life history

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Squamate reptiles are central for studying phenotypic correlates of evolutionary transitions from oviparity to viviparity because these transitions are numerous, with many of them being recent. Several models of life-history theory predict that viviparity is associated with increased female size, and thus more female-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Yet, the corresponding empirical evidence is overall weak and inconsistent. The lizard Zootoca vivipara, which occupies a major part of Northern Eurasia and includes four viviparous and two non-sister oviparous lineages, represents an excellent model for testing these predictions. We analysed how sex-specific body size and SSD is associated with parity mode, using body length data for nearly 14,000 adult individuals from 97 geographically distinct populations, which cover almost the entire species\' range and represent all six lineages. Our analyses controlled for lineage identity, climatic seasonality (the strongest predictor of geographic body size variation in previous studies of this species) and several aspects of data heterogeneity. Parity mode, lineage and seasonality are significantly associated with female size and SSD; the first two predictors accounted for 14%-26% of the total variation each, while seasonality explained 5%-7%. Viviparous populations exhibited a larger female size than oviparous populations, with no concomitant differences in male size. The variation of male size was overall low and poorly explained by our predictors. Albeit fully expected from theory, the strong female bias of the body size differences between oviparous and viviparous populations found in Z. vivipara is not evident from available data on three other lizard systems of closely related lineages differing in parity mode. We confront this pattern with the data on female reproductive traits in the considered systems and the frequencies of evolutionary changes of parity mode in the corresponding lizard families and speculate why the life-history correlates of live-bearing in Z. vivipara are distinct. Comparing conspecific populations, our study provides the most direct evidence for the predicted effect of parity mode on adult body size but also demonstrates that the revealed pattern may not be general. This might explain why across squamates, viviparity is only weakly associated with larger size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Federal legislation and judicial intervention led to significant transformation in the U.S. education system during the early to mid-20th century. These changes may differentiate older adults in their experiences of aging, particularly at the intersection of race, gender, and cohort, but are not well documented among current cohorts of older adults. Our study addresses this gap by providing rich, descriptive information on the educational experiences of U.S. adults who attended primary or secondary school between 1915 and 1977. We used data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), a nationally representative, prospective study of U.S. adults over age 50 years. The HRS collected information on respondents\' schooling history and experiences through a Life History Mail Survey (LHMS). We restricted our sample to age-eligible HRS-LHMS respondents who self-identified as non-Hispanic White or non-Hispanic Black and completed at least 75% of their primary or secondary schooling in the U.S. (n=10,632). Educational experiences, defined as pre-k to post-secondary education, varied across cohort, regardless of race or gender. Greater course offerings, improvements in learning support, and increasing exposure to integrated schools occurred across successive cohorts. We found the highest rates of enrollment in college preparatory curriculum and foreign-language courses as well as diagnosed learning differences in cohorts born after 1948. Among White adults, many of the gender differences in educational experiences documented in the oldest cohort were still found among the most recent cohort. Few gender differences, however, were found for Black adults regardless of cohort. Conversely, most race inequities in educational experiences persisted. Such inequities may be an important source of continued differences in experiences of aging observed across demographic groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate divergence times are essential for interpreting and understanding the context in which lineages have evolved. Over the past several decades, debates have surrounded the discrepancies between the inferred molecular ages of crown angiosperms, often estimated from the Late Jurassic into the Permian, and the fossil record, placing angiosperms in the Early Cretaceous. That crown angiosperms could have emerged as early as the Permian or even the Triassic would have major implications for the paleoecological context of the origin of one of the most consequential clades in the tree of life. Here, we argue, and demonstrate through simulations, that the older ages inferred from molecular data and relaxed-clock models are misled by lineage-specific rate heterogeneity resulting from life history changes that occurred several times throughout the evolution of vascular plants. To overcome persistent discrepancies in age estimates, more biologically informed and realistic models should be developed, and our results should be considered in the context of their biological implications before we accept inferences that are a major departure from our strongest evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The young of toothed mammals must have teeth to reach feeding independence. How tooth eruption integrates with gestation, birth and weaning is examined in a life-history perspective for 71 species of placental mammals. Questions developed from high-quality primate data are then addressed in the total sample. Rather than correlation, comparisons focus on equivalence, sequence, the relation to absolutes (six months, one year), the distribution of error and adaptive extremes. These mammals differ widely at birth, from no teeth to all deciduous teeth emerging, but commonalities appear when infants transit to independent feeding. Weaning follows completion of the deciduous dentition, closest in time to emergence of the first permanent molars and well before second molars emerge. Another layer of meaning appears when developmental age is counted from conception because the total time to produce young feeding independently comes up against seasonal boundaries that are costly to cross for reproductive fitness. Mammals of a vast range of sizes and taxa, from squirrel monkey to moose, hold conception-to-first molars in just under one year. Integrating tooth emergence into life history gives insight into living mammals and builds a framework for interpreting the fossil record.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among human actions threatening biodiversity, the release of anthropogenic chemical pollutants which have become ubiquitous in the environment, is a major concern. Chemical pollution can induce damage to macromolecules by causing the overproduction of reactive oxygen species, affecting the redox balance of animals. In species undergoing metamorphosis (i.e. the vast majority of the extant animal species), antioxidant responses to chemical pollution may differ between pre- and post-metamorphic stages. Here, we meta-analysed (N = 104 studies, k = 2283 estimates) the impact of chemical pollution on redox balance across the three major amphibian life stages (embryo, tadpole, adult). Before metamorphosis, embryos did not experience any redox change while tadpoles activate their antioxidant pathways and do not show increased oxidative damage from pollutants. Tadpoles may have evolved stronger defences against pollutants to reach post-metamorphic life stages. In contrast, post-metamorphic individuals show only weak antioxidant responses and marked oxidative damage in lipids. The type of pollutant (i.e. organic versus inorganic) has contrasting effects across amphibian life stages. Our findings show a divergent evolution of the redox balance in response to pollutants across life transitions of metamorphosing amphibians, most probably a consequence of differences in the ecological and developmental processes of each life stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractMutualisms constitute a diverse class of ecologically important interactions, yet their ecological and evolutionary stability remain topics of debate in coevolutionary theory. Recent theoretical and empirical work has suggested that coevolutionary arms races may be involved in the maintenance of mutualistic interactions, sustaining mutually beneficial outcomes for interacting species while producing exaggerated traits. Here we present an individual-based model that evaluates how asynchronous life histories-that is, partners with different average lifespans-change the dynamics of trait coevolution, the expected fitness outcomes for species involved, and the dynamics of selection differentials across time for each species. Results indicate that a longer-lived mutualist will consistently \"lose\" an otherwise balanced coevolutionary arms race, being outpaced in both the mean trait value and fitness outcome compared with a shorter-lived partner. Furthermore, linear selection differentials on mutualistic traits become increasingly divergent as life histories become increasingly asynchronous, with the longer-lived species experiencing persistent directional selection and the shorter-lived species experiencing weaker, more inconsistent selection. These results suggest that asynchronous life histories can complicate the maintenance of mutualistic interactions via coevolutionary arms races and that detecting coevolution via selection differentials may be difficult when life histories are sufficiently divergent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental care is essential to offspring survival in many species. Understanding why males of some species provide care, whereas others do not, has received substantial attention. Previous research has found that sexual selection can favor paternal care, yet we still do not fully understand why sexual selection favors male care in some species but not others. It is also unclear when paternal care versus other preferred male trait(s) will be favored by sexual selection. We hypothesize that sexual selection can interact with basic life history to influence the conditions under which paternal care and/or another preferred male trait will be favored by sexual selection. We used a mathematical approach in which males alone provide parental care and exhibit a non-care trait that is preferred in mate choice. Using this approach, we demonstrate that life-history characteristics (stage-specific mortality, fertilization success, gamete numbers) can interact with sexual selection to influence the evolution of paternal care and/or a preferred non-care trait. In particular, whether (1) adult mortality, egg mortality, and fertilization success are high versus low and (2) a tradeoff exists between paternal care and a non-care preferred trait will influence whether selection most strongly favors additional paternal care or a non-care preferred trait. In general, we would expect strong selection for more male care when it is preferred in mate choice. In some cases, mate preferences for paternal care can inhibit selection for a preferred non-care trait. Mate preferences for paternal care can also broaden the life-history conditions under which we would expect the elaboration of male care to occur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating fundamental processes in biology requires the ability to ground broad questions in species-specific natural history. This is particularly true in the study of behavior because an organism\'s experience of the environment will influence the expression of behavior and the opportunity for selection. Here, we provide a review of the natural history and behavior of burying beetles of the genus Nicrophorus to provide the groundwork for comparative work that showcases their remarkable behavioral and ecological diversity. Burying beetles have long fascinated scientists because of their well-developed parenting behavior, exhibiting extended post-hatching care of offspring that varies extensively within and across taxa. Despite the burgeoning success of burying beetles as a model system for the study of behavioral evolution, there has not been a review of their behavior, ecology, and evolution in over 25 years. To address this gap, we leverage a developing community of researchers who have contributed to a detailed knowledge of burying beetles to highlight the utility of Nicrophorus for investigating the causes and consequences of social and behavioral evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culicoides oxystoma Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) has been vectoring several arboviruses, protozoa and nematodes, leading to mortality and morbidity of livestock and wild ruminants in the tropics and subtropics. Insight into the bacterial communities associated with the vector species must be worked out. This work tries to inventorize the bacterial communities associated with this important vector species. Acquisition of gut microbiota may be the parental origin, while some are obtained through feeding during larval stages. Culicoides oxystoma possesses semi-aquatic life cycle strategies for egg-laying and larval survival. The bacteria associated with C. oxystoma were compared throughout (i) life stages: egg, larval instars, pupa, adult: male and female obtained from laboratory colony; (ii) field-collected adult: male and age-graded females; and (iii) natural breeding substrate and artificial rearing substrate. The culture-dependent bacteria were identified by Sanger sequencing of 16S rRNA, and haemolytic bacteria were screened on blood agar. Results show that Firmicutes and Proteobacteria are the predominant Phyla, of which Bacillus spp. was the most abundant across the life stages. Across the life history, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus tropicus, Lysinibacillus sp. and Paenibacillus sp. were retrieved routinely. Bacillus cereus and Alcaligenes faecalis were detected in the lab-reared specimens and shared between the natural breeding site and rearing medium. From the adults trapped across two locations, B. cereus, Bacillus flexus, A. faecalis, Enterococcus faecium and Pseudomonas sp. were isolated. The bacterial species associated with this vector may influence various physiological traits, such as vectorial capacity, digestion and larval development, which need further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy is a physiological cost of reproduction for animals that rely on fleeing to avoid predators. Costs of reproduction are predicted to differ between alternative reproductive strategies or modes, such as egg-laying (oviparity) or live-bearing (viviparity). However, disentangling the factors that comprise this cost and how it differs for oviparous or viviparous females is challenging due to myriad environmental, biological, and evolutionary confounds. Here, we tested the hypothesis that costs of pregnancy differ between oviparous and viviparous common lizards (Zootoca vivipara). We predicted that the degree of locomotor impairment during pregnancy and therefore the cost of reproduction would be higher in viviparous females. We conducted our experiment in a hybrid zone containing oviparous and viviparous common lizards. Due to the common environment and inclusion of hybrid individuals, we could infer whether differences were inherent to parity mode. We found that the average and maximum running speed of pregnant females was slower than after they had given birth or laid eggs. Viviparous females experienced an additional pregnancy weight burden and for a longer time period, but were not slower at running than pregnant oviparous females. In addition, we found a parity mode-specific effect of reproductive investment; producing larger clutches was costlier for the locomotor performance of viviparous females for reasons other than the mass increase. Locomotor costs were found to be intermediate in hybrid females, indicating that they are specific to each reproductive mode. Our study shows that viviparous females experience an additional physical and physiological cost of pregnancy and reproductive investment. This two-fold cost implies that viviparous females modulate resource allocation decisions and/or adjust their behavioural responses that result from locomotor impairment.





