mesonephric adenocarcinoma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Mesonephric adenocarcinoma is an extremely rare subtype of uterine cervical cancer that is associated with a poor prognosis and for which a standardized treatment protocol has not been established. Carbon ion radiotherapy (CIRT) is an emerging radiotherapy modality that has been shown to have a favorable anti-tumor effect, even for tumors resistant to conventional photon radiotherapy or chemotherapy. However, there is no report on CIRT outcomes for mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix.
    METHODS: We treated a 47-year-old Japanese woman with mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix (T2bN0M0 and stage IIB according to the 7th edition of the Union for International Cancer Control and International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, respectively) with CIRT combined with brachytherapy and concurrent chemotherapy. CIRT consisted of whole pelvic irradiation and boost irradiation to the gross tumor; 36.0 Gy (relative biological effectiveness [RBE]) in 12 fractions and 19.2 Gy (RBE) in 4 fractions, respectively, performed once a day, four times per week. Computed tomography-based image-guided adaptive brachytherapy was performed after completion of CIRT, for which the D90 (i.e., the dose prescribed to 90% of the target volume) for the high-risk clinical target volume was 20.4 Gy in a total of 3 sessions in 2 weeks. A weekly cisplatin (40 mg/m2) dose was administered concomitantly with the radiotherapy for a total of five courses. From 4 months post-CIRT, the patient developed metastasis of the lung, with a total of 10 lung metastases over 70 months; these lesions were treated on each occasion by photon stereotactic body radiotherapy and/or systemic therapy. At 8 years from initial treatment (i.e., 2 years after the last treatment), the patient is alive without any evidence of recurrence and maintains a high quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of CIRT for treatment of mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. The present case indicates the potential efficacy of CIRT in combination with brachytherapy for treatment of this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Both mesonephric adenocarcinoma (MA) and mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma (MLA) express thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1). TTF1 is also considered a highly sensitive and specific diagnostic marker for primary lung adenocarcinoma (PLA). However, distinguishing PLA from pulmonary metastatic MA/MLA (PMM) based on the expression of TTF1 alone can be difficult. This study aimed to investigate the expression of TTF1 and paired box 8 (PAX8) and assess their value in distinguishing PMM from PLA.
    METHODS: We reviewed the electronic medical records and pathology slides of eight PMM cases. We conducted immunostaining for TTF1 and PAX8 in 6, 8, and 21 cases of primary MA/MLA, PMM, and PLA, respectively.
    RESULTS: Two patients with stage IB uterine MLA developed lung metastases at 5 and 57 months after hysterectomy. Solitary pulmonary nodules were suspected to be primary lung cancer in two patients. Compared to primary tumors, all matched PMMs exhibited reduced TTF1 immunoreactivity. In contrast, the majority of PLAs showed uniform and intense TTF1 expression. All except one PMM exhibited diffuse and strong PAX8 expression, while only one PLA showed focal and weak PAX8 expression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Immunostaining for TTF1 and PAX8 can help in distinguishing PMM from PLA in the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions detected in patients with a history of MA/MLA.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesonephric adenocarcinomas (MAs) and mesonephric-like adenocarcinomas (MLAs) are rare, aggressive neoplasms that arise in the gynecologic tract and show overlapping morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features. While MAs occur in the cervix and are thought to arise from mesonephric remnants, MLAs occur in the endometrium and ovary and are believed to originate from transdifferentiation of Müllerian lesions. Both MAs and MLAs show a variety of architectural patterns, exhibit frequent expression of GATA3 by immunohistochemistry, and harbor KRAS mutations. In a recent article published in The Journal of Pathology, Kommoss and colleagues used DNA methylation profiling to extend these similarities and showed that MLAs and MAs cluster together based on their epigenetic signatures and are epigenetically distinct from other Müllerian adenocarcinomas. They also showed that MLAs and MAs harbor a high number of global copy number alterations. This study provides evidence that MLAs more closely resemble MAs than Müllerian carcinomas on an epigenetic level. As a result, the authors argue that MLA should be renamed \'mesonephric-type adenocarcinoma.\' Further research is needed to establish the relationship between these two entities, their etiology, and pathogenesis. © 2024 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Adenocarcinoma, HPV-independent, mesonephric type (hereafter referred to as \"mesonephric carcinoma\") arising from the cervix is rare, its treatment has not been established, and its sensitivity to chemotherapy has not been fully investigated. Here we report on a 30-year-old female patient who presented at our hospital with a chief complaint of abnormal genital bleeding. We suspected cervical cancer. Based on examination, biopsy, and imaging, she was diagnosed with stage IIA2 adenocarcinoma of the cervix and was scheduled for surgery. Because she had a SARS-COV-2 infection, she was given two courses of paclitaxel-carboplatin (TC) therapy, based on the then-current surgical risk assessment after SARS-COV-2 infection, with a waiting period of at least 8 weeks. The patient was deemed to have a partial response and was treated with paclitaxel and carboplatin, after which she was deemed to have a partial response and underwent total hysterectomy. A diagnosis of stage IIA2 mesonephric carcinoma, ypT1b2N0M0, was made after histopathologic examination of an excised specimen. The patient was treated with 4 additional courses of TC therapy after surgery, and has had no recurrence in 13 months. We report a first case of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with TC regimen in a patient with mesonephric carcinoma of the cervix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesonephric (MA) and mesonephric-like (MLA) adenocarcinomas are rare cancers, and data on clinical behavior and response to therapy are limited. We sought to report molecular features, treatment, and outcomes of MA/MLA from a single institution.
    Patients with MA (cervix) or MLA (uterus, ovary, other) treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) from 1/2008-12/2021 underwent pathologic re-review. For patients with initial treatment at MSK, progression-free survival (PFS1) was calculated as time from initial surgery to progression or death; second PFS (PFS2) was calculated as time from start of treatment for recurrence to subsequent progression or death. Overall survival (OS) was calculated for all patients. Images were retrospectively reviewed to determine treatment response. Somatic genetic alterations were assessed by clinical tumor-normal sequencing (MSK-Integrated Mutation Profiling of Actionable Cancer Targets [MSK-IMPACT]).
    Of 81 patients with confirmed gynecologic MA/MLA, 36 received initial treatment at MSK. Sites of origin included cervix (n = 9, 11%), uterus (n = 42, 52%), ovary (n = 28, 35%), and other (n = 2, 2%). Of the 36 patients who received initial treatment at MSK, 20 (56%) recurred; median PFS1 was 33 months (95% CI: 17-not evaluable), median PFS2 was 8.3 months (95% CI: 6.9-14), and median OS was 87 months (95% CI: 58.2-not evaluable). Twenty-six of the 36 patients underwent MSK-IMPACT testing, and 25 (96%) harbored MAPK pathway alterations.
    Most patients diagnosed with early-stage disease ultimately recurred. Somatic MAPK signaling pathway mutations appear to be highly prevalent in MA/MLA, and therapeutics that target this pathway are worthy of further study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mesonephric-like adenocarcinomas are newly classified rare neoplasms of the upper genital tract. They share identical features with mesonephric adenocarcinomas, with the exception of location. There is ongoing discussion on whether mesonephric-like adenocarcinomas arise from mesonephric remnants or are of Müllerian origin. A 65-year-old woman (G2P1) presented with pelvic pain. Transvaginal ultrasound revealed multiple fibroids, and a robotic total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was planned. Intraoperatively, a complex mass with cystic and solid components was found on the left ovary, which also adhered to the rectosigmoid colon. Pathologic reports documented mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma that appeared to be arising in association with an endometrioid adenofibroma. This case is notable due to the patient\'s unique background of in-utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) and multiple gynecological malignancies within her mother, as well as the associated endometrioid adenofibroma. This case contributes evidence to two seemingly opposing theories of mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma histogenesis: the mesonephric remnant theory (supported by the patient\'s DES exposure), and the Müllerian theory (supported by the associated endometrioid adenofibroma).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mesonephric adenocarcinoma (MA) of the vagina is a rare tumor that arises from mesonephric remnants (Wolffian) in the female genital tract. It is a neoplasm with no significant evidence about its diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and prognosis.
    METHODS: Systematic research of the literature was conducted in Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and the Cochrane Library, including observational prospective and retrospective studies, case series and case reports. We collected data regarding studies related to diagnosis and treatment options evaluating the following aspects: study design, population, treatment type, rate of surgical complications and fertility outcome. We further included a case report of laparoscopic management of MA with pictorial assays.
    RESULTS: Thirteen cases of MA of the vagina are available in the literature, including our case report. The median age at diagnosis was 52 years old; the majority of patients reported vaginal bleeding as a symptom (38%); and ultrasound, followed by a magnetic resonance and CT scan were the diagnostic tools most used. In 54% of the cases, a surgical biopsy was performed, and 92% of the patients underwent upfront surgery with an open access or vaginal resection except one case fully managed by minimally invasive surgery. Most of the patients (68%) received adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or a combination of them. The mean follow-up period was 6 years.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the rarity of this cancer and bizarre location, a minimally invasive approach seems feasible after multidisciplinary evaluation. According to the rarity of this tumor, any future case and follow-up data must be reported in the literature in order to enlarge the knowledge about it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the association of mesonephric adenocarcinoma (MA) of the uterine cervix with florid mesonephric hyperplasia, one would expect MAs to rarely arise in other anatomical locations that harbor mesonephric remnants. In contrast, mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma (MLA) is thought to arise from Müllerian origin without an association with mesonephric remnants. The current case series characterizes 4 cases of MA arising in the urinary bladder (1 woman and 3 men), 1 case of MA in the perirenal region (woman), and 1 case of MLA in the ureter (woman). All cases displayed morphologic features similar to MA of the uterine cervix and MLA of the ovary and endometrium, characterized by predominant tubular and focal glandular/ductal architecture. Mesonephric remnants in the bladder wall were closely associated with adjacent MA in cases 1 and 4. MLA in case 6 was associated with mesonephric-like proliferations and endometriosis. All cases (6/6) were diffusely positive for Pax8, and all displayed a luminal pattern of CD10 staining, except case 4 for which CD10 immunostain was not available for review. Gata3 was either focally positive (cases 1, 2, and 6), negative (case 3), or diffusely positive (case 5). TTF-1 was diffusely expressed in cases 1 and 3 and negative in cases 2, 5, and 6. Although a KRAS G12C somatic mutation was detected in case 6, hotspot mutations in KRAS, NRAS, and PIK3CA were not present in other tested cases. Our study demonstrates that MAs and MLAs of the urinary tract share similar histopathogenesis, morphology, and immunophenotype to their counterparts in the female genital tract. We propose that, in the urinary tract, MA might be classified as a distinctive tumor that arises from mesonephric remnants or presumed Wolffian origin if they are not related to Müllerian-type precursors. The tumor displaying similar morphology and immunoprofile to MA but associated with Müllerian-type precursors should be classified as MLA.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mesonephric adenocarcinoma (MA) of the female genital tract is a rare but distinct entity, exhibiting unique morphological, immunophenotypical, and molecular characteristics. Vaginal MA is hypothesized to arise from the mesonephric remnants located in the lateral vaginal wall. A 52-year-old woman presented with vaginal bleeding. Physical examination revealed a protruding mass in the left vaginal wall. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 2.5-cm mass arising from the left upper vagina and extending posterolaterally to the extravaginal tissue. The punch biopsy was diagnosed as poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. She received radical surgical resection. Histologically, the tumor displayed various architectural patterns, including compactly aggregated small tubules, solid cellular sheets, endometrioid-like glands and ducts, intraluminal micropapillae, cribriform structure, and small angulated glands accompanied by prominent desmoplastic stroma. The tubules and ducts possessed hyaline-like, densely eosinophilic intraluminal secretions. The tumor extended to the subvaginal soft tissue and had substantial perineural invasion. Immunostaining revealed positivity for the mesonephric markers, including GATA3, TTF1, and PAX2, while showing very focal and weak positivity for estrogen receptor and negativity for progesterone receptor. Additionally, we observed a complete absence of p53 immunoreactivity. Targeted sequencing analysis revealed that the tumor harbored both activating KRAS p.G12D mutation and truncating TP53 p.E286* mutation. A thorough review of the previous literature revealed that 4.5% (3/67) of vaginal/cervical MAs and 0.9% (1/112) of uterine/ovarian mesonephric-like adenocarcinomas harbor TP53 mutations, indicating that this is very uncommon in malignant mesonephric lesions. In summary, we presented a rare case of vaginal MA uniquely harboring pathogenic TP53 mutation, resulting in p53 aberration.





