
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PCPE-2 was discovered at the beginning of this century, and was soon identified as a close homolog of PCPE-1 (procollagen C-proteinase enhancer 1). After the demonstration that it could also stimulate the proteolytic maturation of fibrillar procollagens by BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases (BTPs), PCPE-2 did not attract much attention as it was thought to fulfill the same functions as PCPE-1 which was already well-described. However, the tissue distribution of PCPE-2 shows both common points and significant differences with PCPE-1, suggesting that their activities are not fully overlapping. Also, the recently established connections between PCPE-2 (gene name PCOLCE2) and several important diseases such as atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases and cancer have highlighted the need for a thorough reappraisal of the in vivo roles of this regulatory protein. In this context, the recent finding that, while retaining the ability to bind fibrillar procollagens and to activate their C-terminal maturation, PCPE-2 can also bind BTPs and inhibit their activity has substantially extended its potential functions. In this review, we describe the current knowledge about PCPE-2 with a focus on collagen fibrillogenesis, lipid metabolism and inflammation, and discuss how we could further advance our understanding of PCPE-2-dependent biological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have suggested that adamts9 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type-1 motifs, member 9), an extracellular matrix (ECM) metalloprotease, participates in primordial germ cell (PGC) migration and is necessary for female fertility. In this study, we found that adamts9 knockout (KO) led to reduced body size, and female-to-male sex conversion in late juvenile or adult zebrafish; however, primary sex determination was not affected in early juveniles of adamts9 KO. Overfeeding and lowering the rearing density rescued growth defects in female adamts9 KO fish but did not rescue defects in ovarian development in adamts9 KO. Delayed PGC proliferation, significantly reduced number and size of Stage IB follicles (equivalent to primary follicles) in early juveniles of adamts9 KO, and arrested development at Stage IB follicles in mid- or late-juveniles of adamts9 KO are likely causes of female infertility and sex conversion. Via RNAseq, we found significant enrichment of differentially expressed genes involved in ECM organization during sexual maturation in ovaries of wildtype fish; and significant dysregulation of these genes in adamts9 KO ovaries. RNAseq analysis also showed enrichment of inflammatory transcriptomic signatures in adult ovaries of these adamts9 KO. Taken together, our results indicate that adamts9 is critical for development of primary ovarian follicles and maintenance of female sex, and loss of adamts9 leads to defects in ovarian follicle development, female infertility, and sex conversion in late juveniles and mature adults. These results show that the ECM and extracellular metalloproteases play major roles in maintaining ovarian follicle development in zebrafish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A zinc metallopeptidase neurolysin (Nln) processes diverse bioactive peptides to regulate signaling in the mammalian nervous system. To understand how Nln interacts with various peptides with dissimilar sequences, we determined crystal structures of Nln in complex with diverse peptides including dynorphins, angiotensin, neurotensin, and bradykinin. The structures show that Nln binds these peptides in a large dumbbell-shaped interior cavity constricted at the active site, making minimal structural changes to accommodate different peptide sequences. The structures also show that Nln readily binds similar peptides with distinct registers, which can determine whether the peptide serves as a substrate or a competitive inhibitor. We analyzed the activities and binding of Nln toward various forms of dynorphin A peptides, which highlights the promiscuous nature of peptide binding and shows how dynorphin A (1-13) potently inhibits the Nln activity while dynorphin A (1-8) is efficiently cleaved. Our work provides insights into the broad substrate specificity of Nln and may aid in the future design of small molecule modulators for Nln.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aeromonas hydrophila is a pathogenic bacterium responsible for various infections in humans and animals. Bacterial exoproteases are considered an important determinant in the pathogenicity of A. hydrophila. Serine protease and metalloprotease, that are regulated by the bacterial Quorum sensing (QS) system are important virulent factors in the pathogenicity of A. hydrophila. Anti-QS potential of curcumin has been reported, previously. In this work, we characterized the effect of curcumin on the expression of the metalloprotease and serine protease genes in A. hydrophila.
    METHODS: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of curcumin was measured by the agar macro-dilution method and a sub-inhibitory concentration (1/2 MIC) was used in subsequent experiments. The expression level of the metalloprotease and serine protease genes among the treated and control bacteria was evaluated using quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay. Bacterial proteolytic activity was also measured by skim milk agar plate assay.
    RESULTS: MIC of curcumin for bacterial strain was 1024 μg/ml curcumin, and at 512 µg/mL (1/2 MIC) it remarkably attenuated the expression of the metalloprotease and serine protease genes up to 66 and 77%, respectively. Also, the proteolytic activity of A. hydrophila was considerably reduced by curcumin.
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to the promising inhibitory effect on bacterial proteolysis, curcumin could be considered an anti-virulence agent against A. hydrophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ermp1 is a putative metalloprotease from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and a member of the Fxna peptidases. Although their function is unknown, orthologous proteins from rats and humans have been associated with the maturation of ovarian follicles and increased ER stress. This study focuses on proposing the first prediction of PPI by comparison of the interologues between humans and yeasts, as well as the molecular docking and dynamics of the M28 domain of Ermp1 with possible target proteins. As results, 45 proteins are proposed that could interact with the metalloprotease. Most of these proteins are related to the transport of Ca2+ and the metabolism of amino acids and proteins. Docking and molecular dynamics suggest that the M28 domain of Ermp1 could hydrolyze leucine and methionine residues of Amk2, Ypt5 and Pex12. These results could support future experimental investigations of other Fxna peptidases, such as human ERMP1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular matrix remodeling mechanisms are understudied in cardiac development and congenital heart defects. We show that matrix-degrading metalloproteases ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5, are extensively co-expressed during mouse cardiac development. The mouse mutants of each gene have mild cardiac anomalies, however, their combined genetic inactivation to elicit cooperative roles is precluded by tight gene linkage. Therefore, we coupled Adamts1 inactivation with pharmacologic ADAMTS5 blockade to uncover stage-specific cooperative roles and investigated their potential substrates in mouse cardiac development. ADAMTS5 blockade was achieved in Adamts1 null mouse embryos using an activity-blocking monoclonal antibody during distinct developmental windows spanning myocardial compaction or cardiac septation and outflow tract rotation. Synchrotron imaging, RNA in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy were used to determine the impact on cardiac development and compared to Gpc6 and ADAMTS-cleavage resistant versican mutants. Mass spectrometry-based N-terminomics was used to seek relevant substrates. Combined inactivation of ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5 prior to 12.5 days of gestation led to dramatic accumulation of versican-rich cardiac jelly and inhibited formation of compact and trabecular myocardium, which was also observed in mice with ADAMTS cleavage-resistant versican. Combined inactivation after 12.5 days impaired outflow tract development and ventricular septal closure, generating a tetralogy of Fallot-like defect. N-terminomics of combined ADAMTS knockout and control hearts identified a cleaved glypican-6 peptide only in the controls. ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5 expression in cells was associated with specific glypican-6 cleavages. Paradoxically, combined ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5 inactivation reduced cardiac glypican-6 and outflow tract Gpc6 transcription. Notably, Gpc6-/- hearts demonstrated similar rotational defects as combined ADAMTS inactivated hearts and both had reduced hedgehog signaling. Thus, versican proteolysis in cardiac jelly at the canonical Glu441-Ala442 site is cooperatively mediated by ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5 and required for proper ventricular cardiomyogenesis, whereas, reduced glypican-6 after combined ADAMTS inactivation impairs hedgehog signaling, leading to outflow tract malrotation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus is the etiologic agent of many nosocomial infections, and its biofilm is frequently isolated from medical devices. Moreover, the dissemination of multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains from this pathogen, such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains, is a worldwide public health issue. The inhibition of biofilm formation can be used as a strategy to weaken bacterial resistance. Taking that into account, we analysed the ability of marine sponge-associated bacteria to produce antibiofilm molecules, and we found that marine Priestia sp., isolated from marine sponge Scopalina sp. collected on the Brazilian coast, secretes proteins that impair biofilm development from S. aureus. Partially purified proteins (PPP) secreted after 24 hours of bacterial growth promoted a 92% biofilm mass reduction and 4.0 µg/dL was the minimum concentration to significantly inhibit biofilm formation. This reduction was visually confirmed by light microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, biochemical assays showed that the antibiofilm activity of PPP was reduced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 1,10 phenanthroline (PHEN), while it was stimulated by zinc ions, suggesting an active metallopeptidase in PPP. This result agrees with mass spectrometry (MS) identification, which indicated the presence of a metallopeptidase from the M28 family. Additionally, whole-genome sequencing analysis of Priestia sp. shows that gene ywad, a metallopeptidase-encoding gene, was present. Therefore, the results presented herein indicate that PPP secreted by the marine Priestia sp. can be explored as a potential antibiofilm agent and help to treat chronic infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A vast ensemble of extracellular proteins influences the development and progression of cancer, shaped and reshaped by a complex network of extracellular proteases. These proteases, belonging to the distinct classes of metalloproteases, serine proteases, cysteine proteases, and aspartic proteases, play a critical role in cancer. They often become dysregulated in cancer, with increases in pathological protease activity frequently driven by the loss of normal latency controls, diminished regulation by endogenous protease inhibitors, and changes in localization. Dysregulated proteases accelerate tumor progression and metastasis by degrading protein barriers within the extracellular matrix (ECM), stimulating tumor growth, reactivating dormant tumor cells, facilitating tumor cell escape from immune surveillance, and shifting stromal cells toward cancer-promoting behaviors through the precise proteolysis of specific substrates to alter their functions. These crucial substrates include ECM proteins and proteoglycans, soluble proteins secreted by tumor and stromal cells, and extracellular domains of cell surface proteins, including membrane receptors and adhesion proteins. The complexity of the extracellular protease web presents a significant challenge to untangle. Nevertheless, technological strides in proteomics, chemical biology, and the development of new probes and reagents are enabling progress and advancing our understanding of the pivotal importance of extracellular proteolysis in cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Serratia marcescens is an emerging health-threatening, gram-negative opportunistic pathogen associated with a wide variety of localized and life-threatening systemic infections. One of the most crucial virulence factors produced by S. marcescens is serratiopeptidase, a 50.2-kDa repeats-in-toxin (RTX) family broad-specificity zinc metalloprotease. RTX family proteins are functionally diverse exoproteins of gram-negative bacteria that exhibit calcium-dependent structural dynamicity and are secreted through a common type-1 secretion system (T1SS) machinery. To evaluate the impact of various divalent ligands on the folding and maturation of serratiopeptidase zymogen, the protein was purified and a series of structural and functional investigations were undertaken. The results indicate that calcium binding to the C-terminal RTX domain acts as a folding switch, triggering a disordered-to-ordered transition in the enzyme\'s conformation. Further, the auto-processing of the 16-amino acid N-terminal pro-peptide results in the maturation of the enzyme. The binding of calcium ions to serratiopeptidase causes a highly cooperative conformational transition in its structure, which is essential for the enzyme\'s activation and maturation. This conformational change is accompanied by an increase in solubility and enzymatic activity. For efficient secretion and to minimize intracellular toxicity, the enzyme needs to be in an unfolded extended form. The calcium-rich extracellular environment favors the folding and processing of zymogen into mature serratiopeptidase, i.e., the holo-form required by S. marcescens to establish infections and survive in different environmental niches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of CD10 expression in colorectal cancer has been controversially discussed in the literature. Some data suggest a predictive capacity for lymph node and liver metastases, thus influencing overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). This study aims to analyse the relationship between CD10 expression and overall survival (OS) in a European cohort. To determine the association of CD10 expression with tumour phenotype, molecular features, and prognosis, a tissue microarray of 1469 colorectal carcinomas was analysed using immunohistochemistry and was compared with matched clinicopathologic data. CD10 expression correlated with earlier tumour stages (p = 0.017) and left-sided colon cancer (p < 0.001). However, no correlation was found between CD10 expression and lymph node involvement (p = 0.711), tumour grading (p = 0.397), or overall survival (p = 0.562). Even in the subgroup analysis of tumour or nodal stage, CD10 did not affect overall survival, although it was significantly associated with p53 and nuclear β-catenin expression (p = 0.013 and p < 0.001, respectively). CD10 expression correlates with earlier tumour stages, colon cancer location, and indicators of aggressive CRC subtypes. However, we can exclude CD10 as a relevant independent prognosticator for CRC.





