mevalonate kinase deficiency

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAIDs) arise from dysregulated innate immune system activity, which leads to systemic inflammation. These disorders, encompassing a diverse array of genetic defects classified as inborn errors of immunity, are significant diagnostic challenges due to their genetic heterogeneity and varied clinical presentations. Although recent advances in genetic sequencing have facilitated pathogenic gene discovery, approximately 40% of SAIDs patients lack molecular diagnoses. SAIDs have distinct clinical phenotypes, and targeted therapeutic approaches are needed. This review aims to underscore the complexity and clinical significance of SAIDs, focusing on prototypical disorders grouped according to their pathophysiology as follows: (i) inflammasomopathies, characterized by excessive activation of inflammasomes, which induces notable IL-1β release; (ii) relopathies, which are monogenic disorders characterized by dysregulation within the NF-κB signaling pathway; (iii) IL-18/IL-36 signaling pathway defect-induced SAIDs, autoinflammatory conditions defined by a dysregulated balance of IL-18/IL-36 cytokine signaling, leading to uncontrolled inflammation and tissue damage, mainly in the skin; (iv) type I interferonopathies, a diverse group of disorders characterized by uncontrolled production of type I interferons (IFNs), notably interferon α, β, and ε; (v) anti-inflammatory signaling pathway impairment-induced SAIDs, a spectrum of conditions characterized by IL-10 and TGFβ anti-inflammatory pathway disruption; and (vi) miscellaneous and polygenic SAIDs. The latter group includes VEXAS syndrome, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis/chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis, Schnitzler syndrome, and Still\'s disease, among others, illustrating the heterogeneity of SAIDs and the difficulty in creating a comprehensive classification. Therapeutic strategies involving targeted agents, such as JAK inhibitors, IL-1 blockers, and TNF inhibitors, are tailored to the specific disease phenotypes.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a patient with a rare systemic autoinflammatory disease (mevalonate kinase deficiency -MKD-) with the identification of two heterozygous variants (c.1129G>A and c.32C>T) in the Mevalonate Kinase gene, detected by next generation sequencing and a highly prevalent glomerulonephritis (IgA nephropathy). The patient presents clinically with a monthly recurrent periodic fever from 12 days of age, accompanied by mucocutaneous lesions (maculopapular rash in extremities, aphthous stomatitis), joint (arthralgias in ankles, wrists and knees), lymphoid (cervical lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly), gastrointestinal (diarrhea, abdominal pain) and kidney (hematuria and proteinuria) with repeated biopsies showing IgA nephropathy alternating activity with chronicity. During follow-up. The patients presented a poor therapeutic response to multiple immunosuppressive regimens used for 7 years (corticosteroids, azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide, rituximab and tocilizumab), and finally a good response to canakinumab. Four years after starting canakinumab, during the course of an infection due to a muscle abscess, the clinical presentation is complicated by a severe renal microvascular event (renal cortical necrosis -RCN-) with acute kidney injury and dialysis requirement. Therecurrent episodes of inflammation due to MKD could act as triggers for the reactivation of glomerulonephritis (which would explain the poor response to immunosuppressants and the rapid progression to histological chronicity) and to generate a microenvironment that predisposes the development of RCN in the face of a non-serious infection. A defect in IgA molecules has been described in MKD, a phenomenon also observed in IgA nephropathy. This raises the challenging hypothesis of a common pathogenetic link between all the patient\'s clinical manifestations.
    Presentamos un paciente con una rara enfermedad autoinflamatoria sistémica (deficiencia de mevalonato quinasa -DMQ-) con la identificación de dos variantes heterocigotas (c.1129G>A y c.32C>T) en el gen Mevalonato Quinasa, detectadas por secuenciación masiva en paralelo y una glomerulonefritis de alta prevalencia (nefropatía por IgA). El paciente presentó un cuadro de fiebre periódica recurrente mensual desde los 12 días de vida, acompañada de lesiones mucocutáneas (rash maculopapular en extremidades, estomatitis aftosa), compromiso articular (artralgias en tobillos, muñecas y rodillas), linfoideo (linfoadenopatía cervical, esplenomegalia), gastrointestinal (diarrea, dolor abdominal) y renal (hematuria y proteinuria) con repetidas biospias mostrando nefropatía por IgA alternando actividad y cronicidad. Durante el seguimiento, tuvo una pobre respuesta terapéutica a múltiples esquemas inmunosupresores utilizados durante 7 años (corticoides, azatrioprina, micofenolato, ciclofosfamida, rituximab y tocilizumab), y buena respuesta finalmente a canakinumab. Cuatro años posteriores al inicio de canakinumab, durante el curso de una infección por un absceso muscular, el cuadro clínico se complica con un evento microvascular renal grave (necrosis cortical renal -NCR-) con fallo renal agudo y necesidad de diálisis. Los episodios recurrentes de inflamación por la DMQ podrían actuar como gatillos para la reactivación de su glomerulonefritis (lo que explicaría la escasa respuesta a inmunosupresores y la progresión rápida a cronicidad histológica) y para generar un microambiente que predisponga el desarrollo de una NCR ante una infección no grave. En la DMQ se ha descripto un defecto en las moléculas de IgA, fenómeno también observado en la nefropatía por IgA. Esto plantea la desafiante hipótesis de un vínculo patogénico común entre todas las manifestaciones clínicas del paciente.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypoxia and low glucose abundance often occur simultaneously at sites of inflammation. In monocytes and macrophages, glucose-oxygen deprivation stimulates the assembly of the NLRP3 inflammasome to generate the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β. We found that concomitant glucose deprivation and hypoxia activated the NLRP3 inflammasome by constraining the function of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR), the rate-limiting enzyme of the mevalonate kinase pathway. HMGCR is involved in the synthesis of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP), which is required for the prenylation and lipid membrane integration of proteins. Under glucose-oxygen deprivation, GGPP synthesis was decreased, leading to reduced prenylation of the small GTPase Rac1, increased binding of nonprenylated Rac1 to the scaffolding protein IQGAP1, and enhanced activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. In response to restricted oxygen and glucose supply, patient monocytes with a compromised mevalonate pathway due to mevalonate kinase deficiency or Muckle-Wells syndrome released more IL-1β than did control monocytes. Thus, reduced GGPP synthesis due to inhibition of HMGCR under glucose-oxygen deprivation results in proinflammatory innate responses, which are normally kept in check by the prenylation of Rac1. We suggest that this mechanism is also active in inflammatory autoimmune conditions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder associated with recurrent autoinflammatory episodes. The disorder is caused by bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in the MVK gene, which encodes mevalonate kinase (MK), an early enzyme in the isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway. To identify molecular and cellular consequences of MKD, we studied primary fibroblasts from severely affected patients with mevalonic aciduria (MKD-MA) and more mildly affected patients with hyper IgD and periodic fever syndrome (MKD-HIDS). As previous findings indicated that the deficient MK activity in MKD impacts protein prenylation in a temperature-sensitive manner, we compared the subcellular localization and activation of the small Rho GTPases RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42 in control, MKD-HIDS and MKD-MA fibroblasts cultured at physiological and elevated temperatures. This revealed a temperature-induced altered subcellular localization and activation in the MKD cells. To study if and how the temperature-induced ectopic activation of these signalling proteins affects cellular processes, we performed comparative transcriptome analysis of control and MKD-MA fibroblasts cultured at 37 °C or 40 °C. This identified cell cycle and actin cytoskeleton organization as respectively most down- and upregulated gene clusters. Further studies confirmed that these processes were affected in fibroblasts from both patients with MKD-MA and MKD-HIDS. Finally, we found that, similar to immune cells, the MK deficiency causes metabolic reprogramming in MKD fibroblasts resulting in increased expression of genes involved in glycolysis and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. We postulate that the ectopic activation of small GTPases causes inappropriate signalling contributing to the molecular and cellular aberrations observed in MKD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our study aimed to provide real-world evidence on the treatment patterns, effectiveness and safety of canakinumab in France in Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD), and Tumor necrosis factor Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS).
    METHODS: This study used the JIR cohort, a multicentre international registry created in 2013 to collect data on patients with juvenile inflammatory rheumatic diseases. French patients diagnosed with FMF, MKD or TRAPS and treated with canakinumab were included in this study.
    RESULTS: 31 FMF, 26 MKD and 7 TRAPS patients received canakinumab during the study period. Most of them initiated canakinumab at the recommended dose of 2 mg/kg or 150 mg, but less than half of FMF and MKD patients initiated it at the recommended frequency (every 4 weeks). Two years after initiation, the rate of patients still on treatment was 78.1% in FMF, 73.7% in MKD, and 85.7% in TRAPS patients. While the dose per injection remained globally the same over the course of the treatment, some adjustments of the dose intervals were observed. Six patients had a severe adverse event reported. Of those, three were possibly related to canakinumab.
    CONCLUSIONS: This interim analysis showed a good maintenance of canakinumab treatment 2 years after initiation and confirmed its safety profile in real-life practice in France in patients diagnosed with FMF, MKD and TRAPS. The high variety of dose and interval combinations observed in canakinumab treated patients let suppose that physicians adapt the posology to individual situations rather than a fixed treatment plan.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bi-allelic pathogenic variants in the MVK gene, which encodes mevalonate kinase (MK), an essential enzyme in isoprenoid biosynthesis, cause the autoinflammatory metabolic disorder mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD). We generated and characterized MK-deficient monocytic THP-1 cells to identify molecular and cellular mechanisms that contribute to the pro-inflammatory phenotype of MKD.
    Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, we generated THP-1 cells with different MK deficiencies mimicking the severe (MKD-MA) and mild end (MKD-HIDS) of the MKD disease spectrum. Following confirmation of previously established disease-specific biochemical hallmarks, we studied the consequences of the different MK deficiencies on LPS-stimulated cytokine release, glycolysis versus oxidative phosphorylation rates, cellular chemotaxis and protein kinase activity.
    Similar to MKD patients\' cells, MK deficiency in the THP-1 cells caused a pro-inflammatory phenotype with a severity correlating with the residual MK protein levels. In the MKD-MA THP-1 cells, MK protein levels were barely detectable, which affected protein prenylation and was accompanied by a profound pro-inflammatory phenotype. This included a markedly increased LPS-stimulated release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a metabolic switch from oxidative phosphorylation towards glycolysis. We also observed increased activity of protein kinases that are involved in cell migration and proliferation, and in innate and adaptive immune responses. The MKD-HIDS THP-1 cells had approximately 20% residual MK activity and showed a milder phenotype, which manifested mainly upon LPS stimulation or exposure to elevated temperatures.
    MK-deficient THP-1 cells show the biochemical and pro-inflammatory phenotype of MKD and are a good model to study underlying disease mechanisms and therapeutic options of this autoinflammatory disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAIDs) are a group of rare genetic and nongenetic immune dysregulatory disorders associated with high morbidity and mortality if left untreated. Therefore, early diagnosis and initiation of targeted treatment is vital in SAID patients to control the disease activity and prevent long-term immune-mediated damage. A specific group of genetically defined SAIDs is associated with increased inflammasome-mediated production of active interleukin (IL)-1. Even though progress in immunobiology and genetics has brought forth diagnostic tools and novel treatments that have been described in the literature extensively, many challenges remain in the clinical setting. Some challenges that health care providers may face on a day-to-day basis include the requirement of a multidisciplinary approach due to the complexity of these diseases, limited evidence-based treatment options, and barriers to access available therapies. Primarily, IL-1 inhibitors anakinra, canakinumab, and rilonacept are used to control the inflammation in these patients, with the goal of achieving sustainable remission. Recently published provisional points to consider from the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) and American College of Rheumatology (ACR) provide diagnosis, management, and monitoring recommendations for four IL-1-mediated autoinflammatory diseases: cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD), and deficiency of the IL-1 receptor antagonist (DIRA). The goal of this paper is to aid health care professionals by providing a practical approach to diagnosis and management of these four IL-1 mediated SAIDs on the basis of the recent EULAR/ACR recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Interim analysis of the RELIANCE registry, an on-going, non-interventional, open-label, multicentre, prospective study evaluating the long-term safety, dosing regimens and effectiveness of canakinumab in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), tumour-necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) or mevalonate-kinase deficiency (MKD)/hyperimmunoglobulin-D syndrome (HIDS).
    METHODS: From September 2017 for patients with CAPS, and June 2018 for patients with FMF, TRAPS or MKD/HIDS, the registry enrolled paediatric (aged ≥2 years) and adult patients (aged ≥18 years) receiving canakinumab as part of their routine medical care. Safety, canakinumab dose, disease activity and quality of life outcome measures were evaluated at baseline and every 6 months until end of study visit.
    RESULTS: At the analysis cut-off date (December 2020), 168 patients (91 CAPS, 54 FMF, 16 TRAPS and 7 MKD/HIDS) were enrolled. 85 (50.9%) patients were female and 72 (43.1%) were children (<18 years). The median patient age was 20.0 years (range 2.0-79.0 years). In the CAPS cohort, serious infections and serious adverse drug-reactions were more common in patients receiving higher than the recommended starting dose (SD) of canakinumab. A trend to receive >SD of canakinumab was observed in the pooled population. The majority of patients were reported as having either absent or mild/moderate disease activity (physician\'s global assessment) from baseline to Month 30, with a stable proportion of patients (~70%) in remission under canakinumab treatment. Patient-reported disease activity (Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Autoinflammatory Disease Activity Index), fatigue (VAS); markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) remained well-controlled throughout.
    CONCLUSIONS: Data from this analysis confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of canakinumab for the treatment of CAPS, FMF, TRAPS and MKD/HIDS.





