lung opacity

  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a lung disease in which foreign matter is inhaled and exposed to lung parenchymal and interstitial tissue. Such matter may include pollen, molds, chemicals, and smoke. HP leads to widespread inflammation and even fibrosis in chronic forms; the main route of treatment usually involves corticosteroids and antifibrotics as needed. We describe a patient case in which HP was diagnosed after using recreational marijuana, and her chest x-ray had a complete resolution after one day of a corticosteroid regimen. As recreational marijuana use increases, clinicians need to keep HP on the differential diagnosis in patients that frequently utilize recreational marijuana obtained through illicit business.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus epidemic has spread to virtually every country on the globe, inflicting enormous health, financial, and emotional devastation, as well as the collapse of healthcare systems in some countries. Any automated COVID detection system that allows for fast detection of the COVID-19 infection might be highly beneficial to the healthcare service and people around the world. Molecular or antigen testing along with radiology X-ray imaging is now utilized in clinics to diagnose COVID-19. Nonetheless, due to a spike in coronavirus and hospital doctors\' overwhelming workload, developing an AI-based auto-COVID detection system with high accuracy has become imperative. On X-ray images, the diagnosis of COVID-19, non-COVID-19 non-COVID viral pneumonia, and other lung opacity can be challenging. This research utilized artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver high-accuracy automated COVID-19 detection from normal chest X-ray images. Further, this study extended to differentiate COVID-19 from normal, lung opacity and non-COVID viral pneumonia images. We have employed three distinct pre-trained models that are Xception, VGG19, and ResNet50 on a benchmark dataset of 21,165 X-ray images. Initially, we formulated the COVID-19 detection problem as a binary classification problem to classify COVID-19 from normal X-ray images and gained 97.5%, 97.5%, and 93.3% accuracy for Xception, VGG19, and ResNet50 respectively. Later we focused on developing an efficient model for multi-class classification and gained an accuracy of 75% for ResNet50, 92% for VGG19, and finally 93% for Xception. Although Xception and VGG19\'s performances were identical, Xception proved to be more efficient with its higher precision, recall, and f-1 scores. Finally, we have employed Explainable AI on each of our utilized model which adds interpretability to our study. Furthermore, we have conducted a comprehensive comparison of the model\'s explanations and the study revealed that Xception is more precise in indicating the actual features that are responsible for a model\'s predictions.This addition of explainable AI will benefit the medical professionals greatly as they will get to visualize how a model makes its prediction and won\'t have to trust our developed machine-learning models blindly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chest radiographs (CXRs) are the most widely available radiographic imaging modality used to detect respiratory diseases that result in lung opacities. CXR reports often use non-standardized language that result in subjective, qualitative, and non-reproducible opacity estimates. Our goal was to develop a robust deep transfer learning framework and adapt it to estimate the degree of lung opacity from CXRs. Following CXR data selection based on exclusion criteria, segmentation schemes were used for ROI (Region Of Interest) extraction, and all combinations of segmentation, data balancing, and classification methods were tested to pick the top performing models. Multifold cross validation was used to determine the best model from the initial selected top models, based on appropriate performance metrics, as well as a novel Macro-Averaged Heatmap Concordance Score (MA HCS). Performance of the best model is compared against that of expert physician annotators, and heatmaps were produced. Finally, model performance sensitivity analysis across patient populations of interest was performed. The proposed framework was adapted to the specific use case of estimation of degree of CXR lung opacity using ordinal multiclass classification. Acquired between March 24, 2020, and May 22, 2020, 38,365 prospectively annotated CXRs from 17,418 patients were used. We tested three neural network architectures (ResNet-50, VGG-16, and ChexNet), three segmentation schemes (no segmentation, lung segmentation, and lateral segmentation based on spine detection), and three data balancing strategies (undersampling, double-stage sampling, and synthetic minority oversampling) using 38,079 CXR images for training, and validation with 286 images as the out-of-the-box dataset that underwent expert radiologist adjudication. Based on the results of these experiments, the ResNet-50 model with undersampling and no ROI segmentation is recommended for lung opacity classification, based on optimal values for the MAE metric and HCS (Heatmap Concordance Score). The degree of agreement between the opacity scores predicted by this model with respect to the two sets of radiologist scores (OR or Original Reader and OOBTR or Out Of Box Reader) in terms of performance metrics is superior to the inter-radiologist opacity score agreement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pneumoconiosis is an occupational disease found in workers with environmental exposure to organic and inorganic dust, as in mining, sandblasting, pottery, stone masonry, and farming. The inflammatory response of the lung to respirable dust causes the formation of macules, nodules, and fibrosis, and higher silica content in inhaled dust is associated with increased fibrosis. Mixed dust pneumoconiosis (MDP) is characterized by exposure to dust containing 10-20% silica, and its lung imaging show irregular opacities. Histopathology plays a vital role in the diagnosis of MDP. Though it has a favorable outcome, it evolves slowly over many years of constant exposure and is characterized by worsening dyspnea and cough gradually progressing to cor pulmonale. The only effective treatment is removing exposure, which makes it essential to recognize the disease early for a favorable outcome. We present a case of mixed dust pneumoconiosis in a farmer from South America who had asthma. He presented with worsening dyspnea and multiple nodules in both lungs on imaging and cor pulmonale. An extensive workup was done, and it ruled out any malignancy and tuberculosis. Analysis of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) biopsy samples confirmed the diagnosis of mixed dust pneumoconiosis. He had a confluence of irregular nodes in the upper lobes of the lungs, and the largest was 2.1 cm. This fits the International Labour Organization (ILO) definition of progressive massive fibrosis. This, along with cor pulmonale present in him, gives it a poor prognosis even after he is removed from dust exposure. He received steroids, which led to symptomatic improvement, and he was discharged to follow up with the pulmonologist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last few decades, several epidemic diseases have been introduced. In some cases, doctors and medical physicians are facing difficulties in identifying these diseases correctly. A machine can perform some of these identification tasks more accurately than a human if it is trained correctly. With time, the number of medical data is increasing. A machine can analyze this medical data and extract knowledge from this data, which can help doctors and medical physicians. This study proposed a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) named ChestX-ray6 that automatically detects pneumonia, COVID19, cardiomegaly, lung opacity, and pleural from digital chest x-ray images. Here multiple databases have been combined, containing 9,514 chest x-ray images of normal and other five diseases. The lightweight ChestX-ray6 model achieved an accuracy of 80% for the detection of six diseases. The ChestX-ray6 model has been saved and used for binary classification of normal and pneumonia patients to reveal the model\'s generalization power. The pre-trained ChestX-ray6 model has achieved an accuracy and recall of 97.94% and 98% for binary classification, which outweighs the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The newly identified Coronavirus pneumonia, subsequently termed COVID-19, is highly transmittable and pathogenic with no clinically approved antiviral drug or vaccine available for treatment. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, sore throat, and fever. Symptoms can progress to a severe form of pneumonia with critical complications, including septic shock, pulmonary edema, acute respiratory distress syndrome and multi-organ failure. While medical imaging is not currently recommended in Canada for primary diagnosis of COVID-19, computer-aided diagnosis systems could assist in the early detection of COVID-19 abnormalities and help to monitor the progression of the disease, potentially reduce mortality rates. In this study, we compare popular deep learning-based feature extraction frameworks for automatic COVID-19 classification. To obtain the most accurate feature, which is an essential component of learning, MobileNet, DenseNet, Xception, ResNet, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, VGGNet, NASNet were chosen amongst a pool of deep convolutional neural networks. The extracted features were then fed into several machine learning classifiers to classify subjects as either a case of COVID-19 or a control. This approach avoided task-specific data pre-processing methods to support a better generalization ability for unseen data. The performance of the proposed method was validated on a publicly available COVID-19 dataset of chest X-ray and CT images. The DenseNet121 feature extractor with Bagging tree classifier achieved the best performance with 99% classification accuracy. The second-best learner was a hybrid of the a ResNet50 feature extractor trained by LightGBM with an accuracy of 98.






