
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prolactinoma account to the most common pituitary adenomas and current therapy regime constitutes of dopamine agonist therapy (DA) and surgery in selected cases [17]. Due to tumor fibrosis induced by previous DA therapy, surgical removal can be challenging though. Therefore, this study investigates how preoperative DA usage influences perioperative treatment and surgical outcome in prolactinoma and aims to ascertain whether a specific subgroup of prolactinoma patients could derive greater benefit from exclusive surgical intervention.
    METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed n = 159 surgically treated and histologically confirmed prolactinomas in the sella region from 2013-2022 in our institution. Clinical, radiological and surgical features were analyzed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed.
    RESULTS: Out of total of 159 prolactinoma patients, 83.6% received previous treatment with DA followed by surgery, while only 16.4% received exclusive surgery. Both groups presented similar initial tumor volumes (1.9cm3 vs. 1.5cm3, p = 0.59) and equal preoperative prolactin levels (PRL) (199.7 µg/l vs. 191.0 µg/l, p = 0.44). Surgical procedures took significantly longer when patients received prior DA treatment (79 min. vs. 70 min., p = 0.0479). Six months after surgery, pretreated patients revealed significantly higher PRL compared to non-treated (107 g/l vs. 8.64 µg/, p = 0.0009). Additionally, untreated microprolactinoma presented a remission of 100%, whereas pretreated exhibited a remission rate of 88.75%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study demonstrates that prior DA treatment is associated with significantly longer surgeries, higher recurrence rates and lower rates of normalization of PRL levels after surgery, particularly in microprolactinomas and support the latest recommendations of the Pituitary Society\'s Consensus Statement 2023, which favors the option of surgery alone as first-line therapy for microprolactinomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pituitary apoplexy (PA) in Cushing\'s disease (CD) is rare with data limited to case reports/series.
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed case records of PA in CD managed at our center from 1987 to 2023 and performed a systematic literature review.
    RESULTS: We identified 58 patients (44 females), including twelve from our center (12/315 CD, yielding a PA prevalence in CD of 3.8%) and forty six from systematic review. The median age at PA diagnosis was 35 years. The most common presentation was type A (79.3%) and symptom was headache (89.6%), with a median Pituitary Apoplexy Score (PAS) of 2. Median cortisol and ACTH levels were 24.9 µg/dl and 94.1 pg/ml, respectively. Apoplexy was the first manifestation of underlying CD in 55.2% of cases, with 31.1% (14/45) presenting with hypocortisolemia (serum cortisol ≤ 5.0 µg/dl), underscoring the importance of recognizing clinical signs/symptoms of hypercortisolism. The median largest tumor dimension was 1.7 cm (53/58 were macroadenomas). PA was managed surgically in 57.8% of cases, with the remainder conservatively managed. All five PA cases in CD with microadenoma achieved remission through conservative management, though two later relapsed. Among treatment-naïve CD patients with macroadenoma, PA-related neuro-deficit improvement was comparable between surgical and conservative groups. However, a greater proportion of surgically managed patients remained in remission longer (70% vs. 38.5%; p = 0.07), for an average of 31 vs. 10.5 months.
    CONCLUSIONS: PA in CD is more commonly associated with macroadenomas, may present with hypocortisolemia, and surgical treatment tends towards higher and longer-lasting remission rates.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Giant prolactinomas are rare; among them, the amyloidogenic variant, prolactinomas with extensive spherical amyloid deposits, are rare, with only 30 cases reported with recommendations of surgical management contrary to the routine prolactinoma\'s medical management.
    UNASSIGNED: We report here a case of giant amyloidogenic prolactinoma in a 32-year-old male patient who had a very atypical presentation in terms of clinical, radiological, and pathological features and responded to dopamine agonist therapy like a normal prolactinoma.
    UNASSIGNED: Amyloidogenic giant prolactinomas are rare. Contrary to usual belief, even they remain medically responsive; however, more literature is required to decide their ideal management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypophyseal adenomas can present with or without minimal visual disturbances. We present a case of a 40-year-old male with a hypophyseal adenoma, highlighting bitemporal peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (NFL) thinning on optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a major sign of chiasmal damage despite minimal asymmetrical nonspecific changes detected on initial visual field testing. The bitemporal NFL thinning prompted further evaluation with MRI, which confirmed the presence of a macroadenoma of the hypophysis. Despite the large adenoma, treatment with cabergoline led to regression, and the patient\'s visual field improved. This case underscores the importance of OCT in detecting subtle structural changes associated with pituitary tumors, as it can facilitate early diagnosis and prompt intervention for optimal visual outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-operative tumour progression in patients with non-functioning pituitary neuroendocrine tumours is variable. The aim of this study was to use machine learning (ML) models to improve the prediction of post-operative outcomes in patients with NF PitNET. We studied data from 383 patients who underwent surgery with or without radiotherapy, with a follow-up period between 6 months and 15 years. ML models, including k-nearest neighbour (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and decision tree, showed superior performance in predicting tumour progression when compared with parametric statistical modelling using logistic regression, with SVM achieving the highest performance. The strongest predictor of tumour progression was the extent of surgical resection, with patient age, tumour volume, and the use of radiotherapy also showing influence. No features showed an association with tumour recurrence following a complete resection. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of ML models in predicting post-operative outcomes for patients with NF PitNET. Future work should look to include additional, more granular, multicentre data, including incorporating imaging and operative video data.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 60-year-old woman presented with a history of a previously diagnosed sellar mass and a recent onset of severe headache, vision loss, and dizziness. The patient was found to have a large mass with curvilinear calcification on imaging. Histopathology confirmed the presence of a pituitary adenoma with abnormal acini, consistent with adenoma, and moderate amounts of granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. A detailed analysis of the patterns of calcification and the radiological morphology is crucial to distinguishing between pituitary adenoma and craniopharyngioma. Recognition of these patterns can aid in distinguishing between these conditions, providing a more accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    Visual dysfunction is a prevalent symptom in patients with non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma (NFPM); the role of OCT in such patients has not been yet determined. This is a prospective longitudinal observational study over a period of 6 years, on 20 patients presenting a radiological compression of the optic chiasma without visual acuity (VA) and visual field (VF) disturbances. The primary endpoint was to evaluate the impact of NFPA on neuro-axonal loss by measuring RNFL thickness using OCT at inclusion (T0), 12 months (T1), 24 months (T2), and 36 months (T3), respectively. The secondary endpoint was to monitor the evolution of OCT over time and assess any relationship between the degree of OCT alteration and the degree of radiological and clinical optic chiasm compression syndrome. Among the 20 patients included, eight (40%) showed an altered RNFL-OCT at diagnosis, while the remaining 12 (60%) showed a normal pattern. During a mean ophthalmologic follow-up of 60 months, 4 patients (20%) presented an asymptomatic reduction of RNFL-OCT thickness although all 20 had a VA/VF stable. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to longitudinally evaluate the natural history and evolution of RNFL-OCT in patients with radiologically asymptomatic chiasmatic compression syndrome. The results do not clearly demonstrate the role of the OCT as an early prognostic factor for visual dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypophysitis is an extremely rare inflammatory disease that can mimic the clinical and radiological features of a pituitary adenoma. In this case report, we describe a 45-year-old woman with secondary xanthogranulomatous hypophysitis (XGH) who presented with signs of a pituitary macroadenoma. The patient complained of headaches, visual impairment, and amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome. Her physical examination was normal. Laboratory investigation revealed corticotropin, thyrotropin, and gonadotropin deficiencies. She also had low visual acuity in her right eye and an altered visual field. Pituitary magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intra and suprasellar mass measuring 13 × 11 × 16 mm, with hemorrhagic necrosis, that was having a discrete mass effect on the patient\'s optic chiasm and pituitary stalk. The patient was treated with hydrocortisone and levothyroxine, and then transferred to the Neurosurgery department for total transsphenoidal resection of the mass. Histological examination of the tumor permitted a diagnosis of XGH of a remodeled Rathke\'s pouch cyst to be made. Systemic conditions such as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and other granulomatous diseases were excluded. The etiopathogenesis of XGH remains poorly characterized, but it may be a progressive form of lymphocytic hypophysitis or a remodeled Rathke\'s pouch cyst. Screening for autoimmune pathology and systemic diseases is essential to guide appropriate management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pituitary adenomas (PPAs) are uncommon in childhood and adolescence, accounting for 2-6% of all intracranial neoplasms. Delayed puberty, growth retardation, galactorrhea and weight gain are common features at presentation in pediatric patients. Functional tumors constitute a vast majority (90%) of PPAs, with the most frequent being prolactinomas.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of the clinical features and outcomes of 7 pediatric patients with pituitary macroadenomas was conducted. We included PPAs in patients under 18 years at diagnosis with diameters larger than 10 mm by magnetic resonance (MRI). Six patients were males (85%), with age at diagnosis ranging from 8 to 15 (median 14 ± 2.8SDS). The primary symptoms that led to medical attention were growth retardation, gigantism and secondary amenorrhea. The visual field was reduced in three cases (42%). Suprasellar extension was present in 3 subjects, and one had a giant adenoma. Adenomas were clinically functioning in 6 patients (85%) (three prolactinomas, two somatropinomas, one secreting FSH and one no-producer). The prolactinomas responded to treatment with cabergoline. For the rest, one required transsphenoidal surgery and the other three both surgery and radiotherapy. All patients undergoing radiotherapy had secondary panhypopituitarism. In relation to the genetic studies, two patients presented a pathogenic mutation of the AIP gene and one of the MEN1.
    UNASSIGNED: Pediatric pituitary macroadenomas are a distinct entity, mostly found in males and with a predominance of functional tumors leading to detrimental effects on growth and puberty in addition to neuro-ophthalmological manifestations. It is important to perform genetic studies in patients with macroadenomas appearing under the age of 18 years as genetic and syndromic associations are more frequent in this age group.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Presentation of a new case of a patient with macro-GH, that may interfere with different GH assays leading to false-positive results in serum samples.
    METHODS: A 61-year-old female was referred with a pituitary macroadenoma and elevated growth hormone levels. The laboratory tests showed increased fasting GH level, measured by a sandwich chemiluminescence immunoassay (LIAISON® XL) without suppression on oral glucose tolerance test and normal IGF-1. The patient did not have the typical signs and symptoms of acromegaly. The patient underwent a transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary tumor, showing only α-subunit immunostaining. Postoperative GH levels remained elevated. An interference in the determination of GH level was suspected. GH was analyzed by three different immunoassays, UniCel DxI 600, Cobas e411 and hGH-IRMA. Heterophilic antibodies and rheumatoid factor were not detected in serum sample. GH recovery after precipitation with 25 % polyethylene glycol (PEG) was 12 %. Size-exclusion chromatography confirmed the presence of macro-GH in serum sample.
    CONCLUSIONS: If results of laboratory tests are not consistent with the clinical findings, the presence of an interference within immunochemical assays could be suspected. To identify interference caused by the macro-GH, the PEG method and size-exclusion chromatography should be used.





