life‐history evolution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species recovery following anthropogenic disturbances will depend on adaptations in survivorship and fecundity. Life-history theory predicts increased environmental stress will result in (1) shifts in resource allocation from fecundity to body growth/maintenance and (2) increased provisioning among offspring at the cost of reproductive output. For remnant populations that persist after forest harvesting, selection mediated through anthropogenic disturbances may affect resilience to additional stressors such as climate change. We tested how rapid changes in environmental conditions affected maternal investment strategies in two ground beetle species, Pterostichus pensylvanicus and Pterostichus coracinus, by comparing fecundity and survivorship in populations from recently clear-cut and uncut habitats. Using parents drawn from clear-cut or uncut stands, we reared progeny in both common garden and reciprocal transplant experiments. In P. pensylvanicus, we found that neither lineage nor rearing habitat affected the number of eggs laid per female or survivorship of offspring. However, eggs laid by females from clear-cuts were more likely to hatch and offspring reached maturity more quickly, suggesting increased provisioning per offspring. In P. coracinus, females from clear-cuts laid more eggs, and their eggs hatched more rapidly and had greater hatching success, suggesting increased investment in overall reproductive output and increased offspring provisioning. In the reciprocal transplant, we observed significant habitat by lineage interactions on survival in P. coracinus, with survivorship increasing when progeny were reared in novel habitats. In both species, increased maternal investment among offspring was not associated with a reduction in overall reproductive output, as anticipated. However, maternal investment among offspring declined with increasing female size, implying trade-offs between increased metabolic demand and fecundity. Taken together, our work suggests that females from more stressful, clear-cut habitats increased investment in fecundity, compared to females from uncut habitats, and may compensate for larval mortality. These changes were driven by smaller individuals, suggesting that increased environmental stress can influence the relationship between female size and maternal investment strategy. Additionally, reciprocal increases in offspring survivorship in habitats other than the parents suggest that adjacent areas between unharvested and clear-cut habitat may be useful in maintaining biodiversity under future climate stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbes can have profound effects on host fitness and health and the appearance of late-onset diseases. Host-microbe interactions thus represent a major environmental context for healthy aging of the host and might also mediate trade-offs between life-history traits in the evolution of host senescence. Here, we have used the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to study how host-microbe interactions may modulate the evolution of life histories and aging. We first characterized the effects of two non-pathogenic and one pathogenic Escherichia coli strains, together with the pathogenic Serratia marcescens DB11 strain, on population growth rates and survival of C. elegans from five different genetic backgrounds. We then focused on an outbred C. elegans population, to understand if microbe-specific effects on the reproductive schedule and in traits such as developmental rate and survival were also expressed in the presence of males and standing genetic variation, which could be relevant for the evolution of C. elegans and other nematode species in nature. Our results show that host-microbe interactions have a substantial host-genotype-dependent impact on the reproductive aging and survival of the nematode host. Although both pathogenic bacteria reduced host survival in comparison with benign strains, they differed in how they affected other host traits. Host fertility and population growth rate were affected by S. marcescens DB11 only during early adulthood, whereas this occurred at later ages with the pathogenic E. coli IAI1. In both cases, these effects were largely dependent on the host genotypes. Given such microbe-specific genotypic differences in host life history, we predict that the evolution of reproductive schedules and senescence might be critically contingent on host-microbe interactions in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is caused by differences in selection pressures and life-history trade-offs faced by males and females. Proximate causes of SSD may involve sex-specific mortality, energy acquisition, and energy expenditure for maintenance, reproductive tissues, and reproductive behavior. Using a quantitative, individual-based, eco-genetic model parameterized for North Sea plaice, we explore the importance of these mechanisms for female-biased SSD, under which males are smaller and reach sexual maturity earlier than females (common among fish, but also arising in arthropods and mammals). We consider two mechanisms potentially serving as ultimate causes: (a) Male investments in male reproductive behavior might evolve to detract energy resources that would otherwise be available for somatic growth, and (b) diminishing returns on male reproductive investments might evolve to reduce energy acquisition. In general, both of these can bring about smaller male body sizes. We report the following findings. First, higher investments in male reproductive behavior alone cannot explain the North Sea plaice SSD. This is because such higher reproductive investments require increased energy acquisition, which would cause a delay in maturation, leading to male-biased SSD contrary to observations. When accounting for the observed differential (lower) male mortality, maturation is postponed even further, leading to even larger males. Second, diminishing returns on male reproductive investments alone can qualitatively account for the North Sea plaice SSD, even though the quantitative match is imperfect. Third, both mechanisms can be reconciled with, and thus provide a mechanistic basis for, the previously advanced Ghiselin-Reiss hypothesis, according to which smaller males will evolve if their reproductive success is dominated by scramble competition for fertilizing females, as males would consequently invest more in reproduction than growth, potentially implying lower survival rates, and thus relaxing male-male competition. Fourth, a good quantitative fit with the North Sea plaice SSD is achieved by combining both mechanisms while accounting for sex-specific costs males incur during their spawning season. Fifth, evolution caused by fishing is likely to have modified the North Sea plaice SSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For many animals, the availability and provision of dietary resources can vary markedly between juvenile and adult stages, often leading to a temporal separation of nutrient acquisition and use. Juvenile developmental programs are likely limited by the energetic demands of many adult tissues and processes with early developmental origins. Enhanced dietary quality in the adult stage may, therefore, alter selection on life history and growth patterns in juvenile stages. Heliconius are unique among butterflies in actively collecting and digesting pollen grains, which provide an adult source of essential amino acids. The origin of pollen feeding has therefore previously been hypothesized to lift constraints on larval growth rates, allowing Heliconius to spend less time as larvae when they are most vulnerable to predation. By measuring larval and pupal life-history traits across three pollen-feeding and three nonpollen-feeding Heliconiini, we provide the first test of this hypothesis. Although we detect significant interspecific variation in larval and pupal development, we do not find any consistent shift associated with pollen feeding. We discuss how this result may fit with patterns of nitrogen allocation, the benefits of nitrogenous stores, and developmental limitations on growth. Our results provide a framework for studies aiming to link innovations in adult Heliconius to altered selection regimes and developmental programs in early life stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes transmit a wide variety of devastating pathogens when they bite vertebrate hosts and feed on their blood. However, three entire mosquito genera and many individual species in other genera have evolved a nonbiting life history in which blood is not required to produce eggs. Our long-term goal is to develop novel interventions that reduce or eliminate the biting behavior in vector mosquitoes. A previous study used biting and nonbiting populations of a nonvector mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, as a model to uncover the transcriptional basis of the evolutionary transition from a biting to a nonbiting life history. Herein, we ask whether the molecular pathways that were differentially expressed due to differences in biting behavior in W. smithii are also differentially expressed between subspecies of Culex pipiens that are obligate biting (Culex pipiens pipiens) and facultatively nonbiting (Culex pipiens molestus). Results from RNAseq of adult heads show dramatic upregulation of transcripts in the ribosomal protein pathway in biting C. pipiens, recapitulating the results in W. smithii, and implicating the ancient and highly conserved ribosome as the intersection to understanding the evolutionary and physiological basis of blood feeding in mosquitoes. Biting Culex also strongly upregulate energy production pathways, including oxidative phosphorylation and the citric acid (TCA) cycle relative to nonbiters, a distinction that was not observed in W. smithii. Amino acid metabolism pathways were enriched for differentially expressed genes in biting versus nonbiting Culex. Relative to biters, nonbiting Culex upregulated sugar metabolism and transcripts contributing to reproductive allocation (vitellogenin and cathepsins). These results provide a foundation for developing strategies to determine the natural evolutionary transition between a biting and nonbiting life history in vector mosquitoes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The balance between risk and benefit of exploiting resources drives life-history evolution in organisms. Predators are naturally recognized as major drivers of the life-history evolution of their prey. Although prey may also influence the life-history evolution of their predators in the context of an evolutionary arms race, there is far more evidence of the role of predators than of prey.The goal of this study was to investigate the role of prey in life-history evolution of predators using ladybird beetle predators of aphids and coccids. These particular ladybirds and their prey were chosen because literature shows that the pace of life of aphids is faster than that of coccids and this difference is reflected in the life histories of the ladybirds that specialize on feeding on aphids or coccids.Thirty-four species of ladybird predators of aphids and eight of coccids belonging to five different tribes were collected and reared in the laboratory. The females were weighed as well as their eggs, and their reproductive investment estimated as the number of ovarioles. Phylogenetic relatedness was controlled for in the statistical analyses.Controlling for female mass revealed that ladybird predators of aphids lay bigger eggs than ladybird predators of coccids. This difference is not influenced by phylogenetic relatedness but only by the type of prey eaten. We suggest that ladybird predators of coccids lay smaller eggs because neonate larvae do not have to search, catch, and subdue prey. Both types of ladybirds have a similar reproductive investment relative to their body mass when phylogeny is controlled for.Recognizing the influence of prey on the life-history evolution of predators is important for understanding food web dynamics. From an applied perspective, this fine evolutionary tuning of prey-predator relationships should be used to guide and increase the efficiency of biological control programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The theory that ageing evolves because of competitive resource allocation between the soma and the germline has been challenged by studies showing that somatic maintenance can be improved without impairing reproduction. However, it has been suggested that cost-free improvement in somatic maintenance is possible only under a narrow range of benign conditions. Here, we show that experimental downregulation of insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) in C. elegans nematodes, a robustly reproducible life span- and health span-extending treatment, reduces fitness in a complex variable environment when initiated during development but does not reduce fitness when initiated in adulthood. Thus, our results show that the costs and benefits of reduced IIS can be uncoupled when organisms inhabit variable environments, and, therefore, do not provide support for the resource allocation theory. Our findings support the theory that the force of natural selection on gene expression in evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways that shape life-history traits declines after the onset of reproduction resulting in organismal senescence.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Survival rates are a central component of life-history strategies of large vertebrate species. However, comparative studies seldom investigate interspecific variation in survival rates with respect to other life-history traits, especially for males. The lack of such studies could be due to the challenges associated with obtaining reliable datasets, incorporating information on the 0-1 probability scale, or dealing with several types of measurement error in life-history traits, which can be a computationally intensive process that is often absent in comparative studies. We present a quantitative approach using a Bayesian phylogenetically controlled regression with the flexibility to incorporate uncertainty in estimated survival rates and quantitative life-history traits while considering genetic similarity among species and uncertainty in relatedness. As with any comparative analysis, our approach makes several assumptions regarding the generalizability and comparability of empirical data from separate studies. Our model is versatile in that it can be applied to any species group of interest and include any life-history traits as covariates. We used an unbiased simulation framework to provide \"proof of concept\" for our model and applied a slightly richer model to a real data example for pinnipeds. Pinnipeds are an excellent taxonomic group for comparative analysis, but survival rate data are scarce. Our work elucidates the challenges associated with addressing important questions related to broader ecological life-history patterns and how survival-reproduction trade-offs might shape evolutionary histories of extant taxa. Specifically, we underscore the importance of having high-quality estimates of age-specific survival rates and information on other life-history traits that reasonably characterize a species for accurately comparing across species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals employ various foraging strategies along their ontogeny to acquire energy, and with varying degree of efficiencies, to support growth, maturation and subsequent reproduction events. Individuals that can efficiently acquire energy early are more likely to mature at an earlier age, as a result of faster energy gain which can fuel maturation and reproduction. We aimed to test the hypothesis that heritable resource acquisition variation that covaries with efficiency along the ontogeny would influence maturation timing of individuals. To test this hypothesis, we utilized Atlantic salmon as a model which exhibits a simple, hence trackable, genetic control of maturation age. We then monitored the variation in diet acquisition (quantified as stomach fullness and composition) of individuals with different ages, and linked it with genomic regions (haploblocks) that were previously identified to be associated with age-at-maturity. Consistent with the hypothesis, we demonstrated that one of the life-history genomic regions tested (six6) was indeed associated with age-dependent differences in stomach fullness. Prey composition was marginally linked to six6, and suggestively (but non-significantly) to vgll3 genomic regions. We further showed Atlantic salmon switched to the so-called \'feast and famine\' strategy along the ontogeny, where older age groups exhibited heavier stomach content, but that came at the expense of running on empty more often. These results suggest genetic variation underlying resource utilization may explain the genetic basis of age structure in Atlantic salmon. Given that ontogenetic diet has a genetic component and the strong spatial diversity associated with these genomic regions, we predict populations with diverse maturation age will have diverse evolutionary responses to future changes in marine food web structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence of contemporary evolution across ecological time scales stimulated research on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of natural populations. Aquatic systems provide a good setting to study eco-evolutionary dynamics owing to a wealth of long-term monitoring data and the detected trends in fish life-history traits across intensively harvested marine and freshwater systems. In the present study, we focus on modelling approaches to simulate eco-evolutionary dynamics of fishes and their ecosystems. Firstly, we review the development of modelling from single species to multispecies approaches. Secondly, we advance the current state-of-the-art methodology by implementing evolution of life-history traits of a top predator into the context of complex food web dynamics as described by the allometric trophic network (ATN) framework. The functioning of our newly developed eco-evolutionary ATNE framework is illustrated using a well-studied lake food web. Our simulations show how both natural selection arising from feeding interactions and size-selective fishing cause evolutionary changes in the top predator and how those feed back to its prey species and further cascade down to lower trophic levels. Finally, we discuss future directions, particularly the need to integrate genomic discoveries into eco-evolutionary projections.






