medical specialties

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Monitoring the career intentions of medical students during their undergraduate studies could help to address the shortage of physicians, particularly in general practice. This study aimed to investigate changes in medical students\' career openness, attractiveness and determinants of medical career choice during their bachelor\'s studies.
    METHODS: The design was cross-sectional, recruiting all medical students who started a bachelor\'s program in one of the four different educational tracks in Zurich, Switzerland, in the fall of 2019 (first survey) and completed it in the summer of 2022 (second survey). Students\' perceptions of the attractiveness and determinants of different medical career options were assessed using a structured online questionnaire. Absolute changes between the two-time points were reported in percentage points overall and by educational track. Regression analysis was used to examine the association of student characteristics and determinants of career options with the attractiveness of each option.
    RESULTS: We surveyed 354 medical students at the beginning and 433 at the end of the bachelor\'s program (participation rate: 71.1% and 86.9%, respectively). Overall, the proportion of students open to all proposed medical career options decreased (from 52.8% to 43.8%, p = 0.004). The attractiveness of outpatient gynecology or pediatrics increased (from 27.4% to 43.4%, p < 0.001), whereas the attractiveness of both general and specialized inpatient care decreased (from 47.8% to 40.3%, p = 0.05 and from 71.1% to 61.1%, p = 0.006 respectively). There was an increase in the proportion of students who perceived part-time work, autonomy and relationships with patients as important career determinants (from 47.3% to 64.7%, p < 0.001; from 63.3% to 77.8%, p < 0.001; from 80.8% to 89.3%, p = 0.002 respectively), while the importance of reputation and career opportunities decreased (from 42.6% to 26.2%, p < 0.001; from 79.2% to 63.6%, p < 0.001 respectively). The importance of part-time work and relationships with patients were positively associated with the attractiveness of general practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: During the bachelor\'s program, the attractiveness of a career in general practice tended to decrease, but the importance of part-time work, autonomy and relationships with patients as career determinants increased. Helping students understand how these determinants relate to general practice may increase their interest in the profession.
    BACKGROUND: Not applicable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Modern healthcare systems require the right mix of medical specialties for effective provision of high-quality services. Despite increased availability of general physicians and specialists, Türkiye lags behind high-income countries in terms of availability of specialists. The purpose of the study is to identify several specific factors that affect the choice of medical specialization.
    METHODS: All 350 medical school graduates in a specialty examination preparation bootcamp were requested to participate in the survey and 333 completed the self-administered questionnaire. The survey asked questions about factors affecting choice of medical specialty by medical graduates.
    RESULTS: The empirical results indicate that surgical specialties, compared to other broad medical specializations, are selected because of its higher income-earning potential and social prestige. The likelihood of selecting surgical specialties is negatively affected by rigorousness of the training program, high work-load, risk of malpractice lawsuits and risk of workplace violence. Male participants were 2.8 times more likely to select surgery specialty compared to basic medical science. Basic medical science areas were selected at a higher rate by female graduates and graduates with high level of academic performance in medical schools.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is critically important to improve trust and inter-personal communications between the patients and physicians in all specialties to lower the likelihood of malpractice lawsuits and workplace violence. Policy-makers may adopt policies to affect income earning potential and social prestige of targeted specializations to improve their supply.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted healthcare guidelines and modalities of patient consultation worldwide. The frequent cycles of quarantine confinement in Chile have caused mobility restrictions for patients and physicians, forcing the Hospital Las Higueras de Talcahuano (HHT) to replace the assisted televisit modality with a more classic televisit program. Here we have described if this change in televisit modality and type of outpatient may have impacted patients\' satisfaction.
    METHODS: The patient\'s perception of satisfaction was evaluated through self-administered survey questionnaires previously validated in Spanish. Cohorts were grouped according to the following two relational models: (i) assisted televisit, 503 neurology patients from 2018 to 2019, and (ii) televisit, 831 patients from different specialties treated during 2020. Perception of satisfaction was compared by gender, age, and type of televisit, and internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) and reliability (factorial analysis of principal components) were assessed. Finally, we compared the patient satisfaction of both modalities.
    RESULTS: Questionnaires showed excellent internal consistency; all items showed point biserial correlations greater than 0.30. Assisted televisit and televisit cohorts comprised 64.2% and 67.6% females, respectively, and patients under the age of 65 years were 62.2% and 75%, respectively. Assisted televisit patients showed very high 94.4% (n=475) and high 5.2% (n=26) satisfaction levels, while televisit patients showed very high 22.3% (n=185), high 63.9% (n=531), and moderate 13.1% (n=109) satisfaction levels; this difference was statistically significant at p<0.001.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lower perception of satisfaction due to the change in televisit relational modality underscores the importance of primary care professionals who support the specialist in the assisted televisit model. However, the televisit modality showed high patient satisfaction and suggested that this modality can be a plausible alternative according to each location\'s reality. The results of this study indicate that both assisted televisit and televisit contribute to delivering an integrative solution that helps to alleviate the system\'s fragmentation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the craniofacial structure has demonstrated its usefulness in the dental area during the last decades, thus it has become a fundamental tool in the diagnosis, planning, and evaluation of treatment, and although it was not developed for the exclusive use in dentistry, as it is commonly considered, it is used in other areas such as medicine. It is specifically used in the head and neck area where different medical specialties interact, and at the same time these interact with dental specialties, so knowing the advantages of CBCT over different imaging technologies in the medical area is necessary. The purpose of this review was to describe the applications of observation, diagnosis, planning, and evolution of treatments using maxillofacial HSCT in different medical specialties. This work highlights the use of TCHC in different medical applications and highlights where it is most useful compared to other technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Workforce shortage in healthcare and particularly in physicians poses a threat to healthcare delivery and its quality. In comparison to other OECD countries, Israel currently has a small number of medical graduates relative to its number of physicians, naturally emphasizing the importance of ensuring that this population chooses to remain in medicine. Understanding what is most important to medical students can help improve working conditions in residency. Such information is particularly needed to facilitate policy planning that will encourage the next generation of physicians to specialize in medical fields that are experiencing shortages. We hypothesized that between 2009/2010 and 2020, there were significant changes in medical students\' preferences regarding their considerations for choosing a medical specialty.
    METHODS: We compared cross-sectional data from questionnaire-based surveys of 5th year medical students performed in 2009-2010 and 2020 at two Israeli universities.
    RESULTS: Of the 335 medical students who responded (237 and 98 in 2009/2010 and 2020, respectively) those in 2020 were 2.26 less likely vs. those in 2009/2010, to choose a residency for its high-paying potential (P < 0.05), and had significantly more interest in residencies with greater teaching opportunity (98.8% vs 82.9%, P < 0.05), increased responsibility and chances to make clinical decisions on their own (67.9% vs 51.6%, P < 0.05). Criteria important to both the 2009/2010 and 2020 students were choosing a bedside specialty (70.2%vs 67.9%, NS), and an interesting and challenging specialty (95.2%v s 91.3%, NS).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results partially supported our hypothesis that medical students\' preferences have changed over the years, though there are fundamental factors that apparently reflect medical students\' nature that do not change over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A detailed, unbiased perspective of the inter-relations among medical fields could help students make informed decisions on their future career plans. Using a data-driven approach, the inter-relations among different medical fields were decomposed and clustered based on the similarity of their working environments.Publicly available, aggregate databases were merged into a single rich dataset containing demographic, working environment and remuneration information for physicians across Canada. These data were collected from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Canadian Medical Association, and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, primarily from 2018 to 2019. The merged dataset includes 25 unique medical specialties, each with 36 indicator variables. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to group specialties into distinct clusters based on relatedness.The 25 medical specialties were decomposed into seven clusters (latent variables) that were chosen based on the Bayesian Information Criterion. The Kruskal-Wallis test identified eight indicator variables that significantly differed between the seven profiles. These variables included income, work settings and payment styles. Variables that did not significantly vary between profiles included demographics, professional satisfaction, and work-life balance satisfaction.The 25 analyzed medical specialties were grouped in an unsupervised manner into seven profiles via LPA. These profiles correspond to expected and meaningful groups of specialties that share a common theme and set of indicator variables (e.g. procedurally-focused, clinic-based practice). These profiles can help aspiring physicians narrow down and guide specialty choice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective Choosing a medical specialty is one of the most critical career decisions medical students and interns make. However, little is known about the factors these graduates consider when choosing their specialty. Our study assessed factors that medical students and interns consider when determining their specialty. Methods This is a cross-sectional survey-based study, conducted from November to December 2022. We utilized a previously published questionnaire for 1074 participants, including 837 medical students and 237 interns from Saudi Arabian universities. Results The majority of female participants (80.4%), compared with only 19.6% of male participants, considered interest in specific procedures and techniques typical of the specialty an important factor in choosing a specialty (p = 0.036). Dissertation research experience was an important factor for 83.5% of female participants and 16.5% of male participants (p = 0.024). Additionally, good quality teaching within the study program framework was important for 81.2% of female participants and 18.8% of male participants (p = 0.033), suggesting that male and female participants viewed the importance of good quality teaching differently. Female participants accounted for 80% of those who considered the overseas experience a factor in their specialty choice. Also, 74.4% of female and 25.6% of male participants considered friends, relatives, or other connections in the healthcare field a factor that affects their choice. Furthermore, 79.6% of female and 20.4% of male participants reported having good experiences with physician role models as an impactful factor in their specialty choice. Conclusion Female participants were most interested in obstetrics and gynecology (12.1%,), internal medicine (11.8%), and family medicine (10.8%). Male participants, on the other hand, showed more interest in family medicine (12.7%,), internal medicine (11.0%), and emergency medicine (10.1%). Medical schools and healthcare institutions must provide students and interns with enough information and resources to help them explore different specialties and make well-informed decisions about their careers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study describes medical specialty preferences expressed by medical students at a regional university in northern Chile. This descriptive study is based on primary information with a sample of 266 valid responses and a response rate of 58.7%. The information was collected through a Google Forms questionnaire before voluntary consent of participation from May to July 2022. We found that the medical specialties preferred by the Universidad Católica del Norte students were clinical specialties, including internal medicine, and medical-surgical specialties, including emergency medicine and gynecology-obstetrics. Women markedly predominated in child and adolescent psychiatry, gynecology-obstetrics, pediatric surgery, pediatrics, and family medicine, while men predominated in radiology and anesthesiology, both associated with indirect patient interaction. We also found that surgical specialties, traditionally preferred by men, could be in the process of generational change, as there is an increase in the presence of women, especially in general surgery.
    En este trabajo se describen las preferencias de elección de especialidad médica que manifiestan los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina de una universidad regional del norte de Chile. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo basado en información primaria con una muestra de 266 respuestas válidas, con una tasa de respuesta de 58,7%. La información se recogió a través de un cuestionario disponible en Google Forms, previo consentimiento voluntario de participación, durante los meses de mayo a julio de 2022. Se encontró que las especialidades médicas preferidas por los estudiantes de la Universidad Católica del Norte fueron las especialidades clínicas como medicina interna y las médico-quirúrgicas como medicina de urgencias y ginecología-obstetricia. Además, existen especialidades con un claro predominio femenino como psiquiatría infanto-adolescente, ginecología-obstetricia, cirugía pediátrica, pediatría y medicina familiar, mientras que el predominio masculino destaca en radiología y anestesiología, ambas asociadas a un trato indirecto con el paciente. Se observó que las especialidades quirúrgicas, tradicionalmente preferidas por hombres, podrían estar en proceso de cambio generacional, aumentando la presencia femenina en ellas, sobre todo en cirugía general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to analyze the scenario of medical residency programs (MRPs) in the north region of Brazil as well as the contextual determinants (socioeconomic, structural, and epidemiological) influencing the number of MRPs in this region. An ecological study was conducted using MRPs data from 2022. This study used multiple data sources. MRP indicators were described based on the Brazilian state and specialty. The dependent variable was the number of MRPs. The independent variables included sociodemographic, structural, and epidemiological factors. Poisson regression was performed to analyze the association between contextual variables and the number of MRPs. The results showed that only 3.6% of the municipalities had authorized MRPs. The idleness rate in the region was 46.0%, with family and community medicine as the specialties with the greatest idleness. The total density of authorized vacancies in the MRPs was 14.0 vacancies per 100,000 inhabitants. The models showed that with each increase of one unit of the vulnerability index (Socioeconomic Index in the Geographic Context for Health Studies-GeoSES), the number of MRPs increased, ranging from 8122 (p value < 0.001) to 11,138 (p value < 0.001). With each increase in undergraduate degrees in medicine, the number of MRPs increased by 0.945 (p value < 0.001). With each increase of 1 physician per 1000 population, the number of MRPs increased from 0.537 (p value < 0.001) to 0.845 (p value < 0.001). With each increase of one unit in general hospitals, specialized hospitals, teaching hospitals, and primary healthcare units, the number of MRPs increased by 0.176 (p value < 0.001), 0.168 (p value < 0.001), 0.022 (p value < 0.001) and 0.032 (p value < 0.001), respectively. Finally, with each increase of one death per 100,000 inhabitants, the overall mortality rate increased, ranging from 0.006 (p value < 0.001) to 0.022 (p value < 0.001). The study showed a low supply of MRPs in the northern region, a high rate of idleness, and important socioeconomic, structural, and epidemiological determinants of the number of MRPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The future composition of a country\'s physician workforce depends on medical students\' choices of specialties. Students\' familiarity with the job market (the healthcare system) they are about to enter and the influence job market conditions have on their choices has not been well explored. This study focuses on whether and how the healthcare system\'s employment landscape is taken into consideration by medical students and whether this facet adds information about the specialty selection process.
    Fifth-year medical students completed a questionnaire querying their knowledge and perceptions of the national healthcare system, selection criteria for choosing a specialty and a post-residency work position. Data were analyzed with two-tailed Student\'s t-tests and multivariable regression analysis.
    The questionnaire was completed by 242 students (49% women). Forty per cent were interested in a specialty where it is \'easy to find work\' and 64% in a specialty that \'provides job security\'. Only 12% were attracted to specialties with empty positions due to a workforce shortage. A high salary was considered an important selection criterion by 45% of students, who were also not deterred by specialties with surplus workforce, especially, if accompanied by high salaries or controllable lifestyles. Only 17% thought it would be easy to find a residency in any hospital in the specialty they chose, reflecting the low rate (3%) of positive responses to the statement that \'there are sufficient residency positions in all specialties\'.
    This study demonstrated the utility of querying medical students about their market awareness when investigating the specialty selection process. Students\' poor rating of selection criteria, such as specialties with ease in finding jobs because they are suffering workforce shortages and have empty positions, provide insights and concerns for healthcare leaders. It should aid them in approaching the challenge of attracting students to specialties with workforce shortfalls.KEY MESSAGESThis study demonstrated the feasibility and potential value of adding queries about market awareness when investigating the medical student specialty selection process.Medical students were more interested in a specialty that provides job security than one where it is easy to find work.It could be useful for the healthcare leadership and medical educators in all countries to learn what medical students know about their national healthcare system and whether they need to add more healthcare delivery and system subjects to their curricula.





