malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS)

恶性高热易感性 ( MHS )
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Ca2+ levels in adult skeletal muscle fibers are mainly controlled by excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, a mechanism that translates action potentials in release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) release channels, i.e. the ryanodine receptors type-1 (RyR1). Calsequestrin (Casq) is a protein that binds large amounts of Ca2+ in the lumen of the SR terminal cisternae, near sites of Ca2+ release. There is general agreement that Casq is not only important for the SR ability to store Ca2+, but also for modulating the opening probability of the RyR Ca2+ release channels. The initial studies: About 20 years ago we generated a mouse model lacking Casq1 (Casq1-null mice), the isoform predominantly expressed in adult fast twitch skeletal muscle. While the knockout was not lethal as expected, lack of Casq1 caused a striking remodeling of membranes of SR and of transverse tubules (TTs), and mitochondrial damage. Functionally, CASQ1-knockout resulted in reduced SR Ca2+ content, smaller Ca2+ transients, and severe SR depletion during repetitive stimulation. The myopathic phenotype of Casq1-null mice: After the initial studies, we discovered that Casq1-null mice were prone to sudden death when exposed to halogenated anaesthetics, heat and even strenuous exercise. These syndromes are similar to human malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) and environmental-exertional heat stroke (HS). We learned that mechanisms underlying these syndromes involved excessive SR Ca2+ leak and excessive production of oxidative species: indeed, mortality and mitochondrial damage were significantly prevented by administration of antioxidants and reduction of oxidative stress. Though, how Casq1-null mice could survive without the most important SR Ca2+ binding protein was a puzzling issue that was not solved. Unravelling the mystery: The mystery was finally solved in 2020, when we discovered that in Casq1-null mice the SR undergoes adaptations that result in constitutively active store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). SOCE is a mechanism that allows skeletal fibers to use external Ca2+ when SR stores are depleted. The post-natal compensatory mechanism that allows Casq1-null mice to survive involves the assembly of new SR-TT junctions (named Ca2+ entry units) containing Stim1 and Orai1, the two proteins that mediate SOCE.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Heat-induced CNS injury has been recognized for more than 50 years but the biological basis for the marked selectivity of CNS damage is currently uncertain. We present clinical, imaging, autopsy and genetic findings of a 14-year-old male who developed fatal cerebellar swelling in the course of a malignant hyperthermia (MH) episode caused by triggering anaesthetics. Unaccustomed intense exercise in the days prior to general anaesthesia was a probable confounding factor for the MH reaction. Autopsy findings demonstrated pronounced degeneration of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Post mortem genetic analysis revealed a mutation (c.6502G>A; p.Val2168Met) in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene previously associated with the MH trait. RYR1 mutations appear to be associated with heat-induced CNS injury in a distribution compatible with known expression pattern of the RyR1 isoform in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Recent exercise in genetically predisposed individuals may prime abnormal muscle prior to general anaesthesia and contribute to the severity of MH reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Central core disease (CCD) is a genetically heterogeneous congenital myopathy, and ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1, gene ID6261) is the only pathogenicity gene until now. Data on mutation characteristics of RYR1 in the Chinese CCD population are scarce. This study searched for mutations in the C-terminal-encoding domain of RYR1 in six Chinese patients with CCD, and identified five missense mutations (N4807F, R4861H, R4893P, G4897D, and I4898T). Among them, N4807F, G4897D were novel while R4861H, R4893P, and I4898T were previously reported. All missense mutations were highly conserved across the species of human, mouse, rabbit, fish, and pig. This study found that mutations could be identified in about 85% CCD patients, even if only the C-terminal-encoding region of RYR1 was screened. Many mutations clustered in exons 100-102.





