maize crop

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water deficiency has been recognized as a major abiotic stress that causes losses in maize crops around the world. The maize crop is very important due to the range of products that are derived from this plant. A potential way to reduce the damages caused by water deficiency in maize crops is through the association with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). To define the mechanisms developed by associative PGPB and AMF in maize that are involved in protection against moderate drought (MD), this study evaluated the biometrical, anatomical, biochemical, and physiological parameters of maize grown under MD and inoculated with different PGPB (Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-V5 and Bacillus sp. strain ZK) and with AMF. The relative water content did not change in the treatments. The association with ZK increased the shoot:total ratio, total dry weight, maximum quantum yield of photosystem II, vascular cylinder thickness, and vascular cylinder area. The Ab-V5 inoculation led to an increment in root dry weight, the area of metaxylem vessel elements, and nitrate reductase activity. The AMF association did not lead to changes in the measured parameters. The results indicate that the association with PGPB is a relevant alternative to contribute to reducing losses in maize crops under drought. However, AMF is not indicated for this crop under drought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biochar (BC) is an organic compound formed by the pyrolysis of organic wastes. Application of BCs as soil amendments has many benefits including carbon sequestration, enhanced soil fertility and sustainable agriculture production. In the present study, we acidified the different BCs prepared from rice straw, rice husk, wheat straw, cotton stalk, poultry manure, sugarcane press mud and vegetable waste; following which, we applied them in a series of pot experiments. Comparisons were made between acidified and non- acidified BCs for their effects on seed germination, soil properties (EC, pH) nutrient contents (P, K, Na) and organic matter. The treatments comprised of a control, and all above-described BCs (acidified as well as non-acidified) applied to soil at the rate of 1% (w/w). The maize crop was selected as a test crop. The results showed that acidified poultry manure BC significantly improved germination percentage, shoot length, and biomass of maize seedlings as compared to other BCs and their respective control plants. However, acidified BCs caused a significant decrease in nutrient contents (P, K, Na) of soil,maize seedlings, and the soil organic matter contents as compared to non- acidified BCs. But when compared with control treatments, all BCs treatments (acidified and non-acidified) delivered higher levels of nutrients and organic matter contents. It was concluded that none of the BCs (acidified and non-acidified) had caused negative effect on soil conditions and growth of maize. In addition, the acidification of BC prior to its application to alkaline soils might had altered soil chemistry and delivered better maize growth. Moving forward, more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of modified BCs on nutrient dynamics in different soils. In addition, the possible effects of BC application timings, application rates, particle size, and crop species have to be evaluated systemtically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taxonomic identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal spores extracted directly from the field is sometimes difficult because spores are often degraded or parasitized by other organisms. Single-spore inoculation of a suitable host plant allows for establishing monosporic cultures of AM fungi. This study aimed to propagate AM fungal spores isolated from maize soil using single spores for morphological characterization. First, trap cultures were established to trigger the sporulation of AM fungal species. Second, trap cultures were established with individual morphotypes by picking up only one spore under a dissecting microscope and transferring it to a small triangle of sterilized filter paper, which was then carefully inoculated below a root from germinated sorghum seeds in each pot and covered with a sterile substrate. All pots were placed in sunbags and maintained in a plant growth room for 120 days. Spores obtained from single spore trap cultures from each treatment, maize after oats (MO), maize after maize (MM), maize after peas (MP), and maize after soybean (MS), were extracted using the sieving method. Healthy spores were selected for morphological analysis. Direct PCR was conducted by crushing spores in RNAlater and applying three sets of primer pairs: ITS1 × ITS4, NS31 × AML2, and SSUmcf and LSUmBr. Nucleotide sequences obtained from Sanger sequencing were aligned on MEGA X. The phylogenetic tree showed that the closest neighbors of the propagated AM fungal species belonged to the genera Claroideoglomus, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, Paraglomus, and Rhizophagus. The morphological characteristics were compared to the descriptive features of described species posted on the INVAM website, and they included Acaulospora cavernata, Diversispora spurca, Funneliformis geosporus, Funneliformis mosseae, Gigaspora clarus, Gigaspora margarita, Glomus macrosporum, Paraglomus occultum, and Rhizophagus intraradices. These findings can provide a great contribution to crop productivity and sustainable management of the agricultural ecosystem. Also, the isolate analyzed could be grouped into efficient promoters of growth and mycorrhization of maize independent of their geographical location.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on nanoparticles (NPs) is gaining great attention in modulating abiotic stress tolerance and improving crop productivity. Therefore, this investigation was carried out to evaluate the effects of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) on growth and biochemical characteristics in two maize hybrids (YH-5427 and FH-1046) grown under normal conditions or subjected to saline stress. A pot-culture experiment was carried out in the Botanical Research Area of \"the University of Lahore\", Lahore, Pakistan, in a completely randomized design. At two phenological stages, both maize hybrids were irrigated with the same amount of distilled water or NaCl solution (EC = 5 dS m-1) and subjected or not to foliar treatment with a suspension of CuO-NPs. The salt stress significantly reduced the photosynthetic parameters (photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance), while the sodium content in the shoot and root increased. The foliar spray with CuO-NPs improved the growth and photosynthetic attributes, along with the N, P, K, Ca, and Mg content in the roots and shoots. However, the maize hybrid YH-5427 responded better than the other hybrid to the saline stress when sprayed with CuO-NPs. Overall, the findings of the current investigation demonstrated that CuO-NPs can help to reduce the adverse effects of salinity stress on maize plants by improving growth and physio-biochemical attributes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production of crops depending on many factors including water, nutrient, soil types, climate and crops types, water stress and drought is in one of the important factors affecting crop productivity. The experiment was conducted in pots to evaluate the effect of biofertilizers (Bacillus simplex) with deficit irrigations on the early development and growth of maize crop under greenhouse condition. Pre sowing seed was inoculated with strain of bacteria (B+/B-) and different irrigation levels (no stress: 100% (I1) and deficit irrigation: 75 (I2), 50 (I3), 25 (I4) % of required water amount to reach pot capacity) was performed. Data was collected on different morphological characteristics and root characteristic of maize crop. Highest plant height (125 cm), stem diameter (18.02 mm), leaf area (350 cm- 2), plant weight (180.42 g in fresh, 73.58 g in dry), root length (92.83 cm) root ((91.70 g in fresh, (28.66 g in dry) weight were recorded in pots applied with 100% irrigation followed by 75%. Bacillus treated plants showed significant increase in leaf area (214.20 cm- 2), plant fresh weight (91.65 g) and dry weight (42.05 g), root length (79.20 cm), root fresh (53.52 g) and dry weight (16.70 g) compared with control (without bacteria). Likewise highest relative water content of leaf was observed with I3 followed by I2 and I1 respectively. Highest water use efficiency was recorded as 0.67 g pot- 1 mm- 1 in I1 with B + treatment. Likewise, Bacillus inoculated pots resulted in increased water use efficiency (0.44 g pot- 1 mm- 1) compared with no application (0.36 g pot- 1 mm- 1). It can be endorsed from the outcome that Bacillus inoculation increased plant biomass, root biomass of maize and water use efficiency during early growth stage of maize despite of water stress and can be used under limited water condition for crop combating during moderate to lower stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the agricultural sector, identifying plant diseases at their earliest possible stage of infestation still remains a huge challenge with respect to the maximization of crop production and farmers\' income. In recent years, advanced computer vision techniques like Vision Transformers (ViTs) are being successfully applied to identify plant diseases automatically. However, the MLP module in existing ViTs is computationally expensive as well as inefficient in extracting promising features from diseased images. Therefore, this study proposes a comparatively lightweight and improved vision transformer network, also known as \"TrIncNet\" for plant disease identification. In the proposed network, we introduced a modified encoder architecture a.k.a. Trans-Inception block in which the MLP block of existing ViT was replaced by a custom inception block. Additionally, each Trans-Inception block is surrounded by a skip connection, making it much more resistant to the vanishing gradient problem. The applicability of the proposed network for identifying plant diseases was assessed using two plant disease image datasets viz: PlantVillage dataset and Maize disease dataset (contains in-field images of Maize diseases). The comparative performance analysis on both datasets reported that the proposed TrIncNet network outperformed the state-of-the-art CNN architectures viz: VGG-19, GoogLeNet, ResNet-50, Xception, InceptionV3, and MobileNet. Moreover, the experimental results also showed that the proposed network had achieved 5.38% and 2.87% higher testing accuracy than the existing ViT network on both datasets, respectively. Therefore, the lightweight nature and improved prediction performance make the proposed network suitable for being integrated with IoT devices to assist the stakeholders in identifying plant diseases at the field level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maydis leaf blight (MLB) of maize (Zea Mays L.), a serious fungal disease, is capable of causing up to 70% damage to the crop under severe conditions. Severity of diseases is considered as one of the important factors for proper crop management and overall crop yield. Therefore, it is quite essential to identify the disease at the earliest possible stage to overcome the yield loss. In this study, we created an image database of maize crop, MDSD (Maydis leaf blight Disease Severity Dataset), containing 1,760 digital images of MLB disease, collected from different agricultural fields and categorized into four groups viz. healthy, low, medium and high severity stages. Next, we proposed a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify the severity stages of MLB disease. The proposed network is a simple CNN framework augmented with two modified Inception modules, making it a lightweight and efficient multi-scale feature extractor. The proposed network reported approx. 99.13% classification accuracy with the f1-score of 98.97% on the test images of MDSD. Furthermore, the class-wise accuracy levels were 100% for healthy samples, 98% for low severity samples and 99% for the medium and high severity samples. In addition to that, our network significantly outperforms the popular pretrained models, viz. VGG16, VGG19, InceptionV3, ResNet50, Xception, MobileNetV2, DenseNet121 and NASNetMobile for the MDSD image database. The experimental findings revealed that our proposed lightweight network is excellent in identifying the images of severity stages of MLB disease despite complicated background conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) concentrations can alter the carbon:nitrogen ratio and palatability of host plants for herbivorous insects, but rhizobacteria likely mitigate the alteration and influence physiological adaptation of insects. In this study, we conducted transcriptomic analysis of maize (Zea mays) response to Azotobacter chroococcum (AC) inoculation under eCO2 conditions in contrast to ambient CO2 (aCO2), and studied the effects of plant-defense change of maize under eCO2 on the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata. Results showed that there were 16, 14, 16 and 135 differentially expressed genes that were associated with plant-defense response in maize leaves between aCO2-CK and aCO2-AC, eCO2-CK and eCO2-AC, aCO2-CK and eCO2-CK, aCO2-AC and eCO2-AC, respectively. Moreover, A. chroococcum inoculation and eCO2 influenced plant hormone signal transduction of maize. Interestingly, A. chroococcum inoculation significantly decreased the contents of JA (jasmonic acid) and JA-Ile (isoleucine conjugate of JA) in leaves, but eCO2 markedly increased contents of JA-Ile, JA and SA (salicylic acid). Compared to aCO2, eCO2 significantly decreased activity of protective enzyme (catalase), and increased activities of digestive (lipase and protease), protective (peroxidase) and detoxifying enzymes (carboxylesterase, Mixed-functional oxidase and glutathione s-transferase), prolonged developmental time, and decreased survival rate and body weight of larvae (P < 0.05). A. chroococcum inoculation significantly increased the activity of protective enzyme (catalase), and decreased the activities of detoxifying enzymes (carboxylesterase, glutathione s-transferase and mixed-functional oxidase), thus increased the growth rate and body weight of larvae in comparison with no-inoculation of A. chroococcum (P < 0.05). The indices of M. separata were significantly correlated with the foliar contents of JA, JA-Ile and SA (|r| = 0.44-0.85, P < 0.05), indicating that A. chroococcum inoculation altered the physiological adaptation of M. separata under eCO2 by disturbing defense substances in maize. Our results in understanding effects of A. chroococcum inoculation on maize resistance to herbivorous insects will be valuable for agricultural pest control in the future at eCO2 conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an urgent need for innovative strategies to raise the performance of environmentally stressed plants. The seeds of single-cross yellow Zea mays (L.) hybrid Giza-168 were soaked in Cis-(c-Z-Ck) or trans-zeatin-type cytokinin (t-Z-Ck) solutions at a concentration of 50 or 40 µM, respectively. Salinity stress was imposed at 0, 75 or 150 mM NaCl in the Hoagland nutrient solution (full strength) used for irrigation. The total carotenoids content was negatively affected by only 150 mM NaCl, while both 75 and 150 mM NaCl negatively affected the growth and yield components, relative water content, membrane stability index, photochemical activity, gas exchange, K+ and chlorophyll contents, K+/Na+ ratio, and photosynthetic efficiency. However, all of these traits were significantly improved by c-Z-Ck pretreatment and further enhanced by t-Z-Ck pretreatment compared with the corresponding controls. Furthermore, the contents of proline, soluble sugars, ascorbate, and glutathione, as well as enzymatic antioxidant activities, were significantly elevated by both salt stress concentrations and increased more by both biostimulators compared to the control. Compared to c-Z-Ck, t-Z-Ck was superior in mitigating the harmful effects of the high H2O2 levels caused by salt stress on the levels of malondialdehyde and ion leakage compared to the control. Under normal or stress conditions, t-Z-Ck pretreatment was better than c-Z-Ck pretreatment, while both positively affected maize hormonal contents. As a result, t-Z-Ck is recommended to enhance the growth and productivity of maize plants by suppressing the effects of oxidative stress caused by saline water irrigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maize crop (Zea mays) is one of the staple foods in the East African (EA) region. However, the suitability of its production area is threatened by projected climate change. The Multimodel Ensemble (MME) from eight Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) models was used in this paper to show climate change between the recent past (1970-2000) and the future (2041-2060), i.e., the mid-twenty-first century. The climatic suitability of maize crop production areas is evaluated based on these climate datasets and the current maize crop presence points using Maximum entropy models (MaxEnt). The MME projection showed a slight increase in precipitation under both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 in certain places and a reduction in most of southern Tanzania. The temperature projection showed that the minimum temperature would increase by 0.3 to 2.95 °C and 0.3 to 3.2 °C under RCP4.5 and 8.5, respectively. Moreover, the maximum temperature would increase by 1.0 to 3.0 °C and 1.2 to 3.6 °C under RCP4.5 and 8.5 respectively. The impacts of these projected changes in climate on maize production areas are the reduction in the suitability of the crop, especially around central and western Tanzania, mid-northern and western Uganda, and parts of western Kenya by 20-40%, and patches of EA will experience a reduction of as high as 40-60%, especially in northern Uganda, and western Kenya. The projected changes in temperature and precipitation present a significant negative change in maize crop suitability. Thus, food security and the efforts towards the elimination of hunger in EA by the mid-twenty-first century will be hampered significantly. We recommend crop diversification to suit the new future environments, modernizing maize farming programs through the adoption of new technologies including irrigation, and climate-smart agricultural practices, etc.





