
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since coverage intervals are widely used expressions of measurement uncertainty, this contribution reviews coverage intervals as defined in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), and compares them against the principal types of probabilistic intervals that are commonly used in applied statistics and in measurement science. Although formally identical to conventional confidence intervals for means, the GUM interprets coverage intervals more as if they were Bayesian credible intervals, or tolerance intervals. We focus, in particular, on a common misunderstanding about the intervals derived from the results of the Monte Carlo method of the GUM Supplement 1 (GUM-S1), and offer a novel interpretation for these intervals that we believe will foster realistic expectations about what they can deliver, and how and when they can be useful in practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The feasibility of a pedicled flexor digitorum superficialis muscle flap was studied in 10 fresh cadavers. The number, length and distance from the flexion wrist crease of muscular branches from the ulnar artery in the distal 10 cm of the forearm were recorded. The mean number of muscular branches was 2.7 (range 1-4). The mean distance of the most distal branch was 35 mm (range 26-40) from the proximal wrist flexion crease. Its mean length was 20 mm (range 16-26). A partial muscle flap was raised on the most distal branch and transposed over the median nerve in the distal forearm. Dissection and transposition of this flap were feasible in all specimens. The reliable pattern of muscular branches to the flexor digitorum superficialis allows the elevation of a pedicled partial muscle flap that can cover the median nerve in the distal forearm.Level of evidence: V.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Intraoperative mapping of the nervous system is used to identify \"eloquent\" cortical areas. In this technical report, we describe a novel way of mapping the somatosensory cortex so that injury to those critical pathways can be avoided.
    METHODS: An 8-year-old female with drug resistant epilepsy presented for resection of a right posterior parietal focal cortical dysplasia. Left median nerve stimulation was used to record somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) directly from the somatosensory cortex with a strip electrode. A handheld monopolar electrode was also used to record both the median and tibial SEP. Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil was used.
    RESULTS: SEP recordings were obtained from a 4-contact strip electrode placed across the central sulcus. A phase reversal was identified and the most likely post central gyrus was noted. With the strip electrode left in place, a monopolar handheld electrode was used to record the median nerve SEPs from different locations on the postcentral gyrus. The tibial nerve was also stimulated to record where the highest amplitude tibial nerve SEP was present. This map was used delineate functionally \"eloquent\" areas to avoid during surgery. During resection, the median nerve SEP was recorded from the strip electrode continuously. No significant change in the SEP was noted, and the patient awoke without any sensory deficits.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sensory mapping of the cortex is possible with a handheld monopolar electrode. This technique is easy to perform and can help reduce neurological morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A side effect of spinal anesthesia is post-dural puncture backache (PDPB), which is characterized by ongoing discomfort at the location of the spinal puncture without any radicular pain. This study aims to compare the incidence and severity of post-dural puncture back pain following spinal anesthesia by median versus paramedian technique in obese female patients.
    METHODS:  A prospective randomized comparative study on 120 female patients, aged 20-50 years with a BMI of 30-40 kg/m2 and American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status II, scheduled for elective surgery under spinal anesthesia, was included in the study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups, with 60 patients in each group. Group P uses the paramedian approach for spinal anesthesia, and group M uses the midline approach for spinal anesthesia.
    RESULTS: Low back pain incidence was lower in group P than in group M at seven days, but at one month and after, its incidence remained the same in both groups. No difference in the severity of pain was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of back pain in the first seven days of surgery was significantly more frequent with the median approach. The pain severity decreased as the time passed from day seven to three months of follow-up. There is no difference in the severity of pain with either approach at different intervals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To estimate the unknown population median, several researchers have developed efficient estimators but these estimators are unable to provide efficient results in the existence of outliers. Keeping this point in view, the present work suggests enhanced class of robust estimators to estimate population median under simple random sampling in case of outliers/extreme observations. The suggested estimators are a mixture of bivariate auxiliary information and robust measures with the linear combination of deciles mean, tri-mean and Hodges Lehmann estimator. Mathematical properties associated with the improved class of robust estimators are evaluated in terms of bias and mean squared error. Moreover, the potentiality of our suggested estimators as compared to already available estimators is checked by considering two real-life data sets with outlier(s). In addition, a simulation study is also added in this regard. From theoretical and numerical findings, it is observed that our newly suggested estimators outperforms as compared to its competitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal of phase II clinical trials is to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a new drug. Some investigators want to use the time-to-event endpoint as the primary endpoint of the phase II study to see the improvement of the therapeutic efficacy of a new drug in median survival time. Recently, median event time test (METT) has been proposed to provide a simple and straightforward rule which compares the observed median survival time with the prespecified threshold. However, median survival time would not be observed during the trial if the drug performs well and indeed cures most patients or if the accrual rate is so fast. To address the issues in clinical practice, we first propose a percentile event time test (PETT), which generalizes METT to any percentile of the survival time, and develop data-driven monitoring for phase II clinical trial designs based on PETT. We evaluate the performance of the method through simulations and illustrate the proposed method with a trial example.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    When performing an aggregate data meta-analysis of a continuous outcome, researchers often come across primary studies that report the sample median of the outcome. However, standard meta-analytic methods typically cannot be directly applied in this setting. In recent years, there has been substantial development in statistical methods to incorporate primary studies reporting sample medians in meta-analysis, yet there are currently no comprehensive software tools implementing these methods. In this paper, we present the metamedian R package, a freely available and open-source software tool for meta-analyzing primary studies that report sample medians. We summarize the main features of the software and illustrate its application through real data examples involving risk factors for a severe course of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical trials play a critical role in drug development which involves a series of phases and requires a significant amount of time and effort. Efficient clinical trial designs are necessary to investigate a new drug. Investigators strongly desire to use the time-to-event endpoint as the primary endpoint for Phase II studies, which evaluates the therapeutic efficacy of the new drug, with the hypothesis that the new drug improves the median survival time. The one-sample log-rank test has been used for single-arm Phase II trials, but it generally requires more samples. Recently, the median event time test was proposed to provide a simple, straightforward decision rule, which compares the observed median survival time for the new drug with the threshold, which is determined through the numerical search. We improve the computation of the method for the two-stage design of single-arm clinical trials based on the median event time test. By utilizing the large sample theory of order statistics, we provide the explicit formulas to calculate the sample size for the first and second stages and propose the testing procedure. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through simulations and a trial example.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: DTI characterizes tissue microstructure and provides proxy measures of nerve health. Echo-planar imaging is a popular method of acquiring DTI but is susceptible to various artifacts (e.g., susceptibility, motion, and eddy currents), which may be ameliorated via preprocessing. There are many pipelines available but limited data comparing their performance, which provides the rationale for this study.
    METHODS: DTI was acquired from the upper limb of heathy volunteers at 3T in blip-up and blip-down directions. Data were independently corrected using (i) FSL\'s TOPUP & eddy, (ii) FSL\'s TOPUP, (iii) DSI Studio, and (iv) TORTOISE. DTI metrics were extracted from the median, radial, and ulnar nerves and compared (between pipelines) using mixed-effects linear regression. The geometric similarity of corrected b = 0 images and the slice matched T1-weighted (T1w) images were computed using the Sörenson-Dice coefficient.
    RESULTS: Without preprocessing, the similarity coefficient of the blip-up and blip-down datasets to the T1w was 0·80 and 0·79, respectively. Preprocessing improved the geometric similarity by 1% with no difference between pipelines. Compared to TOPUP & eddy, DSI Studio and TORTOISE generated 2% and 6% lower estimates of fractional anisotropy, and 6% and 13% higher estimates of radial diffusivity, respectively. Estimates of anisotropy from TOPUP & eddy versus TOPUP were not different but TOPUP reduced radial diffusivity by 3%. The agreement of DTI metrics between pipelines was poor.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preprocessing DTI from the upper limb improves geometric similarity but the choice of the pipeline introduces clinically important variability in diffusion parameter estimates from peripheral nerves.





