laser acne treatment

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    文章类型: Review
    The treatment of acne vulgaris traditionally consists of a combination of topical and oral medications. The use of lasers to treat this condition has been an area of increasing research, and several types have previously been used in the treatment of acne. New 1726 nm lasers specifically target the sebaceous gland, which is known to be pivotal in acne pathophysiology. This laser wavelength demonstrates substantial potential as a safe and effective therapeutic option for moderate to severe acne without the risks of systemic therapy. This paper reviews the 1726 nm lasers for acne vulgaris.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective photothermolysis of the sebaceous glands has the potential to be an effective alternative for treating acne vulgaris. However, the translation of this technique to clinical settings has been hindered by a lack of appropriate energy sources to target sebaceous glands, concerns surrounding safety, and treatment-related discomfort and downtime. In this work, we introduce the first FDA-approved system that combines a 1726-nm laser and efficient contact cooling to treat mild, moderate, and severe acne effectively while ensuring safety and minimal patient discomfort without adjunct pain mitigation techniques. Light transport and bioheat transfer simulations were performed to demonstrate the system\'s efficacy and selectivity. The resulting thermal damage to the skin and sebaceous glands was modeled using the Arrhenius kinetic model. Numerical simulations demonstrated that combining laser energy and optimal contact cooling could induce a significant temperature increase spatially limited to the sebaceous gland; this results in highly selective targeting and maximum damage to the sebaceous gland while preserving other skin structures. In vivo human facial skin histology results corroborated the simulation results. The studies reported here demonstrate that the presented 1726-nm laser system induces selective photothermolysis of the sebaceous gland, providing a safe and effective method for the treatment of acne vulgaris.





