low titer

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several false positive low serum cryptococcal antigen (SCrAg) reports by lateral flow assay (LFA) were identified in late 2016 at our tertiary care hospital. After the recall and correction of the problem in the reagent, we studied the significance of SCrAg LFA ≤ 1:10 from January 2017 to October 2023. Of 20 patients with 31 samples of SCrAg LFA ≤1:10, 14 patients (70%) were classified as true positives, four (20%) were indeterminate, and only two (10%) patients were false positives. If a new SCrAg LFA ≤1:10 is detected, it should be repeated, and additional workup should be pursued.
    We studied the significance of low serum cryptococcal antigen titer (SCrAg) LFA ≤ 1:10 from January 2017 to October 2023. Of 20 patients with SCrAg LFA ≤1:10, only two patients (10%) were false positives. If a new SCrAg ≤1:10 is detected, it should be repeated, and additional work up should be done.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Some patients with positive antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) have not been included in randomized clinical trials or observational registries and, therefore, information on their risk of obstetric or thrombotic recurrence and optimal treatment is scarce.Areas covered: In the present review, the existing evidence regarding the management of two laboratory scenarios not covered by the guidelines is presented: (1) patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) clinical manifestations and aPL positivity not fulfilling APS laboratory criteria, and (2) the possibility of discontinuing anticoagulation in APS patients whose aPL become persistently negative.Expert opinion: Growing evidence suggests a role for low titers and \'non-criteria\' aPL, especially in obstetric APS. Treatment is not formally recommended but might be considered according to the individual\'s risk profile. Regarding the question of whether or not to discontinue anticoagulants after the \'spontaneous\' disappearance of aPL, there is no definite answer. Retrospective studies seem to suggest that withdrawal of anticoagulation could be safe in certain patients with APS, especially in those with a first provoked venous thrombosis and whose aPL became persistently negative during follow-up. Still, before the withdrawal can be recommended in routine clinical practice, multicenter and prospective studies are required to validate this hypothesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The classification criteria for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) generate discussion, with a growing impression that certain patients not fulfilling these criteria might be inadequately excluded from the classification. Nonetheless, these \"non-criteria\" patients are heterogeneously defined across different publications. We reviewed the \"non-criteria\" APS subgroups depicted in the literature and attempted to organize these subsets in a nomenclature proposal that could be used for research purposes. We established four potential patient profiles, grouped under the broad term \"non-criteria APS\": (A) \"Seronegative APS\": patients fulfilling clinical criteria, plus \"non-criteria\" manifestations, with persistently negative antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL); (B) \"Clinical non-criteria APS\": patients with \"non-criteria\" manifestations, plus aPL positivity fulfilling the classification criteria; (C) \"Incomplete laboratory APS\": patients fulfilling clinical criteria, plus positive aPL, but not fulfilling the classification criteria (low titer aPL); and (D) \"Laboratory non-criteria APS\": patients fulfilling clinical criteria, with negative or low titer criteria aPL, plus positive \"non-criteria\" aPL. This categorization could allow for a more homogeneous research approach to APS, enabling more sustained and universal conclusions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Massive hemorrhage remains the main cause of preventable death in combat settings and is also the main cause of year loss in developing countries. The management of these patients relies on blood transfusion and surgery. Time is a key factor, related to survival. Recent events highlight the need to be more efficient in the transfusion supply during terror attacks or mass casualties in civilian settings. Blood components therapy with a 1:1:1 ratio is associated with a decrease of mortality but encounters many logistic issues in those circumstances. Whole blood provides in one bag all the blood components in physiologic proportions with minimal amount of additive solution. Whole blood has been implemented in military as well as civilian settings worldwide. However, direct comparisons with component therapy in prospective clinical trials are scarce. Here we present the rational and the design of the T-STORHM (Trauma-Sang TOtal dans les Hémorragies Massives) trial. This prospective randomized multicentric clinical trial will test low titer group O whole blood to components therapy in the in-hospital management of trauma patients with massive hemorrhage. Sample size calculation, primary and secondary endpoints as trial blood products preparations are discussed. The trial is expected to start in 2019 in 6 civilians and military trauma centers. The French Military Health Service is promoting the study in collaboration with the French transfusion public service (Établissementfrançaisdusang).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole blood, that is blood that is not manufactured into its component red blood cells (RBC) plasma, and platelets (PLT) units, was the mainstay of transfusion for many years until it was discovered that the component parts of a blood donation could be stored under different conditions thereby optimizing the storage length of each product. The use of low anti-A and -B titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) has recently been rediscovered for use in massively bleeding trauma patients. Whole blood has several advantages over conventional component therapy for these patients, including simplifying the logistics of the resuscitation, being more concentrated than whole blood that is reconstituted from conventional components, and providing cold-stored PLTs, amongst other benefits. While randomized controlled trials to determine the efficacy of using LTOWB in the resuscitation of massively bleeding trauma patients are currently underway, retrospective data has shown that massively bleeding recipients of LTOWB with traumatic injury do not have worse outcomes compared to patients who received conventional components and, in some cases, recipients of LTOWB have more favourable outcomes. This paper will describe some of the advantages of using LTOWB and will discuss the emerging evidence for its use in massively bleeding patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Guidelines recommend ABO-identical platelet (PLT) transfusions. Hemolytic reactions after a minor ABO-incompatible PLT transfusion have escalated due to single-donor platelets (SDP) containing ABO-incompatible plasma. Avoiding such events by examining titers or performing plasma reduction is cumbersome. The introduction of platelet additive solutions (PAS) has enabled to reduce these reactions by avoiding passive transfer of isoagglutinin. Our aim was to study antibody titers (anti-A, anti-B) in \"O\" SDP by adding PAS at source and the quality parameters with reference to viability, morphology, and metabolism.
    METHODS: Group \"O\" SDP (n = 50) were prepared on a standard cell separator. PAS in a ratio of 70:30 (PAS: plasma) was added at source under sterile conditions (study arm). The units were studied on day of collection (day 0) and day 4 and compared with SDP containing 100% plasma (control arm). A titer study was performed after PAS addition.
    RESULTS: In the study group, the median antibody titers (anti-A, anti-B) reduced from 128 to16, post-PAS addition (P < 0.001). Morphology scores were superior in PAS platelet concentrates (P < 0.001). Metabolic parameters pO2 and pCO2 were similar in the two arms signifying good unit storage and stable oxygen consumption (P > 0.05). Lactate levels, glucose consumption rate, and lactate production rates were significantly low in study arm showing the advantage of PAS.
    CONCLUSIONS: O group SDPs can be prepared with PAS and the beneficial effects were significant with respect to antibody titers. Quality parameters were well maintained. Availability of PAS units has benefitted patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efficient production of transgenic animals using low-titer lentiviral constructs remains challenging. Here we demonstrate that microinjection of simian immundeficiency virus-derived lentiviral constructs can produce transgenic mice and rats with high efficiency even when using low-titer virus preparations.





