methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conventional phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae reportedly possesses several virulence determinants against Caenorhabditis elegans; however, their action mechanisms remain elusive. This study reports the nematicidal activity and action receptor of a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP03) of a wild-type P. syringae MB03 against C. elegans. Purified MCP03 exhibited nematicidal toxicity against C. elegans at a half-lethal concentration of 124.4 μg mL-1, alongside detrimental effects on the growth and brood size of C. elegans. Additionally, MCP03-treated worms exhibited severe pathological destruction of the intestine and depressed wrinkles of the cuticle. Yeast two-hybrid assays identified a subunit of COP9 signalosome, namely CSN-5, which functioned as an MCP03 action receptor. In vitro pull-down verified the binding interaction between MCP03 and CSN-5. RNA interference assays confirmed that MCP03 antagonizes CSN-5, thereby adversely affecting the brood size and cuticle integrity of C. elegans. Following MCP03 infection, the expression of genes related to reproduction, growth, and cuticle formation, such as kgb-1, unc-98, and col-117, was considerably downregulated, indicating pathological changes in MCP03-treated nematodes. Therefore, we proposed that MCP03 antagonizes CSN-5, causing lethality as well as detrimental effects on the fertility, growth, and morphogenesis of C. elegans, which can provide new insights into the signaling pathways and mechanisms underlying the nematicidal action of MCP03 toward C. elegans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile bacteria take a competitive advantage in colonization of plant surfaces to establish beneficial associations that eventually support plant health. Plant exudates serve not only as primary growth substrates for bacteria but also as bacterial chemotaxis attractants. A number of plant-derived compounds and corresponding chemotaxis sensors have been documented, however, the sensors for methanol, one of the major volatile compounds released by plants, have not been identified. Methylobacterium species are ubiquitous plant surface-symbiotic, methylotrophic bacteria. A plant-growth promoting bacterium, M. aquaticum strain 22A exhibits chemotaxis toward methanol (methylotaxis). Its genome encodes 52 methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs), among which we identified three MCPs (methylotaxis proteins, MtpA, MtpB, and MtpC) responsible for methylotaxis. The triple gene mutant of the MCPs exhibited no methylotaxis, slower gathering to plant tissues, and less efficient colonization on plants than the wild type, suggesting that the methylotaxis mediates initiation of plant-Methylobacterium symbiosis and engages in proliferation on plants. To examine how these MCPs are operating methylotaxis, we generated multiple gene knockouts of the MCPs, and Ca2+-dependent MxaFI and lanthanide (Ln3+)-dependent XoxF methanol dehydrogenases (MDHs), whose expression is regulated by the presence of Ln3+. MtpA was found to be a cytosolic sensor that conducts formaldehyde taxis (formtaxis), as well as methylotaxis when MDHs generate formaldehyde. MtpB contained a dCache domain and exhibited differential cellular localization in response to La3+. MtpB expression was induced by La3+, and its activity required XoxF1. MtpC exhibited typical cell pole localization, required MxaFI activity, and was regulated under MxbDM that is also required for MxaF expression. Strain 22A methylotaxis is realized by three independent MCPs, two of which monitor methanol oxidation by Ln3+-regulated MDHs, and one of which monitors the common methanol oxidation product, formaldehyde. We propose that methanol metabolism-linked chemotaxis is the key factor for the efficient colonization of Methylobacterium on plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotaxis is a fundamental process whereby bacteria seek out nutrient sources and avoid harmful chemicals. For the symbiotic soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, the chemotaxis system also plays an essential role in the interaction with its legume host. The chemotactic signaling cascade is initiated through interactions of an attractant or repellent compound with chemoreceptors or methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). S. meliloti possesses eight chemoreceptors to mediate chemotaxis. Six of these receptors are transmembrane proteins with periplasmic ligand-binding domains (LBDs). The specific functions of McpW and McpZ are still unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of McpZ (McpZPD) at 2.7 Å resolution. McpZPD assumes a novel fold consisting of three concatenated four-helix bundle modules. Through phylogenetic analyses, we discovered that this helical tri-modular domain fold arose within the Rhizobiaceae family and is still evolving rapidly. The structure, offering a rare view of a ligand-free dimeric MCP-LBD, reveals a novel dimerization interface. Molecular dynamics calculations suggest ligand binding will induce conformational changes that result in large horizontal helix movements within the membrane-proximal domains of the McpZPD dimer that are accompanied by a 5 Å vertical shift of the terminal helix toward the inner cell membrane. These results suggest a mechanism of transmembrane signaling for this family of MCPs that entails both piston-type and scissoring movements. The predicted movements terminate in a conformation that closely mirrors those observed in related ligand-bound MCP-LBDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial chemotaxis is the phenomenon in which bacteria migrate toward a more favorable niche in response to chemical cues in the environment. The methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) are the principal sensory receptors of the bacterial chemotaxis system. Aerotaxis is a special form of chemotaxis in which oxygen serves as the signaling molecule; the process is dependent on the aerotaxis receptors (Aer) containing the Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain. Over 40 MCPs are annotated on the genome of Vibrio cholerae; however, little is known about their functions. We investigated six MCPs containing the PAS domain in V. cholerae El Tor C6706, namely aer2, aer3, aer4, aer5, aer6, and aer7. Deletion analyses of each aer homolog gene indicated that these Aer receptors are involved in aerotaxis, chemotaxis, biofilm formation, and intestinal colonization. Swarming motility assay indicated that the aer2 gene was responsible for sensing the oxygen gradient independent of the other five homologs. When bile salts and mucin were used as chemoattractants, each Aer receptor influenced the chemotaxis differently. Biofilm formation was enhanced by overexpression of the aer6 and aer7 genes. Moreover, deletion of the aer2 gene resulted in better bacterial colonization of the mutant in adult mice; however, virulence gene expression was unaffected. These data suggest distinct roles for different Aer homologs in V. cholerae physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemerythrin is an oxygen-binding protein originally found in certain marine invertebrates. Oxygen reversibly binds at its non-heme diiron center, which consists of two oxo-bridged iron atoms bound to a characteristic conserved set of five His residues, one Glu residue, and one Asp residue. It was recently discovered that several bacteria utilize hemerythrin as an oxygen- and redox-sensing domain in responding to changes in cellular oxygen concentration or redox status, and immediately adapt to these environmental changes in order to maintain important physiological processes, including chemotaxis and c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation. This Mini Review focuses on the recent progress made on structural and functional aspects of these emerging bacterial hemerythrin domain-containing oxygen and redox sensors, revealing characteristic features of this family of proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil-born plant pathogens, especially Agrobacterium, generally navigate their way to hosts through recognition of the root exudates by chemoreceptors. However, there is still a lack of appropriate identification of chemoreceptors and their ligands in Agrobacterium. Here, Atu0526, a sCache-type chemoreceptor from Agrobacterium fabrum C58, was confirmed as the receptor of a broad antibacterial agent, formic acid. The binding of formic acid to Atu0526 was screened using a thermo shift assay and verified using isothermal titration calorimetry. Inconsistent with the previously reported antimicrobial properties, formic acid was confirmed to be a chemoattractant to A. fabrum and could promote its growth. The chemotaxis of A. fabrum C58 toward formic acid was completely lost with the knock-out of atu0526, and regained with the complementation of the gene, indicating that Atu0526 is the only chemoreceptor for formic acid in A. fabrum C58. The affinity of formic acid to Atu0526LBD significantly increased after the arginine at position 115 was replaced by alanine. However, in vivo experiments showed that the R115A mutation fully abolished the chemotaxis of A. fabrum toward formic acid. Molecular docking based on a predicted 3D structure of Atu0526 suggested that the arginine may provide \"an anchorage\" for formic acid to pull the minor loop, thereby forming a conformational change that generates the ligand-binding signal. Collectively, our findings will promote an understanding of sCache-type chemoreceptors and their signal transduction mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron is an essential element for the growth and survival of pathogenic bacteria; however, it is not fully understood how bacteria sense and respond to iron deficiency or excess. In this study, we show that xfeA in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola senses extracytoplasmic iron and changes the hydrogen bonding network of ligand channel domains by adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing. The frequency of A-to-I RNA editing during iron-deficient conditions increased by 76.87%, which facilitated the passage of iron through the XfeA outer membrane channel. When bacteria were subjected to high iron concentrations, the percentage of A-to-I editing in xfeA decreased, which reduced iron transport via XfeA. Furthermore, A-to-I RNA editing increased expression of multiple genes in the chemotaxis pathway, including methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) that sense concentrations of exogenous ferrienterobactin (Fe-Ent) at the cytoplasmic membrane. A-to-I RNA editing helps X. oryzae pv. oryzicola move toward an iron-rich environment and supports our contention that editing in xfeA facilitates entry of a ferric siderophore. Overall, our results reveal a new signaling mechanism that bacteria use to adjust to iron concentrations. IMPORTANCE Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing, which is catalyzed by the adenosine deaminase RNA-specific family of enzymes, is a frequent posttranscriptional modification in metazoans. Research on A-to-I editing in bacteria is limited, and the importance of this editing is underestimated. In this study, we show that bacteria may use A-to-I editing as an alternative strategy to promote uptake of metabolic iron, and this form of editing can quickly and precisely modify RNA and subsequent protein sequences similar to an \"on/off\" switch. Thus, bacteria have the capacity to use a rapid switch-like mechanism to facilitate iron uptake and improve their competitiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemoreceptor (also called methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein, MCP) is the leading signal protein in the chemotaxis signaling pathway. MCP senses and binds chemoeffectors, specifically, and transmits the sensed signal to downstream proteins of the chemotaxis signaling system. The genome of Agrobacterium fabrum (previously, tumefaciens) C58 predicts that a total of 20 genes can encode MCP, but only the MCP-encoding gene atu0514 is located inside the che operon. Hence, the identification of the exact function of atu0514-encoding chemoreceptor (here, named as MCP514) will be very important for us to understand more deeply the chemotaxis signal transduction mechanism of A. fabrum. The deletion of atu0514 significantly decreased the chemotactic migration of A. fabrum in a swim plate. The test of atu0514-deletion mutant (Δ514) chemotaxis toward single chemicals showed that the deficiency of MCP514 significantly weakened the chemotactic response of A. fabrum to four various chemicals, sucrose, valine, citric acid and acetosyringone (AS), but did not completely abolish the chemotactic response. MCP514 was localized at cell poles although it lacks a transmembrane (TM) region and is predicted to be a cytoplasmic chemoreceptor. The replacement of residue Phe328 showed that the helical structure in the hairpin subdomain of MCP514 is a direct determinant for the cellular localization of MCP514. Single respective replacements of key residues indicated that residues Asn336 and Val353 play a key role in maintaining the chemotactic function of MCP514.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemosensory pathways are among the most abundant prokaryotic signal transduction systems, allowing bacteria to sense and respond to environmental stimuli. Signaling is typically initiated by the binding of specific molecules to the ligand binding domain (LBD) of chemoreceptor proteins (CRs). Although CRs play a central role in plant-microbiome interactions such as colonization and infection, little is known about their phylogenetic and ecological specificity. Here, we analyzed 82,277 CR sequences from 11,806 representative microbial species covering the whole prokaryotic phylogeny, and we classified them according to their LBD type using a de novo homology clustering method. Through phylogenomic analysis, we identified hundreds of LBDs that are found predominantly in plant-associated bacteria, including several LBDs specific to phytopathogens and plant symbionts. Functional annotation of our catalogue showed that many of the LBD clusters identified might constitute unknown types of LBDs. Moreover, we found that the taxonomic distribution of most LBD types that are specific to plant-associated bacteria is only partially explained by phylogeny, suggesting that lifestyle and niche adaptation are important factors in their selection. Finally, our results show that the profile of LBD types in a given genome is related to the lifestyle specialization, with plant symbionts and phytopathogens showing the highest number of niche-specific LBDs. The LBD catalogue and information on how to profile novel genomes are available at IMPORTANCE Considering the enormous variety of LBDs at sensor proteins, an important question resides in establishing the forces that have driven their evolution and selection. We present here the first clear demonstration that environmental factors play an important role in the selection and evolution of LBDs. We were able to demonstrate the existence of LBD families that are highly enriched in plant-associated bacteria but show a wide phylogenetic spread. These findings offer a number of research opportunities in the field of single transduction, such as the exploration of similar relationships in chemoreceptors of bacteria with a different lifestyle, like those inhabiting or infecting the human intestine. Similarly, our results raise the question whether similar LBD types might be shared by members of different sensor protein families. Lastly, we provide a comprehensive catalogue of CRs classified by their LBD region that includes a large number of putative new LBD types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotaxis allows bacteria to detect specific compounds and move accordingly. This pathway involves signal detection by chemoreceptors (MCPs). Attributing a chemoreceptor to a ligand is difficult because there is a lot of redundancy in the MCPs that recognize a single ligand. We propose a methodology to define which chemoreceptors bind a given ligand. First, an MCP is overproduced to increase sensitivity to the ligand(s) it recognizes, thus promoting accumulation of cells around an agarose plug containing a low attractant concentration. Second, the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the chemoreceptor is fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP), which facilitates purification and provides a control for a thermal shift assay (TSA). An increase in the melting temperature of the LBD in the presence of the ligand indicates that the chemoreceptor directly binds it. We showed that overexpression of two Shewanella oneidensis chemoreceptors (SO_0987 and SO_1056) promoted swimming toward an agarose plug containing a low concentration of chromate. The LBD of each of the two chemoreceptors was fused to MBP. A TSA revealed that only the LBD from SO_1056 had its melting temperature increased by chromate. In conclusion, we describe an efficient approach to define chemoreceptor-ligand pairs before undertaking more-sophisticated biochemical and structural studies.





