melanized fungi

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pathogenesis of chromoblastomycosis (CBM) is associated with Th2 and/or T regulatory immune responses, while resistance is associated with a Th1 response. However, even in the presence of IFN-γ, fungi persist in the lesions, and the reason for this persistence is unknown. To clarify the factors associated with pathogenesis, this study aimed to determine the polarization of the cellular immune response and the densities of cells that express markers of exhaustion in the skin of CBM patients. In the skin of patients with CBM, a moderate inflammatory infiltrate was observed, characterized primarily by the occurrence of histiocytes. Analysis of fungal density allowed us to divide patients into groups that exhibited low and high fungal densities; however, the intensity of the inflammatory response was not related to mycotic loads. Furthermore, patients with CBM exhibited a significant increase in the number of CD4+ and CD8+ cells associated with a high density of IL-10-, IL-17-, and IFN-γ-producing cells, indicating the presence of a chronic and mixed cellular immune response, which was also independent of fungal load. A significant increase in the number of PD-1+ and PD-L1+ cells was observed, which may be associated with the maintenance of the fungus in the skin and the progression of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhinocladiella similis is a melanized fungi involved in chromoblastomycosis. R. similis genome has never been sequenced, therefore we propose the first draft genome of R. similis.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Phaeohyphomycosis is an infection caused by pigmented fungi, which can be life-threatening in immunocompromised hosts and in disseminated disease. In adults with disseminated disease, mortality is as high as 79%. Data in children are derived from case reports and series. We conducted this study to review the characteristics of phaeohyphomycoses in children.
    METHODS: We conducted this study following the PRISMA 2020 guideline for reporting systematic reviews. We performed a review of the reported cases of pediatric phaeohyphomycoses in core bibliographic databases published in the English and Spanish language, between June 1977 and October 2021. We included all eligible cases in patients <18 years to determine the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.
    RESULTS: A total of 130 cases were reviewed. The mean age was 8 years. The most common underlying conditions and risk factors included hematologic malignancies (32.5%), neutropenia (26.9%), steroid therapy (24.6%), trauma or surgery (23.1%), and children that received a transplant (14.6%). The most common presentation was localized infection (61.5%); skin and soft tissue infections were the most prevalent (25.4%). Exserohilum spp (20.8%) and Exophiala spp (17.7%) were the most common organisms isolated. Antifungal therapy remains as the most frequent treatment (87%). Overall mortality rate was 22.3% (localized 13.7% vs disseminated 37.3%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this review suggest that phaeohyphomycoses in children have a better outcome compared to adults. We report a lower mortality rate in children when compared with adults in disseminated infection (37.3% vs 79%) and CNS infection (50% vs 60-70%). However, there is a wide variation in mortality rates according to the infection site, treatment, and underlying conditions. Prospective studies are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to more attentions paid to melanized fungi over the past few decades and under the background of the global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (COVID-19) the fact that the virus itself and the immunosuppressive agents such as glucocorticoids can further increase the risk of infections of deep mycoses, the number of patients with phaeohyphomycosis (PHM) has a substantial increase. Their spectrum is broad and the early diagnosis and treatments are extremely sticky. This study aims to more comprehensively understand the clinical features of phaeohyphomycosis in China over 35 years and to establish a more applicable systematical classification and severity grades of lesions to guide treatments and prognosis.
    We reviewed 174 cases of proven phaeohyphomycosis reported in Chinese and English language literature from 1987 to 2021 and we also made the accurate classification definitions and detailed information about the epidemiology, species of clinical dematiaceous fungi, minimum inhibitory concentration values, clinical features, treatments, and prognosis.
    The mortality of cerebral, disseminated and pulmonary phaeohyphomycosis are 55%, 36%, and 25%. Nearly 19% of patients had poor quality of life caused by the complications such as disability, disfigurements, and blindness. The overall misdiagnosis rate of phaeohyphomycosis was 74%. Moderate to severe rashes are accounting for 82% of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis. The areas of the head and face are mostly affected accounting for 16% of severe rashes. Nearly 30% of invasive infections of phaeohyphomycosis are triggered by recurrent lesions. Voriconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmB-DOC), and terbinafine were most commonly used but diagnosis and treatments of phaeohyphomycosis remain challenging in reality.
    Our classifications are likely to be more practical and easier to popularize, and there are still also plenty of characteristics in these non-specific lesions. There\'re no significant variations in cure rates, or death rates between three grades of lesions. But patients with severe rashes have longer courses and lower effective rates.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Fungal brain abscesses in immunocompetent patients are exceedingly rare. Cladophialophora bantiana is the most common cause of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis, a dematiaceous mold. Radiological presentation can mimic other disease states, with diagnosis through surgical aspiration and growth of melanized fungi in culture. Exposure is often unknown, with delayed presentation and diagnosis.
    METHODS: We present a case of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis in a 24-year-old with no underlying conditions or risk factors for disease. He developed upper respiratory symptoms, fevers, and headaches over the course of 2 months. On admission, he underwent brain MRI which demonstrated three parietotemporal rim-enhancing lesions. Stereotactic aspiration revealed a dematiaceous mold on staining and the patient was treated with liposomal amphotericin B, 5-flucytosine, and posaconazole prior to culture confirmation. He ultimately required surgical excision of the brain abscesses and prolonged course of antifungal therapy, with clinical improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Culture remains the gold standard for diagnosis of infection. Distinct microbiologic findings can aid in identification and guide antimicrobial therapy. While little guidance exists on treatment, patients have had favorable outcomes with surgery and combination antifungal therapy. In improving awareness, clinicians may accurately diagnose disease and initiate appropriate therapy in a more timely manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental pollution with alkylbenzene hydrocarbons such as toluene is a recurring phenomenon. Their toxicity and harmful effect on people and the environment drive the search for sustainable removal techniques such as bioremediation, which is based on the microbial metabolism of xenobiotic compounds. Melanized fungi present extremophilic characteristics, which allow their survival in inhospitable habitats such as those contaminated with hydrocarbons. Screening methodologies for testing the microbial assimilation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) are scarce despite their importance for the bioremediation of hydrocarbon associated areas. In this study, 200 strains of melanized fungi were isolated from four different hydrocarbon-related environments by using selective methods, and their biodiversity was assessed by molecular and ecological analyses. Seventeen genera and 27 species from three main orders, namely Chaetothyriales, Cladosporiales, and Pleosporales, were identified. The ecological analysis showed a particular species distribution according to their original substrate. The isolated strains were also screened for their toluene assimilation potential using a simple and inexpensive methodology based on miniaturized incubations under controlled atmospheres. The biomass produced by the 200 strains with toluene as the sole carbon source was compared against positive and negative controls, with glucose and with only mineral medium, respectively. Nineteen strains were selected as the most promising for further investigation on the biodegradation of alkylbenzenes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Melanonychia refers to brown-black colour pigmentation due to melanin or not-melanin deposition in the nail plate. Onychoscopy allows to distinguish if the pigmentation is due by melanin or not. The main causes of non-melanic pigmentation are subungual haematoma and pigmented onychomycosis. Fungal melanonychia (FM) is rare and may present as diffuse or longitudinal pigmentation. Differential diagnosis includes melanic activation, such as ethnic-type nail pigmentation or frictional melanonychia, but also versus melanic proliferation, such as nevus or nail melanoma. Fungal melanonychia can be due to a colonisation by fungi with black variant or by melanin activation due to inflammation of fungal invasion.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of paper is to increase clinical and dermoscopic knowledge of this increasingly frequent disease.
    METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, twenty patients with dermatophytic melanonychia were collected, with available clinical and dermoscopic pictures. The diagnosis of dermatophytic melanonychia was made based on clinical manifestation and mycological examination. KOH smear was performed in all cases. For each patient, clinical data included: age, gender, type of melanonychia and involved fingers.
    RESULTS: This study aimed to show increased incidence of dermatophytic melanonychia and its correct management. In addition, we reviewed our collected cases and described the clinical and dermoscopic features of dermatophytic melanonychia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that physicians should keep in mind the diagnosis of this increasing disease, and that it cannot be performed relying only on clinical grounds. We would like to highlight the importance of tools as KOH examination, culture and dermoscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eukaryotes, phosphorylation of the α-subunit of eIF2 is a mechanism to adjust cellular gene expression profiles in response to specific signals. The eIF2α kinases are a group of serine-threonine kinases that perform important functions in response to infection, proteotoxicity, and nutrient scavenging. The conserved nature of eIF2α kinases among fungi makes them potential evolutionary markers, which may contribute to deeper understanding of taxonomy and evolution. To date, only few studies are available of eIF2α kinases in black yeasts, which are members of Chaetothyriales containing potential agents of a gamut of major human diseases, such as chromoblastomycosis, phaeohyphomycosis and mycetoma. To establish the phylogenetic validity of sequences of eIF2α kinases hypothetical genes, we compared these genes between members of different classes of fungi, including black yeasts and allies, aiming at evaluation of the phylogeny of this group using an alternative molecular marker, compared to standard ribosomal genes. Trees generated with eIF2α kinase sequences of fungi were compared with those generated by ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS rDNA) sequences from the same species. Sequences used were obtained from the protein Non-redundant database of NCBI, were aligned using CLUSTALX v1.8 and alignments were analyzed with RAxML v8.2.9 on the CIPRES Science Gateway portal. The trees generated had similar topologies, demonstrating that eIF2α kinases hypothetical gene sequences present a coherent reflection of evolution among fungi, compared to trees reconstructed by the use of ribosomal sequences. Our preliminary findings with a limited dataset strongly suggest that the evolution of kinases among black yeasts follows a similar path as revealed by ribosomal data, which underlines the validity of current taxonomy of black yeasts and relatives.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Exophiala dermatitidis is a dematiaceous fungus with yeast-like and hyphal growth states that may cause cutaneous and visceral infections. Recently, E. dermatitidis has been linked to central line associated blood stream infection (CLABSI), probably due to its ability to produce extracellular polysaccharides and grow as biofilm. We describe an E. dermatitidis CLASBI. The strain was identified by morphological and molecular methods. E. dermatitidis CLASBI is highly uncommon, but seems to be increasing.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Medicopsis romeroi is a melanized coelomycetous fungus, mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions and an uncommon cause of infection in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. We describe two cases of SOT recipients diagnosed with phaeohyphomycosis due to M romeroi and provide a comprehensive literature review. These infections should be considered in patients native to tropical countries with a localized skin and soft tissue infection. Sequencing is needed for accurate identification of uncommon melanized fungi. Surgical treatment is recommended to cure the infection and co-adjunctive oral antifungals should be considered.





