lower body

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to identify and explain the typical differences in low-intensity high-volume resistance training (LIHV-RT) performances for major muscle groups between rural versus urban young female students to establish the relevant set of quantitative and qualitative resistance training parameters. The study sample included 46 recreational active female students at the Transilvania University of Brașov, (mean ± SD age, 20 ± 1 year; body mass, 60 ± 3 kg; height, 160 ± 4 cm) grouped urban vs. rural. The study used modified resistance exercise machines for the hamstring- and quadricep-group muscles, equipped with a dynamometer and sensors for identifying developed forces and accelerations. A number of 368 tests were performed, representing two attempts for each subject, for knee flexion and knee extension exercises, with two different loads. For the performance analysis some variables were considered: the maximum number of repetition until failure, maximum force developed, maximum acceleration, the duration of the set and the mean time per repetition. The maximum number of repetition to failure shows a significant higher value for rural than urban in case of knee flexion (d = 0.98 [0.32, 1.54] for load 1(L1) and d = 0.65 [0.03, 1.21] for load 2(L2)) and in case of knee extension (d = 1.89 [1.11, 2.48] for L1 and d = 1.67 [0.92, 2.25] for L2). The total duration of the sets shows a significant higher value for rural than urban in case of knee flexion (d = 0.84 [0.19, 1.39] for L2) and in case of knee extension (d = 1.46 [0.74, 2.03] for L1 and d = 1.56 [0.98, 2.14] for L2). Additionally we found differences in the quality of the relevant repetitions execution and in the impulse developed during the LIHV- MNRF sets. The study\'s main finding was that there are differences in LIHV-RT performances knee flexion and knee extension antagonistic exercises, between rural and urban female students. We concluded that the obtained results allow teachers to understand the optimal design of RT programs for the different groups of participants, in order to adapt their teaching techniques so that their final objectives are achieved, insisting on particular aspects of the theoretical or practical contents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have investigated the magnitude of circadian variation in Isokinetic and Isometric strength of the knee extensors and flexors, as well as back squat and bench press performance using the MuscleLab force velocity transducer. Ten resistance-trained males (mean±SD: age 21.5 ± 1.1 years; body mass 78.3 ± 5.2 kg; height 1.71 ± 0.07 m) underwent a) three to four familiarization sessions on each dynamometer and b) four sessions at different times of day (03:00, 09:00, 15:00 and 21:00 h). Each session was administered in a counterbalanced order and included a period when Perceived onset of mood states (POMS), then rectal and muscle temperature (Trec, Tm) was measured at rest, after which a 5-min standardized 150 W warm-up was performed on a cycle ergometer. Once completed, Isokinetic (60 and 240°·s-1 for extension and flexion) and Isometric dynamometry with peak torque (PT), time-to-peak-torque (tPT) and peak force (PF) and % activation was measured. Lastly, Trec and Tm were measured before the bench press (at 30, 50 and 70 kg) and back squat (at 40, 60 and 80 kg) exercises. A linear encoder was attached to an Olympic bar used for the exercises and average force (AF), peak velocity (PV) and time-to-peak-velocity (tPV) were measured (MuscleLab software; MuscleLab Technology, Langesund, Norway) during the concentric phase of the movements. Five-min recovery was allowed between each set with three repetitions being completed. General linear models with repeated measures and cosinor analysis were used to analyse the data. Values for Trec and Tm at rest were higher in the evening compared to morning values (Acrophase Φ: 16:35 and 17:03 h, Amplitude A: 0.30 and 0.23°C, Mesor M: 36.64 and 37.43°C, p < 0.05). Vigor, happy and fatigue mood states responses showed Φ 16:11 and 16:03 h and 02:05 h respectively. Circadian rhythms were apparent for all variables irrespective of equipment used where AF, PF and PT values peaked between 16:18 and 18:34 h; PV, tPV and tPT peaked between 05:54 and 08:03 h (p < 0.05). In summary, circadian rhythms in force output (force, torque, power, and velocity) were shown for isokinetic, isometric dynamometers and complex multi-joint movements (using a linear encoder); where tPV and tPT occur in the morning compared to the evening. Circadian rhythms in strength can be detected using a portable, low-cost instrument that shows similar cosinor characteristics as established dynamometers. Hence, muscle-strength can be measured in a manner that is more directly transferable to the world of athletic and sports performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A musculoskeletal (MSK) model is an important tool for analysing human motions, calculating joint torques during movement, enhancing sports activity, and developing exoskeletons and prostheses. To enable biomechanical investigation of human motion, this work presents an open-source lower body MSK model. The MSK model of the lower body consists of 7 body segments (pelvis, left/right thigh, left/right leg, and left/right foot). The model has 20 degrees of freedom (DoFs) and 28 muscle torque generators (MTGs), which are developed from experimental data. The model can be modified for different anthropometric measurements and subject body characteristics, including sex, age, body mass, height, physical activity, and skin temperature. The model is validated by simulating the torque within the range of motion (ROM) of isolated movements; all simulation findings exhibit a good level of agreement with the literature.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Industrial tasks that involve frequent sitting/standing transitions and squatting activities can benefit from lower-limb industrial exoskeletons; however, their use is not as widespread as their upper-body counterparts. In this review, we examined 23 articles that evaluated the effects of using Wearable Chair (WC) and Squat-assist (SA) exoskeletons. Evaluations mainly included assessment of muscular demands in the thigh, shank, and upper/lower back regions. Both types of devices were found to lessen muscular demands in the lower body by 30-90%. WCs also reduced low-back demands (~ 37%) and plantar pressure (54-80%) but caused discomfort/unsafe feeling in participants. To generalize outcomes, we suggest standardizing approaches used for evaluating the devices. Along with addressing low adoption through design upgrades (e.g., ground and body supports/attachments), we recommend that researchers thoroughly evaluate temporal effects on muscle fatigue, metabolic rate, and stability of wearers. Although lower-limb exoskeletons were found to be beneficial, discrepancies in experimental protocols (posture/task/measures) were discovered. We also suggest simulating more realistic conditions, such as walking/sitting interchangeability for WCs and lifting loads for SA devices. The presented outcomes could help improve the design/evaluation approaches, and implementation of lower limb wearable devices across industries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Altered propulsive and bracing ground reaction forces from lower-body fatigue significantly impact stride length to increase weakness in dynamic elbow stabilizers and risk of medial elbow injury in baseball pitchers. This work investigated altered stride length on three-dimensional ankle joint dynamics to illustrate fatigue-induced changes in ankle motion that can also be impacted by coaching errors. Nineteen pitchers (15 collegiate and 4 high school) were randomized in a crossover design study that encouraged fatigue by throwing two simulated 80-pitch games at ±25% of their desired stride length. An integrated motion-capture system with two force plates and radar gun tracked each throw. Retrospective analysis using pairwise comparisons, including effect size calculations, were undertaken to identify differences in ankle dynamics between stride length conditions for both the drive and stride leg. Longer strides were found to be more effective in drive ankle propulsion and stride-bracing mechanics. Conversely, shorter strides delayed bracing dynamics by demonstrating continued drive ankle plantar flexion moments after stride-foot contact to extend pitchers\' time in propulsion (p < 0.001, d > 0.8). Additionally, heightened braking effects were seen during the acceleration phase of throwing with greater stride knee extension power when pitching with shorter strides (p < 0.001, d > 0.8). The knowledge gained from this work offers new insight into compensatory stride length adaptation that impacts systemic and throwing arm-specific fatigue to maintain ball velocity, as bilateral ankle joint dynamics can be significantly affected in response to cumulative workload.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extreme angles in lower body joints may adversely increase the risk of injury to joints. These injuries are common in the workplace and cause persistent pain and significant financial losses to people and companies. The purpose of this study was to predict lower body joint angles from the ankle to the lumbosacral joint (L5S1) by measuring plantar pressures in shoes. Joint angle prediction was aided by a designed footwear sensor consisting of six force-sensing resistors (FSR) and a microcontroller fitted with Bluetooth LE sensors. An Xsens motion capture system was utilized as a ground truth validation measuring 3D joint angles. Thirty-seven human subjects were tested squatting in an IRB-approved study. The Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) linear regression algorithm was used to create a progressive model that predicted the angles of ankle, knee, hip, and L5S1. The footwear sensor showed a promising root mean square error (RMSE) for each joint. The L5S1 angle was predicted to be RMSE of 0.21° for the X-axis and 0.22° for the Y-axis, respectively. This result confirmed that the proposed plantar sensor system had the capability to predict and monitor lower body joint angles for potential injury prevention and training of occupational workers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is generally accepted that most of the energy transferred to the ball during a baseball pitch is generated in the trunk and lower extremities. Therefore, purpose of this study was to assess the energy flow through the lower extremities during a baseball pitch. It was hypothesised that the (stabilising) leading leg mainly transfers energy in a distal-to-proximal order as a kinetic chain while the (driving) trailing leg generates most energy, primarily at the hip. A joint power analysis was used to determine the rates of energy (power) transfer and generation in the ankles, knees, hips and lumbosacral joint (L5-S1) for 22 youth pitchers. Analyses showed that the leading leg mainly transfers energy upwards in a distal-to-proximal order just before stride foot contact. Furthermore, energy generation was higher in the trailing leg and primarily arose from the trailing hip. In conclusion, the legs contribute differently to the energy flow where the leading leg acts as an initial kinetic chain component and the trailing leg drives the pitch by generating energy. The actions of both legs are combined in the pelvis and passed on to the subsequent, more commonly discussed, open kinetic chain starting at L5-S1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Studies have indicated upper body involvement during football, provoking long-term muscular adaptations. This study aimed at examining the acute metabolic response in upper and lower body skeletal muscle to football training organized as small-sided games (SSG).
    METHODS: Ten healthy male recreational football players [age 24 ± 1 (± SD) yrs; height 183 ± 4 cm; body mass 83.1 ± 9.7 kg; body fat 15.5 ± 5.4%] completed 1-h 5v5 SSG (4 × 12 min interspersed with 4-min recovery periods). Muscle biopsies were obtained from m. vastus lateralis (VL) and m. deltoideus (DE) pre- and post-SSG for muscle glycogen and metabolite analyses. Blood lactate samples were obtained at rest, middle and end of the SSG.
    RESULTS: Muscle glycogen in VL decreased (P < 0.01) by 21% and tended (P = 0.08) to decrease in DE by 13%. Muscle lactate increased in VL (117%; P < 0.001) and DE (81%; P < 0.001) during the game, while blood lactate rose threefold. Muscle ATP and PCr were unaltered, but intermuscular differences were detected for ATP at both time points (P < 0.001) and for PCr at pre-SSG (P < 0.05) with VL demonstrating higher values than DE, while muscle creatine rose in VL (P < 0.001) by 41% and by 22% in DE (P = 0.02). Baseline citrate synthase maximal activity was higher (P < 0.05) in VL compared to DE, whereas baseline muscle lactate concentration was higher (P < 0.05) in DE than VL.
    CONCLUSIONS: The upper body may be extensively involved during football play, but besides a rise in muscle lactate in the deltoideus muscle similar to the leg muscles, the present study did not demonstrate acute metabolic changes of an order that may explain the previously reported training effect of football play in the upper extremities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hazardous knee biomechanics, such as excessive knee affordance link with injuries in volleyball spike jumps (SPJs) and can be reconfigured by the enhancement of internal focus. The study aimed to explore the effects of video tasks illustrating a high-level SPJ on knee movement in the volleyball SPJ with 15 elite male volleyball athletes. This study investigated the knee movements in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes before and after the video task in SPJ using one-dimensional statistical parametric mapping (SPM 1D) and discrete statistics. The SPM 1D indicated a larger knee flexion angle (31.17-73.19%, t = 2.611, and p = 0.012), increased knee flexion moment (19.72-21.38%, t = 0.029, and p = 0.029), and increased knee adduction angular velocity (49.07-62.64%, t = 3.148, and p = 0.004) after video task; alternatively, smaller knee external rotation angular velocity (45.85-49.96%, t = 5.199, and p = 0.017) and vertical ground reaction (vGRF) (3.13-5.94%, t = 4.096, and p = 0.014; 19.83-21.97%, t = 4.096, and p = 0.024) were found after the task. With discrete value statistics, the video task increased the peak of knee flexion angle while decreased the peak of extension moment, flexion moment, abduction moment, external moment, the first peak vGRF, and related loading rate. Conclusions: The results indicate that knee biomechanics in volleyball SPJ positively influenced by the video task. The task has the athletes control the knee movements more actively and improves the original hazardous movement strategies. Therefore, the video task presumably can abate the occurrence of knee injuries in volleyball SPJ. Further validation especially in the exercise effect is needed in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human motion capture (MOCAP) systems are vital while determining the loads occurring at the joints. Most of the clinical MOCAP systems are very costly, requiring investment and infrastructure. Therefore, alternative technologies are in demand. In this study, a novel markerless wearable MOCAP system was assessed for its compatibility with a biomechanical modeling software. To collect evidence, experiments were designed in two stages for quantifying the range of motion (ROM) of the hip joint, in vitro and in vivo. Three constrained single-plane motions-abduction/adduction, flexion/extension, and internal/external rotation movements of the active leg-were analyzed. The data were collected from 14 healthy volunteers, using the wearable system and a medical grade optoelectronic MOCAP system simultaneously and compared against. For the in vitro study, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) for the abduction/adduction motion of the hip joint was calculated as 0.11 deg/0.30 deg and 0.11 deg/0.09 deg, respectively, for the wearable and the opto-electronic system. The in vivo Bland-Altman plots showed that the two system data are comparable. The simulation software is found compatible to run the simulations in offline mode. The wearable system could be utilized in the field of biomechanics software for running the kinetic simulations. The results demonstrated that the wearable system could be an alternative in the field of biomechanics based on the evidence collected.





