lineage choice

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most hematological malignancies are associated with reduced expression of one or more components of the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT). However, the roles of ESCRT in stem cell and progenitor maintenance are not resolved. Parsing signaling pathways in relation to the canonical role of ESCRT poses a challenge. The Drosophila hematopoietic organ, the larval lymph gland, provides a path to dissect the roles of cellular trafficking pathways such as ESCRT in blood development and maintenance. Drosophila has 13 core ESCRT components. Knockdown of individual ESCRTs showed that only Vps28 and Vp36 were required in all lymph gland progenitors. Using the well-conserved ESCRT-II complex as an example of the range of phenotypes seen upon ESCRT depletion, we show that ESCRTs have cell-autonomous as well as non-autonomous roles in progenitor maintenance and differentiation. ESCRT depletion also sensitized posterior lobe progenitors to respond to immunogenic wasp infestation. We also identify key heterotypic roles for ESCRT in position-dependent control of Notch activation to suppress crystal cell differentiation. Our study shows that the cargo sorting machinery determines the identity of progenitors and their adaptability to the dynamic microenvironment. These mechanisms for control of cell fate may tailor developmental diversity in multiple contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SOX2 is a transcription factor involved in the regulatory network maintaining the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells in culture as well as in early embryos. In addition, SOX2 plays a pivotal role in neural stem cell formation and neurogenesis. How SOX2 can serve both processes has remained elusive. Here, we identified a set of SOX2-dependent neural-associated enhancers required for neural lineage priming. They form a distinct subgroup (1,898) among 8,531 OCT4/SOX2/NANOG-bound enhancers characterized by enhanced SOX2 binding and chromatin accessibility. Activation of these enhancers is triggered by neural induction of wild-type cells or by default in Smad4-ablated cells resistant to mesoderm induction and is antagonized by mesodermal transcription factors via Sox2 repression. Our data provide mechanistic insight into the transition from the pluripotency state to the early neural fate and into the regulation of early neural versus mesodermal specification in embryonic stem cells and embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone marrow stromal/stem cells (BMSCs) are primitive and heterogeneous cells that can be differentiated into osteoblasts, adipocytes and other subsets. Their bone-fat lineage commitment is responsible for the homeostasis of bone marrow microenvironment. However, there are little effective methods and evidence to simultaneously visualise the lineage commitment of BMSCs. Here we provide a bivalent differentiation medium that can enable BMSCs differentiation into osteoblasts and adipocytes in vitro, and establish a method to simultaneously distinguish osteoblasts or adipocytes from the heterogeneous BMSCs based on Alizarin red S and Oil red O staining, which have been used for detection of specific mineralized nodules and lipid droplets, respectively. This assay provides a specifically simple but effective and low-cost method to evaluate the efficiency of osteo-adipogenic (OA) allocation of BMSCs.►Researchers can utilize the bivalent differentiation medium to evaluate the efficiency of osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of BMSCs in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we describe how the speed of C/EBPα-induced B cell to macrophage transdifferentiation (BMT) can be regulated, using both mouse and human models. The identification of a mutant of C/EBPα (C/EBPαR35A) that greatly accelerates BMT helped to illuminate the mechanism. Thus, incoming C/EBPα binds to PU.1, an obligate partner expressed in B cells, leading to the release of PU.1 from B cell enhancers, chromatin closing and silencing of the B cell program. Released PU.1 redistributes to macrophage enhancers newly occupied by C/EBPα, causing chromatin opening and activation of macrophage genes. All these steps are accelerated by C/EBPαR35A, initiated by its increased affinity for PU.1. Wild-type C/EBPα is methylated by Carm1 at arginine 35 and the enzyme\'s perturbations modulate BMT velocity as predicted from the observations with the mutant. Increasing the proportion of unmethylated C/EBPα in granulocyte/macrophage progenitors by inhibiting Carm1 biases the cell\'s differentiation toward macrophages, suggesting that cell fate decision velocity and lineage directionality are closely linked processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The underlying mechanisms of thymocyte development and lineage determination remain incompletely understood, and the emerging evidences demonstrated that RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are deeply involved in governing T cell fate in thymus. Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1), as a classical splicing factor, is a pivotal RBP for gene expression in various biological processes. Our recent study demonstrated that SRSF1 plays essential roles in the development of late thymocytes by modulating the T cell regulatory gene networks post-transcriptionally, which are critical in response to type I interferon signaling for supporting thymocyte maturation. Here, we report SRSF1 also contributes to the determination of the CD8+ T cell fate. By specific ablation of SRSF1 in CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes, we found that SRSF1 deficiency impaired the maturation of late thymocytes and diminished the output of both CD4+ and CD8+ single positive T cells. Interestingly, the ratio of mature CD4+ to CD8+ cells was notably altered and more severe defects were exhibited in CD8+ lineage than those in CD4+ lineage, reflecting the specific function of SRSF1 in CD8+ T cell fate decision. Mechanistically, SRSF1-deficient cells downregulate their expression of Runx3, which is a crucial transcriptional regulator in sustaining CD8+ single positive (SP) thymocyte development and lineage choice. Moreover, forced expression of Runx3 partially rectified the defects in SRSF1-deficient CD8+ thymocyte maturation. Thus, our data uncovered the previous unknown role of SRSF1 in establishment of CD8+ cell identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spinal cord and mesodermal tissues of the trunk such as the vertebral column and skeletal musculature derive from neuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMPs). Sox2, Brachyury (T), and Tbx6 have been correlated with NMP potency and lineage choice; however, their exact role and interaction in these processes have not yet been revealed. Here we present a global analysis of NMPs and their descending lineages performed on purified cells from embryonic day 8.5 wild-type and mutant embryos. We show that T, cooperatively with WNT signaling, controls the progenitor state and the switch toward the mesodermal fate. Sox2 acts antagonistically and promotes neural development. T is also involved in remodeling the chromatin for mesodermal development. Tbx6 reinforces the mesodermal fate choice, represses the progenitor state, and confers paraxial fate commitment. Our findings refine previous models and establish molecular principles underlying mammalian trunk development, comprising NMP maintenance, lineage choice, and mesoderm formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper is devoted to modelling of cell differentiation in an initially homogeneous cell population. The mechanism which provides coexistence of two cell lineages in the initially homogeneous cell population is suggested. If cell differentiation is initiated locally in space in the population of undifferentiated cells, it can propagate as a travelling wave converting undifferentiated cells into differentiated ones. We suggest a model of this process which takes into account intracellular regulation, extracellular regulation and different cell types. They include undifferentiated cells and two types of differentiated cells. When a cell differentiates, its choice between two types of differentiated cells is determined by the concentrations of intracellular proteins. Differentiated cells can either stimulate differentiation into their own cell lineage or into another cell lineage. In the case of the positive feedback, only one lineage of differentiated cells will finally appear. In the case of negative feedback, both of them can coexist. In this case a periodic spatial pattern emerges behind the wave.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hematopoiesis is the cumulative consequence of finely tuned signaling pathways activated through extrinsic factors, such as local niche signals and systemic hematopoietic cytokines. Whether extrinsic factors actively instruct the lineage choice of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells or are only selectively allowing survival and proliferation of already intrinsically lineage-committed cells has been debated over decades. Recent results demonstrated that cytokines can instruct lineage choice. However, the precise function of individual cytokine-triggered signaling molecules in inducing cellular events like proliferation, lineage choice, and differentiation remains largely elusive. Signal transduction pathways activated by different cytokine receptors are highly overlapping, but support the production of distinct hematopoietic lineages. Cellular context, signaling dynamics, and the crosstalk of different signaling pathways determine the cellular response of a given extrinsic signal. New tools to manipulate and continuously quantify signaling events at the single cell level are therefore required to thoroughly interrogate how dynamic signaling networks yield a specific cellular response.





