
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Osteoarthritis is a prevalent joint disease affecting both humans and animals. It is characterized by articular cartilage degeneration and joint surface eburnation. Currently, no effective pharmacological treatment is available to restore the original function and structure of defective cartilage.
    UNASSIGNED: This study explores the potential of stem cell-based therapy in treating joint diseases involving cartilage degeneration, offering a promising avenue for future research and treatment. The primary aim was to compare the characteristics and, more importantly, the chondrogenic differentiation potential of human and rat adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs).
    UNASSIGNED: Rat adipose tissue was collected from Sprague Dawley rats, while human adipose tissue was obtained in the form of lipoaspirate. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were then harvested using collagenase enzyme and subcultured. We meticulously evaluated and compared the cell morphology, percentage of cell viability, population doubling time, metabolic proliferation, and chondrogenic differentiation potential of MSCs harvested from both sources. Chondrogenic differentiation was induced at passage 3 using the 3D pellet culture method and assessed through histological and molecular analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings revealed that human and rat AD-MSCs were phenotypically identical, and an insignificant difference was found in cell morphology, percentage of cell viability, metabolic proliferation, and population doubling time. However, the chondrogenic differentiation potential of human AD-MSCs was evaluated as significantly higher than that of rat AD-MSCs.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study suggests that research regarding chondrogenic differentiation of rat AD-MSCs can be effectively translated to humans. This discovery is a significant contribution to the field of regenerative medicine and has the potential to advance our understanding of stem cell-based therapy for joint diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasal septal perforation (NSP) is a complex problem in otorhinolaryngology, which leads to impaired nasal breathing and dryness in the nose. This reduces the patient\'s quality of life and leads to psychological discomfort. The treatment of nasal septum perforation is selected taking into account the clinical manifestations, perforation parameters and general condition of the patient. Currently, a large number of different surgical methods have been described in order to closing the defect of nasal septum. To date, there is no universally accepted method for closing NSP, which stimulates the search and development of new treatment options.
    OBJECTIVE: Under experimental conditions, to study a new method for closing nasal septum perforation using a collagen scaffold together with adipose stromal vascular fraction containing multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells.
    METHODS: The experiment was carried out on a model of nasal septum perforation in 24 male rabbits divided into four groups, depending on the construct, implanted into the defect zone: the 1st group was the control group - without the introduction of implantation material; the 2nd group - collagen scaffold without adipose stromal vascular fraction; the 3rd group - collagen scaffold with xenogenic adipose stromal vascular fraction; the 4th group - collagen scaffold with allogeneic adipose stromal vascular fraction with further dynamic evaluation of endoscopic control on day 14, after 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. At month 6, the animals were removed from the experiment, followed by morphological examination in color with hematoxylin and eosin, as well as safranin and methyl green.
    RESULTS: As a result of the experiment using adipose stromal vascular fraction of allogeneic and xenogenic origin, closing of perforation of the nasal septum of a rabbit for 3 months of dynamic endoscopic control, as well as according to morphological research, was demonstrated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that the use of adipose stromal vascular fraction containing not only endothelial cells and pericytes, but also multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in combination with a collagen scaffold closes the perforation of the nasal septum in a rabbit, without increasing the risk of violations of habitual vital activity.
    Перфорация перегородки носа (ППН) приводит к нарушению функции носового дыхания и сухости в носу. Это снижает качество жизни пациента и ведет к психологическому дискомфорту. Лечение при перфорации носовой перегородки осуществляется с учетом клинических проявлений, параметров перфорации и общего состояния пациента. В настоящее время описано большое количество разнообразных хирургических методов с целью восстановления перегородки носа. Вместе с тем отсутствует универсальная методика закрытия ППН, что стимулирует поиск и разработку новых вариантов лечения.
    UNASSIGNED: В условиях эксперимента изучить новый метод закрытия перфорации перегородки носа с применением коллагенового скаффолда совместно со стромально-васкулярной фракцией жировой ткани, содержащей мультипотентные мезенхимальные стромальные клетки.
    UNASSIGNED: Эксперимент проводился на модели перфорации перегородки носа у 24 самцов кролика. Все животные разделены на четыре группы в зависимости от конструкта, имплантированного в зону дефекта: 1-я группа (контрольная) — без введения имплантационного материала; животным 2-й группы вводили коллагеновый скаффолд без стромально-васкулярной фракции жировой ткани; животным 3-й группы вводили коллагеновый скаффолд с ксеногенной стромально-васкулярной фракцией жировой ткани; животным 4-й группы вводили коллагеновый скаффолд с аллогенной стромально-васкулярной фракцией жировой ткани. На 14-е сутки, через 1 мес, 3 мес и 6 мес выполняли эндоскопический контроль. На 6-й месяц животных выводили из эксперимента с последующим морфологическим исследованием.
    UNASSIGNED: В результате проведенного эксперимента с применением стромально-васкулярной фракции жировой ткани аллогенного и ксеногенного происхождения продемонстрировано закрытие перфорации перегородки носа кролика на 3-й месяц по данным динамического эндоскопического контроля и морфологического исследования.
    UNASSIGNED: Наше исследование показало, что использование стромально-васкулярной фракции, содержащей в себе не только эндотелиальные клетки и перициты, но и мультипотентные мезенхимальные стромальные клетки в комплексе с коллагеновым скаффолдом, способствует закрытию перфорации перегородки носа у кролика и при этом не нарушает его привычную жизнедеятельность.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last decades, there has been ongoing and evolving research concerning regenerative medicine, specifically, stem cells. The most common source of adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) remains the adipose tissue and the easiest way to obtain such tissue is lipoaspirate. The fatty tissue obtained can be processed either in an enzymatic way, which is time-consuming and expensive and carries several dangers for the viability of the stem cells included, or with mechanical means which are fast, inexpensive, yield enough viable cells, and can be readily used for autologous transplantation in one-stage procedures. Herein, we demonstrate our non-enzymatic method for obtaining adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction comprising MSCs. The stromal vascular fraction was isolated via centrifugation, and the characteristics and numbers of the cells isolated have been tested with flow cytometry assay, cell culture, and differentiation. Over 91% of viable MSCs were isolated using the mechanical method. The cells retained the ability to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes. The method presented is simple, requiring no special equipment, and yields a viable population of stem cells in large numbers. These cells can be readily used in several operations (orthopedic, dentistry, fistulas, etc.) making feasible \"one-stage\" procedures, thus proving their benefits for the patient and the health care system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adipose tissue is an abundant and accessible source of stem cells with multipotent properties suitable for tissue engineering and regenerative medical applications. Adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs) have been widely used in tissue engineering and cell therapy. In addition, the clinical application of ASCs in the treatment of inflammation and injury has been proven a success. Here, we describe methods from our own laboratory and the literature for the isolation and expansion of Adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs). We present a large-scale procedure suitable for processing >100 mL volumes of lipoaspirate tissue specimens by collagenase digestion, a related procedure suitable for processing adipose tissue aspirates without digestion, and a procedure suitable for intact human adipose tissue, such as buccal fat pads in the maxillofacial region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (hASCs) are a promising source of adult stem cells used in numerous applications in regenerative medicine. We present the protocols from our laboratory for isolating and expanding hASCs. The isolation of hASCs involves the enzymatic digestion of adipose tissue and subsequent culturing of the isolated cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipoaspirate has become the preferred source for regenerative cells. The mechanical processing of lipoaspirate has advantages over enzymatic processing but has a lower yield of regenerative cells. A review of the literature shows different techniques of extraction, but the ideal method or combination has not been determined.
    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was focused on the mechanical processing of lipoaspirate, without the use of enzymes. Data from the articles were integrated by utilizing a multivariate meta-analysis approach and used to create a statistical-based predictive model for a combination of multiple variables.
    RESULTS: Starting with 10,000 titles, 159 articles were reviewed, and 6 met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. The six studies included data on 117 patients. Sixteen factors were analyzed and six were identified as significant. The predictive profilers indicated that the optimal combination to maximize the cell yield was: a centrifuge force of 2000× g, a centrifuge time of 10 min, a cannula diameter of 2 mm, and an intra-syringe number of passes of 30. The optimal patient factors were a higher BMI and younger age.
    CONCLUSIONS: The novelty of the method used here was in combining data across different studies to understand the effect of the individual factors and in the optimization of their combination for mechanical lipoaspirate processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cell therapy is a useful treatment method for wide spectrum of diseases which utilizes the immunosuppressive and regenerative abilities of administered cells. It is essential to build a transport system of tissues from which cells are harvested, because various external factors, such as temperature, time, air pressure, and vibration affect the cell functions isolated from body tissues. In particular, temperature is a critical factor which determines the viability of the cells and organs. In this study, we investigated the optimal temperature during the transportation of lipoaspirates from which adipose -derived stem cells (ASCs) were isolated.
    UNASSIGNED: Lipoaspirates obtained by liposuctions (lipomatic or vaser method) were transported in four different temperature zones (4, 20, 32, and 37 °C) in a transport container which is electrically controlled to maintain a constant temperature during transport. Stromal vascular fractions (SVFs) were harvested from the lipoaspirate, and the cell number, viability and proliferation rate and the yield of ASCs were examined. In addition, the metabolic state of the cells was examined.
    UNASSIGNED: ASCs from lipoaspirates transported at high temperature significantly decreased cell viability, while those at low temperature maintained high cell viability and showed good cell proliferation. In addition, transportation of lipoaspirates at low temperature resulted in a high level of NAD+/NADH, coenzymes involved in intracellular metabolism, and a low level of lactate in lipoaspirate suppressed the glycolytic system of intracellular metabolism, in ASCs.
    UNASSIGNED: The lipoaspirate transported at 4 °C exhibited best results regarding live cell number, viability and cell proliferation in our experiments. This study offers a direction to build a transport system that connects laboratories and hospitals and achieve a beneficial therapy for patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For effective translation of research from tissue engineering and regenerative medicine domains, the cell-instructive extracellular matrix (ECM) of specific tissues must be accurately realized. As adipose tissue is gaining traction as a biomaterial for soft tissue reconstruction, with highly variable clinical outcomes obtained, a quantitative investigation of the adipose tissue matrisome is overdue. In this study, the human adipose tissue matrisome is profiled using quantitative sequential windowed acquisition of all theoretical fragment ion spectra - mass spectrometry (SWATH-MS) proteomics across a cohort of 13 fat-grafting patients, to provide characterization of ECM proteins within the tissue, and to understand human population variation. There are considerable differences in the expression of matrisome proteins across the patient cohort, with age and lipoaspirate collection technique contributing to the greatest variation across the core matrisome. A high abundance of basement membrane proteins (collagen IV and heparan sulfate proteoglycan) is detected, as well as fibrillar collagens I and II, reflecting the hierarchical structure of the tissue. This study provides a comprehensive proteomic evaluation of the adipose tissue matrisome and contributes to an enhanced understanding of the influence of the matrisome in adipose-related pathologies by providing a healthy reference cohort and details an experimental pipeline that can be further exploited for future biomaterial development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glenohumeral osteoarthritis (GOA) is associated with disabling shoulder pain that affects everyday life. Its management comprises various treatment approaches, both conservative and surgical. Regenerative medicine has gained a major role in the conservative treatment of osteoarthritis. Intra-articular injection of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) is a widely used regenerative medicine approach. The aim of this retrospective study was to report the safety and clinical outcomes of intra-articular injection of ADMSCs in patients with GOA over 36-months.
    METHODS: This retrospective observational study involved patients with chronic shoulder pain resistant to standard conservative treatment and a diagnosis of concentric GOA, who received an intra-articular injection of autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue (μFAT). The values of the Constant-Murley score (CMS), the visual analog scale (VAS), and the simple shoulder test (SST), collected at baseline and at 12, 24, and 36 months, were analyzed to assess treatment efficacy. The single assessment numeric evaluation (SANE) was used to rate patient satisfaction. The Friedman test was used to compare observations of CMS, VAS, and SST values repeated on the same subjects. The significance threshold was set at 0.05.
    RESULTS: The participants were 65 patients with a mean age of 54.19 years and a nearly equal gender distribution. Most had mild concentric GOA classified as Samilson-Prieto grade 1. The mean follow-up duration was 44.25 months. The postoperative clinical scores showed significant improvement. At 36 months, the CMS was 84.60, the VAS score was 3.34, and the SST score was 10.15 (all p < 0.0001). The SANE score at 36 months indicated that 54 patients (83.08%) were completely satisfied with the treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: ADMSC treatment exerted favorable effects on the clinical outcomes of patients with GOA, providing pain relief and improving shoulder function. Our data support its use as a conservative treatment option for osteoarthritis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    29Three-dimensional (3D)-printed bioactive scaffolds that can be produced rapidly could offer an individualized approach for treating full-thickness skin defects. Decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) and mesenchymal stem cells have been proven to support wound healing. Adipose tissues obtained by liposuction are rich in adipose-derived dECM (adECM) and adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) and thus represent a natural source of bioactive materials for 3D bioprinting. Herein, ADSC-laden 3D-printed bioactive scaffolds consisting of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA), hyaluronic acid methacryloyl (HAMA), and adECM were fabricated with dual properties of photocrosslinking in vitro and thermosensitive crosslinking in vivo. adECM was prepared by decellularization of human lipoaspirate and mixed as a bioactive material with GelMA and HAMA to form a bioink. Compared with the GelMA-HAMA bioink, the adECM-GelMA-HAMA bioink had better wettability, degradability, and cytocompatibility. Full-thickness skin defect healing in a nude mouse model showed that ADSC-laden adECM-GelMA-HAMA scaffolds accelerated wound healing by promoting faster neovascularization, collagen secretion, and remodeling. ADSCs and adECM collectively conferred bioactivity on the prepared bioink. This study represents a novel approach to enhancing the biological activity of 3D-bioprinted skin substitutes by adding adECM and ADSCs derived from human lipoaspirate and may provide a promising therapeutic option for full-thickness skin defects.





