marker proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVNFH) is a progressive, multifactorial, and challenging clinical disease that causes hip pain and loss of hip joint function. Till now, the pathogenesis of AVNFH was not fully understood. In this study, we characterized cartilage protein profiles of patients with AVNFH and identified the potential proteins involved in the progress of AVNFH using proteomics technique.
    METHODS: Proteins from the cartilage of 6 patients (3 AVNFH patients and 3 fracture patients) were extracted and identified using label-free proteomics. AVNFH-responsive proteins were compared with those of the fracture patients and duly identified. Bioinformatics analyses including gene ontology (GO), KEGG, and STRING were performed to identify the functions of AVNFH-responsive proteins.
    RESULTS: A total of 1512 proteins were identified from cartilage tissues of the patients. Compared to fracture patients, 255 significantly changed proteins were identified in cartilage tissues of patients with AVNFH. Functional categorization indicated that the significantly changed proteins were mainly involved in ECM-receptor interaction, focal adhesion, and glycolysis pathways. Interestingly, adipocyte enhancer-binding protein 1, cytoskeleton-associated protein 4, and ASPN protein were dramatically decreased, however, anti leukoproteinase, erythrocyte membrane protein, and lysozyme c were highly increased in patients with AVNFH.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current proteomic results suggest that ECM-receptor interaction and focal adhesion related proteins contribute to development of AVNFH. To our knowledge, this is firstly reported proteomic study on cartilage tissues of patients with AVNFH. The marker proteins including caveolae-associated protein 3 and procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 could help us to understand the pathogenesis of AVNFH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of subcellular membrane structure and function facilitates investigations into how biological processes are divided within the cell. However, work in this area has been hampered by the limited techniques available to fractionate the different membranes. Free Flow Electrophoresis (FFE) allows for the fractionation of membranes based on their different surface charges, a property made up primarily of their varied lipid and protein compositions. In this study, high-resolution plant membrane fractionation by FFE, combined with mass spectrometry-based proteomics, allowed the simultaneous profiling of multiple cellular membranes from the leaf tissue of the plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Comparisons of the fractionated membranes\' protein profile to that of known markers for specific cellular compartments sheds light on the functions of proteins, as well as provides new evidence for multiple subcellular localization of several proteins, including those involved in lipid metabolism.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review presents the current progress in and approaches to in vitro conservation of reproductive cells of animals, including birds, such as cryopreservation and freeze-drying, as well as epigenetic conditions for restoring viable spermatozoa and female gametes after conservation. Cryopreservation is an effective way to preserve reproductive cells of various species of animals and birds. In vitro gene pool conservation is aimed primarily to the restoration of extinct breeds and populations and to the support of genetic diversity in populations prone to genetic drift. It is the combination of ex situ in vivo and ex situ in vitro methods that can form the basic principles of the strategy of animal genetic diversity preservation. Also, use of cryopreserved semen allows faster breeding in industrial poultry farming. Despite numerous advances in semen cryobiology, new methods that can more efficiently restore semen fertility after cryopreservation are being sought. The mechanisms underlying the effect of cryopreservation on the semen parameters of cocks are insufficiently understood. The review reflects the results of recent research in the field of cryopreservation of female and male germ cells, embryonic cells, the search for new ways in the field of genetic diversity in vitro (the development of new cryoprotective media and new conservation technologies: freeze-drying). Molecular aspects of cryopreservation and the mechanisms of cryopreservation influence on the epigenetic state of cells are highlighted. Data on the results of studies in the field of male reproductive cell lyophilization are presented. The freeze-drying of reproductive cells, as a technology for cheaper access to the genetic material of wild and domestic animals, compared to cryopreservation, attracts the attention of scientists in Japan, Israel, Egypt, Spain, and France. There is growing interest in the use of lyophilized semen in genetic engineering technologies. Methods of freeze-drying are developed taking into account the species of birds. Organizational and legal ways of solving the problems of in vitro conservation of genetic resources of farm animals, including birds, are proposed.
    Настоящий обзор представляет современные достижения и подходы по сохранению репродуктивных клеток животных in vitro, такие как криоконсервация и лиофилизация, а также эпигенетические предпосылки для получения жизнеспособных сперматозоидов и женских гамет после реконсервации. Криоконсервация – эффективный путь сохранения репродуктивных клеток различных видов сельскохозяйственных животных, включая птиц. Метод сохранения генофонда in vitro через поддержание в криогенных условиях клеток или тканей в основном направлен на восстановление исчезнувших пород/популяций, на поддержание генетического разнообразия в популяциях, подверженных генетическому дрейфу. Именно сочетание методов ex situ in vivo и ex situ in vitro может сформировать основу эффективной стратегии сохранения генетического разнообразия животных. Кроме того, использование криконсервированного семени лучших представителей линии или породы позволяет ускорить прогресс селекции в промышленном птицеводстве. Несмотря на многочисленные достижения в области криобиологии половых клеток, продолжается поиск методов, обеспечивающих более эффективное восстановление жизнеспособности спермиев после криоконсервации. Механизмы, лежащие в основе влияния процедуры криоконсервации на параметры семени сельскохозяйственных птиц, полностью не изучены. В обзоре отражены результаты современных исследований в области проблематики криоконсервации женских и мужских половых клеток, эмбриональных клеток, поиска новых путей решения в области сохранения генетического разнообразия in vitro (разработка новых криопротекторных сред и новых технологий сохранения). Освещены молекулярно-генетические аспекты криоконсервации и механизмы влияния криоконсервации на эпигенетическое состояние клеток. Представлены данные по результатам исследований в области лиофильной сушки репродуктивных клеток самцов. Интерес к технологии лиофилизации семени как возможности более дешевого способа сохранения и транспортировки генетического материала диких и домашних животных, по сравнению с криоконсервацией, в мире стремительно растет; исследования ведутся в Японии, Израиле, Египте, Испании, Франции. Растет и интерес к использованию лиофилизированного семени в технологиях генной инженерии. Методы лиофильной сушки разрабатываются с учетом видовой принадлежности. В обзоре предложены также организационно-правовые пути решения проблемы сохранения генетических ресурсов сельскохозяйственных животных, включая птиц, in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Human Protein Atlas is a website of protein expression in human tissues. It is an excellent resource of tissue and cell type protein localization, but only allows the query of a single protein at a time. We introduce HPAStainR as a new Shiny app and Bioconductor/R package used to query the scored staining patterns in the Human Protein Atlas with multiple proteins/genes of interest. This allows the user to determine if an experimentally-generated protein/gene list associates with a particular cell type. We validated the tool using the Panglao Database cell type specific marker genes and a Genotype Expression (GTEx) tissue deconvolution dataset.  HPAStainR identified 92% of the Panglao cell types in the top quartile of confidence scores limited to tissue type of origin results. It also appropriately identified the correct cell types from the GTEx dataset. HPAStainR fills a gap in available bioinformatics tools to identify cell type protein expression patterns and can assist in establishing ground truths and exploratory analysis. HPAStainR is available from:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diarrheal type of food poisoning caused by enteropathogenic Bacillus cereus has been linked to various exotoxins. Best described are the non-hemolytic enterotoxin (Nhe), hemolysin BL (Hbl), and cytotoxin K (CytK). Due to the ubiquitous prevalence of B. cereus in soil and crops and its ability to form highly resistant endospores, contaminations during food production and processing cannot be completely avoided. Although phylogenetically closely related, enteropathogenic B. cereus strains show a high versatility of their toxic potential. Thus, functional tools for evaluating the pathogenic potential are urgently needed in order to predict hazardous food contaminations. As the diarrheal syndrome is the result of a toxico-infection with enterotoxin production in the intestine, the entire passage of the bacteria within the host, from spore survival in the stomach, spore germination, host cell adherence, and motility, to enterotoxin production under simulated intestinal conditions was compared in a panel of 20 strains, including high pathogenic as well as apathogenic ones. This approach resulted in an overarching virulence analysis scheme. In parallel, we searched for potential toxico-specific secreted markers to discriminate low and high pathogenic strains. To this end, we targeted known exotoxins using an easy to implement immunoblotting approach as well as a caseinolytic exoprotease activity assay. Overall, Nhe component B, sphingomyelinase, and exoproteases showed good correlation with the complex virulence analysis scheme and can serve as a template for future fast and easy risk assessment tools to be implemented in routine diagnostic procedures and HACCP studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male exposure to cigarette smoke is associated with seminal defects and with congenital anomalies and childhood cancers in offspring. In mice, paternal exposure to cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) causes molecular defects in germ cells and phenotypic effects in their offspring. Here we used an ex vivo testicular explant model and in vivo exposure to determine the concentration at which CSC impairs spermatogenesis and offspring development. We explanted testis tissue at postnatal day (P)5.5 and cultured it until P11.5. Assessment of growth parameters by analyzing expression of cell-specific markers revealed that the explant system maintained structural and functional integrity. We exposed the P5.5 to -11.5 explants to various concentrations (40-160 µg/ml) of CSC and confirmed that nicotine in the CSC was metabolized to cotinine. We assessed various growth and differentiation parameters, as well as testosterone production, and observed that many spermatogenesis features were impaired at 160 µg/ml CSC. The same parameters were impaired by a similar CSC concentration in vivo Finally, females mated to males that were exposed to 160 µg/ml CSC neonatally had increased rates of pup resorption. We conclude that male exposure to CSC impairs offspring development and that the concentration at which CSC impairs spermatogenesis is similar in vivo and ex vivo. Given that the concentrations of CSC we used contained similar doses of nicotine as human smokers are exposed to, we argue that our model mimics human male reproductive effects of smoking.-Esakky, P., Hansen, D. A., Drury, A. M., Felder, P., Cusumano, A., Moley, K. H. Testicular cells exhibit similar molecular responses to cigarette smoke condensate ex vivo and in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian habenula with its medial and lateral complexes has gained much interest in recent years, while knowledge on the detailed biological functions of these nuclei is still scarce. Novel strategies to differentiate and identify habenular cell types are required. Such attempts have largely failed, most likely due to the lack of appropriate molecular markers. One important tool to approach this dilemma is available in form of the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA), which provides detailed expression patterns of many genes in the mouse brain. In the present report, ABA tools in combination with visual inspection of ISH images were used to detect transcripts, which are strongly expressed in medial (MHb) and lateral (LHb) habenular complexes. Against our expectations, most transcripts were differentially distributed throughout the LHb, disregarding boundaries of subnuclear areas. Nine distinct distribution patterns were recognized. Yet, several transcripts could not be attributed to one of these, suggesting a high diversity of neuron types in the LHb. In the MHb, in contrast, many transcripts tended to obey subnuclear boundaries. The differential distribution of others like Adcyap1, Chrna3, or Trp53i11 suggests the presence of a novel subfield adjacent to the region of the MHbVm, which now is termed intermediate field of the ventral MHb. In addition, the localizations of Amigo2, Adcyap1, and a couple of other transcripts suggest a lateral extension of the MHb, which is here, termed HbX area. Apparently, this area is composed of intermingled MHb and LHb neurons and may allow functional interaction between the both habenular complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacillus licheniformis is known for its high protein secretion capacity and is being applied extensively as a host for the industrial production of enzymes such as proteases and amylases. In its natural environment as well as in fermentation processes the bacterium is often facing adverse conditions such as oxidative or osmotic stress or starvation for nutrients. During the last years detailed proteome and transcriptome analyses have been performed to study the adaptation of B. licheniformis cells to various stresses (heat, ethanol, oxidative or salt stress) and starvation conditions (glucose, nitrogen or phosphate starvation). A common feature of the response to all tested conditions is the downregulation of many genes encoding house-keeping proteins and, consequently, a reduced synthesis of the corresponding proteins. Induction of the general stress response (σ(B) regulon) is only observed in cells subjected to heat, ethanol or salt stress. This paper summarizes our current knowledge on general and specific stress and starvation responses of this important industrial bacterium. The importance of selected marker genes and proteins for the monitoring and optimization of B. licheniformis based fermentation processes is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of schizophrenia does not have a clear objective test at present, so we aimed to identify the potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of schizophrenia by comparison of serum protein profiling between first-episode schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. The combination of a magnetic bead separation system with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS) was used to analyze the serum protein spectra of 286 first-episode patients with schizophrenia, 41 chronic disease patients and 304 healthy controls. FlexAnlysis 3.0 and ClinProTools(TM) 2.1 software was used to establish a diagnostic model for schizophrenia. The results demonstrated that 10 fragmented peptides demonstrated an optimal discriminatory performance. Among these fragmented peptides, the peptide with m/z 1206.58 was identified as a fragment of fibrinopeptide A. Receiver operating characteristic analysis for m/z 1206.58 showed that the area under the curve was 0.981 for schizophrenia vs healthy controls, and 0.999 for schizophrenia vs other chronic disease controls. From our result, we consider that the analysis of serum protein spectrum using the magnetic bead separation system and MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS is an objective diagnostic tool. We conclude that fibrinopeptide A has the potential to be a biomarker for diagnosis of schizophrenia. This protein may also help to elucidate schizophrenia disease pathogenesis.





