary differential equations regulates the dynamics of key SAB components: cyanobacteria, heterotrophs, polysaccharides and decayed biomass, as well as cellular levels of organic carbon, nitrogen and energy. These components are interconnected through a network of energetically dominant metabolic pathways, modeled with limitation terms reflecting the impact of biotic and abiotic factors. Daily cylces of temperature, humidity, and light intensity are considered as input model variables that regulate microbial activity by influencing water availability and metabolic kinetics. Relevant physico-chemical processes, including pH regulation, further contribute to a description of the SAB ecology. Numerical simulations explore the dynamics of SABs in a real-world context, revealing distinct daily activity periods shaped by water activity and light availability, as well as longer time scale survivability conditions. Results also suggest that heterotrophs could play a substantial role in decomposing non-volatile carbon compounds and regulating pH, thus influencing the overall composition and stability of the biofilm.





