loop extrusion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ring-shaped cohesin complex topologically entraps two DNA molecules to establish sister chromatid cohesion. Cohesin also shapes the interphase chromatin landscape with wide-ranging implications for gene regulation, and cohesin is thought to achieve this by actively extruding DNA loops without topologically entrapping DNA. The \'loop extrusion\' hypothesis finds motivation from in vitro observations-whether this process underlies in vivo chromatin loop formation remains untested. Here, using the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, we generate cohesin variants that have lost their ability to extrude DNA loops but retain their ability to topologically entrap DNA. Analysis of these variants suggests that in vivo chromatin loops form independently of loop extrusion. Instead, we find that transcription promotes loop formation, and acts as an extrinsic motor that expands these loops and defines their ultimate positions. Our results necessitate a re-evaluation of the loop extrusion hypothesis. We propose that cohesin, akin to sister chromatid cohesion establishment at replication forks, forms chromatin loops by DNA-DNA capture at places of transcription, thus unifying cohesin\'s two roles in chromosome segregation and interphase genome organisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TAD boundaries are genomic elements that separate biological processes in neighboring domains by blocking DNA loops that are formed through Cohesin-mediated loop extrusion. Most TAD boundaries consist of arrays of binding sites for the CTCF protein, whose interaction with the Cohesin complex blocks loop extrusion. TAD boundaries are not fully impermeable though and allow a limited amount of inter-TAD loop formation. Based on the reanalysis of Nano-C data, a multicontact Chromosome Conformation Capture assay, we propose a model whereby clustered CTCF binding sites promote the successive stalling of Cohesin and subsequent dissociation from the chromatin. A fraction of Cohesin nonetheless achieves boundary read-through. Due to a constant rate of Cohesin dissociation elsewhere in the genome, the maximum length of inter-TAD loops is restricted though. We speculate that the DNA-encoded organization of stalling sites regulates TAD boundary permeability and discuss implications for enhancer-promoter loop formation and other genomic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the asymmetric loop extrusion of DNA by a condensin complex, one domain of the complex stably anchors to the DNA molecule, and another domain reels in the DNA strand into a loop. The DNA strand in the loop is fully relaxed, or there is no tension in the loop. Just outside of the loop, there is a tension that resists the extrusion of DNA. To maintain the extrusion of the DNA loop, the condensin complex must have a domain capable of generating a force to overcome the tension outside of the loop. This study proposes that the groove-shaped HEAT repeat domain Ycg1 plays the role of a molecular motor. A DNA molecule may bind to the groove electrostatically, and the weak binding force facilitates the random thermal motion of DNA molecules. A mechanical model that random collisions between DNA and the nonparallel inner surfaces of the groove may generate a directional force which is required for the loop extrusion to sustain. The hinge domain binds to the DNA molecule and acts as an anchor during asymmetric DNA loop extrusion. When the effects of ATP hydrolysis and the viscous drag of the fluid environment are considered, the motor-anchor model for the condensin complex and the mechanical model might explain the asymmetric loop extrusion, the formation of steps, the step size distribution in the loop extrusion, the tension-dependent extrusion speed, the interaction between coexisting loops on the DNA strand, and untying the knots during extrusion. This model can also explain the observed formation of the Z-loop.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA loop extrusion plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression and the structural arrangement of chromatin. Most existing mechanistic models of loop extrusion depend on some type of ratchet mechanism, which should permit the elongation of loops while preventing their collapse, by enabling DNA to move in only one direction. STAG2 is already known to exert a role as DNA anchor, but the available structural data suggest a possible role in unidirectional DNA motion. In this work, a computational simulation framework was constructed to evaluate whether STAG2 could enforce such unidirectional displacement of a DNA double helix. The results reveal that STAG2 V-shape allows DNA sliding in one direction, but blocks opposite DNA movement via a linear ratchet mechanism. Furthermore, these results suggest that RAD21 binding to STAG2 controls its flexibility by narrowing the opening of its V-shape, which otherwise remains widely open in absence of RAD21. Therefore, in the proposed model, in addition to its already described role as a DNA anchor, the STAG2-RAD21 complex would be part of a ratchet mechanism capable of exerting directional selectivity on DNA sliding during loop extrusion. The identification of the molecular basis of the ratchet mechanism of loop extrusion is a critical step in unraveling new insights into a broad spectrum of chromatin activities and their implications for the mechanisms of chromatin-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most prominent representatives of multisubunit SMC complexes, cohesin and condensin, are best known as structural components of mitotic chromosomes. It turned out that these complexes, as well as their bacterial homologues, are molecular motors, the ATP-dependent movement of these complexes along DNA threads leads to the formation of DNA loops. In recent years, we have witnessed an avalanche-like accumulation of data on the process of SMC dependent DNA looping, also known as loop extrusion. This review briefly summarizes the current understanding of the place and role of cohesin-dependent extrusion in cell physiology and presents a number of models describing the potential molecular mechanism of extrusion in a most compelling way. We conclude the review with a discussion of how the capacity of cohesin to extrude DNA loops may be mechanistically linked to its involvement in sister chromatid cohesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate duplication and separation of long linear genomic DNA molecules is associated with a number of purely mechanical problems. SMC complexes are key components of the cellular machinery that ensures decatenation of sister chromosomes and compaction of genomic DNA during division. Cohesin, one of the essential eukaryotic SMC complexes, has a typical ring structure with intersubunit pore through which DNA molecules can be threaded. Capacity of cohesin for such topological entrapment of DNA is crucial for the phenomenon of post-replicative association of sister chromatids better known as cohesion. Recently, it became apparent that cohesin and other SMC complexes are, in fact, motor proteins with a very peculiar movement pattern leading to formation of DNA loops. This specific process has been called loop extrusion. Extrusion underlies multiple functions of cohesin beyond cohesion, but molecular mechanism of the process remains a mystery. In this review, we summarized the data on molecular architecture of cohesin, effect of ATP hydrolysis cycle on this architecture, and known modes of cohesin-DNA interactions. Many of the seemingly disparate facts presented here will probably be incorporated in a unified mechanistic model of loop extrusion in the not-so-distant future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammalian cells, the cohesin protein complex is believed to translocate along chromatin during interphase to form dynamic loops through a process called active loop extrusion. Chromosome conformation capture and imaging experiments have suggested that chromatin adopts a compact structure with limited interpenetration between chromosomes and between chromosomal sections. We developed a theory demonstrating that active loop extrusion causes the apparent fractal dimension of chromatin to cross-over between two and four at contour lengths on the order of 30 kilo-base pairs. The anomalously high fractal dimension [Formula: see text] is due to the inability of extruded loops to fully relax during active extrusion. Compaction on longer contour length scales extends within topologically associated domains (TADs), facilitating gene regulation by distal elements. Extrusion-induced compaction segregates TADs such that overlaps between TADs are reduced to less than 35% and increases the entanglement strand of chromatin by up to a factor of 50 to several Mega-base pairs. Furthermore, active loop extrusion couples cohesin motion to chromatin conformations formed by previously extruding cohesins and causes the mean square displacement of chromatin loci during lag times ([Formula: see text]) longer than tens of minutes to be proportional to [Formula: see text]. We validate our results with hybrid molecular dynamics-Monte Carlo simulations and show that our theory is consistent with experimental data. This work provides a theoretical basis for the compact organization of interphase chromatin, explaining the physical reason for TAD segregation and suppression of chromatin entanglements which contribute to efficient gene regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Class switch recombination (CSR) diversifies the effector functions of antibodies and involves complex regulation of transcription and DNA damage repair. Here, we show that the deubiquitinase USP7 promotes CSR to immunoglobulin A (IgA) and suppresses unscheduled IgG switching in mature B cells independent of its role in DNA damage repair, but through modulating switch region germline transcription. USP7 depletion impairs Sα transcription, leading to abnormal activation of Sγ germline transcription and increased interaction with the CSR center via loop extrusion for unscheduled IgG switching. Rescue of Sα transcription by transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) in USP7-deleted cells suppresses Sγ germline transcription and prevents loop extrusion toward IgG CSR. Mechanistically, USP7 protects transcription factor RUNX3 from ubiquitination-mediated degradation to promote Sα germline transcription. Our study provides evidence for active transcription serving as an anchor to impede loop extrusion and reveals a functional interplay between USP7 and TGF-β signaling in promoting RUNX3 expression for efficient IgA CSR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interplay between bacterial chromosome organization and functions such as transcription and replication can be studied in increasing detail using novel experimental techniques. Interpreting the resulting quantitative data, however, can be theoretically challenging. In this minireview, we discuss how connecting experimental observations to biophysical theory and modeling can give rise to new insights on bacterial chromosome organization. We consider three flavors of models of increasing complexity: simple polymer models that explore how physical constraints, such as confinement or plectoneme branching, can affect bacterial chromosome organization; bottom-up mechanistic models that connect these constraints to their underlying causes, for instance, chromosome compaction to macromolecular crowding, or supercoiling to transcription; and finally, data-driven methods for inferring interpretable and quantitative models directly from complex experimental data. Using recent examples, we discuss how biophysical models can both deepen our understanding of how bacterial chromosomes are structured and give rise to novel predictions about bacterial chromosome organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic genomes are folded into DNA loops mediated by structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complexes such as cohesin, condensin, and Smc5/6. This organization regulates different DNA-related processes along the cell cycle, such as transcription, recombination, segregation, and DNA repair. During the G2 stage, SMC-mediated DNA loops coexist with cohesin complexes involved in sister chromatid cohesion (SCC). However, the articulation between the establishment of SCC and the formation of SMC-mediated DNA loops along the chromatin remains unknown. Here, we show that SCC is indeed a barrier to cohesin-mediated DNA loop expansion along G2/M Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes.





