lot-to-lot variability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The appearance of an extrudate formulation was monitored during hot-melt extrusion (HME) continuous manufacturing over 3 days. The formulation matrix consisted of a polymeric component, copovidone, and a low molecular weight surfactant, polysorbate 80. Based on studies prior to the continuous manufacturing, the desired appearance of the target extrudate is translucent. Although process parameters such as feed rate and screw speed were fixed during the continuous manufacturing, the extrudate appearance changed over time from turbid to translucent. For root-cause investigation, the extrudates were analyzed offline by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and advanced polymer chromatography (APC™). Although the polysorbate 80 content of both turbid and translucent extrudates was within target, the glass transition temperature of the turbid extrudate was 2 °C above expected value. The observed turbidity was traced to lot-to-lot variability of the polysorbate 80 used in the continuous manufacturing, where APC™ analysis revealed that the relative content of the low molecular weight component varied from 23% to 27% in correlation with the evolution from turbid to translucent extrudates. This work stresses the importance of taking feeding material variability into account during continuous manufacturing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During a recent manufacturing campaign for a monoclonal antibody using a fed-batch process, poor cell culture performance was observed across two manufacturing sites with similar scales and equipment. Root cause analysis indicated that the poor cell culture performance was linked to the production basal media. Genealogy of the precursor raw materials used in the media revealed that a particular lot of Poloxamer 188 (P188) was the common link to the poor-performing media lots. P188 serves a critical role in protecting cells against shear in cell culture bioprocesses. However, the small-scale studies suggested that the poor cell culture performance was cytostatic in nature rather than being caused due to lack of shear protection. Several P188 lots were tested analytically using SEC-MS and RP-LC-MS methods and a unique low molecular weight species was identified in the suspect lot of poloxamer. The impurity was identified to be polypropylene oxide (PPO), a reaction intermediate in P188 synthesis. Spiking studies with PPO further confirmed its cytostatic nature. This case study highlights yet another scenario where lot-to-lot variability continues to impact bioprocesses and re-emphasizes the need for robust analytical and cell-culture raw material screening methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) measurement is useful as an aid in the evaluation of ovarian reserve. In the past, its conventional use was restricted by the low-throughput and variability of existing manual AMH assays. We developed the automated Access AMH assay for the quantitative determination of AMH levels on the Access family of immunoassay systems. The analytical performance of this new assay was evaluated.
    METHODS: Sensitivity, dilution linearity, assay imprecision, AMH sample stability, lot-to-lot comparison and correlation with AMH Gen II assay (Beckman Coulter, Inc.) were evaluated. Reference intervals for Access AMH were established in healthy females, males, newborns (≤60days) and pediatric males classified by Tanner stages.
    RESULTS: The limit of blank and limit of detection were below 0.0077 and 0.0098ng/mL, respectively. The limit of quantitation was 0.010ng/mL. The total imprecision ranged from 2.4 to 5.2%. Linearity was observed up to 24ng/mL. Sample storage at room temperature up to 48h, at 2-8°C up to 7days and at -20°C up to 15months had no impact on measured AMH. The correlation study gave a coefficient between 0.99 and 1 and a regression slope between 0.89 and 0.92. Excellent lot-to-lot comparability was observed on controls and patient samples with a maximum bias of 3.7% between 2.81 and 15.03ng/mL.
    CONCLUSIONS: The fully automated Access AMH immunoassay demonstrates excellent analytical performance. As a consequence, the availability of this assay will represent a robust, fast and precise alternative to manual AMH assay testing.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Both accurate measurement of HbA1c and minimal reagent lot-to-lot variability are essential for point-of-care HbA1c assays. The accuracy of three different cartridge lots of the Samsung LABGEO PT HbA1c Test was investigated to determine whether the results can be used for follow-up and screening of patients with diabetes.
    METHODS: The LABGEO PT10 device and three different lots of the LABGEO PT HbA1c Test cartridge were used. Seven levels of reference materials were measured using each cartridge in a duplicate manner for 3 days. The bias, within-laboratory precision, and total error were calculated. The medical decision point analysis was performed.
    RESULTS: The mean absolute bias, within-laboratory precision, and total error of each cartridge were 3.3%, 2.5%, and 8.1% for Lot1; 1.9%, 2.6%, and 7.1% for Lot2; and 2.7%, 2.8%, and 8.1% for Lot3. The predicted value (95% confidence interval) of each cartridge at an HbA1c of 6.5% was 6.74% (6.66, 6.83) for Lot1, 6.60 (6.51, 6.70) for Lot2, and 6.51 (6.39, 6.63) for Lot3.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the LABGEO PT HbA1c Test can be used to monitor patients with diabetes and perform diabetes screening when false-positive results are obtained in the doctor\'s office.





