
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inner ear of mammals includes the cochlea and vestibule, which house specialized hair cells that are responsible for hearing and balance, respectively. While cochlear hair cells fail to regenerate following damage, those of the utricle, which is part of the vestibular apparatus, show partial regeneration. In birds, the macula lagena, a unique ear structure in this clade, has the ability to regenerate hair cells similarly to the utricle. Many studies have sought to explain regeneration in terms of evolution and species differences. However, it remains unclear what the cellular and molecular basis is behind the differences in inner ear structures and between avians and mammals. In the present study, we first investigated the anatomical structures of the inner ear of both chickens and rodents. We then performed RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and made cross-species analyses of the expression of homologous genes obtained from the inner ear tissue from both chickens and mice. Finally, we focused on the lagena, the basilar papilla, and the utricle in chickens and identified differentially expressed genes between tissues and determined the expression patterns of genes involved in inner ear structure formation by single-cell RNA sequencing and bulk RNA-Seq. We concluded that the cellular and molecular composition of the lagena is more similar to that of the utricle than the cochlea. Taken together, our study provides a valuable resource for the study of inner ear evolution and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The auditory system of the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) is an important sensory system used to detect and encode biologically relevant acoustic stimuli important for survival and reproduction including social acoustic signals used for intraspecific communication. Previous work showed that hair cell (HC) density in the midshipman saccule increased seasonally with reproductive state and was concurrent with enhanced auditory saccular sensitivity in both females and type I males. Although reproductive state-dependent changes in HC density have been well characterized in the adult midshipman saccule, less is known about how the saccule changes during ontogeny. Here, we examined the ontogenetic development of the saccule in four relative sizes of midshipman (larvae, small juveniles, large juveniles, and nonreproductive adults) to determine whether the density, total number, and orientation patterns of saccular HCs change during ontogeny. In addition, we also examined whether the total number of HCs in the saccule differ from that of the utricle and lagena in nonreproductive adults. We found that HC density varied across developmental stage. The ontogenetic reduction in HC density was concurrent with an ontogenetic increase in macula area. The orientation pattern of saccular HCs was similar to the standard pattern previously described in other teleost fishes, and this pattern of HC orientation was retained during ontogeny. Lastly, the estimated number of saccular HCs increased with developmental stage from the smallest larvae (2,336 HCs) to the largest nonreproductive adult (145,717 HCs), and in nonreproductive adults estimated HC numbers were highest in the saccule (mean ± SD = 28,479 ± 4,809 HCs), intermediate in the utricle (mean ± SD = 11,008 ± 1,619 HCs) and lowest in the lagena (mean ± SD = 4,560 ± 769 HCs).







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) is a nocturnal, seasonally breeding, intertidal-nesting teleost fish that produces social acoustic signals for intraspecific communication. Type I or \"nesting\" males produce agonistic and reproductive-related acoustic signals including a multiharmonic advertisement call during the summer breeding season. Previous work showed that type I male auditory sensitivity of the saccule, the primary midshipman auditory end organ, changes seasonally with reproductive state such that reproductive males become more sensitive and better suited than nonreproductive males to detect the dominant frequencies contained within type I vocalizations. Here, we examine whether reproductive type I males also exhibit reproductive-state dependent changes in hair cell (HC) density in the three putative auditory end organs (saccule, lagena, and utricle). We show that saccular HC density was greater in reproductive type I males compared to nonreproductive type I males, and that the increase in HC density occurs throughout the saccular epithelium in both the central and marginal epithelia regions. We also show as saccular HC density increases there is a concurrent decrease in saccular support cell (SC) density in reproductive type I males with no overall change in total cell density (i.e., HC + SC). In contrast, we did not observe any seasonal changes in HC density in the utricle or lagena between nonreproductive and reproductive type I males. In addition, we compare the saccular HC densities in reproductive type I males with that of reproductive females and show that females have greater saccular HC densities, which suggest a sexually dimorphic difference in HC receptor density between the two sexual phenotypes, at least during the summer breeding season.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) is a species of marine teleost that produces acoustic signals that are important for mediating social behavior. The auditory sensitivity of the saccule is well established in this species, but the sensitivity and function of the midshipman\'s putative auditory lagena are unknown. Here, we characterize the auditory-evoked potentials from hair cells in the lagena of reproductive type I males to determine the frequency response and auditory sensitivity of the lagena to behaviorally relevant acoustic stimuli. Lagenar potentials were recorded from the caudal and medial region of the lagena, while acoustic stimuli were presented by an underwater speaker. Our results indicate that the midshipman lagena has a similar low-frequency sensitivity to that of the midshipman saccule based on sound pressure and acceleration (re: 1 µPa and 1 ms-2, respectively), but the thresholds of the lagena were higher across all frequencies tested. The relatively high auditory thresholds of the lagena may be important for encoding high levels of behaviorally relevant acoustic stimuli when close to  a sound source.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, is a nocturnal marine teleost that uses social acoustic signals for communication during the breeding season. Nesting type I males produce multiharmonic advertisement calls by contracting their swim bladder sonic muscles to attract females for courtship and spawning while subsequently attracting cuckholding type II males. Here, we report intra- and intersexual dimorphisms of the swim bladder in a vocal teleost fish and detail the swim bladder dimorphisms in the three sexual phenotypes (females, type I and II males) of plainfin midshipman fish. Micro-computerized tomography revealed that females and type II males have prominent, horn-like rostral swim bladder extensions that project toward the inner ear end organs (saccule, lagena, and utricle). The rostral swim bladder extensions were longer, and the distance between these swim bladder extensions and each inner-ear end organ type was significantly shorter in both females and type II males compared to that in type I males. Our results revealed that the normalized swim bladder length of females and type II males was longer than that in type I males while there was no difference in normalized swim bladder width among the three sexual phenotypes. We predict that these intrasexual and intersexual differences in swim bladder morphology among midshipman sexual phenotypes will afford greater sound pressure sensitivity and higher frequency detection in females and type II males and facilitate the detection and localization of conspecifics in shallow water environments, like those in which midshipman breed and nest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experienced homing pigeons with extirpated cochleae and lagenae were released from six sites in upstate New York and western Pennsylvania on 17 days between 1973 and 1975 by William T. Keeton and his co-workers at Cornell University. The previously unpublished data indicate that departure directions of the operated birds were significantly different from those of sham-operated control birds (314 total), indicating that aural cues play an important part in the pigeon\'s navigational system. Moreover, propagation modeling of infrasonic waves using meteorological data for the release days supports the possibility that control birds used infrasonic signals to determine their homeward direction. Local acoustic \'shadow\' zones, therefore, could have caused initial disorientation of control birds at release sites where they were normally well oriented. Experimental birds plausibly employed an alternate \'route-reversal\' strategy to return home perhaps using their ocular-based magnetic compass. We suggest, based on Keeton\'s results from another site of long-term disorientation, that experienced pigeons depend predominantly on infrasonic cues for initial orientation, and that surgical removal of their aural sense compelled them to switch to a secondary navigational strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neurocranium of the toadfish (Opsanus tau) exhibits a distinct translucent region in the otic capsule (OC) that may have functional significance for the auditory pathway. This study used ultrahigh resolution computerized tomography (100 µm voxels) to compare the relative density of three sites along the OC (dorsolateral, midlateral, and ventromedial) and two reference sites (dorsal: supraoccipital crest; ventral: parasphenoid bone) in the neurocranium. Higher attenuation occurs where structural density is greater; thus, we compared the X-ray attenuations measured, which provided a measure of relative density. The maximum attenuation value was recorded for each of the five sites (x and y) on consecutive sections throughout the OC and for each of the three calcareous otoliths associated with the sensory maculae (lagena, saccule, and utricle) in the OC. All three otoliths had higher attenuations than any sites in the neurocranium. Both dorsal and ventral reference sites (supraoccipital crest and parasphenoid bone, respectively) had attenuation levels consistent with calcified bone and had relatively small, irregular variations along the length of the OC in all individuals. The lowest relative attenuations (lowest densities) occurred consistently at the three sites along the OC. In addition, the lowest attenuations measured along the OC occurred at the ventromedial site around the saccular otolith for all seven fish. The decrease in bone density along the OC is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a low-density channel in the skull to facilitate transmission of acoustic stimuli to the auditory endorgans of the ear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The senses of hearing and balance in vertebrates are transduced by hair cells in the inner ear. Hair cells from a wide variety of organisms have been described electrophysiologically but this is the first report of the application of these techniques to the genetically tractable zebrafish model system. Auditory and vestibular hair cells isolated from zebrafish lagenae and utricles were patch clamped and both inward and outward currents under voltage clamp, and changes in membrane potential under current clamp were recorded. Cells displayed substantial diversity in their morphology, constellation of channel types, and level of excitability. While all cells showed evidence of the presence of fast-inactivating (A-type) K(+) channels, other K(+) channel types, including delayed rectifier, inward rectifier and large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels were less common. Recorded Ca(2+) currents were identified pharmacologically as L-type. Non-linear regenerative voltage responses were evoked in more than half of the cells studied.





