linear measurements

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the morphology of sella turcica (ST) in individuals with different skeletal malocclusions in upper Egypt.
    METHODS: 300 lateral cephalometric radiographs of adult patients of both sexes, varying ages from 18 to 30 years, were selected and divided into three equal groups, group (1): skeletal class I (control group), group (2): skeletal class II, and group (3): skeletal class III. Pre-treatment lateral cephalograms were taken from the archives of the Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Minia University. The tuberculum and dorsum sella, the floor of ST, and posterior and anterior clinoid processes (ACPs) were drawn. The direct measurements such as diameter (APD), depth (D), and length(L) of sella were measured using Silverman and Kisling methods.
    RESULTS: A significant difference was found in depth (D) between class I and class II, with class II having a greater depth. Also, the largest diameter (APD) was found in the class III group. A significant difference was found in diameter (APD) between the two age groups (from 18 to 24 years and from 25 to 30 years) Conclusion: The larger diameter values were seen in the skeletal class III subjects, while the larger depth values were observed in the class II subjects. The older age group (25-30 years) has a greater diameter than the younger one. Highly significant differences were found in length and depth between the sexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) fetal membranes, commonly referred to as \"the placenta\", are epitheliochorial, diffuse, and microcotyledonary, similarly to the mare\'s placenta. The evaluation of the placenta is an essential component of the neonatal evaluation in the equine species. However, post-partum or post-abortion placental assessment in dromedary camels is unfortunately too frequently neglected and, to the best of the authors\' knowledge, the dromedary camel species lacks a comprehensive description of the normal placenta\'s gross morphology. In order to facilitate its on-field evaluation, the current study describes the macroscopic features of the placenta of the dromedary camel after full-term pregnancy and spontaneous parturition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In triatomines, vectors of Chagas disease, active dispersal takes place by walking and flying. Flight has received more attention than walking although the last is the dispersal modality used by nymphs due to their lack of wings and also used by adults, which would facilitate the colonization and reinfestation of houses after vector control actions. The present work studied the morphometrical variation of Triatoma infestans legs, the main vector of Chagas disease the Southern Cone of South America. We described morphometric traits and the natural variation of each leg segment. Different linear, size and shape variables of each component of the three right legs of fifth instar nymphs of T. infestans were analyzed using morphometric tools. We analyzed differentiation, variation and correlation for each segment across the fore-, mid and hind legs using different statistical approaches such as general linear model, canonical variates analysis, test of equality of coefficient of variation and partial least square analysis. We also analyzed variation and correlation between segments within each leg with partial least square and morphometric disparity analyses. Our results showed that the segments differed between legs, as general trends, the dimensions (length, width and/or size) were greater in the hind legs, smaller in the forelegs and intermediate in the mid ones. The femur and tibia (length and/or width) showed differences in morphometric variation between legs and the femur and tibia showed the highest levels of correlation between legs. On the other hand, in the fore- and mid legs, the femur (length or width) showed similar variation with tibia and tarsus lengths, but in the hind legs, the femur showed similar variation with all segments and not with the tibia length, and there were strong correlations between linear measurement within each leg. Our results suggest that the femur and tibia could play a determining role in the coordination between the legs that determines the walking pattern. Considering that these segments would also be linked to the specific function that each leg has, this study suggests a preponderant role of the femur and tibia in the walking locomotion of T. infestans.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The size of vestibular schwannomas (VS) is a major factor guiding the initial decision of treatment and the definition of tumor control or failure. Accurate measurement and standardized definition are mandatory; yet no standard exist. Various approximation methods using linear measures or segmental volumetry have been reported. We reviewed different methods of volumetry and evaluated their correlation and agreement using our own historical cohort.
    We selected patients treated for sporadic VS by Gammaknife radiosurgery (GKRS) in our department. Using the stereotactic 3D T1 enhancing MRI on the day of GKRS, 4 methods of volumetry using linear measurements (5-axis, 3-axis, 3-axis-averaged, and 1-axis) and segmental volumetry were compared to each other. The degree of correlation was evaluated using an intraclass correlation test (ICC 3,1). The agreement between the different methods was evaluated using Bland-Altman diagrams.
    A total of 2,188 patients were included. We observed an excellent ICC between 5-axis volumetry (0.98), 3-axis volumetry (0.96), and 3-axis-averaged volumetry (0.96) and segmental volumetry, respectively, irrespective of the Koos grade or Ohata classification. The ICC for 1-axis volumetry was lower (0.72) and varied depending on the Koos and Ohata subgroups. None of these methods were substitutable.
    Although segmental volumetry is deemed the most accurate method, it takes more effort and requires sophisticated computation systems compared to methods of volumetry using linear measurements. 5-axis volumetry affords the best adequacy with segmental volumetry among all methods under assessment, irrespective of the shape of the tumor. 1-axis volumetry should not be used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital image analysis based on the ham cross-sectional face was used to measure two lean muscle and three subcutaneous fat locations from 248 bone-in hams. Linear measurements of the two selected fat locations were used to predict dual-energy X-ray (DXA) fat or lean percentages with prediction accuracies (R2) of 0.7 in a stepwise regression eq. A classification system was built based on the prediction equations, and the linear measurements aimed to classify extremes at the threshold of the 10th percentile of DXA fat percentage (> 32.0%) and lean percentage (< 60.2%). When using either DXA fat or lean percentage, lean ham prediction accuracy dropped by 18%, but fat ham prediction accuracy increased by 60% when the threshold was changed from the 10th percentile to the 30th percentile. This classification approach has the potential to be converted into a manual tool with several useful applications for commercial pork processors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The measurement of morphometric traits in horses is important for determining breed qualification and is one of the main selection criteria for the species. The development of an index (HPC) that consists of principal components weighted by additive genetic values allows to explore the most relevant relationships using a reduced number of variables that explain the greatest amount of variation in the data. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using HPC are a relatively new approach that permits to identify regions related to a set of traits. The aim of this study was to perform GWAS using HPC for 15 linear measurements as the explanatory variable in order to identify associated genomic regions and to elucidate the biological mechanisms linked to this index in Campolina horses. For GWAS, weighted single-step GBLUP was applied to HPC. The eight genomic windows that explained the highest proportion of additive genetic variance were identified. The sum of the additive variance explained by the eight windows was 95.89%. Genes involved in bone and cartilage development were identified (SPRY2, COL9A2, MIR30C, HEYL, BMP8B, LTBP1, FAM98A, and CRIM1). They represent potential positional candidates for the HPC of the linear measurements evaluated. The HPC is an efficient alternative to reduce the 15 usually measured traits in Campolina horses. Moreover, candidate genes inserted in region that explained high additive variance of the HPC were identified and might be fine-mapped for searching putative mutation/markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Althouh cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is popular for dental implant planning, the horizontal mesiodistal space of the edentulous ridge is still conventionally measured with a handheld sliding caliper in the oral cavity or on a plaster cast. For clinical application in implant planning, our aim was to evaluate the accuracy of CBCT horizontal mesiodistal linear measurements in comparison with conventionally obtained direct measurements on plaster casts. Postoperative CBCT acquisitions and plaster casts of 27 patients with adjacent posterior mandibular implants were analyzed in a prospective clinical study. On CBCT images, two observers assessed the inter-implant distances on axial and sagittal views. On plaster casts, the inter-implant distances were measured with a digital caliper. CBCT measurements on axial and sagittal views were, on average, 0.2 mm larger than measurements on plaster casts. Correlation was perfect between measurements of the same inter-implant distance performed by the observers on CBCT images and on plaster casts. When compared with conventionally obtained direct measurements on plaster casts, CBCT views slightly overestimated (mean 0.2 mm) the horizontal mesiodistal measurements between two implants as reference points. CBCT imaging is sufficiently accurate to evaluate mesiodistal distances on axial and sagittal views for dental implant planning in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Our study aimed to determine the possible differences in linear measurements and linear indices values of intracranial fluid spaces (IFS) between right- and left-handed adults.Methods: This work has been carried out on 148 subjects (72 men and 76 women). In the study, 88 right-handers and 60 left-handers were included. Forty of the right-handers were male, 48 were female, and 32 of the left-handers were male, and 28 were female. The ages were between 20 and 50 years. Linear measurements were obtained based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. A 1.5-T MRI scanner was used to obtain axial images. The ten parameters were estimated from MRI scans.Results: There was no correlation between parameters and age. In our study, interestingly, as can be seen from the tables, most of the parameters with statistically significant differences were higher in favour of left-handed subjects. In most of the linear measurement results, IFS values of the right hemisphere in right-handers, and the left hemisphere in left-handers were higher. Similar results were found in favour of the left-handed in most of the linear ventricular indices.Conclusion: Linear measurements and linear indices values of IFS were mostly higher in left-handers than in right-handed individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: To assess whether the linear measurements obtained from stitched cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were as accurate as the direct skull measurements. Methods: Nine dry human skulls were marked with gutta-percha at reference points to obtain Twenty-two linear measurements on each skull. Ten measurements in the cranio-caudal plane, two measurements in the antero-posterior plane, and ten measurements in the medio-lateral plane. CBCT linear measurements obtained using stitching software were measured and compared with direct skull measurements. Results: The absolute Dahlberg error between direct linear measurements and linear measurements on stitched CBCT images ranged from (0.07 mm to 0.41 mm). The relative Dahlberg error ranged from (0.2% to 1.8%). Moreover, Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) ranged from (0.97 to 1.0) indicating excellent agreement. Conclusion: Stitched CBCT linear measurements were highly comparable to the direct skull measurements using a digital caliper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the linear and volumetric dimensional changes that occur throughout the fabrication process of monolithic 4.5-6% yttria-stabilized zirconia copings under the influence of different preparation designs and two sintering protocols.
    METHODS: A titanium master die was fabricated using Atlantis core file implant-abutment. Six copings were designed virtually according to different finish line offsets and coping thicknesses, with four equidistant occlusal posts for linear measurements. Zirconia copings were milled using IPS e.max ZirCAD LT zirconia blanks. The experimental groups according to the coping designs were the following: G1: 0.5 mm finish line offset, 0.5 mm thickness; G2: 0.5 mm finish line offset, 1.0 mm thickness; G3: 0.5 mm finish line offset, 1.5 mm thickness; G4: 1.2 mm finish line offset, 0.5 mm thickness; G5: 1.2 mm finish line offset, 1.0 mm thickness; G6: 1.2 mm finish line offset, 1.5 mm thickness. Six samples per group were sintered by standard sintering (SS) and the other six by fast sintering (FS). Linear and volumetric measurements were taken at the three fabrication stages (virtual design, milling stage, and sintering) by using an intraoral scanner and imported as the .stl file to Meshmixer software for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by a linear mixed effect model via statistical software R (R Core team, 2018).
    RESULTS: There was a significant interaction between the coping design group, stage of fabrication and sintering protocol on the linear (F = 4.451, p < 0.001) and volumetric (F = 2.716; p < 0.001) dimensional changes. Standard sintering G1 showed the smallest linear and dimensional changes among the groups compared to the reference design. Sintered copings had shrunk on average 1.32% within SS and 1.54% within FS linearly and 3.82% within SS and 3.90% within FS volumetrically compared to the initial design parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: The linear and volumetric dimensional changes did not differ significantly between standard and fast sintering protocols, and the preparation designs had more influence on the dimensional changes compared to sintering protocols.





