
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid detection of the spore form of Clostridioides difficile has remained a challenge for clinicians. To address this, we have developed a novel, precise, microwave-enhanced approach for near-spontaneous release of DNA from C. difficile spores via a bespoke microwave lysis platform. C. difficile spores were microwave-irradiated for 5 s in a pulsed microwave electric field at 2.45 GHz to lyse the spore and bacteria in each sample, which was then added to a screen-printed electrode and electrochemical DNA biosensor assay system to identify presence of the pathogen\'s two toxin genes. The microwave lysis method released both single-stranded and double-stranded genome DNA from the bacterium at quantifiable concentrations between 0.02 μg/mL to 250 μg/mL allowing for subsequent downstream detection in the biosensor. The electrochemical bench-top system comprises of oligonucleotide probes specific to conserved regions within tcdA and tcdB toxin genes of C. difficile and was able to detect 800 spores of C. difficile within 300 µL of unprocessed human stool samples in under 10 min. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using a solid-state power generated, pulsed microwave electric field to lyse and release DNA from human stool infected with C. difficile spores. This rapid microwave lysis method enhanced the rapidity of subsequent electrochemical detection in the development of a rapid point-of-care biosensor platform for C. difficile.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sarcomatoid hepatocellular carcinoma is a rare histologic variant of primary liver cancer comprising of malignant spindle cells and typical hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In terms of clinical presentation, they usually exhibit extensive tumor burden due to their larger size and a metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis as compared to conventional HCC. Tumor lysis syndrome is an oncological emergency, usually seen after cytotoxic chemotherapy in haematological malignancies. Here, we highlight a case of 76-year old male with no comorbidities, presenting with an excruciating backache and a paravertebral soft tissue mass and multiple osteolytic lesions, was clinically suspected to be a plasma cell neoplasm. On further evaluation, the patient was diagnosed of a sarcomatoid variant of hepatocellular carcinoma. This report showcases multiple rare findings by the presence of non-specific symptoms, non-cirrhotic liver, normal serum alpha protein levels and the occurrence of a spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in a solid malignancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phage emit communication signals that inform their lytic and lysogenic life cycles. However, little is known regarding the abundance and diversity of the genes associated with phage communication systems in wastewater treatment microbial communities. This study focused on phage communities within two distinct biochemical wastewater environments, specifically aerobic membrane bioreactors (AeMBRs) and anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) exposed to varying antibiotic concentrations. Metagenomic data from the bench-scale systems were analyzed to explore phage phylogeny, life cycles, and genetic capacity for antimicrobial resistance and quorum sensing. Two dominant phage families, Schitoviridae and Peduoviridae, exhibited redox-dependent dynamics. Schitoviridae prevailed in anaerobic conditions, while Peduoviridae dominated in aerobic conditions. Notably, the abundance of lytic and lysogenic proteins varied across conditions, suggesting the coexistence of both life cycles. Furthermore, the presence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) within viral contigs highlighted the potential for phage to transfer ARGs in AeMBRs. Finally, quorum sensing genes in the virome of AeMBRs indicated possible molecular signaling between phage and bacteria. Overall, this study provides insights into the dynamics of viral communities across varied redox conditions in MBRs. These findings shed light on phage life cycles, and auxiliary genetic capacity such as antibiotic resistance and bacterial quorum sensing within wastewater treatment microbial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colicin (Col) plasmid contains colicin encoding genes arranged in an operon controlled by an SOS inducible promoter. Therefore, any external stresses to the host cell can induce the expression of the downstream genes in the Col operon, including a lysis gene. The lysis protein is involved in the extracellular release of colicin through lysis of the producer cells, which causes a decline in culture turbidity. However, it is not yet known that E. coli cells with the native pColE9-J plasmid hold the same level of cell death at the population level following a set of induced conditions. In this study, using a mitomycin C sensitivity assay along with a live dead staining method of detection, we showed that the native pColE9-J plasmid, which unusually carries an extended Col operon (ColE9) containing two lysis genes, did not confer a rapid decline in the culture turbidity following induction with mitomycin C. Interestingly a subset of the cells suffered perturbation of their outer membrane, which was not observed from single lysis mutant (∆celE or ∆celI) cells. This observed heterogeneity in the colicin E9 release leading to differential outer membrane perforation may bring a competitive advantage to these cells in a mixed population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the medical field, extracellular vesicles (EVs) are gaining importance as they act as cells mediators. These are phospholipid bilayer vesicles and contain crucial biochemical information about their mother cells being carrier of different biomolecules such as small molecules, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. After release into the extracellular matrix, they enter the systemic circulation and can be found in all human biofluids. Since EVs reflect the state of the cell of origin, there is exponential attention as potential source of new circulating biomarkers for liquid biopsy. The use of EVs in clinical practice faces several challenges that need to be addressed: these include the standardization of lysis protocols, the availability of low-cost reagents and the development of analytical tools capable of detecting biomarkers. The process of lysis is a crucial step that can impact all subsequent analyses, towards the development of novel analytical strategies. To aid researchers to support the evolution of measurement science technology, this tutorial review evaluates and discuss the most commonly protocols used to characterize the contents of EVs, including their advantages and disadvantages in terms of experimental procedures, time and equipment. The purpose of this tutorial review is to offer practical guide to researchers which are intended to develop novel analytical approaches. Some of the most significant applications are considered, highlighting their main characteristics divided per mechanism of action. Finally, comprehensive tables which provide an overview at a glance are provided to readers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fire blight, caused by the plant-pathogenic bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a highly contagious and difficult-to-control disease due to its efficient dissemination and survival and the scarcity of effective control methods. Copper and antibiotics are the most used treatments but pose environmental and human health risks. Bacteriophages (phages) constitute an ecological, safe, and sustainable fire blight control alternative. The goal of this study was to search for specific E. amylovora phages from plant material, soil, and water samples in Mediterranean environments. A collection of phages able to specifically infect and lyse E. amylovora strains was generated from former fire blight-affected orchards in Eastern Spain. Following in vitro characterization, assays in immature fruit revealed that preventively applying some of the phages or their combinations delayed the onset of fire blight symptoms and reduced the disease\'s severity, suggesting their biocontrol potential in Spain and other countries. The morphological and molecular characterization of the selected E. amylovora phages classified them as members of the class Caudoviricetes (former Myoviridae family) and genus Kolesnikvirus. This study reveals Mediterranean settings as plausible sources of E. amylovora-specific bacteriophages and provides the first effective European phage cocktails in plant material for the development of sustainable fire blight management measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular signal transduction comprises a complex series of biochemical reactions by which extracellular signals such as growth factors, hormones, cytokines, and neurotransmitters are translated into specific intracellular responses. Signal transduction is mediated by protein kinase phosphorylation cascades that culminate in the regulation of numerous cellular responses, including division, differentiation, migration, and survival. Importantly, signal relay pathways are dysregulated in human diseases, making the study of signal transduction important for both uncovering basic biology and understanding pathophysiology. Established laboratory cell culture models are useful for studying signal transduction mechanisms, but differences in sample handling procedures can introduce unwanted variability in experimental outcomes and conclusions. One such potential source of experimental variability is the introduction of fluid shear stress upon handling of tissue culture cells. Fluid shear stress triggers a wide range of cellular responses in adherent cell culture, including stimulating the production of cyclic AMP, potentiating the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), and ultimately inducing changes in the gene expression of growth and remodeling factors. Further, mechanical stress on cells is physiologically relevant to the development of many pathologies. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for cell lysis and protein extraction that minimizes shear stress induced by classical cell harvest protocols. We also highlight the impact of fluid shear stress by using immunoblotting to assess ERK pathway activation as a readout for this protocol. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Gentle cell lysis and protein extraction Basic Protocol 2: Immunoblotting for cell signaling readouts by SDS-PAGE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phages-viruses that infect bacteria-have evolved over billions of years to overcome bacterial defenses. Temperate phage, upon infection, can \"choose\" between two pathways: lysis-in which the phage create multiple new phage particles, which are then liberated by cell lysis, and lysogeny-where the phage\'s genetic material is added to the bacterial DNA and transmitted to the bacterial progeny. It was recently discovered that some phages can read information from the environment related to the density of bacteria or the number of nearby infection attempts. Such information may help phage make the right choice between the two pathways. Here, we develop a theoretical model that allows an infecting phage to change its strategy (i.e. the ratio of lysis to lysogeny) depending on an outside signal, and we find the optimal strategy that maximizes phage proliferation. While phages that exploit extra information naturally win in competition against phages with a fixed strategy, there may be costs to information, e.g. as the necessary extra genes may affect the growth rate of a lysogen or the burst size of new phage for the lysis pathway. Surprisingly, even when phages pay a large price for information, they can still maintain an advantage over phages that lack this information, indicating the high benefit of intelligence gathering in phage-bacteria warfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The infection cycle of phage λ terminates in lysis mediated by three types of lysis proteins, each disrupting a layer in the bacterial envelope: the S105 holin, the R endolysin, and the Rz/Rz1 spanin complex targeting the inner membrane, cell wall or peptidoglycan, and the outer membrane, respectively. Video microscopy has shown that in most infections, lysis occurs as a sudden, explosive event at a cell pole, such that the initial product is a less refractile ghost that retains rod-shaped morphology. Here, we investigate the molecular basis of polar lysis using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. The results indicate that the holin determines the morphology of lysis by suddenly forming two-dimensional rafts at the poles about 100 s prior to lysis. Given the physiological and biochemical similarities between the lambda holin and other class I holins, dynamic redistribution and sudden concentration may be common features of holins, probably reflecting the fitness advantage of all-or-nothing lysis regulation.IMPORTANCEIn this study, we use fluorescent video microscopy to track -green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled holin in the minutes prior to phage lysis. Our work contextualizes prior genetic and biochemical data, showing when hole formation starts and where holin oligomers form in relation to the site of lytic rupture. Furthermore, prior work showed that the morphology of lambda-infected cells is characterized by an explosive event starting at the cell pole; however, the basis for this was not clear. This study shows that holin most often oligomerizes at cell poles and that the site of the oligomerization is spatially correlated with the site of lytic blowout. Therefore, the holin is the key contributor to polar lysis morphology for phage lambda.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: Temperate phages are known to heavily impact the growth of their host, be it in a positive way, e.g., when beneficial genes are provided by the phage, or negatively when lysis occurs after prophage induction. This study provides an in-depth look into the distribution and variety of prophages in Latilactobacillus curvatus (L. curvatus). This species is found in a wide variety of ecological niches and is routinely used as a meat starter culture. Methods: Fourty five L. curvatus genomes were screened for prophages. The intact predicted prophages and their chromosomal integration loci were described. Six L. curvatus lysogens were analysed for phage-mediated lysis post induction via UV light and/or mitomycin C. Their lysates were analysed for phage particles via viral DNA sequencing and transmission electron microscopy. Results: Two hundred and six prophage sequences of any completeness were detected within L. curvatus genomes. The 50 as intact predicted prophages show high levels of genetic diversity on an intraspecies level with conserved regions mostly in the replication and head/tail gene clusters. Twelve chromosomal loci, mostly tRNA genes, were identified, where intact L. curvatus phages were integrated. The six analysed L. curvatus lysogens showed strain-dependent lysis in various degrees after induction, yet only four of their lysates appeared to contain fully assembled virions with the siphovirus morphotype. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that L. curvatus is a (pro)phage-susceptible species, harbouring multiple intact prophages and remnant sequences thereof. This knowledge provides a basis to study phage-host interaction influencing microbial communities in food fermentations.





