
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life history trade-offs are one of the central tenets of evolutionary demography. Trade-offs, depicting negative covariances between individuals\' life history traits, can arise from genetic constraints, or from a finite amount of resources that each individual has to allocate in a zero-sum game between somatic and reproductive functions. While theory predicts that trade-offs are ubiquitous, empirical studies have often failed to detect such negative covariances in wild populations. One way to improve the detection of trade-offs is by accounting for the environmental context, as trade-off expression may depend on environmental conditions. However, current methodologies usually search for fixed covariances between traits, thereby ignoring their context dependence. Here, we present a hierarchical multivariate \'covariance reaction norm\' model, adapted from Martin (2023), to help detect context dependence in the expression of life-history trade-offs using demographic data. The method allows continuous variation in the phenotypic correlation between traits. We validate the model on simulated data for both intraindividual and intergenerational trade-offs. We then apply it to empirical datasets of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer) and Soay sheep (Ovis aries) as a proof-of-concept showing that new insights can be gained by applying our methodology, such as detecting trade-offs only in specific environments. We discuss its potential for application to many of the existing long-term demographic datasets and how it could improve our understanding of trade-off expression in particular, and life history theory in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We made separate experiments to examine life-history traits and activities of protective enzymes as affected by carbon dioxide (CO2) elevation to 780 μL/L as compared to 390 μL/L in imidacloprid- or buprofezin-resistant strains of the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens. We found an interaction effect between resistance and the CO2 level on the nymphal survival and duration in both resistant strains. Nymphal durations in both resistant strains were much shorter in the resistant than susceptible BPH at 780 μL/L but similar between them or slightly shorter in the resistant than susceptible BPH at 390 μL/L. Nymphal survival was lower for imidacloprid-resistant than its susceptible BPH at 390 μL/L but higher at 780 μL/L; it stayed unaffected by the CO2 elevation in buprofezin-resistant BPH. We did not observe an interaction effect between resistance and the CO2 level on major reproductive parameters in both resistant strains. But the 2 strains were not consistent across CO2 levels in all parameters. Our measurements of protective enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase showed an interaction between resistance and the CO2 level. Overall, these enzymes became similar in activity between resistant and susceptible BPH at 780 μL/L compared to 390 μL/L and the change was more distinct in the imidacloprid- than buprofezin-resistant BPH strains. Our findings suggest that CO2 elevation can affect life-history traits of insecticide-resistant BPH, while the effect may vary depending on the kind of insecticides it is resistant to.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species exploiting seasonal environments must alter timings of key life-history events in response to large-scale climatic changes in order to maintain trophic synchrony with required resources. Yet, substantial among-species variation in long-term phenological changes has been observed. Advancing from simply describing such variation towards predicting future phenological responses requires studies that rigorously quantify and explain variation in the direction and magnitude of changing timings across diverse species in relation to key ecological and life-history variables. Accordingly, we fitted multi-quantile regressions to 59 years of multi-species data on spring and autumn bird migration timings through northern Scotland. We demonstrate substantial variation in changes in timings among 72 species, and tested whether such variation can be explained by species ecology, life-history and changes in local abundance. Consistent with predictions, species that advanced their migration timing in one or both seasons had more seasonally restricted diet types, fewer suitable breeding habitat types, shorter generation lengths and capability to produce multiple offspring broods per year. In contrast, species with less seasonally restricted diet types and that produce single annual offspring broods, showed no change. Meanwhile, contrary to prediction, long-distance and short-distance migrants advanced migration timings similarly. Changes in migration timing also varied with changes in local migratory abundance, such that species with increasing seasonal abundance apparently altered their migration timing, whilst species with decreasing abundance did not. Such patterns broadly concur with expectation given adaptive changes in migration timing. However, we demonstrate that similar patterns can be generated by numerical sampling given changing local abundances. Any apparent phenology-abundance relationships should, therefore, be carefully validated and interpreted. Overall, our results show that migrant bird species with differing ecologies and life-histories showed systematically differing phenological changes over six decades contextualised by large-scale environmental changes, potentially facilitating future predictions and altering temporal dynamics of seasonal species co-occurrences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linking reproductive fitness with adaptive traits at the genomic level can shed light on the mechanisms that produce and maintain sex-specific selection. Here, we construct a multigenerational pedigree to investigate sex-specific selection on a maturation gene, vgll3, in a wild Atlantic salmon population. The vgll3 locus is responsible for ~40% of the variation in maturation (sea age at first reproduction). Genetic parentage analysis was conducted on 18,265 juveniles (parr) and 685 adults collected at the same spawning ground over eight consecutive years. A high proportion of females (26%) were iteroparous and reproduced two to four times in their lifetime. A smaller proportion of males (9%) spawned at least twice in their lifetime. Sex-specific patterns of reproductive fitness were related to vgll3 genotype. Females showed a pattern of overdominance where vgll3*EL genotypes had three-fold more total offspring than homozygous females. In contrast, males demonstrated that late-maturing vgll3*LL individuals had two-fold more offspring than either vgll3*EE or vgll3*EL males. Taken together, these data suggest that balancing selection in females contributes to the maintenance of variation at this locus via increased fitness of iteroparous vgll3*EL females. This study demonstrates the utility of multigenerational pedigrees for uncovering complex patterns of reproduction, sex-specific selection and the maintenance of genetic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian life history strategies can be characterised by a few axes of variation, conforming a space where species are positioned based on the life history strategies favoured in the environment they exploit. Yet, we still lack global descriptions of the diversity of realised mammalian life history and how this diversity is shaped by the environment. We used six life history traits to build a life history space covering worldwide mammalian adaptation, and we explored how environmental realms (land, air, water) influence mammalian life history strategies. We demonstrate that realms are tightly linked to distinct life history strategies. Aquatic and aerial species predominantly adhere to slower life history strategies, while terrestrial species exhibit faster life histories. Highly encephalised terrestrial species are a notable exception to these patterns. Furthermore, we show that different mode of life may play a significant role in expanding the set of strategies exploitable in the terrestrial realm. Additionally, species transitioning between terrestrial and aquatic realms, such as seals, exhibit intermediate life history strategies. Our results provide compelling evidence of the link between environmental realms and the life history diversity of mammals, highlighting the importance of differences in mode of life to expand life history diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals must reproduce to survive and thrive from generation to generation. In fish, the fecundity of individuals and estimates of total reproductive output are critical for evaluating reproductive success and understanding population dynamics. Estimating fecundity is an onerous task; therefore, many populations lack contemporary estimates of fecundity and size-fecundity relationships. However, reproductive dynamics are not static in time; therefore, it is important to develop contemporary fecundity estimates to better inform conservation and management action. To highlight the importance of contemporary fecundity estimates, we examined the fecundity of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) spring and fall spawning Atlantic herring in 2022, developed size-fecundity models, and compared these to historical fecundity estimates and models. Our results suggest that the average fecundity of sGSL spring and fall herring has undergone a substantial temporal decline of approximately 47% and 58%, respectively, since the 1970s and 1980s. The size-fecundity relationships for fall spawning herring have shifted, with fish of a given size exhibiting lower fecundity in 2022 compared to the 1970s. Alternatively, the size-fecundity relationships for spring spawning herring have remained relatively static. Furthermore, simulations highlighted a substantial reduction in potential reproductive output in 2022 compared to 1970 of approximately 32% and 68% for spring and fall spawners, respectively, based on a fixed number of mature females, which may have negative implications for stock rebuilding. Overall, our study provides support for periodic estimates of fecundity in fish populations to better understand temporal changes in reproductive and population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life-history theory predicts that reproductive investments are traded-off against self-maintenance. Telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, offer a promising avenue for assessing life-history trade-offs, as they shorten in response to stressors and are predictive of the remaining lifespan. In males, testosterone frequently mediates life-history trade-offs, in part, through its effects on sexual ornamentation, which is an important aspect of reproductive investment. However, studies of within-individual associations between telomere dynamics and sexual ornamentation are limited in number and have produced mixed results. Furthermore, most such studies have been observational, making it difficult to discern the nature of any causal relationship. To address this, we used short-acting testosterone implants in free-living male superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) to stimulate the production of a sexual ornament: early moult into a costly blue breeding plumage. We found no evidence that elevated testosterone, and the consequent earlier moult into breeding plumage, accelerated telomere shortening. We therefore followed up with a systematic review and two meta-analyses (28 studies, 54 effect sizes) exploring the associations between telomeres and (1) testosterone and (2) sexual ornamentation. In line with our experimental findings, neither meta-analysis showed an overall correlation of testosterone or sexual ornamentation with telomere length or telomere dynamics. However, meta-regression showed that experimental, compared to observational, studies reported greater evidence of trade-offs. Our meta-analyses highlight the need for further experimental studies to better understand potential responses of telomere length or telomere dynamics to testosterone or sexual ornamentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In efforts to prevent extinction, resource managers are often tasked with increasing genetic diversity in a population of concern to prevent inbreeding depression or improve adaptive potential in a changing environment. The assumption that all small populations require measures to increase their genetic diversity may be unwarranted, and limited resources for conservation may be better utilized elsewhere. We test this assumption in a case study focused on the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), a cosmopolitan circumpolar species with 19 named subspecies. We used whole-genome resequencing to generate over two million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from multiple individuals of all peregrine falcon subspecies. Our analyses revealed extensive variation among subspecies, with many island-restricted and nonmigratory populations possessing lower overall genomic diversity, elevated inbreeding coefficients (F ROH)-among the highest reported, and extensive runs of homozygosity (ROH) compared to mainland and migratory populations. Similarly, the majority of subspecies that are either nonmigratory or restricted to islands show a much longer history of low effective population size (N e). While mutational load analyses indicated an increased proportion of homozygous-derived deleterious variants (i.e., drift load) among nonmigrant and island populations compared to those that are migrant or reside on the mainland, no significant differences in the proportion of heterozygous deleterious variants (i.e., inbreeding load) was observed. Our results provide evidence that high levels of inbreeding may not be an existential threat for some populations or taxa. Additional factors such as the timing and severity of population declines are important to consider in management decisions about extinction potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regional populations of geographically widespread species may respond to different environmental factors across the species\' range, generating divergent effects of climate change on life-history phenology. Using thousands of citizen science observations extracted from iNaturalist and associated with corresponding temperature, precipitation, elevation, and daylength information, we examined the drivers of adult mating and of nymphal phenology, development, and group size for populations of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, in different ecoregions. Research-grade iNaturalist images were correctly identified 98.3% of the time and yielded more than 3000 observations of nymphal groups and 1000 observations of mating adults spanning 18 years. Mating phenology showed distinct regional patterns, ranging from year-round mating in California to temporally restricted mating in the Great Lakes Northeastern Coast ecoregion. Relative temperature increases of 1°C for a given daylength expanded the mating season by more than a week in western ecoregions. While increases in relative temperature delayed mating phenology in all ecoregions, greater winter precipitation advanced mating in the California ecoregion. In the eastern ecoregions, nymphal phenology was delayed by increases in summer rainfall but was advanced by relative temperature increases, whereas in western regions, relative temperature increases delayed nymphal phenology. Furthermore, accumulated growing degree days (AGDD) was a poor predictor of developmental progression, as we found a positive but weak correlation between AGDD and age structure only for the Appalachian Southeast North America and the Great Lakes Northern Coast ecoregions. These complex phenological responses of O. fasciatus are just one example of how populations may be differentially susceptible to a diversity of climatic effects; using data across a species\' whole distribution is critical for exposing regional variations, especially for species with large, continental-scale ranges. This study demonstrates the potential of photodocumented biodiversity data to aid in the monitoring of life history, host plant-insect interactions, and climate responsiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgens are a group of steroid hormones that have long been proposed as a mechanism underpinning intergenerational plasticity. In birds, maternally allocated egg testosterone, one of the main androgens in vertebrates, affects a wide variety of offspring phenotypic traits but the mechanisms underlying this form of intergenerational plasticity are not yet well understood. Recent in vitro and animal model studies have shown that telomerase expression and activity are important targets of androgen signaling. The telomerase enzyme is known for its repair function on telomeres, the DNA-protein complexes at the ends of chromosomes that are involved in genomic integrity and cell aging. However, the role of maternal testosterone in influencing offspring telomerase levels in natural populations and its consequences on telomere length and potentially on offspring development is still unknown. Here, by experimentally modifying the level of egg testosterone in a natural population of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), we show that chicks hatched from testosterone-treated eggs had higher average levels of telomerase and faster growth than controls during the first week of life. While testosterone-treated chicks also tended to have longer telomeres than controls at hatching this difference disappeared by day 6 of age. Overall, our results suggest that maternal testosterone may have a potential adaptive value by promoting offspring growth and presumably telomerase levels, as this enzyme plays other important physiological functions (e.g., stress resistance, cell signaling, or tissue genesis) besides telomere lengthening. Nonetheless, our knowledge of the potential adaptive function of telomerase in natural populations is scarce and so the potential pathways linking maternal hormones, offspring telomerase, and fitness should be further investigated.





