medical tourism

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Jordanian healthcare system has evolved over the past decades expanding its services, technological, and educational resources. A comprehensive view of this system is lacking. The objective of this report is to describe the structure of the Jordanian healthcare system, the challenges facing it, and the current and recommended health policies.
    METHODS: This study reviewed the current status of the Jordanian healthcare system. The following parameters were analyzed: health indicators, infrastructure, human resources, insurance system, pharmaceutical expense, health education system, and medical tourism. Data were collected from various relevant official institutions and related published literature.
    RESULTS: Jordan has a young population with a median age of 23.8 years. Life expectancy is 78.8 years for females and 77.0 years for males. The Jordanian healthcare system is divided into three major categories: (1) Governmental Insurance (i.e., the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Royal Medical Services (RMS) and semi-governmental insurance); (2) Private Insurance; and (3) Refugee Insurance, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (NHUR). The Governmental Insurance covers 64.30% of the total population. Health expenditure is 6.37% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Pharmaceutical expenses make up 26.6% of the total national healthcare budget. Human resource assessment shows a high ratio of medical staff per 10.000 inhabitants, especially concerning physicians (31.7), dentists (7.9), and pharmacists (15.1). However, the ratio of nursing staff per 10.000 inhabitants is considered low (37.5). The Hospital bed/1000 population ratio is also relatively low (1.4). Healthcare accreditation is implemented through the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation which was achieved by 7 hospitals and by the National Health Care Accreditation Certificate (HCAC) achieved by 17 hospitals and 42 primary healthcare centers. Postgraduate medical education covers almost all medical and surgical fields. Medical tourism is currently well-established.
    CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of the Jordanian healthcare system shows high ratios of physicians, dentists, and pharmacists but a low ratio of nursing staff per 10.000 inhabitants. The hospital bed/1000 population ratio is also relatively low. Pharmaceutical expenses are significantly high and medical tourism is well-developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Since 2006, Taiwan has actively pursued the development of its medical tourism industry. In 2013, the government sought to bolster this sector by integrating medical tourism into the Free Economic Pilot Zones. Despite narrowly missing the mark, the initiative failed to materialize into law. This qualitative study endeavors to discern the pertinent factors influencing the agenda-setting process for incorporating medical tourism into the Free Economic Pilot Zones in Taiwan.
    METHODS: A comprehensive examination of policies concerning the legitimation of medical tourism within the Free Economic Pilot Zones was undertaken through semi-structured interviews and a thorough review of policy documents. Key informants were strategically selected using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Thematic analysis was applied to scrutinize the amassed data and organize it within the framework of Kingdon\'s multiple streams.
    RESULTS: In the problem stream, increasing financial strains and cost containment pressures under the National Health Insurance program have long driven health care providers to seek further opportunities in medical tourism. The existing barriers to expanding medical tourism in Taiwan included diplomatic tensions (specifically cross-strait relations), public concerns about commercialization of medical care and reduced their access to care, and legal and language barriers. Within the policy stream, factors such as franchise fees to support national health insurance, limited number of demonstration medical tourism sites and services allowed, the allowance of foreign medical personnel, regulations governing domestic physicians, the importance of demonstration, regulation, and accreditation, as well as restrictions on investment from China, were emphasized. The politics stream highlights factors such as governmental support, opposition from opposing parties, public concerns and critics from academia and non-governmental organizations, and skepticism from medical faculties.
    CONCLUSIONS: Acknowledging the recognized challenges in enacting the medical tourism provision of the Free Economic Pilot Zones Special Act and emphasizing the political will of leadership, a viable policy solution remained elusive. Although a window of opportunity existed for the passage of the bill, it waned as public concerns sidelined the issue from the national agenda. The Taiwan case underscores the necessity for meticulous consideration of issues, proposed solutions, and political dynamics to achieve successful policy enactment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the complexity of the clinical management of foreign minors suffering from cancer, through the clinical experience of an Italian referral center. The study includes 50 patients less than 18 years (22% of the patients admitted to the unit in 2023), 32 foreigners who were Italian resident and 18 who had come to Italy specifically to receive cancer treatment. Patients who migrate for healthcare reasons often arrive at the referral center with advanced disease or relapse. Numerous socio-cultural issues were reported. To address them, specific strategies were implemented to ensure equal and high-quality care for all patients, respecting their needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Malaysia has been one of the most prominent destination countries for medical tourism. The industry received significant government support to create a conducive environment for its growth, such as the provision of an investment tax allowance for the facilities participating in medical tourism and the establishment of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) to coordinate collaboration between various industry stakeholders to promote medical tourism activities at the international level and facilitate inbound medical tourists. The establishment of the MHTC facilitates collaboration between various industry stakeholders. In addition to facilitating medical tourism activities, MHTC is also involved in analysing relevant data, including but not limited to the socio-demography of medical tourists, the trend of their healthcare service utilisation, revenue generated, and market intelligence to promote the industry\'s growth. The council serves as a medium to facilitate the collaboration of stakeholders such as the hospitals participating in medical tourism, the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia, the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health, and various government agencies, including the Ministry of Health and the Department of Immigration, Malaysia. We explore the policy-related implications of medical tourism and its relationship with the Malaysian national healthcare system. Methodology We revisited Pocock and Phua\'s conceptual framework of policy implications for medical tourism to explore its relevance after more than a decade of intensive government support and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We employed a qualitative case study design using semi-structured, in-depth interviews with stakeholders from the Ministry of Health Malaysia, the private health sector, professional bodies, academics, and health-related civil society organisations. Results Our study found that many issues identified in the original framework remain relevant after over a decade. However, we also identified additional implications, such as the role of insurance portability in encouraging the growth of international hospital accreditation and the issue of equitable access to healthcare within the context of the current Malaysian healthcare system in the aftermath of COVID-19. Conclusion Due to its vulnerability, there is a need to develop a strategic collaboration that includes incorporating medical tourism activities into a broader framework, such as promoting aged care within the retirement destinations package for expatriates, which could ensure its sustainability instead of relying solely on medical tourism activities. In the meantime, policy implications arising from the industry remain relevant and should be addressed through a comprehensive structural reform of the national healthcare system involving stakeholders from the public and private health sectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Health tourism is an important component that may influence the direction of development in a region. Mazandarn, Iran, is recognized as a highly sustainable market in the region because of its abundant natural resources, temperate temperature, and strategic geographical location. Therefore, considering the importance of health tourism and its existing potential in Mazandaran, Iran, this study was conducted with the aim of exploring a comprehensive perspective on local drivers in community-based health tourism industry development and factors affecting the attraction of health tourism.
    METHODS: We conducted this study in Mazandarn, Iran, using a qualitative approach. Participants included a sample of Iranian people, aged 34-54 years, with previous history of health tourism or expert in it. Participants were selected from three different categories of the community: academic professionals in health tourism, managers in health tourism, and health tourists. Data were obtained via semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Inductive qualitative content analysis was used to converge and compare themes through participant data. The interviews kept going until data saturation was achieved.
    RESULTS: Based on our findings, we distilled local drivers in community-based health tourism industry development into five main categories and 30 subcategories: (Sharifabadi AM, Ardakani FA. A model for health tourism development using fuzzy TOPSIS and interpretive structural modeling in Yazd province. J Health Adm (JHA). 2014;17:55.) infrastructure and resources; (Hemmati F, Dabbaghi F, Mahmoudi G. Investigating the impact of Information Technology on the status of Health Tourism in Mashhad, Iran. Revista Publicando. 2018;5(15):54-65.) tourist attractions; (Sarabi Asiabar A, Rezapour A, Raei B, Tahernezhad A, Alipour V, Behzadifar M. Economic, Cultural, and Political Requirements for Medical Tourism Development in Iran: Insights from a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. Med J Islamic Repub Iran. 2022;35:199.) socio-cultural contexts; (Mosadeghrad AM, Sadeghi M. Medical tourism: Reasons for choosing Iran. Payesh (Health Monitor). 2021;20(2):145-66.) economic-financial factors; and (Manna R, Cavallone M, Ciasullo MV, Palumbo R. Beyond the rhetoric of health tourism: shedding light on the reality of health tourism in Italy. Curr Issues Tourism. 2020;23(14):1805-19.) political-communicative factors. The findings of the study showed that, from the participants\' point of view, although there are several strategies, such as the development of public service and tourism infrastructure, increasing tourist attractions, and formulating appropriate policies and procedures for the development of health tourism, they are also faced with many challenges, especially political, economic, and cultural challenges.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that improving infrastructure and resources, promoting tourist attractions, informing socio-cultural contexts, improving economic and financial capacity, and developing political and communicative contexts might increase the attraction of health tourists. The suggested components are not contextually driven, although empirical outcomes may differ based on the level of service offerings in health tourism locations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of potential complications and motivations among patients willing to travel internationally for cosmetic surgery and to gain insight into public perceptions of cosmetic surgery tourism by surveying a large, cross-sectional sample of the general public. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed through Amazon Mechanical Turk regarding cosmetic surgery tourism in adults 18 years and older and currently residing in the United States (US). Results: A total of 484 responses were analyzed. Of those, 45.2% of participants would consider having plastic surgery. Among these participants, 67.1% would consider traveling outside of the US to receive cosmetic surgery. Participants who reported Hispanic or Latino ethnicity had increased odds of considering surgery abroad (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1-8.7, P = .030). Participants reported that the top advantages of traveling outside of the US for surgery were the price of surgery internationally, a shorter waiting list for surgery, and privacy during recovery. The top disadvantages were the risk of complications, lack of follow-up or continuity care after surgery, and distance from home. Although the risk of complications was acknowledged as the top disadvantage, the perceived safety of receiving plastic surgery abroad was not related to willingness to consider having surgery abroad (P = .268). Conclusion: These findings support the need for continued awareness of patients considering international travel for cosmetic surgery and increased education of the general public regarding the safety of cosmetic surgery tourism and the importance of selecting board-certified plastic surgeons and accredited facilities.
    Introduction: La présente étude visait à comprendre les perceptions des complications potentielles et les motivations chez les patients désireux de se rendre à l’étranger pour subir des chirurgies esthétiques et à connaître les perceptions du public à l’égard du tourisme esthétique au moyen d’un sondage auprès d’un vaste échantillon représentatif du grand public. Méthodologie: Les chercheurs ont procédé à un sondage transversal par l’entremise de la plateforme Amazon Mechanical Turk au sujet du tourisme esthétique chez des adultes de 18 ans et plus qui habitent actuellement aux États-Unis. Résultats: Les chercheurs ont analysé 484 réponses. Au total, 45,2% des participants envisageraient la chirurgie plastique et, de cette proportion, 67,1% envisageraient de sortir des États-Unis pour ce faire. Les participants qui se disaient Hispaniques ou Latinos étaient plus susceptibles d’envisager de se rendre à l’étranger (rapport de cotes 3,1, IC à 95%, 1,1 à 8,7, P = 0030). Les participants indiquaient que le tourisme esthétique hors des États-Unis avait comme principaux avantages le prix des opérations, une liste d’attente plus courte et le respect de la vie privée pendant la convalescence. Le risque de complications, l’absence de suivi ou de continuité des soins après l’opération et la distance de la maison en étaient les principaux désavantages. Même si le risque de complications était reconnu comme le principal désavantage, la perception de sécurité liée à la chirurgie esthétique à l’étranger n’était pas associée à la volonté d’envisager une opération à l’étranger (P = 0268). Conclusion: Ces observations appuient la nécessité de sensibiliser constamment les patients qui envisagent le tourisme esthétique et de mieux informer le grand public de la sécurité du tourisme esthétique et de l’importance de privilégier des plasticiens agréés par l’Ordre et des établissements agréés.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of Cypriot medical tourism experts regarding the phenomenon of medical tourism, as well as to emphasise the benefits and opportunities for Cyprus to become a highly competitive global healthcare destination.
    METHODS: A Delphi study was conducted in Cyprus, with the participation of 20 experts in the field of medical tourism. At first, 20 experts took part in semi-structured interviews. Based on their feedback provided during that phase, a structured questionnaire was drawn up and completed, addressing a wide variety of medical tourism-related issues, such as benefits and losses from the development of medical tourism in Cyprus, advantages and disadvantages of Cyprus in attracting international patients, the key elements of a medium- to long-term strategic plan for the development of medical tourism in Cyprus, the role of the public and private sector and the importance of international accreditation of private and public hospitals.
    RESULTS: Cyprus appears to have some very favourable qualities when it comes to its listing as a competitive destination for medical travellers. Undeniably, the growth of medical tourism improves all sectors of the economy and society, but the healthcare industry is the one that benefits most. On the opposite end, medical tourism could potentially impact the access of local people to healthcare services. No clear answers were given by the expert respondents on the need for international accreditation of healthcare providers in Cyprus.
    CONCLUSIONS: The competent authorities should promote Cyprus to international markets as a medical tourism destination of choice, upgrading the quality of healthcare services it provides having due regard in parallel to any potential impacts to the access of local population to the healthcare system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unproven cell-based interventions (CBIs) emerged early in the 2000s as a particularly problematic form of unproven therapy and remain a vexing policy problem to this day. These unproven interventions can harm patients both physically and financially and can complicate the process of developing a rigorous evidence base to support the translation of novel stem cell or other cell therapies. In this concise review, we examine the emergence of unproven CBIs and the various policy approaches that have been pursued or proposed to address this problem. We review the evolution of this field over the last 2 decades and explore why these policy efforts have proven challenging. We conclude by highlighting potential directions that the field could evolve and urging continued attention to both current and future forms of unproven CBIs to minimize future risks to patients and the field and to promote the development of evidence-based cell therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in infertility therapy, such as hormone medication and in vitro fertilization (IVF), have led to an increase in the demand for IVF. North Cyprus is a new medical tourist destination, and this study aimed to discover influential demographic predictors of IVF patients\' satisfaction and quality-of-life (QoL) after receiving reproductive IVF services. Two questionnaires on IVF patient satisfaction and QoL were administered to 101 patients who received services in selected IVF clinics. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that the mean satisfaction level with IVF service introduction and doctor professionalism increased with age, and a maximum satisfaction level was found in older patients. Doctor professionalism was another significant factor for greater satisfaction in older patients than in young patients who underwent IVF treatment. Satisfaction with IVF services was reduced by increasing education levels. IVF services must be managed and provided based on the needs of patients from different demographic backgrounds and efforts must be made to improve satisfaction with fertility services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs) have given rise to novel, non-traditional family models. Still, among the various applications and approaches of \'medically assisted procreation\' (MAP), the most divisive one undoubtedly is \'gestational surrogacy\' (GS), also in light of the rising number of couples who have chosen it over the past twenty years. Another major implication of ARTs is the creation of intentional (or intended) parenthood in addition to genetic one: the genetic parent\'s partner is thus defined as the intentional (or second) parent, who by free choice, shares the family project with the genetic parent, even without any biological tie with the child. Hence, the intended parent takes on the same rights and responsibilities towards the child as the biological one. Several countries, including Italy, have enacted norms to discourage cross-border surrogacy, deeming it harmful to the dignity of women and children. Recently, however, the Italian government has decided intensify the fight against this practice: the Chamber of Deputies (Italy\'s lower chamber of parliament) has passed a law which punishes couples that resort to surrogacy even if the agreement and the birth take place abroad. Therefore, surrogacy would become a so-called universal crime. In light of the fact that criminalization is a serious and highly consequential step, which may have life-changing consequences for the intended parents, the aim of this paper is to assess whether this may be an effective instrument for regulating the interests at stake and, therefore, whether it would be desirable for other countries to follow such a model. Ultimately, it is worth remarking that for those who seek to achieve parenthood, such a desire is among the most profound aspects of a person\'s existential realization. When due to a delicate balance of ethics standards and potentially conflicting rights, lawmakers inter-vene, an authoritarian approach is unlikely to be beneficial. Offering real alternatives to surrogacy in an organic and pragmatic fashion (i.e. expediting adoption procedures, favoring motherhood at a younger age, when infertility issues are less likely to have set in) may be the best way to disincentivize fertility traveling and make sure the rights, hopes and aspirations of all the parties involved are upheld properly.





