lethal mutagenesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the mutation profiles of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in samples collected from a molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir combination therapy in macaques. We found that molnupiravir induced several nirmatrelvir resistance mutations at low abundance that were not further selected in combination therapy. Coadministration of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir lowered the magnitude of the mutagenetic effect of molnupiravir.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There is a need for effective anti-COVID-19 treatments, mainly for individuals at risk of severe disease such as the elderly and the immunosuppressed. Drug repositioning has proved effective in identifying drugs that can find a new application for the control of coronavirus disease, in particular COVID-19. The purpose of the present study was to find synergistic antiviral combinations for COVID-19 based on lethal mutagenesis.
    METHODS: The effect of combinations of remdesivir and ribavirin on the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 in cell culture has been tested. Viral populations were monitored by ultra-deep sequencing, and the decrease of infectivity as a result of the treatment was measured.
    RESULTS: Remdesivir and ribavirin exerted a synergistic inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV-2, quantified both by CompuSyn (Chou-Talalay method) and Synergy Finder (ZIP-score model). In serial passage experiments, virus extinction was readily achieved with remdesivir-ribavirin combinations at concentrations well below their cytotoxic 50 value, but not with the drugs used individually. Deep sequencing of treated viral populations showed that remdesivir, ribavirin, and their combinations evoked significant increases of the number of viral mutations and haplotypes, as well as modification of diversity indices that characterize viral quasi-species.
    CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 extinction can be achieved by synergistic combination treatments based on lethal mutagenesis. In addition, the results offer prospects of triple drug treatments for effective SARS-CoV-2 suppression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past two and a half years the world has seen a desperate scramble to find a treatment for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID. In that regard, nucleosides have long served as the cornerstone to antiviral treatments due to their resemblance to the naturally occurring nucleosides that are involved in numerous biological processes. Unlike other viruses however, it was found early on during the search for drugs to treat SARS-1 and later MERS, that the coronaviruses possess a unique repair enzyme, an exonuclease (ExoN)[3] which rendered nucleoside analogues useless, thus negating their use.[4] During the current outbreak however, as both well-known and new nucleoside analogues were investigated or reinvestigated as a possible cure for SARS-CoV-2, several novel and/or lesser-known mechanisms of action were uncovered. This review briefly describes these mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asexual populations are expected to accumulate deleterious mutations through a process known as Muller\'s ratchet. Lynch and colleagues proposed that the ratchet eventually results in a vicious cycle of mutation accumulation and population decline that drives populations to extinction. They called this phenomenon mutational meltdown. Here, we analyze mutational meltdown using a multi-type branching process model where, in the presence of mutation, populations are doomed to extinction. We analyse the change in size and composition of the population and the time of extinction under this model.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral quasispecies are distinct but closely related mutants formed by the disparity in viral genomes due to recombination, mutations, competition, and selection pressure. Theoretical derivation for the origin of a quasispecies is owed to the error-prone replication by polymerase and mutants of RNA replicators. Here, we briefly addressed the theoretical and mathematical origin of quasispecies and their dynamics. The impact of quasispecies for major salient human pathogens is reviewed. In the current global scenario, rapid changes in geographical landscapes favor the origin and selection of mutants. It comes as no surprise that a cauldron of mutants poses a significant risk to public health, capable of causing pandemics. Mutation rates in RNA viruses are magnitudes higher than in DNA organisms, explaining their enhanced virulence and evolvability. RNA viruses cause the most devastating pandemics; for example, members of the Orthomyxoviridae family caused the great influenza pandemic (1918 flu or Spanish flu), the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) outbreak, and the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), lentiviruses of the Retroviridae family, caused worldwide devastation. Rapidly evolving RNA virus populations are a daunting challenge for the designing of effective control measures like vaccines. Developing awareness of the evolutionary dispositions of RNA viral mutant spectra and what influences their adaptation and virulence will help curtail outbreaks of past and future pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report that ribavirin exerts an inhibitory and mutagenic activity on SARS-CoV-2-infecting Vero cells, with a therapeutic index higher than 10. Deep sequencing analysis of the mutant spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 replicating in the absence or presence of ribavirin indicated an increase in the number of mutations, but not in deletions, and modification of diversity indices, expected from a mutagenic activity. Notably, the major mutation types enhanced by replication in the presence of ribavirin were A→G and U→C transitions, a pattern which is opposite to the dominance of G→A and C→U transitions previously described for most RNA viruses. Implications of the inhibitory activity of ribavirin, and the atypical mutational bias produced on SARS-CoV-2, for the search for synergistic anti-COVID-19 lethal mutagen combinations are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) encodes a family B DNA polymerase (Pol) capable of exonucleolytic proofreading whose functions have been extensively studied in the past. Early studies on the in vitro activity of purified Pol protein found that the enzymatic functions of the holoenzyme are largely separate. Consequently, exonuclease activity can be reduced or abolished by certain point mutations within catalytically important regions, with no or only minor effects on polymerase activity. Despite unimpaired polymerase activity, the recovery of HSV-1 mutants with a catalytically inactive exonuclease has been so far unsuccessful. Hence, mutations such as D368A, which abolish exonuclease activity, are believed to be lethal. Here, we show that HSV-1 can be recovered in the absence of Pol intrinsic exonuclease activity and demonstrate that a lack of proofreading causes the rapid accumulation of likely detrimental mutations. Although mutations that abolish exonuclease activity do not appear to be lethal, the lack of proofreading yields viruses with a suicidal phenotype that cease to replicate within few passages following reconstitution. Hence, we conclude that high replication fidelity conferred by proofreading is essential to maintain HSV-1 genome integrity and that a lack of exonuclease activity produces an initially viable but rapidly suicidal phenotype. However, stably replicating viruses with reduced exonuclease activity and therefore elevated mutation rates can be generated by mutating a catalytically less important site located within a conserved exonuclease domain. IMPORTANCE Recovery of fully exonuclease-deficient herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase mutants has been so far unsuccessful. However, exonuclease activity is not known to be directly essential for virus replication, and the lethal phenotype of certain HSV-1 polymerase mutants is thus attributed to factors other than exonuclease activity. Here, we showed that the recovery of a variety of exonuclease-deficient HSV-1 polymerase mutants is possible and that these mutants are initially replication competent. We, however, observed a progressive loss of mutant viability upon cell culture passaging, which coincided with the rapid accumulation of mutations in exonuclease-deficient viruses. We thus concluded that a lack of DNA proofreading in exonuclease-deficient viruses causes an initially viable but rapidly suicidal hypermutator phenotype and, consequently, the extinction of mutant viruses within few generations following recovery. This would make the absence of exonuclease activity the primary reason for the long-reported difficulties in culturing exonuclease-deficient HSV-1 mutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report a quantification of the decrease of effectiveness of antiviral agents directed to hepatitis C virus, when the agents are added during an ongoing infection in cell culture vs. when they are added at the beginning of the infection. Major determinants of the decrease of inhibitory activity are the time post-infection of inhibitor administration and viral replicative fitness. The efficacy decrease has been documented with antiviral assays involving the combination of the direct-acting antiviral agents, daclatasvir and sofosbuvir, and with the combination of the lethal mutagens, favipiravir and ribavirin. The results suggest that strict antiviral effectiveness assays in preclinical trials may involve the use of high fitness viral populations and the delayed administration of the agents, relative to infection onset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutational meltdown describes an eco-evolutionary process in which the accumulation of deleterious mutations causes a fitness decline that eventually leads to the extinction of a population. Possible applications of this concept include medical treatment of RNA virus infections based on mutagenic drugs that increase the mutation rate of the pathogen. To determine the usefulness and expected success of such an antiviral treatment, estimates of the expected time to mutational meltdown are necessary. Here, we compute the extinction time of a population under high mutation rates, using both analytical approaches and stochastic simulations. Extinction is the result of three consecutive processes: (a) initial accumulation of deleterious mutations due to the increased mutation pressure; (b) consecutive loss of the fittest haplotype due to Muller\'s ratchet; (c) rapid population decline toward extinction. We find accurate analytical results for the mean extinction time, which show that the deleterious mutation rate has the strongest effect on the extinction time. We confirm that intermediate-sized deleterious selection coefficients minimize the extinction time. Finally, our simulations show that the variation in extinction time, given a set of parameters, is surprisingly small.





