
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipomatoses are benign proliferation of adipose tissue. Lipomas (benign fat tumors) are the most common component of lipomatosis. They may be unique or multiple, encapsulated or not, subcutaneous or sometimes visceral. In some cases, they form large areas of non-encapsulated fat hypertrophy, with a variable degree of fibrosis. They can develop despite the absence of obesity. They may be familial or acquired. At difference with lipodystrophy syndromes, they are not associated with lipoatrophy areas, except in some rare cases such as type 2 familial partial lipodystrophy syndromes (FPLD2). Their metabolic impact is variable in part depending on associated obesity. They may have functional or aesthetic consequences. Lipomatosis may be isolated, be part of a syndrome, or may be visceral. Isolated lipomatoses include multiple symmetrical lipomatosis (Madelung disease or Launois-Bensaude syndrome), familial multiple lipomatosis, the painful Dercum\'s disease also called Adiposis Dolorosa or Ander syndrome, mesosomatic lipomatosis also called Roch-Leri lipomatosis, familial angiolipomatosis, lipedema and hibernomas. Syndromic lipomatoses include PIK3CA-related disorders, Cowden/PTEN hamartomas-tumor syndrome, some lipodystrophy syndromes, and mitochondrial diseases, especially MERRF, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, neurofibromatosis type 1, Wilson disease, Pai or Haberland syndromes. Finally, visceral lipomatoses have been reported in numerous organs and sites: pancreatic, adrenal, abdominal, epidural, mediastinal, epicardial… The aim of this review is to present the main types of lipomatosis and their physiopathological component, when it is known.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Lipomas are common benign soft tissue tumors composed primarily of mature adipose tissue. They are often encountered clinically due to their characteristic slow growth, typically as soft, painless, subcutaneous nodules. While lipomas are generally asymptomatic, surgical intervention is sought by patients when they lead to discomfort, cosmetic concerns, or functional impairment. In this case report, we present the successful surgical excision of 25 lipomas in the bilateral upper limbs and right thigh of a 43-year-old male. Pre-operative assessment, precise surgical technique, and post-operative care are highlighted as essential management components. The case emphasizes the importance of individualized treatment, ensuring symptomatic lipomas\' diagnosis and effective management. This report serves as a valuable reference for healthcare professionals caring for patients with lipomatous lesions, contributing to understanding soft tissue tumor management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Lipomas are common benign mesenchymal tumours, whereas lipomatoses are uncommon. Familial multiple lipomatosis (FML) is a rare syndrome characterized by multiple usually painless lipomas which may be associated with other conditions. FML is considered to be genetic, with various patterns of inheritance suggested. In this case report, we described a case of multiple familial lipomatosis that was misdiagnosed as dercum\'s disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Expand the differential diagnosis of secondary headache to include rare intracranial tumours, detected incidentally on brain imaging. Intracranial lipomas are rare congenital malformations, and are usually pericallosal asymptomatic midline lesions. However, some cases present with headache and seizures. Symptomatic intracranial lipomas are very rare and often detected incidentally on brain imaging.
    UNASSIGNED: We present a 52-year-old woman referred to our tertiary centre with a history of hypothyroidism presented with headache for 2 years. She had generalised body pains for six months. Her headache was persistent despite being on medications. Physical and neurological examination was unremarkable. Her visual acuity and fundus examination were normal.
    UNASSIGNED: Her brain imaging revealed a lesion over the corpus callosum and in the interhemispheric fissure with signal attenuation on the fat suppression sequence, features suggestive of curvilinear pericallosal lipoma. Symptomatic treatment with analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents were slightly effective. It is debatable whether tumour removal is required, as the risks of surgical intervention far outweigh the potential benefits.
    UNASSIGNED: Corpus callosal lipoma is a rare and unrecognised cause of secondary headache. It should be suspected in patients with an atypical headache without papilledema and who are unresponsive to analgesics. This may be the only presenting feature of intracranial lipomas rendering it even more difficult to suspect and diagnose, thus emphasising the importance of evaluating secondary headaches. Diagnosis is important because long-term follow-up may be required if patients develop new focal deficits, which may necessitate surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Gastric lipoma (GI) is a rare benign tumor of the stomach that arises from adipose tissue. It is often asymptomatic and is incidentally diagnosed on endoscopy or imaging studies.
    UNASSIGNED: A 66-year-old male presented with epigastric pain and acid reflux. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a 3-cm submucosal lesion in the pyloric antrum. The patient underwent a subtotal gastrectomy. The specimen was sent to the pathology department. Based on the microscopic findings, the diagnosis was a submucosal GI.
    UNASSIGNED: The diagnosis of GIs is usually made incidentally during imaging studies. Treatment options include endoscopic or surgical resection; however, conservative management can be considered in asymptomatic patients. Periodic radiological surveillance is recommended to monitor growth and assess for any malignant transformation.
    UNASSIGNED: GI is a rare tumor that is usually asymptomatic but can present with nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed through histological examination, and imaging techniques such as computed tomography or MRI can be useful in preoperative evaluation. Surgical resection remains the primary treatment, while endoscopic resection may be considered in certain cases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Most intracranial lipomas are asymptomatic, but headache is the most common symptom. The pounding score is sometimes high. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor imaging findings in parallel with the treatment of migraine.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Spinal lipomas not associated with dysraphism are rare and have an unknown natural history. In this report, we describe two cases; they showed recurrence during long-term follow-up, which makes us doubt a benign malformative etiology.
    METHODS: Two patients, a 19-year-old South American woman and a 14-year-old boy with spinal lipomas, underwent surgical resection. The lipomas were not associated with dysraphism and were located in the cervicothoracic and craniocervical junctions. In both cases, we decided to operate due to clinical progression; the former had a progressive natural course, and the latter experienced clinical worsening after recurrence from previous surgeries. The surgery took place with the assistance of neurophysiological monitoring and intraoperative ultrasound; a partial resection and medullary decompression were done, following the more recent recommendations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The natural history of these lesions is currently unknown due to their rarity and the heterogeneity in the long-term follow-up of previously reported cases. Although previous reports describe good outcomes after surgical resection, long follow-ups, especially in young subjects, may show differences in these outcomes with progression and recurrence. We contribute to this last piece of evidence by describing two more cases of progression and recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Long-term close follow-up should be done in young subjects with spinal lipomas, as they are more prone to an aggressive course. Metabolism and hormonal changes may be behind this progression. Reoperation must be considered if neurological decline is detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipomas are benign soft tissue tumors; the most common ones present in subcutaneous planes distributed throughout the body. However, there are few sites which are unusual location for lipomas. Here, we discuss the presentation of 4 cases of head and neck lipomas at unusual subsites. Though its prevalence is high in the body, lipomas are rarely seen in upper aerodigestive tract and these lesions can cause severe deglutition and respiratory distress problems in addition to cosmetic deformities. In the head and neck, most common location of lipoma is the cheek, followed by the tongue. Tonsillar lipomas are very rare. The mainstay treatment for lipomas is complete surgical excision and recurrence following complete removal is rarely known. We are here discussing a series of 4 cases of lipomas, presenting at uncommon subsites in head and neck region. These include lesions over neck, tongue, palate and tonsillar fossa. Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors, that are initially non bothersome. However, with increasing size they can cause severe aerodigestive problems with functional compromise and need complete surgical excision.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-endocrine findings in patients with MEN1 (multiple endocrine neoplasia) syndrome also include skin lesions, especially tumor-type lesions. This is a narrative review of the English-language medical literature including original studies concerning MEN1 and dermatological issues (apart from dermatologic features of each endocrine tumor/neuroendocrine neoplasia), identified through a PubMed-based search (based on clinical relevance, with no timeline restriction or concern regarding the level of statistical significance). We identified 27 original studies involving clinical presentation of patients with MEN1 and cutaneous tumors; eight other original studies that also included the genetic background; and four additional original studies were included. The largest cohorts were from studies in Italy (N = 145 individuals), Spain (N = 90), the United States (N = 48 and N = 32), and Japan (N = 28). The age of patients varied from 18 to 76 years, with the majority of individuals in their forties. The most common cutaneous tumors are angiofibromas (AF), collagenomas (CG), and lipomas (L). Other lesions are atypical nevi, basocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, acrochordons, papillomatosis confluens et reticularis, gingival papules, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the eyelid. Non-tumor aspects are confetti-like hypopigmentation, café-au-lait macules, and gingival papules. MEN1 gene, respective menin involvement has also been found in melanomas, but the association with MEN1 remains debatable. Typically, cutaneous tumors (AF, CG, and L) are benign and are surgically treated only for cosmetic reasons. Some of them are reported as first presentation. Even though skin lesions are not pathognomonic, recognizing them plays an important role in early identification of MEN1 patients. Whether a subgroup of MEN1 subjects is prone to developing these types of cutaneous lesions and how they influence MEN1 evolution is still an open issue.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A benign soft tissue tumor of mature fat cells is called a lipoma (adipocytes). Lipoma can develop anywhere on the body, although it is uncommon in the mouth. Lipomas that are superficially positioned are often yellowish in color, painless, soft, and non-fluctuating with a thin epithelial surface. As a result, a delicate pattern of blood vessels is frequently seen on the surface. Deeper lesions might not exhibit this finding and, as a result, are not as clinically recognized. Since the patients do not report any subjective clinical symptoms, the dentist often diagnoses such lipomas by accident. Deep-seated lipomas require specialist imaging procedures, such as contrast-enhanced computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasound to determine their extent. Lipomas can range in size from tiny to large to enormous. Large lipomas typically feature a \"slip sign\" and a nodular surface. Giant-sized lipomas can have a diameter of up to 10 cm. Lipomas can be single or multicellular. Dercum\'s disease, Proteus syndrome, neurofibromatosis, and familial adenomatosis polyposis all exhibit lipomas in various locations. The preferred course of treatment for these oral lipomas is surgical removal. Such lipomas do not recur again. Lipoma comes in a number of tiny varieties. The traditional description is of a well-defined tumor made up of lobules of uniformly sized and shaped mature fat cells. The term \"fibrolipoma\" refers to lipomas that contain a sizable amount of fibrous connective tissue, \"angiolipoma\" refers to lipomas that contain numerous tiny blood vessels, \"myxolipoma\" refers to lipomas with a background of myxoid cells, and \"spindle cell lipoma\" refers to lipomas that contain a mixture of uniform spindle cells. When compared to a pleomorphic liposarcoma, the pleomorphic lipoma exhibits spindle cells and strange, hyperchromatic large cells, making it challenging for the pathologist to tell them apart. An intramuscular lipoma is a lipoma that invades skeletal muscle bundles. Because they are harder to entirely eradicate, intramuscular lipomas are more likely to reoccur.





