lens fiber cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FYCO1 (FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1) is an adaptor protein, expressed ubiquitously and required for microtubule-dependent, plus-end-directed transport of macroautophagic/autophagic vesicles. We have previously shown that loss-of-function mutations in FYCO1 cause cataracts with no other ocular and/or extra-ocular phenotype. Here, we show fyco1 homozygous knockout (fyco1-/-) mice recapitulate the cataract phenotype consistent with a critical role of FYCO1 and autophagy in lens morphogenesis. Transcriptome coupled with proteome and metabolome profiling identified many autophagy-associated genes, proteins, and lipids respectively perturbed in fyco1-/- mice lenses. Flow cytometry of FYCO1 (c.2206C>T) knock-in (KI) human lens epithelial cells revealed a decrease in autophagic flux and autophagic vesicles resulting from the loss of FYCO1. Transmission electron microscopy showed cellular organelles accumulated in FYCO1 (c.2206C>T) KI lens-like organoid structures and in fyco1-/- mice lenses. In summary, our data confirm the loss of FYCO1 function results in a diminished autophagic flux, impaired organelle removal, and cataractogenesis.Abbreviations: CC: congenital cataracts; DE: differentially expressed; ER: endoplasmic reticulum; FYCO1: FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1; hESC: human embryonic stem cell; KI: knock-in; OFZ: organelle-free zone; qRT-PCR: quantitative real-time PCR; PE: phosphatidylethanolamine; RNA-Seq: RNA sequencing; SD: standard deviation; sgRNA: single guide RNA; shRNA: shorthairpin RNA; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; WT: wild type.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signaling pathways are the key biological mechanisms that transduce extracellular signals to affect transcription factor mediated gene regulation within cells. A number of computational methods have been developed to identify the topological structure of a specific signaling pathway using protein-protein interaction data, but they are not designed for identifying active signaling pathways in an unbiased manner. On the other hand, there are statistical methods based on gene sets or pathway data that can prioritize likely active signaling pathways, but they do not make full use of active pathway structure that link receptor, kinases and downstream transcription factors.
    Here, we present a method to simultaneously predict the set of active signaling pathways, together with their pathway structure, by integrating protein-protein interaction network and gene expression data. We evaluated the capacity for our method to predict active signaling pathways for dental epithelial cells, ocular lens epithelial cells, human pluripotent stem cell-derived lens epithelial cells, and lens fiber cells. This analysis showed our approach could identify all the known active pathways that are associated with tooth formation and lens development.
    The results suggest that SPAGI can be a useful approach to identify the potential active signaling pathways given a gene expression profile. Our method is implemented as an open source R package, available via https://github.com/VCCRI/SPAGI/ .







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In humans, loss of TBC1D20 (TBC1 domain family, member 20) protein function causes Warburg Micro syndrome 4 (WARBM4), an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital eye, brain, and genital abnormalities. TBC1D20-deficient mice exhibit ocular abnormalities and male infertility. TBC1D20 is a ubiquitously expressed member of the family of GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that increase the intrinsically slow GTP-hydrolysis rate of small RAB-GTPases when bound to GTP. Biochemical studies have established TBC1D20 as a GAP for RAB1B and RAB2A. However, the cellular role of TBC1D20 still remains elusive, and there is little information about how the functional loss of TBC1D20 causes clinical manifestations in WARBM4-affected children. Here we evaluate the role of TBC1D20 in cells carrying a null mutant allele, as well as TBC1D20-deficient mice, which display eye and testicular abnormalities. We demonstrate that TBC1D20, via its RAB1B GAP function, is a key regulator of autophagosome maturation, a process required for maintenance of autophagic flux and degradation of autophagic cargo. Our results provide evidence that TBC1D20-mediated autophagosome maturation maintains lens transparency by mediating the removal of damaged proteins and organelles from lens fiber cells. Additionally, our results show that in the testes TBC1D20-mediated maturation of autophagosomes is required for autophagic flux, but is also required for the formation of acrosomes. Furthermore TBC1D20-deficient mice, while not mimicking severe developmental brain abnormalities identified in WARBM4 affected children, display disrupted neuronal autophagic flux resulting in adult-onset motor dysfunction. In summary, we show that TBC1D20 has an essential role in the maturation of autophagosomes and a defect in TBC1D20 function results in eye, testicular, and neuronal abnormalities in mice implicating disrupted autophagy as a mechanism that contributes to WARBM4 pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how tissues and organs acquire and maintain an appropriate size and shape remains one of the most challenging areas in developmental biology. The eye lens represents an excellent system to provide insights into regulatory mechanisms because in addition to its relative simplicity in cellular composition (being made up of only two forms of cells, epithelial and fiber cells), these cells must become organized to generate the precise spheroidal arrangement that delivers normal lens function. Epithelial and fiber cells also represent spatially distinct proliferation and differentiation compartments, respectively, and an ongoing balance between these domains must be tightly regulated so that the lens achieves and maintains appropriate dimensions during growth and ageing. Recent research indicates that reciprocal inductive interactions mediated by Wnt-Frizzled and Notch-Jagged signaling pathways are important for maintaining and organizing these compartments. The Hippo-Yap pathway has also been implicated in maintaining the epithelial progenitor compartment and regulating growth processes. Thus, whilst some molecules and mechanisms have been identified, further work in this important area is needed to provide a clearer understanding of how lens size and shape is regulated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    β1-Integrin is a heterodimeric transmembrane protein that has roles in both cell-extra-cellular matrix and cell-cell interactions. Conditional deletion of β1-integrin from all lens cells during embryonic development results in profound lens defects, however, it is less clear whether this reflects functions in the lens epithelium alone or whether this protein plays a role in lens fibers. Thus, a conditional approach was used to delete β1-integrin solely from the lens fiber cells. This deletion resulted in two distinct phenotypes with some lenses exhibiting cataracts while others were clear, albeit with refractive defects. Analysis of \"clear\" conditional knockout lenses revealed that they had profound defects in fiber cell morphology associated with the loss of the F-actin network. Physiological measurements found that the lens fiber cells had a twofold increase in gap junctional coupling, perhaps due to differential localization of connexins 46 and 50, as well as increased water permeability. This would presumably facilitate transport of ions and nutrients through the lens, and may partially explain how lenses with profound structural abnormalities can maintain transparency. In summary, β1-integrin plays a role in maintaining the cellular morphology and homeostasis of the lens fiber cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How tissues and organs develop and maintain their characteristic three-dimensional cellular architecture is often a poorly understood part of their developmental program; yet, as is clearly the case for the eye lens, precise regulation of these features can be critical for function. During lens morphogenesis cells become organized into a polarized, spheroidal structure with a monolayer of epithelial cells overlying the apical tips of elongated fiber cells. Epithelial cells proliferate and progeny that shift below the lens equator differentiate into new fibers that are progressively added to the fiber mass. It is now known that FGF induces epithelial to fiber differentiation; however, it is not fully understood how these two forms of cells assemble into their characteristic polarized arrangement. Here we show that in FGF-treated epithelial explants, elongating fibers become polarized/oriented towards islands of epithelial cells and mimic their polarized arrangement in vivo. Epithelial explants secrete Wnt5 into the culture medium and we show that Wnt5 can promote directed behavior of lens cells. We also show that these explants replicate aspects of the Notch/Jagged signaling activity that has been shown to regulate proliferation of epithelial cells in vivo. Thus, our in vitro study identifies a novel mechanism, intrinsic to the two forms of lens cells, that facilitates self-assembly into the polarized arrangement characteristic of the lens in vivo. In this way the lens, with its relatively simple cellular composition, serves as a useful model to highlight the importance of such intrinsic self-assembly mechanisms in tissue developmental and regenerative processes.





