magnetic resonance fingerprinting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To mitigate systematic errors in magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF), the precomputed dictionary is usually computed with minimal granularity across the entire range of tissue parameters. However, the dictionary grows exponentially with the number of parameters increase, posing significant challenges to the computational efficiency and matching accuracy of pattern-matching algorithms. Existing works, primarily based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), focus solely on local information to reconstruct multiple parameter maps, lacking in-depth investigations on the MRF mechanism. These methods may not exploit long-distance redundancies and the contextual information within voxel fingerprints introduced by the Bloch equation dynamics, leading to limited reconstruction speed and accuracy. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel end-to-end neural network called the Local and Global Vision Transformer (LG-ViT) for MRF parameter reconstruction. Our proposed LG-ViT employs a multi-stage architecture that effectively reduces the computational overhead associated with the high-dimensional MRF data and the transformer model. Specifically, a local Transformer encoder is proposed to capture contextual information embedded within voxel fingerprints and local correlations introduced by the interconnected human tissues. Additionally, a global Transformer encoder is proposed to leverage long-distance dependencies arising from shared characteristics among different tissues across various spatial regions. By incorporating MRF physics-based data priors and effectively capturing local and global correlations, our proposed LG-ViT can achieve fast and accurate MRF parameter reconstruction. Experiments on both simulation and in vivo data demonstrate that the proposed method enables faster and more accurate MRF parameter reconstruction compared to state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: For effective optimization of MR fingerprinting (MRF) pulse sequences, estimating and minimizing errors from actual scan conditions are crucial. Although virtual-scan simulations offer an approximation to these errors, their computational demands become expensive for high-dimensional MRF frameworks, where interactions between more than two tissue properties are considered. This complexity makes sequence optimization impractical. We introduce a new mathematical model, the systematic error index (SEI), to address the scalability challenges for high-dimensional MRF sequence design.
    METHODS: By eliminating the need to perform dictionary matching, the SEI model approximates quantification errors with low computational costs. The SEI model was validated in comparison with virtual-scan simulations. The SEI model was further applied to optimize three high-dimensional MRF sequences that quantify two to four tissue properties. The optimized scans were examined in simulations and healthy subjects.
    RESULTS: The proposed SEI model closely approximated the virtual-scan simulation outcomes while achieving hundred- to thousand-times acceleration in the computational speed. In both simulation and in vivo experiments, the optimized MRF sequences yield higher measurement accuracy with fewer undersampling artifacts at shorter scan times than the heuristically designed sequences.
    CONCLUSIONS: We developed an efficient method for estimating real-world errors in MRF scans with high computational efficiency. Our results illustrate that the SEI model could approximate errors both qualitatively and quantitatively. We also proved the practicality of the SEI model of optimizing sequences for high-dimensional MRF frameworks with manageable computational power. The optimized high-dimensional MRF scans exhibited enhanced robustness against undersampling and system imperfections with faster scan times.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stands as a vital medical imaging technique, renowned for its ability to offer high-resolution images of the human body with remarkable soft-tissue contrast. This enables healthcare professionals to gain valuable insights into various aspects of the human body, including morphology, structural integrity, and physiological processes. Quantitative imaging provides compositional measurements of the human body, but, currently, either it takes a long scan time or is limited to low spatial resolutions. Undersampled k-space data acquisitions have significantly helped to reduce MRI scan time, while compressed sensing (CS) and deep learning (DL) reconstructions have mitigated the associated undersampling artifacts. Alternatively, magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) provides an efficient and versatile framework to acquire and quantify multiple tissue properties simultaneously from a single fast MRI scan. The MRF framework involves four key aspects: (1) pulse sequence design; (2) rapid (undersampled) data acquisition; (3) encoding of tissue properties in MR signal evolutions or fingerprints; and (4) simultaneous recovery of multiple quantitative spatial maps. This paper provides an extensive literature review of the MRF framework, addressing the trends associated with these four key aspects. There are specific challenges in MRF for all ranges of magnetic field strengths and all body parts, which can present opportunities for further investigation. We aim to review the best practices in each key aspect of MRF, as well as for different applications, such as cardiac, brain, and musculoskeletal imaging, among others. A comprehensive review of these applications will enable us to assess future trends and their implications for the translation of MRF into these biomedical imaging applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper investigated the correlation between magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) in glioma patients by comparing neuro-oncological markers obtained from MRSI to T1/T2 maps from MRF. Data from 12 consenting patients with gliomas were analyzed by defining hotspots for T1, T2, and various metabolic ratios, and comparing them using Sørensen-Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) and the distances between their centers of intensity (COIDs). The median DSCs between MRF and the tumor segmentation were 0.73 (T1) and 0.79 (T2). The DSCs between MRSI and MRF were the highest for Gln/tNAA (T1: 0.75, T2: 0.80, tumor: 0.78), followed by Gly/tNAA (T1: 0.57, T2: 0.62, tumor: 0.54) and tCho/tNAA (T1: 0.61, T2: 0.58, tumor: 0.45). The median values in the tumor hotspot were T1 = 1724 ms, T2 = 86 ms, Gln/tNAA = 0.61, Gly/tNAA = 0.28, Ins/tNAA = 1.15, and tCho/tNAA = 0.48, and, in the peritumoral region, were T1 = 1756 ms, T2 = 102 ms, Gln/tNAA = 0.38, Gly/tNAA = 0.20, Ins/tNAA = 1.06, and tCho/tNAA = 0.38, and, in the NAWM, were T1 = 950 ms, T2 = 43 ms, Gln/tNAA = 0.16, Gly/tNAA = 0.07, Ins/tNAA = 0.54, and tCho/tNAA = 0.20. The results of this study constitute the first comparison of 7T MRSI and 3T MRF, showing a good correspondence between these methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A quantitative biomarker for myelination, such as myelin water fraction (MWF), would boost the understanding of normative and pathological neurodevelopment, improving patients\' diagnosis and follow-up. We quantified the fraction of a rapidly relaxing pool identified as MW using multicomponent three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) to evaluate white matter (WM) maturation in typically developing (TD) children and alterations in leukodystrophies (LDs). We acquired DTI and 3D MRF-based R1, R2 and MWF data of 15 TD children and 17 LD patients (9 months-12.5 years old) at 1.5 T. We computed normative maturation curves in corpus callosum and corona radiata and performed WM tract profile analysis, comparing MWF with R1, R2 and fractional anisotropy (FA). Normative maturation curves demonstrated a steep increase for all tissue parameters in the first 3 years of age, followed by slower growth for MWF while R1, R2R2 and FA reached a plateau. Unlike FA, MWF values were similar for regions of interest (ROIs) with different degrees of axonal packing, suggesting independence from fiber bundle macro-organization and higher myelin specificity. Tract profile analysis indicated a specific spatial pattern of myelination in the major fiber bundles, consistent across subjects. LD were better distinguished from TD by MWF rather than FA, showing reduced MWF with respect to age-matched controls in both ROI-based and tract analysis. In conclusion, MRF-based MWF provides myelin-specific WM maturation curves and is sensitive to alteration due to LDs, suggesting its potential as a biomarker for WM disorders. As MRF allows fast simultaneous acquisition of relaxometry and MWF, it can represent a valuable diagnostic tool to study and follow up developmental WM disorders in children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) protocols can be lengthy and complex, which has driven the research community to develop new technologies to make these protocols more efficient and patient-friendly. Two different approaches to improving CMR have been proposed, specifically \"all-in-one\" CMR, where several contrasts and/or motion states are acquired simultaneously, and \"real-time\" CMR, in which the examination is accelerated to avoid the need for breathholding and/or cardiac gating. The goal of this two-part manuscript is to describe these two different types of emerging rapid CMR protocols. To this end, the vision of all-in-one and real-time imaging are described, along with techniques which have been devised and tested along the pathway of clinical implementation. The pros and cons of the different methods are presented, and the remaining open needs of each are detailed. Part 1 tackles the \"All-in-One\" approaches, and Part 2 focuses on the \"Real-Time\" approaches along with an overall summary of these emerging methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) protocols can be lengthy and complex, which has driven the research community to develop new technologies to make these protocols more efficient and patient-friendly. Two different approaches to improving CMR have been proposed, specifically \"all-in-one\" CMR, where several contrasts and/or motion states are acquired simultaneously, and \"real-time\" CMR, in which the examination is accelerated to avoid the need for breathholding and/or cardiac gating. The goal of this two-part manuscript is to describe these two different types of emerging rapid CMR. To this end, the vision of each is described, along with techniques which have been devised and tested along the pathway of clinical implementation. The pros and cons of the different methods are presented, and the remaining open needs of each are detailed. Part 1 will tackle the \"all-in-one\" approaches, and Part 2 the \"real-time\" approaches along with an overall summary of these emerging methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research aimed to assess the relationship between contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) values and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI parameters including (Ktrans, Kep, Ve, and iAUC). To evaluate the correlation between the MRF-derived values (T1 and T2 values, CE T1 and T2 values, T1 and T2 change) and DCE-MRI parameters and the differences in the parameters between prostate cancer and noncancer lesions in 68 patients, two radiologists independently drew regions-of-interest (ROIs) at the focal prostate lesions. Prostate cancer was identified in 75% (51/68) of patients. The CE T2 value was significantly lower in prostate cancer than in noncancer lesions in the peripheral zone and transition zone. Ktrans, Kep, and iAUC were significantly higher in prostate cancer than noncancer lesions in the peripheral zone (p < 0.05), but not in the transition zone. The CE T1 value was significantly correlated with Ktrans, Ve, and iAUC in prostate cancer, and the CE T2 value was correlated to Ve in noncancer. Some CE MRF values are different between prostate cancer and noncancer tissues and correlate with DCE-MRI parameters. Prostate cancer and noncancer tissues may have different characteristics regarding contrast enhancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) enables fast myelin quantification via the myelin water fraction (MWF), offering a noninvasive method to assess brain development and disease. However, MRF-derived MWF lacks histological evaluation and remains unexamined in relation to leukodystrophy. This study aimed to access MRF-derived MWF through histology in mice and establish links between myelin, development, and leukodystrophy in mice and children, demonstrating its potential applicability in animal and human studies.
    3D MRF was performed on normal C57BL/6 mice with different ages, megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cyst 1 wild type (MLC1 WT, control) mice, and MLC 1 knock-out (MLC1 KO, leukodystrophy) mice using a 3 T MRI. MWF values were analyzed from 3D MRF data, and histological myelin quantification was carried out using immunohistochemistry to anti-proteolipid protein (PLP) in the corpus callosum and cortex. The associations between \'MWF and PLP\' and \'MWF and age\' were evaluated in C57BL/6 mice. MWF values were compared between MLC1 WT and MLC1 KO mice. MWF of normal developing children were retrospectively collected and the association between MWF and age was assessed.
    In 35 C57BL/6 mice (age range; 3 weeks-48 weeks), MWF showed positive relations with PLP immunoreactivity in the corpus callosum (β = 0.0006, P = 0.04) and cortex (β = 0.0005, P = 0.006). In 12-week-old C57BL/6 mice MWF showed positive relations with PLP immunoreactivity (β = 0.0009, P = 0.003, R2 = 0.54). MWF in the corpus callosum (β = 0.0022, P < 0.001) and cortex (β = 0.0010, P < 0.001) showed positive relations with age. Seven MLC1 WT and 9 MLC1 KO mice showed different MWF values in the corpus callous (P < 0.001) and cortex (P < 0.001). A total of 81 children (median age, 126 months; range, 0-199 months) were evaluated and their MWF values according to age showed the best fit for the third-order regression model (adjusted R2 range, 0.44-0.94, P < 0.001).
    MWF demonstrated associations with histologic myelin quantity, age, and the presence of leukodystrophy, underscoring the potential of 3D MRF-derived MWF as a rapid and noninvasive quantitative indicator of brain myelin content in both mice and humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a deep image prior (DIP) reconstruction for B1 + -corrected 2D cine MR fingerprinting (MRF).
    METHODS: The proposed method combines low-rank (LR) modeling with a DIP to generate cardiac phase-resolved parameter maps without motion correction, employing self-supervised training to enforce consistency with undersampled spiral k-space data. Two implementations were tested: one approach (DIP) for cine T1 , T2 , and M0 mapping, and a second approach (DIP with effective B1 + estimation [DIP-B1]) that also generated an effective B1 + map to correct for errors due to RF transmit inhomogeneities, through-plane motion, and blood flow. Cine MRF data were acquired in 14 healthy subjects and four reconstructions were compared: LR, low-rank motion-corrected (LRMC), DIP, and DIP-B1. Results were compared to diastolic ECG-triggered MRF, MOLLI, and T2 -prep bSSFP. Additionally, bright-blood and dark-blood images calculated from cine MRF maps were used to quantify ventricular function and compared to reference cine measurements.
    RESULTS: DIP and DIP-B1 outperformed other cine MRF reconstructions with improved noise suppression and delineation of high-resolution details. Within-segment variability in the myocardium (reported as the coefficient of variation for T1 /T2 ) was lowest for DIP-B1 (2.3/8.3%) followed by DIP (2.7/8.7%), LRMC (3.5/10.5%), and LR (15.3/39.6%). Spatial homogeneity improved with DIP-B1 having the lowest intersegment variability (2.6/4.1%). The mean bias in ejection fraction was -1.1% compared to reference cine scans.
    CONCLUSIONS: A DIP reconstruction for 2D cine MRF enabled cardiac phase-resolved mapping of T1 , T2 , M0 , and the effective B1 + with improved noise suppression and precision compared to LR and LRMC.





