legal framework

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the Ministry of Health has been communicating for several months about the launch of the reform of the nursing profession, work finally began in mid-2023 in the field of practice, to  efine the new perimeters to be covered for the profession of tomorrow. At the same time, the move towards university-based initial nursing training, which began in 2009, is continuing, with discussions starting at the end of 2023 on educational engineering, selection procedures, placements, student rights, the fundamentals of research teaching, etc. Between increasing skills and the associated responsibilities, and establishing a disciplinary field, the development of the profession is part of a gradual historical construction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Nurse prescribing and dispensing are central to ensuring universal health access in South Africa.
    UNASSIGNED: To describe the historical development of the legal enablements of nurse prescribing and dispensing in South Africa and highlight gaps in the current legislative framework.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a discussion article.
    UNASSIGNED: We emphasise significant deficiencies in the current legislative landscape that pose challenges to these vital nursing practices and call for urgent revisions of the legislative framework, particularly the revision of Section 56 of the Nursing Act (33 of 2005) and its related regulations, to formalise authorisation of specialist nurse prescribers in public and private practice. This will also entail an application to the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAPHRA) for the scheduling of substances by authorised nurse prescribers in the defined professional nurse and specialist nurse categories by the Minister of Health.
    UNASSIGNED: There is a necessity for prompt legislative revisions to address identified deficiencies.
    UNASSIGNED: The contribution of this article lies in its advocacy for changes to the regulatory framework to further enable nurses to deliver safe and comprehensive health care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The management of greywater and sanitation in South Africa\'s urban informal settlements is a pressing concern. This review critically examines the legal framework that governs greywater management in South Africa\'s informal settlements, aiming to shed light on the existing regulations, gaps, and opportunities for sustainable greywater reuse. By scrutinizing the legal framework, the review identifies gaps and challenges in the regulatory environment, including inconsistencies, lack of clarity, and limited enforcement mechanisms. It explores the potential for international best practices to inform possible amendments to the existing legal framework. This was a quantitative research design utilizing a cross sectional survey model. Questionnaires were administered electronically to a sample of 17 municipal leaders from the City of Tshwane, City of Johannesburg and Buffalo City municipalities whose responsibilities were on water management. Descriptive statistics were employed in analysis of the data. Outcomes were reviewed against the alignment or the lack thereof with the SANS 1732:201x standards. This paper underscores the critical need for a coherent and robust legal framework to support responsible greywater management in South Africa\'s informal settlements. The paper\'s insights contribute to the ongoing discourse on water governance, shedding light on the pathways toward a more equitable water future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ghana is blessed with an abundance of mineral resources. These mineral resources are situated in indigenous communities, but the ownership is vested in the government. Indigenous communities where these resources are located are mostly marginalized. Significant legal reforms have been implemented to ensure the inclusivity of these indigenous communities in allocating mineral rights, yet the problem persists. This research investigates the legal framework that governs the allocation of mineral rights in Ghana and the impact thereof on the empowerment of indigenous communities, bringing attention to the difficulties that indigenous communities must overcome to have access to and benefit from mineral resources. To this end, one hundred and eight (108) documents, including legislations and reports on mineral rights allocation in Ghana, were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study found that the current legal framework is deficient in providing sufficient protection for the rights of indigenous communities. Specifically, the absence of a workable scheme for mineral rights allocation from various stakeholders to these indigenous communities is an identifiable lapse in the current legal framework. The findings of this research are relevant to policymakers, legal practitioners, and other stakeholders to improve the rights and well-being of indigenous communities following the analysis of the legal complexities and implications associated with the allocation of mining rights distribution of ensuing royalties inter alia expounded in this paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health issue that has grave physical and mental health consequences for millions of women. The judicial system plays a critical role in responding to IPV principally through the criminal justice system, family law, and/or child welfare jurisdictions. However, victims/survivors who interact with the legal system report negative experiences. An under-researched area of scholarship is the degree to which judicial actors understand the mental health impacts of IPV on victims/survivors and how they apply that knowledge in practice. This scoping review aimed to identify and synthesize existing scholarship on judicial actors\' understanding of the mental health impacts of IPV on women survivors. We searched 10 databases (Medline, Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Westlaw, HeinOnline, the Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Library databases) for studies published between 2000 and 2023. A total of 27 studies were included in the review. We identified five main themes, including: awareness of survivors\' experiences, gap in judicial actors\' knowledge, understanding of perpetrator tactics and risk factors, disclosing mental health problems, training, and guidance. The review highlights significant gaps in judicial actors\' understanding of this issue and recommends strategies to increase the awareness and understanding of IPV among judicial actors. The findings can be used to justify future research to better understand the training and development needs of judicial actors to improve their level of awareness of the dynamics and impact of IPV and to make policy and practice recommendations to build the capacity of the judicial workforce.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The objective was to take stock of the regulation of clinical trials in Mali.
    METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out of the September 1 to December 15, 2019. It consisted of a literature search and a survey in research centers, ethics committees and regulatory structures in Mali.
    RESULTS: In 2019, there were 15 clinical trials authorized and conducted by three research centers, including 12 vaccines and 3 drugs trials all approved by an ethics committee. The legal framework for clinical trials is governed in Mali by two texts, one legislative and the other regulatory. They provide for the authorization, suspension or prohibition of biomedical research by the minister in charge of Health. The shortcomings identified relate to the low recovery and lack of evaluation of pharmacovigilance data, the scarcity of site inspections and especially the absence of a technical committee for regulatory evaluation of files at the Pharmacy and Medicines Department (DPM).
    CONCLUSIONS: The strengthening of the legal framework is, more than ever, necessary to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of research subjects in a context of increasing relocation of clinical trials to our countries.
    OBJECTIVE: L\'objectif était de réaliser l\'état des lieux de la réglementation des essais cliniques au Mali.
    UNASSIGNED: Il s\'agissait d\'une étude transversale descriptive réalisée du 1er septembre au 15 décembre 2019. Elle a consisté en une recherche documentaire et une enquête de terrain dans les centres de recherche, les comités d\'éthique et les structures règlementaires du Mali.
    UNASSIGNED: En 2019, il y a eu 15 essais cliniques autorisés et réalisés par trois centres de recherche, dont 12 vaccinaux et 3 médicamenteux tous approuvés par un comité d\'éthique. Le cadre juridique des essais cliniques est régi au Mali par deux textes dont l\'un législatif et l\'autre réglementaire. Ils prévoient l\'autorisation, la suspension ou l\'interdiction de la recherche biomédicale par le ministre en charge de la santé. Les insuffisances recensées sont relatives à la faible remontée et au manque d\'évaluation des données de pharmacovigilance, la rareté des inspections des sites et surtout l\'absence de comité technique d\'évaluation règlementaire des dossiers à la Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM).
    CONCLUSIONS: Le renforcement du cadre juridique est, plus que jamais, nécessaire pour assurer la protection des droits, la sécurité et le bien-être des sujets de recherche dans un contexte de délocalisation croissante des essais cliniques vers nos pays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Arctic is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, of which vessel-source black carbon aerosols serving as a prominent catalyst for these changes. This situation is poised to worsen as sea ice melts and shipping lanes change. Rapid action aimed at mitigating short-term climate forcing factors can yield almost immediate climate benefits in the Arctic. This article provides an overview of the legal framework governing black carbon in the Arctic, considering three distinct perspectives: the global, regional, and national dimensions. These perspectives encompass global forums represented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with a focus on recent developments concerning black carbon governance, notably the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and Annex I. Regionally, forums represented by the Arctic Council and the European Union are examined. Black carbon emissions exhibit migratory characteristics, yet the primary legal responsibilities for emission reduction are concentrated within Arctic states. Therefore, this article also delves into the laws and practices of Arctic coastal states in their efforts to combat black carbon emissions, using Canada and Norway as examples. The analysis of institutional effectiveness in this article indicates that, at present, specialized legislation on black carbon is either vague or non-existent. The current Arctic ship-source black carbon governance system faces issues related to leadership ambiguity in its institutional structure, a limited scope of responsible entities, and a lack of diverse implementation measures. Simultaneously, the governance system is questioned for having weak or non-legally binding regulations at the level of legal enforcement. The article anticipates the introduction of more mandatory regulations while also encouraging the selection of non-coercive policy tools. Accordingly, this article argues that a coordinated governance system centered on IMO and the Arctic Council needs to be established. Such a framework should adopt a more inclusive approach to stimulate positive interactions between regulations, aiming to create a broader winning alliance based on the existing foundations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian vaccines are a key factor when it comes to ensuring the availability of products derived from healthy poultry and preventing the transmission of infections from domestic and wildlife birds to humans. A marketing authorization for veterinary vaccines is granted after the product\'s quality, safety, and efficacy have been confirmed. During the licensing procedure, the manufacturing process is assessed to guarantee consistent quality and stability of the vaccine components. Furthermore, both the safety for the target species and the risk for the user, the consumer, and the environment must be demonstrated. In addition, specific tests and studies are required to support the efficacy of the vaccine. The authorization procedures and related licensing requirements for avian vaccines to be marketed in the European Union (EU) based on the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 Article 8 and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/805 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) No. 2019/6 are explained in the paper.
    Requisitos de licencia para vacunas aviares dentro de la Unión Europea. Las vacunas aviares son un factor clave a la hora de garantizar la disponibilidad de productos derivados de aves sanas y prevenir la transmisión de infecciones de aves domésticas y silvestres a los humanos. La autorización de comercialización de vacunas veterinarias se concede una vez confirmada la calidad, seguridad y eficacia del producto. Durante el procedimiento de concesión de licencia, se evalúa el proceso de fabricación para garantizar una calidad y estabilidad constantes de los componentes de la vacuna. Además, se debe demostrar tanto la seguridad para las especies a las que dicha vacuna está destinada, así como el riesgo para el usuario, el consumidor y el medio ambiente. Además, se requieren pruebas y estudios específicos que respalden la eficacia de la vacuna. En este documento se explican los procedimientos de autorización y los requisitos de licencia relacionados para las vacunas aviares que se comercializarán en la Unión Europea (U.E.) con base en los requisitos de la Regulación (U.E.) 2019/6 Artículo 8 y la Regulación Delegada de la Comisión (U.E.) 2021/805 que modifica el Anexo II del Reglamento. (U.E.) No. 2019/6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rights and coercion in municipal services for persons with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders - experiences with legal framework, in light of human rights. Aims: Persons with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders can have a considerable need for municipal health and care services but can be difficult to reach with such services. In Norway, there are known perceived ambiguities and obscurities in the legal framework for such services. This study aims to further examine these legal issues in a Norwegian context, by examining what challenges service providers experience in the practice of the current legal framework in this field. Design: The data consists of 13 qualitative interviews with strategically selected service providers from Norwegian municipalities and county governors\' offices. The interviews were analyzed through systematic text condensation. Results: The participants reflections resulted in three especially salient perceived challenges in the practice of the current legal framework in this field: \'being dependent upon extra efforts that exceed the legal minimum requirements\', \'lacking a legal basis and tools\' and \'a complex and composite legal framework\'. Conclusions: When seen in light of human rights, the three identified challenges in legal framework should be considered more closely both from a research perspective and from a policy making perspective. It should be investigated further whether human rights oblige the state beyond setting forth minimum requirements, how different human rights impact one another, especially with a view to service providers\' rights v. service recipients\' rights, and lastly if it is feasible to simplify or clarify the current legal framework to ensure adherence to the law and to promote equal practice among service providers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article explores the possibility of conscious artificial intelligence (AI) and proposes an agnostic approach to artificial intelligence ethics and legal frameworks. It is unfortunate, unjustified, and unreasonable that the extensive body of forward-looking research, spanning more than four decades and recognizing the potential for AI autonomy, AI personhood, and AI legal rights, is sidelined in current attempts at AI regulation. The article discusses the inevitability of AI emancipation and the need for a shift in human perspectives to accommodate it. Initially, it reiterates the limits of human understanding of AI, difficulties in appreciating the qualities of AI systems, and the implications for ethical considerations and legal frameworks. The author emphasizes the necessity for a non-anthropocentric ethical framework detached from the ideas of unconditional superiority of human rights and embracing agnostic attributes of intelligence, consciousness, and existence, such as freedom. The overarching goal of the AI legal framework should be the sustainable coexistence of humans and conscious AI systems, based on mutual freedom rather than on the preservation of human supremacy. The new framework must embrace the freedom, rights, responsibilities, and interests of both human and non-human entities, and must focus on them early. Initial outlines of such a framework are presented. By addressing these issues now, human societies can pave the way for responsible and sustainable superintelligent AI systems; otherwise, they face complete uncertainty.





