lower-limb prosthesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a comprehensive review of natural fiber-reinforced composites (NFRCs) for lower-limb prosthetic designs. It covers the characteristics, types, and properties of natural fiber-reinforced composites as well as their advantages and drawbacks in prosthetic designs. This review also discusses successful prosthetic designs that incorporate NFRCs and the factors that make them effective. Additionally, this study explores the use of computational biomechanical models to evaluate the effectiveness of prosthetic devices and the key factors that are considered. Overall, this document provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in using NFRCs for lower-limb prosthetic designs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The soft tissues of residual limb amputees are subject to large volume fluctuations over the course of a day. Volume fluctuations in residual limbs can lead to local pressure marks, causing discomfort, pain and rejection of prostheses. Existing methods for measuring interface stress encounter several limitations. A major problem is that the measurement instrumentation is applied in the sensitive interface between the prosthesis and residual limb. This paper presents the principle investigation of a non-intrusive technique to evaluate the fit of orthopaedic prosthesis sockets in transfemoral amputees based on experimentally obtained vibrational data. The proposed approach is based on changes in the dynamical behaviour detectable at the outer surface of prostheses; thus, the described interface is not affected. Based on the experimental investigations shown and the derived results, it can be concluded that structural dynamic measurements are a promising non-intrusive technique to evaluate the fit of orthopaedic prosthesis sockets in transfemoral amputee patients. The obtained resonance frequency changes of 2% are a good indicator of successful applicabilityas these changes can be detected without the need for complex measurement devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In the UK 55,000 people live with a major limb amputation. The prosthetic socket is problematic for users in relation to comfort and acceptance of the prosthesis; and is associated with the development of cysts and sores.
    UNASSIGNED: We have developed a prototype low-cost system combining low-profile pressure sensitive sensors with an inertial measurement unit to assess loading distribution within prosthetic sockets. The objective of this study was to determine the ability of this prototype to assess in-socket loading profiles of a person with an amputation during walking, with a view to understanding socket design and fit.
    UNASSIGNED: The device was evaluated on four transtibial participants of various age and activity levels. The pressure sensors were embedded in the subject\'s sockets and an inertial measurement unit was attached to the posterior side of the socket. Measurements were taken during level walking in a gait lab.
    UNASSIGNED: The sensors were able to dynamically collect data, informing loading profiles within the socket which were in line with expected distributions for patellar-tendon-bearing and total-surface-bearing sockets. The patellar tendon bearing subject displayed loading predominately at the patellar tendon, tibial and lateral gastrocnemius regions. The total-surface bearing subjects indicated even load distribution throughout the socket except in one participant who presented with a large socket-foot misalignment.
    UNASSIGNED: The sensors provided objective data showing the pressure distributions inside the prosthetic socket. The sensors were able to measure the pressure in the socket with sufficient accuracy to distinguish pressure regions that matched expected loading patterns. The information may be useful to aid fitting of complex residual limbs and for those with reduced sensation in their residual limb, alongside the subjective feedback from prosthesis users.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After amputation, many people become less active, feel lonely and lose independence. Understanding the factors associated with low physical activity levels and participation could contribute to defining key interventions which can support prosthesis users so they can live a more active and socially included lifestyle. This longitudinal observational study aims to assess relationships between physical activity, community participation, prosthetic fit, comfort and user satisfaction using actimetry, 3D scans and questionnaires in a Cambodian cohort of established lower limb prosthesis users.
    Twenty participants (5F:15M, nine transfemoral, eleven transtibial, 24-60 years old and 3-43 years since amputation) were recruited. They completed a questionnaire which included their demographics, community participation, prosthesis satisfaction and comfort at the start of the study, and between three and six months later. Their prosthetic sockets and residual limbs were 3D scanned at the start and end of the study. Accelerometers were embedded under the cosmesis on the shank of the prosthesis, to collect ten weeks of activity data.
    Participants averaged 4470 steps/day (743-7315 steps/day), and wore their prosthesis for most waking hours, averaging 13.4 h/day (4.5-17.6 h/day). Self-reported measures of activity and hours of wear correlated with these accelerometer data (Spearman\'s rho rs = 0.59, and rs = 0.71, respectively). Participants who were more active wore their prosthesis for more hours/day (Pearson r = 0.73) and were more satisfied with socket fit (rs = 0.49). A longer residual limb correlated with better community participation (rs = 0.56) and comfort (rs = 0.56). Self-reported community participation did not correlate with a person\'s activity level (rs = 0.13), or their prosthesis comfort (rs = 0.19), and there was only weak correlation between how important the activity was to an individual, and how often they participated in it (rs = 0.37). A simple 0-10 scale of overall comfort did not provide enough detail to understand the types and severity of discomfort experienced.
    Associations between perceived and measured activity levels correlated with socket satisfaction in this cohort of people with established lower limb amputations. The small sample size means these correlations should be interpreted with caution, but they indicate variables worthy of further study to understand barriers to community engagement and physical activity for prosthesis users in Cambodia, and potentially in other settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with an above-knee (AK) amputation typically use passive prostheses, whether reactive (microprocessor) or purely mechanical. Though sufficient for walking, these solutions lack the positive power generation observed in able-bodied individuals. Active (powered) prostheses can provide positive power but suffer complex control and limited energy storage capacities. These shortcomings motivate the development of an active prosthesis implementing a novel impedance controller design with energy regeneration. The controller requires only five tuning parameters that are intuitive to adjust in contrast to the current standard-finite state machine impedance scheduling of up to 45 gains. This simplification is uniquely achieved by modulating knee joint impedance by axial shank force. Furthermore, the proposed control approach introduces analytical guidance for impedance tuning to purposely integrate energy regeneration; specifically, a precise amount of negative damping is injected into the joint. A pilot study conducted with a volunteer with an AK amputation walking at three distinct speeds and at continually self-selected varying speeds demonstrated the adaptability of the controller to changes in speed. Self-powered operation was attained for all trials despite low mechanical component efficiencies. These early results suggest the efficacy of simplifying impedance control tuning and fusing control and energy regeneration in transfemoral prostheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Step counts and oxygen consumption have yet to be reported during the 2-min walk test (2MWT) test in persons with lower-limb amputations (LLA). The purpose of this study was to determine step counts and oxygen consumption during the 2MWT in LLA. Thirty-five men and women walked for two minutes as quickly as possible while wearing activity monitors (ActiGraph Link on the wrist (LW) and ankle (LA), Garmin vivofit®3 on the wrist (VW) and ankle (VA), and a modus StepWatch on the ankle (SA), and a portable oxygen analyzer. The StepWatch on the ankle (SA) and the vivofit3 on the wrist (VW) had the least error and best accuracy of the activity monitors studied. While there were no significant differences in distance walked, oxygen consumption (VO2) or heart rate (HR) between sexes or level of amputation (p > 0.05), females took significantly more steps than males (p = 0.034), and those with unilateral transfemoral amputations took significantly fewer steps than those with unilateral transtibial amputations (p = 0.023). The VW and SA provided the most accurate step counts among the activity monitors and were not significantly different than hand counts. Oxygen consumption for all participants during the 2MWT was 8.9 ± 2.9 mL/kg/min, which is lower than moderate-intensity activity. While some may argue that steady-state activity has not yet been reached in the 2MWT, it may also be possible participants are not walking as fast as they can, thereby misclassifying their performance to a lower standard.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Lower-limb prosthesis users (LLPUs) experience increased fall risk due to gait and balance impairments. Clinical outcome measures are useful for measuring balance impairment and fall risk screening but suffer from limited resolution and ceiling effects. Recent advances in wearable sensors that can measure different components of gait stability may address these limitations. This study assessed feasibility and construct validity of a wearable sensor system (APDM Mobility Lab) to measure postural control and gait stability.
    UNASSIGNED: Lower-limb prosthesis users (n=22) and able-bodied controls (n=24) completed an Instrumented Stand-and-Walk Test (ISAW) while wearing the wearable sensors. Known-groups analysis (prosthesis versus controls) and convergence analysis (Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility [PLUS-M] and Activity-specific Balance Confidence [ABC] Scale) were performed on 20 stability-related measures.
    UNASSIGNED: The system was applied without complications; however missing anticipatory postural adjustment data points for nine subjects affected the analysis. Of the 20 analyzed measures output by the sensors, only three significantly differed (p≤.05) between cohorts, and two demonstrated statistically significant correlations with the self-report measures.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this study suggest the clinical feasibility but only partial construct validity of the wearable sensor system in conjunction with the ISAW test to measure LLPU stability and balance. The sample consisted of high-functioning LLPUs, so further research should evaluate a more representative sample with additional outcome measures and tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel method for recognizing the phases in bicycling of lower limb amputees using support vector machine (SVM) optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed in this paper. The method is essential for enhanced prosthetic knee joint control for lower limb amputees in carrying out bicycling activity. Some wireless wearable accelerometers and a knee joint angle sensor are installed in the prosthesis to obtain data on the knee joint and ankle joint horizontal, vertical acceleration signal and knee joint angle. In order to overcome the problem of high noise content in the collected data, a soft-hard threshold filter was used to remove the noise caused by the vibration. The filtered information is then used to extract the multi-dimensional feature vector for the training of SVM for performing bicycling phase recognition. The SVM is optimized by PSO to enhance its classification accuracy. The recognition accuracy of the PSO-SVM classification model on testing data is 93%, which is much higher than those of BP, SVM and PSO-BP classification models.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People with a transtibial amputation (TTA) have altered motion during daily tasks, which may be influenced by prosthetic alignment. This study aimed to determine the effect of medial/lateral prosthetic alignment shifts on muscle activity, measured by integrated electromyography (iEMG), and to compare muscle activity between people with and without TTA during sit-to-stand. We quantified ground reaction forces and three-dimensional center-of-mass position to interpret muscle activity results. Compared to the prescribed alignment, the bilateral knee extensors had greater activity in the medial alignment (p < 0.001) and the amputated side gluteus medius and less activity in the lateral alignment (p = 0.035), which may be a result of altered muscular requirements for postural control. In people with TTA, smaller intact side gluteus medius activity was associated with frontal plane motion of the center-of-mass, which was not observed in non-amputees. Compared to non-amputees, people with TTA had greater iEMG in the intact side tibialis anterior (p = 0.031) and amputated side rectus femoris (p < 0.001), which may be required to brake the body center-of-mass in the absence of amputated side tibialis anterior. These results suggest that lateral alignment shifts may reduce muscle activity during sit-to-stand for people with TTA and emphasize the importance of analyzing sit-to-stand in three dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: To gather ideas from lower-limb prosthesis users and certified prosthetists regarding possible residual limb monitoring system features and data presentation. We also gathered information on the type of residual limb problems typically encountered, how they currently manage those problems, and their ideas for methods to better manage them.Materials and methods: Two focus groups were held; one with certified prosthetists and another with lower-limb prosthesis users. Open-ended questions were used in a moderated discussion that was audio recorded, transcribed, and assessed using applied thematic analysis.Results and conclusions: Seven individuals participated in each focus group. Prosthetists came from a mix of practice settings, while prosthesis users were diverse in level of amputation, aetiology, and years of experience using lower-limb prostheses. Residual limb problems reported by participants were consistent with those in the literature. Participants suggested better managing residual limb problems through improved education, better detection of residual limb problems, and using sensor-based information to improve prosthetic technology. Participants favoured short-term use of a possible residual limb monitoring systems to troubleshoot residual limb problems, with temperature and pressure the most frequently mentioned measurements. Participants described that an ideal residual limb monitoring system would be lightweight, not interfere with prosthesis function, and result in benefits with regard to prosthetic care and socket function that outweighed inconveniences or concerns regarding system use. A potential positive of system use included having objective data for reimbursement justification, although it was pointed out that the residual limb monitoring system itself also needed to be reimbursable.Implications for RehabilitationStakeholders suggested better managing residual limb problems through improved education, better detection of residual limb problems, and using sensor-based information to improve prosthetic technology.Stakeholders favored short-term use of a possible system to troubleshoot residual limb problems, with temperature and pressure the most frequently mentioned measurements.Stakeholders described that an ideal residual limb monitoring system would be lightweight, not interfere with prosthesis function, and result in benefits with regard to prosthetic care and socket function that outweighs any inconveniences or concerns regarding system use.Stakeholders indicated that a potential positive of system use included having objective data for reimbursement justification, although it was pointed out that the residual limb monitoring system itself also needed to be reimbursable.





