malware detection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The combination of memory forensics and deep learning for malware detection has achieved certain progress, but most existing methods convert process dump to images for classification, which is still based on process byte feature classification. After the malware is loaded into memory, the original byte features will change. Compared with byte features, function call features can represent the behaviors of malware more robustly. Therefore, this article proposes the ProcGCN model, a deep learning model based on DGCNN (Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Network), to detect malicious processes in memory images. First, the process dump is extracted from the whole system memory image; then, the Function Call Graph (FCG) of the process is extracted, and feature vectors for the function node in the FCG are generated based on the word bag model; finally, the FCG is input to the ProcGCN model for classification and detection. Using a public dataset for experiments, the ProcGCN model achieved an accuracy of 98.44% and an F1 score of 0.9828. It shows a better result than the existing deep learning methods based on static features, and its detection speed is faster, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the method based on function call features and graph representation learning in memory forensics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing usage of interconnected devices within the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT) has significantly enhanced efficiency and utility in both personal and industrial settings but also heightened cybersecurity vulnerabilities, particularly through IoT malware. This paper explores the use of one-class classification, a method of unsupervised learning, which is especially suitable for unlabeled data, dynamic environments, and malware detection, which is a form of anomaly detection. We introduce the TF-IDF method for transforming nominal features into numerical formats that avoid information loss and manage dimensionality effectively, which is crucial for enhancing pattern recognition when combined with n-grams. Furthermore, we compare the performance of multi-class vs. one-class classification models, including Isolation Forest and deep autoencoder, that are trained with both benign and malicious NetFlow samples vs. trained exclusively on benign NetFlow samples. We achieve 100% recall with precision rates above 80% and 90% across various test datasets using one-class classification. These models show the adaptability of unsupervised learning, especially one-class classification, to the evolving malware threats in the IoT domain, offering insights into enhancing IoT security frameworks and suggesting directions for future research in this critical area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid expansion of AI-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) devices presents significant security challenges, impacting both privacy and organizational resources. The dynamic increase in big data generated by IoT devices poses a persistent problem, particularly in making decisions based on the continuously growing data. To address this challenge in a dynamic environment, this study introduces a specialized BERT-based Feed Forward Neural Network Framework (BEFNet) designed for IoT scenarios. In this evaluation, a novel framework with distinct modules is employed for a thorough analysis of 8 datasets, each representing a different type of malware. BEFSONet is optimized using the Spotted Hyena Optimizer (SO), highlighting its adaptability to diverse shapes of malware data. Thorough exploratory analyses and comparative evaluations underscore BEFSONet\'s exceptional performance metrics, achieving 97.99% accuracy, 97.96 Matthews Correlation Coefficient, 97% F1-Score, 98.37% Area under the ROC Curve(AUC-ROC), and 95.89 Cohen\'s Kappa. This research positions BEFSONet as a robust defense mechanism in the era of IoT security, offering an effective solution to evolving challenges in dynamic decision-making environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Internet has become a vital source of knowledge and communication in recent times. Continuous technological advancements have changed the way businesses operate, and everyone today lives in the digital world of engineering. Because of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications, people\'s impressions of the information revolution have improved. Malware detection and categorization are becoming more of a problem in the cybersecurity world. As a result, strong security on the Internet could protect billions of internet users from harmful behavior. In malware detection and classification techniques, several types of deep learning models are used; however, they still have limitations. This study will explore malware detection and classification elements using modern machine learning (ML) approaches, including K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Extra Tree (ET), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), and neural network Multilayer Perceptron (nnMLP). The proposed study uses the publicly available dataset UNSWNB15. In our proposed work, we applied the feature encoding method to convert our dataset into purely numeric values. After that, we applied a feature selection method named Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) based on entropy for the best feature selection. The dataset is then balanced and provided to the ML models for classification. The study concludes that Random Forest, out of all tested ML models, yielded the best accuracy of 97.68 %.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the number and sophistication of malware attacks on computer systems have increased significantly. One technique employed by malware authors to evade detection and analysis, known as Heaven\'s Gate, enables 64-bit code to run within a 32-bit process. Heaven\'s Gate exploits a feature in the operating system that allows the transition from a 32-bit mode to a 64-bit mode during execution, enabling the malware to evade detection by security software designed to monitor only 32-bit processes. Heaven\'s Gate poses significant challenges for existing security tools, including dynamic binary instrumentation (DBI) tools, widely used for program analysis, unpacking, and de-virtualization. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the Heaven\'s Gate technique. We also propose a novel approach to bypass the Heaven\'s Gate technique using black-box testing. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach effectively bypasses and prevents the Heaven\'s Gate technique and strengthens the capabilities of DBI tools in combating advanced malware threats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-quality datasets are crucial for building realistic and high-performance supervised malware detection models. Currently, one of the major challenges of machine learning-based solutions is the scarcity of datasets that are both representative and of high quality. To foster future research and provide updated and public data for comprehensive evaluation and comparison of existing classifiers, we introduce the MH-100K dataset [1], an extensive collection of Android malware information comprising 101,975 samples. It encompasses a main CSV file with valuable metadata, including the SHA256 hash (APK\'s signature), file name, package name, Android\'s official compilation API, 166 permissions, 24,417 API calls, and 250 intents. Moreover, the MH-100K dataset features an extensive collection of files containing useful metadata of the VirusTotal1 analysis. This repository of information can serve future research by enabling the analysis of antivirus scan result patterns to discern the prevalence and behaviour of various malware families. Such analysis can help to extend existing malware taxonomies, the identification of novel variants, and the exploration of malware evolution over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Internet of Things (IoT) environment demands a malware detection (MD) framework for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access. The study intends to develop an image-based MD framework. The authors apply image conversion and enhancement techniques to convert malware binaries into RGB images. You only look once (Yolo V7) is employed for extracting the key features from the malware images. Harris Hawks optimization is used to optimize the DenseNet161 model to classify images into malware and benign. IoT malware and Virusshare datasets are utilized to evaluate the proposed framework\'s performance. The outcome reveals that the proposed framework outperforms the current MD framework. The framework generates the outcome at an accuracy and F1-score of 98.65 and 98.5 and 97.3 and 96.63 for IoT malware and Virusshare datasets, respectively. In addition, it achieves an area under the receiver operating characteristics and the precision-recall curve of 0.98 and 0.85 and 0.97 and 0.84 for IoT malware and Virusshare datasets, accordingly. The study\'s outcome reveals that the proposed framework can be deployed in the IoT environment to protect the resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Machine Learning, the datasets used to build models are one of the main factors limiting what these models can achieve and how good their predictive performance is. Machine Learning applications for cyber-security or computer security are numerous including cyber threat mitigation and security infrastructure enhancement through pattern recognition, real-time attack detection, and in-depth penetration testing. Therefore, for these applications in particular, the datasets used to build the models must be carefully thought to be representative of real-world data. However, because of the scarcity of labelled data and the cost of manually labelling positive examples, there is a growing corpus of literature utilizing Semi-Supervised Learning with cyber-security data repositories. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of publicly available data repositories and datasets used for building computer security or cyber-security systems based on Semi-Supervised Learning, where only a few labels are necessary or available for building strong models. We highlight the strengths and limitations of the data repositories and sets and provide an analysis of the performance assessment metrics used to evaluate the built models. Finally, we discuss open challenges and provide future research directions for using cyber-security datasets and evaluating models built upon them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tremendous growth in online activity and the Internet of Things (IoT) led to an increase in cyberattacks. Malware infiltrated at least one device in almost every household. Various malware detection methods that use shallow or deep IoT techniques were discovered in recent years. Deep learning models with a visualization method are the most commonly and popularly used strategy in most works. This method has the benefit of automatically extracting features, requiring less technical expertise, and using fewer resources during data processing. Training deep learning models that generalize effectively without overfitting is not feasible or appropriate with large datasets and complex architectures. In this paper, a novel ensemble model, Stacked Ensemble-autoencoder, GRU, and MLP or SE-AGM, composed of three light-weight neural network models-autoencoder, GRU, and MLP-that is trained on the 25 essential and encoded extracted features of the benchmark MalImg dataset for classification was proposed. The GRU model was tested for its suitability in malware detection due to its lesser usage in this domain. The proposed model used a concise set of malware features for training and classifying the malware classes, which reduced the time and resource consumption in comparison to other existing models. The novelty lies in the stacked ensemble method where the output of one intermediate model works as input for the next model, thereby refining the features as compared to the general notion of an ensemble approach. Inspiration was drawn from earlier image-based malware detection works and transfer learning ideas. To extract features from the MalImg dataset, a CNN-based transfer learning model that was trained from scratch on domain data was used. Data augmentation was an important step in the image processing stage to investigate its effect on classifying grayscale malware images in the MalImg dataset. SE-AGM outperformed existing approaches on the benchmark MalImg dataset with an average accuracy of 99.43%, demonstrating that our method was on par with or even surpassed them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digitization of most of the services that people use in their everyday life has, among others, led to increased needs for cybersecurity. As digital tools increase day by day and new software and hardware launch out-of-the box, detection of known existing vulnerabilities, or zero-day as they are commonly known, becomes one of the most challenging situations for cybersecurity experts. Zero-day vulnerabilities, which can be found in almost every new launched software and/or hardware, can be exploited instantly by malicious actors with different motives, posing threats for end-users. In this context, this study proposes and describes a holistic methodology starting from the generation of zero-day-type, yet realistic, data in tabular format and concluding to the evaluation of a Neural Network zero-day attacks\' detector which is trained with and without synthetic data. This methodology involves the design and employment of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for synthetically generating a new and larger dataset of zero-day attacks data. The newly generated, by the Zero-Day GAN (ZDGAN), dataset is then used to train and evaluate a Neural Network classifier for zero-day attacks. The results show that the generation of zero-day attacks data in tabular format reaches an equilibrium after about 5000 iterations and produces data that are almost identical to the original data samples. Last but not least, it should be mentioned that the Neural Network model that was trained with the dataset containing the ZDGAN generated samples outperformed the same model when the later was trained with only the original dataset and achieved results of high validation accuracy and minimal validation loss.





