
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lafora disease is a rare and fatal form of progressive myoclonic epilepsy typically occurring early in adolescence. The disease results from mutations in the EPM2A gene, encoding laforin, or the EPM2B gene, encoding malin. Laforin and malin work together in a complex to control glycogen synthesis and prevent the toxicity produced by misfolded proteins via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Disruptions in either protein cause alterations in this complex, leading to the formation of Lafora bodies containing abnormal, insoluble, and hyperphosphorylated forms of glycogen. We used the Epm2a-/- knockout mouse model of Lafora disease to apply gene therapy by administering intracerebroventricular injections of a recombinant adeno-associated virus carrying the human EPM2A gene. We evaluated the effects of this treatment through neuropathological studies, behavioral tests, video-electroencephalography, electrophysiological recordings, and proteomic/phosphoproteomic analysis. Gene therapy ameliorated neurological and histopathological alterations, reduced epileptic activity and neuronal hyperexcitability, and decreased the formation of Lafora bodies. Moreover, differential quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics revealed beneficial changes in various molecular pathways altered in Lafora disease. Our results represent proof of principle for gene therapy with the coding region of the human EPM2A gene as a treatment for EPM2A-related Lafora disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lafora disease (LD) is an autosomal recessive myoclonus epilepsy with onset in the teenage years leading to death within a decade of onset. LD is characterized by the overaccumulation of hyperphosphorylated, poorly branched, insoluble, glycogen-like polymers called Lafora bodies. The disease is caused by mutations in either EPM2A, encoding laforin, a dual specificity phosphatase that dephosphorylates glycogen, or EMP2B, encoding malin, an E3-ubiquitin ligase. While glycogen is a widely accepted laforin substrate, substrates for malin have been difficult to identify partly due to the lack of malin antibodies able to detect malin in vivo. Here we describe a mouse model in which the malin gene is modified at the C-terminus to contain the c-myc tag sequence, making an expression of malin-myc readily detectable. Mass spectrometry analyses of immunoprecipitates using c-myc tag antibodies demonstrate that malin interacts with laforin and several glycogen-metabolizing enzymes. To investigate the role of laforin in these interactions we analyzed two additional mouse models: malin-myc/laforin knockout and malin-myc/LaforinCS, where laforin was either absent or the catalytic Cys was genomically mutated to Ser, respectively. The interaction of malin with partner proteins requires laforin but is not dependent on its catalytic activity or the presence of glycogen. Overall, the results demonstrate that laforin and malin form a complex in vivo, which stabilizes malin and enhances interaction with partner proteins to facilitate normal glycogen metabolism. They also provide insights into the development of LD and the rescue of the disease by the catalytically inactive phosphatase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense mutations generating premature termination codons (PTCs) in various genes are frequently associated with somatic cancer and hereditary human diseases since PTCs commonly generate truncated proteins with defective or altered function. Induced translational readthrough during protein biosynthesis facilitates the incorporation of an amino acid at the position of a PTC, allowing the synthesis of a complete protein. This may evade the pathological effect of the PTC mutation and provide new therapeutic opportunities. Several protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) genes are targeted by PTC in human disease, the tumor suppressor PTEN being the more prominent paradigm. Here, using PTEN and laforin as examples, two PTPs from the dual-specificity phosphatase subfamily, we describe methodologies to analyze in silico the distribution and frequency of pathogenic PTC in PTP genes. We also summarize laboratory protocols and technical notes to study the induced translational readthrough reconstitution of the synthesis of PTP targeted by PTC in association with disease in cellular models.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Lafora disease is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a disruption in glycogen metabolism. It manifests as progressive myoclonus epilepsy and cognitive decline during adolescence. Pathognomonic is the presence of abnormal glycogen aggregates that, over time, produce large inclusions (Lafora bodies) in various tissues. This study aims to describe the clinical and histopathological aspects of a novel Lafora disease patient, and to provide an update on the therapeutical advancements for this disorder. A 20-year-old Libyan boy presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizures, sporadic muscular jerks, eyelid spasms, and mental impairment. Electroencephalography showed multiple discharges across both brain hemispheres. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was unremarkable. Muscle biopsy showed increased lipid content and a very mild increase of intermyofibrillar glycogen, without the polyglucosan accumulation typically observed in Lafora bodies. Despite undergoing three lines of antiepileptic treatment, the patient\'s condition showed minimal to no improvement. We identified the homozygous variant c.137G>A, p.(Cys46Tyr), in the EPM2B/NHLRC1 gene, confirming the diagnosis of Lafora disease. To our knowledge, the presence of lipid aggregates without Lafora bodies is atypical. Lafora disease should be considered during the differential diagnosis of progressive, myoclonic, and refractory epilepsies in both children and young adults, especially when accompanied by cognitive decline. Although there are no effective therapies yet, the development of promising new strategies prompts the need for an early and accurate diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The asexual stages of Toxoplasma gondii are defined by the rapidly growing tachyzoite during the acute infection and by the slow growing bradyzoite housed within tissue cysts during the chronic infection. These stages represent unique physiological states, each with distinct glucans reflecting differing metabolic needs. A defining feature of T. gondii bradyzoites is the presence of insoluble storage glucans known as amylopectin granules (AGs) that are believed to play a role in reactivation, but their functions during the chronic infection remain largely unexplored. More recently, the presence of storage glucans has been recognized in tachyzoites where their precise function and architecture have yet to be fully defined. Importantly, the T. gondii genome encodes activities needed for glucan turnover: a glucan phosphatase (TgLaforin; TGME49_205290) and a glucan kinase (TgGWD; TGME49_214260) that catalyze a cycle of reversible glucan phosphorylation required for glucan degradation by amylases. The expression of these enzymes in tachyzoites supports the existence of a storage glucan, evidence that is corroborated by specific labeling with the anti-glycogen antibody IV58B6. Disruption of reversible glucan phosphorylation via a CRISPR/Cas9 knockout (KO) of TgLaforin revealed no growth defects under nutrient-replete conditions in tachyzoites. However, the growth of TgLaforin-KO tachyzoites was severely stunted when starved of glutamine, even under glucose replete conditions. The loss of TgLaforin also resulted in the attenuation of acute virulence in mice accompanied by a lower cyst burden. Defective cyst formation due to profound changes in AG morphology was also observed in TgLaforin-KO parasites, both in vitro and in vivo. Together, these data demonstrate the importance of glucan turnover across the T. gondii asexual cycle. These findings, alongside our previously identified class of small molecules that inhibit TgLaforin, implicate reversible glucan phosphorylation as a legitimate target for the development of new drugs against chronic T. gondii infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lafora disease is a rare recessive form of progressive myoclonic epilepsy, usually diagnosed during adolescence. Patients present with myoclonus, neurological deterioration, and generalized tonic-clonic, myoclonic, or absence seizures. Symptoms worsen until death, usually within the first ten years of clinical onset. The primary histopathological hallmark is the formation of aberrant polyglucosan aggregates called Lafora bodies in the brain and other tissues. Lafora disease is caused by mutations in either the EPM2A gene, encoding laforin, or the EPM2B gene, coding for malin. The most frequent EPM2A mutation is R241X, which is also the most prevalent in Spain. The Epm2a-/- and Epm2b-/- mouse models of Lafora disease show neuropathological and behavioral abnormalities similar to those seen in patients, although with a milder phenotype. To obtain a more accurate animal model, we generated the Epm2aR240X knock-in mouse line with the R240X mutation in the Epm2a gene, using genetic engineering based on CRISPR-Cas9 technology. Epm2aR240X mice exhibit most of the alterations reported in patients, including the presence of LBs, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, interictal spikes, neuronal hyperexcitability, and cognitive decline, despite the absence of motor impairments. The Epm2aR240X knock-in mouse displays some symptoms that are more severe that those observed in the Epm2a-/- knock-out, including earlier and more pronounced memory loss, increased levels of neuroinflammation, more interictal spikes and increased neuronal hyperexcitability, symptoms that more precisely resemble those observed in patients. This new mouse model can therefore be specifically used to evaluate how new therapies affects these features with greater precision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that generates amylopectin granules (AGs), a polysaccharide associated with bradyzoites that define chronic T. gondii infection. AGs are postulated to act as an essential energy storage molecule that enable bradyzoite persistence, transmission, and reactivation. Importantly, reactivation can result in the life-threatening symptoms of toxoplasmosis. T. gondii encodes glucan dikinase and glucan phosphatase enzymes that are homologous to the plant and animal enzymes involved in reversible glucan phosphorylation and which are required for efficient polysaccharide degradation and utilization. However, the structural determinants that regulate reversible glucan phosphorylation in T. gondii are unclear. Herein, we define key functional aspects of the T. gondii glucan phosphatase TgLaforin (TGME49_205290). We demonstrate that TgLaforin possesses an atypical split carbohydrate-binding-module domain. AlphaFold2 modeling combined with hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and differential scanning fluorimetry also demonstrate the unique structural dynamics of TgLaforin with regard to glucan binding. Moreover, we show that TgLaforin forms a dual specificity phosphatase domain-mediated dimer. Finally, the distinct properties of the glucan phosphatase catalytic domain were exploited to identify a small molecule inhibitor of TgLaforin catalytic activity. Together, these studies define a distinct mechanism of TgLaforin activity, opening up a new avenue of T. gondii bradyzoite biology as a therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ubiquitin system impacts most cellular processes and is altered in numerous neurodegenerative diseases. However, little is known about its role in neurodegenerative diseases due to disturbances of glycogen metabolism such as Lafora disease (LD). In LD, insufficiently branched and long-chained glycogen forms and precipitates into insoluble polyglucosan bodies (Lafora bodies), which drive neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and epilepsy. LD is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the glycogen phosphatase laforin or the gene coding for the laforin interacting partner ubiquitin E3 ligase malin. The role of the malin-laforin complex in regulating glycogen structure remains with full of gaps. In this review we bring together the disparate body of data on these two proteins and propose a mechanistic hypothesis of the disease in which malin-laforin\'s role to monitor and prevent over-elongation of glycogen branch chains, which drive glycogen molecules to precipitate and accumulate into Lafora bodies. We also review proposed connections between Lafora bodies and the ensuing neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and intractable epilepsy. Finally, we review the exciting activities in developing therapies for Lafora disease based on replacing the missing genes, slowing the enzyme - glycogen synthase - that over-elongates glycogen branches, and introducing enzymes that can digest Lafora bodies. Much more work is needed to fill the gaps in glycogen metabolism in which laforin and malin operate. However, knowledge appears already adequate to advance disease course altering therapies for this catastrophic fatal disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: To develop novel cationic liposomes as a nonviral gene delivery vector for the treatment of rare diseases, such as Lafora disease - a neurodegenerative epilepsy. Materials & methods: DLinDMA and DOTAP liposomes were formulated and characterized for the delivery of gene encoding laforin and expression of functional protein in HEK293 and neuroblastoma cells. Results: Liposomes with cationic lipids DLinDMA and DOTAP showed good physicochemical characteristics. Nanosized DLinDMA liposomes demonstrated desired transfection efficiency, negligible hemolysis and minimal cytotoxicity. Western blotting confirmed successful expression and glucan phosphatase assay demonstrated the biological activity of laforin. Conclusion: Our study is a novel preclinical effort in formulating cationic lipoplexes containing plasmid DNA for the therapy of rare genetic diseases such as Lafora disease.





