lateral geniculate nucleus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head direction (HD) neurons, signalling facing direction, generate a signal that is primarily anchored to the outside world by visual inputs. We investigated the route for visual landmark information into the HD system in rats. There are two candidates: an evolutionarily older, larger subcortical retino-tectal pathway and a more recently evolved, smaller cortical retino-geniculo-striate pathway. We disrupted the cortical pathway by lesioning the dorsal lateral geniculate thalamic nuclei bilaterally, and recorded HD cells in the postsubicular cortex as rats foraged in a visual-cue-controlled enclosure. In lesioned rats we found the expected number of postsubicular HD cells. Although directional tuning curves were broader across a trial, this was attributable to the increased instability of otherwise normal-width tuning curves. Tuning curves were also poorly responsive to polarizing visual landmarks and did not distinguish cues based on their visual pattern. Thus, the retino-geniculo-striate pathway is not crucial for the generation of an underlying, tightly tuned directional signal but does provide the main route for vision-based anchoring of the signal to the outside world, even when visual cues are high in contrast and low in detail. KEY POINTS: Head direction (HD) cells indicate the facing direction of the head, using visual landmarks to distinguish directions. In rats, we investigated whether this visual information is routed through the thalamus to the visual cortex or arrives via the superior colliculus, which is a phylogenetically older and (in rodents) larger pathway. We lesioned the thalamic dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) in rats and recorded the responsiveness of cortical HD cells to visual cues. We found that cortical HD cells had normal tuning curves, but these were slightly more unstable during a trial. Most notably, HD cells in dLGN-lesioned animals showed little ability to distinguish highly distinct cues and none to distinguish more similar cues. These results suggest that directional processing of visual landmarks in mammals requires the geniculo-cortical pathway, which raises questions about when and how visual directional landmark processing appeared during evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons provide direct input into several brain regions, including the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), which is important for image-forming vision, and the ventrolateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN), which is associated with nonimage-forming vision. Through both activity- and morphogen-dependent mechanisms, retinal inputs play important roles in the development of dLGN, including the refinement of retinal projections, morphological development of thalamocortical relay cells (TRCs), timing of corticogeniculate innervation, and recruitment and distribution of inhibitory interneurons. In contrast, little is known about the role of retinal inputs in the development of vLGN. Grossly, vLGN is divided into two domains, the retinorecipient external vLGN (vLGNe) and nonretinorecipient internal vLGN (vLGNi). Studies previously found that vLGNe consists of transcriptionally distinct GABAergic subtypes distributed into at least four adjacent laminae. At present, it remains unclear whether retinal inputs influence the development of these cell-type-specific neuronal laminae in vLGNe. Here, we elucidated the developmental timeline for these laminae in the mouse vLGNe, and results indicate that these laminae are specified at or before birth. We observed that mutant mice without retinal inputs have a normal laminar distribution of GABAergic cells at birth; however, after the first week of postnatal development, these mutants exhibited a dramatic disruption in the laminar organization of inhibitory neurons and clear boundaries between vLGNe and vLGNi. Overall, our results show that while the formation of cell-type-specific layers in mouse vLGNe does not depend on RGC inputs, retinal signals are critical for their maintenance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental dyslexia (DD) is one of the most common learning disorders, affecting millions of children and adults worldwide. To date, scientific research has attempted to explain DD primarily based on pathophysiological alterations in the cerebral cortex. In contrast, several decades ago, pioneering research on five post-mortem human brains suggested that a core characteristic of DD might be morphological alterations in a specific subdivision of the visual thalamus - the magnocellular LGN (M-LGN). However, due to considerable technical challenges in investigating LGN subdivisions non-invasively in humans, this finding was never confirmed in-vivo, and its relevance for DD pathology remained highly controversial. Here, we leveraged recent advances in high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at high field strength (7 Tesla) to investigate the M-LGN in DD in-vivo. Using a case-control design, we acquired data from a large sample of young adults with DD (n = 26; age 28 ± 7 years; 13 females) and matched control participants (n = 28; age 27 ± 6 years; 15 females). Each participant completed a comprehensive diagnostic behavioral test battery and participated in two MRI sessions, including three functional MRI experiments and one structural MRI acquisition. We measured blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses and longitudinal relaxation rates to compare both groups on LGN subdivision function and myelination. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that the M-LGN is altered in DD and that these alterations are associated with a key DD diagnostic score, i.e., rapid letter and number naming (RANln). The results showed aberrant responses of the M-LGN in DD compared to controls, which was reflected in a different functional lateralization of this subdivision between groups. These alterations were associated with RANln performance, specifically in male DD. We also found lateralization differences in the longitudinal relaxation rates of the M-LGN in DD relative to controls. Conversely, the other main subdivision of the LGN, the parvocellular LGN (P-LGN), showed comparable blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses and longitudinal relaxation rates between groups. The present study is the first to unequivocally show that M-LGN alterations are a hallmark of DD, affecting both the function and microstructure of this subdivision. It further provides a first functional interpretation of M-LGN alterations and a basis for a better understanding of sex-specific differences in DD with implications for prospective diagnostic and treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acomys cahirinus is a unique Rodentia species with several distinctive physiological traits, such as precocial development and remarkable regenerative abilities. These characteristics render A. cahirinus increasingly valuable for regenerative and developmental physiology studies. Despite this, the structure and postnatal development of the central nervous system in A. cahirinus have been inadequately explored, with only sporadic data available. This study is the first in a series of papers addressing these gaps. Our first objective was to characterize the structure of the main visual thalamic region, the lateral geniculate complex, using several neuronal markers (including Ca2+-binding proteins, glutamic acid decarboxylase enzyme, and non-phosphorylated domains of heavy-chain neurofilaments) to label populations of principal neurons and interneurons in adult and newborn A. cahirinus. As typically found in other rodents, we identified three subdivisions in the geniculate complex: the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei (LGNd and LGNv) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). Additionally, we characterized internal diversity in the LGN nuclei. The \"shell\" and \"core\" regions of the LGNd were identified using calretinin in adults and newborns. In adults, the inner and outer parts of the LGNv were identified using calbindin, calretinin, parvalbumin, GAD67, and SMI-32, whereas in newborns, calretinin and SMI-32 were employed for this purpose. Our findings revealed more pronounced developmental changes in LGNd compared to LGNv and IGL, suggesting that LGNd is less mature at birth and more influenced by visual experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Face processing is fundamental to primates and has been extensively studied in higher-order visual cortex. Here, we report that visual neurons in the midbrain superior colliculus (SC) of macaque monkeys display a preference for images of faces. This preference emerges within 40 ms of stimulus onset-well before \"face patches\" in visual cortex-and, at the population level, can be used to distinguish faces from other visual objects with accuracies of ∼80%. This short-latency face preference in SC depends on signals routed through early visual cortex because inactivating the lateral geniculate nucleus, the key relay from retina to cortex, virtually eliminates visual responses in SC, including face-related activity. These results reveal an unexpected circuit in the primate visual system for rapidly detecting faces in the periphery, complementing the higher-order areas needed for recognizing individual faces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Geniculocalcarine fibers are thought to be exclusively ipsilateral. However, recent findings challenged this belief, revealing bilateral recruiting responses in occipitotemporoparietal regions upon unilateral stimulation of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in humans. This raised the intriguing possibility of bilateral projections to primary visual areas (V1). This study sought to explore the hypothetical decussation of the geniculocalcarine tract.
    METHODS: 40 healthy individuals\' 7T magnetic resonance images from the Human Connectome Project were examined. Employing MRtrix3 software with the constrained spherical deconvolution algorithm, scans were processed. LGN served as the seed region and contralateral regions of interest (splenium of the corpus callosum, posterior commissure, LGN, V1, pulvinar, and superior colliculus) were defined to reconstruct the hypothetical decussated fibers. Tractography included contralateral V1 as the target region in all segmentations, excluding ipsilateral V1 to eliminate fibers leading to or originating from this area. Additionally, a segmentation of the tract originating from LGN and projecting to the ipsilateral V1 was performed. Mean fraction anisotropy and mean diffusivity metrics were extracted from the density maps.
    RESULTS: Observations revealed a substantial volume of decussated fibers between LGN and contralateral V1 via the splenium of the corpus callosum, albeit much smaller than ipsilateral fibers. The volume of ipsilateral fibers was similar in both sides. Left LGN-originating decussated fibers were more than double those originating from the right LGN. Tract segmentation to other regions of interests yielded no fibers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests a partial decussation of the fibers between LGN and V1, likely constituting the geniculocalcarine tract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) affects millions of people in the U.S. Approximately 20-30% of those individuals develop adverse symptoms lasting at least 3 months. In a rat mTBI study, the closed-head impact model of engineered rotational acceleration (CHIMERA) produced significant axonal injury in the optic tract (OT), indicating white-matter damage. Because retinal ganglion cells project to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus through the OT, we hypothesized that synaptic density may be reduced in the LGN of rats following CHIMERA injury. A modified SEQUIN (synaptic evaluation and quantification by imaging nanostructure) method, combined with immunofluorescent double-labeling of pre-synaptic (synapsin) and post-synaptic (PSD-95) markers, was used to quantify synaptic density in the LGN. Microglial activation at the CHIMERA injury site was determined using Iba-1 immunohistochemistry. Additionally, the effects of ketamine, a potential neuroprotective drug, were evaluated in CHIMERA-induced mTBI. A single-session repetitive (ssr-) CHIMERA (3 impacts, 1.5 joule/impact) produced mild effects on microglial activation at the injury site, which was significantly enhanced by post-injury intravenous ketamine (10 mg/kg) infusion. However, ssr-CHIMERA did not alter synaptic density in the LGN, although ketamine produced a trend of reduction in synaptic density at post-injury day 4. Further research is necessary to characterize the effects of ssr-CHIMERA and subanesthetic doses of intravenous ketamine on different brain regions and multiple time points post-injury. The current study demonstrates the utility of the ssr-CHIMERA as a rodent model of mTBI, which researchers can use to identify biological mechanisms of mTBI and to develop improved treatment strategies for individuals suffering from head trauma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary visual cortex (V1) is one of the most studied regions of the brain and is characterized by its specialized and laminated layer 4 in human and non-human primates. However, studies aiming to harmonize the definition of the cortical layers and borders of V1 across rodents and primates are very limited. This article attempts to identify and harmonize the molecular markers and connectional patterns that can consistently link corresponding cortical layers of V1 and borders across mammalian species and ages. V1 in primates has at least two additional and unique layers (L3b2 and L3c) and two sublayers of layer 4 (L4a and L4b) compared to rodent V1. In all species examined, layers 4 and 3b of V1 receive strong inputs from the (dorsal) lateral geniculate nucleus, and V1 is mostly surrounded by the secondary visual cortex except for one location where V1 directly abuts area prostriata. The borders of primate V1 can also be clearly identified at mid-gestational ages using gene markers. In rodents, a novel posteromedial extension of V1 is identified, which expresses V1 marker genes and receives strong inputs from the lateral geniculate nucleus. This V1 extension was labeled as the posterior retrosplenial cortex and medial secondary visual cortex in the literature and brain atlases. Layer 6 of the rodent and primate V1 originates corticothalamic projections to the lateral geniculate, lateral dorsal, and reticular thalamic nuclei and the lateroposterior-pulvinar complex with topographic organization. Finally, the direct geniculo-extrastriate (particularly the strong geniculo-prostriata) projections are probably major contributors to blindsight after V1 lesions. Taken together, compared to rodents, primates, and humans, V1 has at least two unique middle layers, while other layers are comparable across species and display conserved molecular markers and similar connections with the visual thalamus with only subtle differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mouse retina contains over 40 types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that differ in morphology, function, or gene expression. RGCs also differ by whether their axons target the brain.s ipsilateral or contralateral hemisphere. Contralaterally projecting RGCs (contraRGCs) are widespread in mouse retina, whereas ipsilateral projecting RGCs (ipsiRGCs) are confined to the ventro-temporal (VT) crescent of retina. In this study, we employed the Sert-Cre transgenic line, which had been reported to selectively label ipsiRGCs, to study ipsiRGCs during development. Although the number of Cre-expressing ipsiRGCs did not significantly increase with postnatal age, the region of retina that they occupied did, and by adulthood represented ~30% of the retinal surface. Unexpectedly, genetic ablation of Sert-Cre cells failed to fully disrupt ipsilateral projecting retinal axons, suggesting that not all ipsiRGCs generated Cre in Sert-Cre mice. To test this hypothesis, we retrogradely labeled ipsiRGCs in Sert-Cre mice which revealed that not all ipsiRGCs are labeled in Sert-Cre mice and a small population of contraRGCs flanking the VT crescent generates Cre in this line. These results do not negate the usefulness of the Sert-Cre mouse but do raise important caveats to the interpretation of such studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been suggested that there may be an imbalance of excitation and inhibitory processes in the visual areas of the brain in people with migraine aura (MA). One idea is thalamocortical dysrhythmia, characterized by disordered oscillations, and thus disordered communication between the lateral geniculate nucleus and the cortex. Cross-orientation suppression is a visual task thought to rely on inhibitory processing, possibly originating in the lateral geniculate nucleus. We measured both resting-state oscillations and cross-orientation suppression using EEG over occipital areas in people with MA and healthy volunteers. We found evidence of cross-orientation suppression in the SSVEP responses, but no evidence of any group difference. Therefore, inhibitory processes related to cross-orientation suppression do not appear to be impaired in MA.





