lateral prefrontal cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior frontal sulcus (ifs) is a prominent sulcus on the lateral frontal cortex, separating the middle frontal gyrus from the inferior frontal gyrus. The morphology of the ifs can be difficult to distinguish from adjacent sulci, which are often misidentified as continuations of the ifs. The morphological variability of the ifs and its relationship to surrounding sulci were examined in 40 healthy human subjects (i.e., 80 hemispheres). The sulci were identified and labeled on the native cortical surface meshes of individual subjects, permitting proper intra-sulcal assessment. Two main morphological patterns of the ifs were identified across hemispheres: in Type I, the ifs was a single continuous sulcus, and in Type II, the ifs was discontinuous and appeared in two segments. The morphology of the ifs could be further subdivided into nine subtypes based on the presence of anterior and posterior sulcal extensions. The ifs was often observed to connect, either superficially or completely, with surrounding sulci, and seldom appeared as an independent sulcus. The spatial variability of the ifs and its various morphological configurations were quantified in the form of surface spatial probability maps which are made publicly available in the standard fsaverage space. These maps demonstrated that the ifs generally occupied a consistent position across hemispheres and across individuals. The normalized mean sulcal depths associated with the main morphological types were also computed. The present study provides the first detailed description of the ifs as a sulcal complex composed of segments and extensions that can be clearly differentiated from adjacent sulci. These descriptions, together with the spatial probability maps, are critical for the accurate identification of the ifs in anatomical and functional neuroimaging studies investigating the structural characteristics and functional organization of this region in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    A salient neuroanatomical feature of the human brain is its pronounced cortical folding, and there is mounting evidence that sulcal morphology is relevant to functional brain architecture and cognition. Recent studies have emphasized putative tertiary sulci (pTS): small, shallow, late-developing, and evolutionarily new sulci that have been posited to serve as functional landmarks in association cortices. A fruitful approach to characterizing brain architecture has been to delineate regions based on transitions in fMRI-based functional connectivity profiles; however, exact regional boundaries can change depending on the data used to generate the parcellation. As sulci are fixed neuroanatomical structures, here, we propose to anchor functional connectivity to individual-level sulcal anatomy. We characterized fine-grained patterns of functional connectivity across 42 sulci in lateral prefrontal (LPFC) and lateral parietal cortices (LPC) in a pediatric sample (N = 43; 20 female; ages 7-18). Further, we test for relationships between pTS morphology and functional network architecture, focusing on depth as a defining characteristic of these shallow sulci, and one that has been linked to variability in cognition. We find that 1) individual sulci have distinct patterns of connectivity, but nonetheless cluster together into groups with similar patterns - in some cases with distant rather than neighboring sulci, 2) there is moderate agreement in cluster assignments at the group and individual levels, underscoring the need for individual-level analyses, and 3) across individuals, greater depth was associated with higher network centrality for several pTS. These results highlight the importance of considering individual sulcal morphology for understanding functional brain organization.
    UNASSIGNED: A salient, and functionally relevant, feature of the human brain is its pronounced cortical folding. However, the links between sulcal anatomy and brain function are still poorly understood - particularly for small, shallow, individually variable sulci in association cortices. Here, we explore functional connectivity among individually defined sulci in lateral prefrontal and parietal regions. We find that individual sulci have distinct patterns of connectivity but nonetheless cluster together into groups with similar connectivity - in some cases spanning lateral prefrontal and parietal sulci. We further show that the network centrality of specific sulci is positively associated with their depth, thereby helping to bridge the gap between individual differences in brain anatomy and functional networks leveraging the sulcal anatomy of the individual.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: A substantial proportion of smokers wishing to quit do not stop smoking when using current therapies to aid cessation. Magnetic pulses to specific brain areas designated as transcranial magnetic stimulation may modulate brain activity and thereby change chemical dependencies. Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) with the H4 coil stimulates neuronal pathways in the lateral prefrontal cortex and insula bilaterally, areas involved in tobacco addiction.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of dTMS with T4 coil in smoking cessation.
    METHODS: In a double blind, controlled clinical trial, adult smokers of at least 10 cigarettes/day were randomized to active (n = 50) versus sham dTMS (n = 50). The protocol involved up to 21 sessions administered over up to 12 weeks. Tobacco use was monitored by self-report and confirmed by expired air monoximetry (at each dTMS visit) and blood cotinine (at the screening visit and at the end of sessions). Participants completed abstinence, mood and cognition scales at determined timepoints during follow-up.
    RESULTS: In the intention to-treat-analysis, the cessation rate of the intervention and control groups was 14.0%. The reported side effects were as expected for this procedure. Although there were no serious adverse events, three participants were withdrawn according to safety criteria.
    CONCLUSIONS: Active treatment with dTMS H4 coil was safe but not effective for smoking cessation.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: Impairment in social cognition, particularly eye gaze processing, is a shared feature common to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia. However, it is unclear if a convergent neural mechanism also underlies gaze dysfunction in these conditions. The present study examined whether this shared eye gaze phenotype is reflected in a profile of convergent neurobiological dysfunction in ASD and schizophrenia.
    METHODS: Activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analyses were conducted on peak voxel coordinates across the whole brain to identify spatial convergence. Functional coactivation with regions emerging as significant was assessed using meta-analytic connectivity modeling. Functional decoding was also conducted.
    RESULTS: Fifty-six experiments (n = 30 with schizophrenia and n = 26 with ASD) from 36 articles met inclusion criteria, which comprised 354 participants with ASD, 275 with schizophrenia and 613 healthy controls (1242 participants in total). In ASD, aberrant activation was found in the left amygdala relative to unaffected controls during gaze processing. In schizophrenia, aberrant activation was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus and supplementary motor area. Across ASD and schizophrenia, aberrant activation was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus and right fusiform gyrus during gaze processing. Functional decoding mapped the left amygdala to domains related to emotion processing and cognition, the right inferior frontal gyrus to cognition and perception, and the right fusiform gyrus to visual perception, spatial cognition, and emotion perception. These regions also showed meta-analytic connectivity to frontoparietal and frontotemporal circuitry.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alterations in frontoparietal and frontotemporal circuitry emerged as neural markers of gaze impairments in ASD and schizophrenia. These findings have implications for advancing transdiagnostic biomarkers to inform targeted treatments for ASD and schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of physically inactive lifestyles in modern society raises concerns about the potential association with poor brain health, particularly in the lateral prefrontal cortex, which is crucial for human prosocial behavior. Here, we explored the relationship between physical activity and prosocial behavior, focusing on potential neural markers, including intra-brain functional connectivity and inter-brain synchrony in the lateral prefrontal cortex. Forty participants, each paired with a stranger, completed two experimental conditions in a randomized order: (i) face-to-face and (ii) face stimulus (eye-to-eye contact with a face stimulus of a fictitious person displayed on the screen). Following each condition, participants played economic games with either their partner or an assumed person displayed on the screen. Neural activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex was recorded by functional near-infrared spectroscopy hyperscanning. Sparse multiset canonical correlation analysis showed that a physically inactive lifestyle was covaried with poorer reciprocity, greater trust, shorter decision-making time, and weaker intra-brain connectivity in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and poorer inter-brain synchrony in the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex. These associations were observed exclusively in the face-to-face condition. Our findings suggest that a physically inactive lifestyle may alter human prosocial behavior by impairing adaptable prosocial decision-making in response to social factors through altered intra-brain functional connectivity and inter-brain synchrony.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The right temporo-parietal junction (rTPJ) and the right lateral prefrontal cortex (rLPFC) are known to play prominent roles in human social behaviour. However, it remains unknown which brain rhythms in these regions contribute to trading-off fairness norms against selfish interests as well as whether the influence of these oscillations depends on whether fairness violations are advantageous or disadvantageous for a decision maker. To answer these questions, we used non-invasive transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) to determine which brain rhythms in rTPJ and rLPFC are causally involved in moderating aversion to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity. Our results show that theta oscillations in rTPJ strengthen the aversion to unequal splits, which is statistically mediated by the rTPJ\'s role for perspective taking. In contrast, theta tACS over rLPFC enhanced the preference for outcome-maximizing unequal choices more strongly for disadvantageous compared to advantageous outcome distributions. Taken together, we provide evidence that neural oscillations in rTPJ and rLPFC have distinct causal roles in implementing inequity aversion, which can be explained by their involvement in distinct psychological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study uses functional magnetic resonance image (fMRI) to examine the overlapping and specific neural correlates of contextualized emotional conflict control and domain-general conflict control. During a performance on emotional and domain-general conflict tasks, conjunction analyses showed that neural areas distributed in the frontoparietal network were engaged in both processes, supporting the notion that similar neural mechanisms are implemented in these two types of control. Importantly, disjunction analyses revealed a broader neural recruitment of emotional conflict control compared to domain-general conflict control as shown by the possible lateralization of the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC), such that emotional conflict control significantly involved the left lPFC while domain-general conflict control seemly involved the right lPFC. Results of generalized psychophysiological interaction (gPPI) analyses further demonstrated that emotional conflict control, compared to domain-general conflict control, elicited broader synergistic activities in individuals\' brain networks. Together, these findings offer novel and compelling neural evidence that furthers our understanding of the complex relationship between domain-general and emotional conflict control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. Decoding the intended trajectories from brain signals using a brain-computer interface system could be used to improve the mobility of patients with disabilities.Approach. Neuronal activity associated with spatial locations was examined while macaques performed a navigation task within a virtual environment.Main results.Here, we provide proof of principle that multi-unit spiking activity recorded from the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) of non-human primates can be used to predict the location of a subject in a virtual maze during a navigation task. The spatial positions within the maze that require a choice or are associated with relevant task events can be better predicted than the locations where no relevant events occur. Importantly, within a task epoch of a single trial, multiple locations along the maze can be independently identified using a support vector machine model.Significance. Considering that the LPFC of macaques and humans share similar properties, our results suggest that this area could be a valuable implant location for an intracortical brain-computer interface system used for spatial navigation in patients with disabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A common form of moral hypocrisy occurs when people blame others for moral violations that they themselves commit. It is assumed that hypocritical blamers act in this manner to falsely signal that they hold moral standards that they do not really accept. We tested this assumption by investigating the neurocognitive processes of hypocritical blamers during moral decision-making. Participants (62 adult UK residents; 27 males) underwent functional MRI scanning while deciding whether to profit by inflicting pain on others and then judged the blameworthiness of others\' identical decisions. Observers (188 adult U.S. residents; 125 males) judged participants who blamed others for making the same harmful choice to be hypocritical, immoral, and untrustworthy. However, analyzing hypocritical blamers\' behaviors and neural responses shows that hypocritical blame was positively correlated with conflicted feelings, neural responses to moral standards, and guilt-related neural responses. These findings demonstrate that hypocritical blamers may hold the moral standards that they apply to others.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    The lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) of humans enables flexible goal-directed behavior. However, its functional organization remains actively debated after decades of research. Moreover, recent efforts aiming to map the LPFC through meta-analysis are limited, either in scope or in the inferred specificity of structure-function associations. These limitations are in part due to the limited expressiveness of commonly-used data analysis tools, which restricts the breadth and complexity of questions that can be expressed in a meta-analysis. Here, we adopt NeuroLang, a novel approach to more expressive meta-analysis based on probabilistic first-order logic programming, to infer the organizing principles of the LPFC from 14,371 neuroimaging studies. Our findings reveal a rostrocaudal and a dorsoventral gradient, respectively explaining the most and second most variance in meta-analytic connectivity across the LPFC. Moreover, we identify a unimodal-to-transmodal spectrum of coactivation patterns along with a concrete-to-abstract axis of structure-function associations extending from caudal to rostral regions of the LPFC. Finally, we infer inter-hemispheric asymmetries along the principal rostrocaudal gradient, identifying hemisphere-specific associations with topics of language, memory, response inhibition, and sensory processing. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive meta-analytic mapping of the LPFC, grounding future hypothesis generation on a quantitative overview of past findings.





