metabolic cost

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cycling stands as one of the most widely embraced leisure activities and serves purposes such as exercise, rehabilitation, and commuting. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of assisting three unimpaired participants (age: 34.0 ± 7.9 years, height: 1.86 ± 0.02 m, weight: 75.7 ± 12.7 kg) using the GuroX hip exoskeleton, originally designed for walking assistance, during cycling against a resistance of 1 W/kg. The performance evaluation employed a sweep protocol that manipulated the timing of the exoskeleton\'s peak extension and flexion torque in addition to human-in-the-loop optimization to enhance these timings based on metabolic cost. Our findings indicate that with a peak assistance torque of approximately 10.3 Nm for extension and flexion, the GuroX substantially reduced the net metabolic cost of cycling by 31.4 ± 8.1% and 26.4 ± 14.1% compared to transparent and without exoskeleton conditions, respectively. This demonstrates the significant potential of a hip exoskeleton developed for walking assistance to profoundly benefit cycling. Additionally, customizing the assistance strategy proves beneficial in maximizing assistance. While we attribute the average motor power to be a major contributor to the reduced cycling effort, participant feedback suggests that user comfort and synchronization between the user and exoskeleton may have played integral roles. Further research should validate our initial findings by employing a larger participant pool in real-world conditions. Incorporating a more diverse set of parameters for the human-in-the-loop optimization could enhance individualized assistance strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans continuously adapt locomotor patterns. Whether metabolic cost reduction is the primary objective or a by-product of the observed biomechanical changes during adaptation is not known. The main goal of our study is to determine if perception of task duration affects the adaptation of locomotor patterns to reduce energetic cost during split-belt walking. We tested the hypothesis that individuals who believe they will sustain a locomotor adaptation task for a prolonged time will reduce metabolic cost by adapting toward a walking pattern associated with lower mechanical work. N=14 participants walked on a split-belt treadmill for 10 minutes with knowledge of task duration (group K), while N=15 participants performed the task under the assumption that they would walk for 30 minutes (group U). Both groups walked for 10 minutes with the belts moving at 1.5 and 0.5 m/s, followed by 6 minutes of walking with both belts at 1.0 m/s. We observed a significant main effect of Time (p<0.001, observed power 1.0) and the interaction of Time×Group (p=0.004, observed power 0.84) on metabolic cost. Participants in the U group had a metabolic cost that was 12% lower during adaptation compared to the K group, which did not reduce metabolic cost during adaptation. The metabolic cost reduction observed in group U was not associated with biomechanical changes during adaptation. Our results indicate that metabolic cost reduction has a primary role in tasks that need to be sustained for a prolonged time, and this reduction is not only related to biomechanical factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Foot and ankle unloading is essential in various clinical contexts, including ulcers, tendon ruptures, and fractures. Choosing the right assistive device is crucial for functionality and recovery. Yet, research on the impact of devices beyond crutches, particularly ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) designed to unload the ankle and foot, is limited. This study investigates the effects of three types of devices-forearm crutches, knee crutch, and AFO-on biomechanical, metabolic, and subjective parameters during walking with unilateral ankle-foot unloading.
    METHODS: Twenty healthy participants walked at a self-selected speed in four conditions: unassisted able-bodied gait, and using three unloading devices, namely forearm crutches, iWalk knee crutch, and ZeroG AFO. Comprehensive measurements, including motion capture, force plates, and metabolic system, were used to assess various spatiotemporal, kinematic, kinetic, and metabolic parameters. Additionally, participants provided subjective feedback through questionnaires. The conditions were compared using a within-subject crossover study design with repeated measures ANOVA.
    RESULTS: Significant differences were found between the three devices and able-bodied gait. Among the devices, ZeroG exhibited significantly faster walking speed and lower metabolic cost. For the weight-bearing leg, ZeroG exhibited the shortest stance phase, lowest braking forces, and hip and knee angles most similar to normal gait. However, ankle plantarflexion after push-off using ZeroG was most different from normal gait. IWalk and crutches caused significantly larger center-of-mass mediolateral and vertical fluctuations, respectively. Participants rated the ZeroG as the most stable, but more participants complained it caused excessive pressure and pain. Crutches were rated with the highest perceived exertion and lowest comfort, whereas no significant differences between ZeroG and iWalk were found for these parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences among the devices were identified across all measurements, aligning with previous studies for crutches and iWalk. ZeroG demonstrated favorable performance in most aspects, highlighting the potential of AFOs in enhancing gait rehabilitation when unloading is necessary. However, poor comfort and atypical sound-side ankle kinematics were evident with ZeroG. These findings can assist clinicians in making educated decisions about prescribing ankle-foot unloading devices and guide the design of improved devices that overcome the limitations of existing solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focused on designing and evaluating a bilateral semi-rigid hip exoskeleton. The exoskeleton assisted the hip joint, capitalizing on its proximity to the body\'s center of mass. Unlike its rigid counterparts, the semi-rigid design permitted greater freedom of movement. A temporal force-tracking controller allowed us to prescribe torque profiles during walking. We ensured high accuracy by tuning control parameters and series elasticity. The evaluation involved experiments with ten participants across ten force profile conditions with different end-timings and peak magnitudes. Our findings revealed a trend of greater reductions in metabolic cost with assistance provided at later timings in stride and at greater magnitudes. Compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered off, the largest reduction in metabolic cost was 9.1%. This was achieved when providing assistance using an end-timing at 44.6% of the stride cycle and a peak magnitude of 0.11 Nm kg-1. None of the tested conditions reduced the metabolic cost compared to walking without the exoskeleton, highlighting the necessity for further enhancements, such as a lighter and more form-fitting design. The optimal end-timing aligns with findings from other soft hip exosuit devices, indicating a comparable interaction with this prototype to that observed in entirely soft exosuit prototypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Efficient gait assistance by augmentative exoskeletons depends on reliable control strategies. While numerous control methods and their effects on the metabolic cost of walking have been explored in the literature, the use of different exoskeletons and dissimilar protocols limit direct comparisons. In this article, we present and compare two controllers for hip exoskeletons with different synchronization paradigms. Methods: The implicit-synchronization-based approach, termed the Simple Reflex Controller (SRC), determines the assistance as a function of the relative loading of the feet, resulting in an emerging torque profile continuously assisting extension during stance and flexion during swing. On the other hand, the Hip-Phase-based Torque profile controller (HPT) uses explicit synchronization and estimates the gait cycle percentage based on the hip angle, applying a predefined torque profile consisting of two shorter bursts of assistance during stance and swing. We tested the controllers with 23 naïve healthy participants walking on a treadmill at 4 km ⋅ h-1, without any substantial familiarization. Results: Both controllers significantly reduced the metabolic rate compared to walking with the exoskeleton in passive mode, by 18.0% (SRC, p < 0.001) and 11.6% (HPT, p < 0.001). However, only the SRC led to a significant reduction compared to walking without the exoskeleton (8.8%, p = 0.004). The SRC also provided more mechanical power and led to bigger changes in the hip joint kinematics and walking cadence. Our analysis of mechanical powers based on a whole-body analysis suggested a reduce in ankle push-off under this controller. There was a strong correlation (Pearson\'s r = 0.778, p < 0.001) between the metabolic savings achieved by each participant with the two controllers. Conclusion: The extended assistance duration provided by the implicitly synchronized SRC enabled greater metabolic reductions compared to the more targeted assistance of the explicitly synchronized HPT. Despite the different assistance profiles and metabolic outcomes, the correlation between the metabolic reductions with the two controllers suggests a difference in individual responsiveness to assistance, prompting more investigations to explore the person-specific factors affecting assistance receptivity.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    UNASSIGNED: The maximal running speed (VMAX) determined on a graded treadmill test is well-recognized as a running performance predictor. However, few studies have assessed the variables that predict VMAX in recreationally active runners.
    UNASSIGNED: We used a mathematical procedure combining Fick\'s law and metabolic cost analysis to verify the relation between (1) VMAX versus anthropometric and physiological determinants of running performance and, (2) theoretical metabolic cost versus running biomechanical parameters. Linear multiple regression and bivariate correlation were applied. We aimed to verify the biomechanical, physiological, and anthropometrical determinants of VMAX in recreationally active runners. Fifteen recreationally active runners participated in this observational study. A Conconi and a stead-steady running test were applied using a heart rate monitor and a simple video camera to register the physiological and mechanical variables, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: Statistical analysis revealed that the speed at the second ventilatory threshold, theoretical metabolic cost, and fat-mass percentage confidently estimated the individual running performance as follows: VMAX = 58.632 + (-0.183 * fat percentage) + (-0.507 * heart rate percentage at second ventilatory threshold) + (7.959 * theoretical metabolic cost) (R2 = 0.62, p = 0.011, RMSE = 1.50 km.h-1). Likewise, the theoretical metabolic cost was significantly explained (R2 = 0.91, p = 0.004, RMSE = 0.013 a.u.) by the running spatiotemporal and elastic-related parameters (contact and aerial times, stride length and frequency, and vertical oscillation) as follows: theoretical metabolic cost = 10.421 + (4.282 * contact time) + (-3.795 * aerial time) + (-2.422 * stride length) + (-1.711 * stride frequency) + (0.107 * vertical oscillation).
    UNASSIGNED: Critical determinants of elastic mechanism, such as maximal vertical force and vertical and leg stiffness were unrelated to the metabolic economy. VMAX, a valuable marker of running performance, and its physiological and biomechanical determinants can be effectively evaluated using a heart rate monitor, treadmill, and a digital camera, which can be used in the design of training programs to recreationally active runners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Why do we move slower as we grow older? The reward circuits of the brain, which tend to invigorate movements, decline with aging, raising the possibility that reduced vigor is due to the diminishing value that our brain assigns to movements. However, as we grow older, it also becomes more effortful to make movements. Is age-related slowing principally a consequence of increased effort costs from the muscles, or reduced valuation of reward by the brain? Here, we first quantified the cost of reaching via metabolic energy expenditure in human participants (male and female), and found that older adults consumed more energy than the young at a given speed. Thus, movements are objectively more costly for older adults. Next, we observed that when reward increased, older adults, like the young, responded by initiating their movements earlier. Yet, unlike the young, they were unwilling to increase their movement speed. Was their reluctance to reach quicker for rewards due to the increased effort costs, or because they ascribed less value to the movement? Motivated by a mathematical model, we next made the young experience a component of aging by making their movements more effortful. Now the young responded to reward by reacting faster but chose not to increase their movement speed. This suggests that slower movements in older adults are partly driven by an adaptive response to an elevated effort landscape. Moving slower may be a rational economic response the brain is making to mitigate the elevated effort costs that accompany aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants store chemical defenses that act as toxins against herbivores, such as toxic isothiocyanates (ITCs) in Brassica plants, hydrolyzed from glucosinolate (GLS) precursors. The fitness of herbivorous larvae can be strongly affected by these toxins, causing immature death. We modeled this phenomenon using a set of ordinary differential equations and established a direct relationship between feeding, toxin exposure, and the net energy of a larva, where the fitness of an organism is proportional to its net energy according to optimal foraging theory. Optimal foraging theory is widely used in ecology to model the feeding and searching behavior of organisms. Although feeding provides energy gain, plant toxins and foraging cause energy loss for the larvae. Our equations explain that toxin exposure and foraging can sharply reduce larval net energy to zero at an instar. Since herbivory needs energy, the only choice left for a larva is to stop feeding at that time point. If that is significantly earlier than the end of the last instar stage, the larva dies without food. Thus, we show that plant toxins can cause immature death in larvae from the perspective of optimal foraging theory.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Experimental studies on the thermal biology of organisms have become crucial to investigate the impact of climate warming. However, most laboratory studies are carried out under constant temperatures and assume a negligible effect from daily fluctuating temperatures. We tested this assumption on multiple fitness traits of the moth Spodoptera littoralis, and a literature review on insects complements this study. Tests on S. littoralis focused on its optimal and maximal critical temperatures by comparing constant and daily fluctuating temperatures (±5 °C) at mean temperatures of 25, 29 and 33 °C. The nine fitness parameters investigated were influenced by mean temperature. The overall effect was a maximal multiplication rate at 29 °C and a marked decrease under the fluctuating regime at 33 °C. Effects of fluctuating temperatures differed between mean temperatures. Developmental and larval survival rates at 33 °C were lower under the fluctuating thermal regime than under a constant temperature. Our literature review also illustrates that ignoring daily fluctuations based on constant temperatures commonly leads to overestimate fitness traits at high temperatures. Overlooking the experimental bias associated with constant temperatures minimizes the expected impact of climate warming on fitness traits.





