
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although conscious, image-forming illusions have been noted in migraine, few studies have specifically sought to collectively evaluate the role of all three parallel visual processing streams in the retinogeniculostriate pathway involved with image-forming vision and their implications in the development of migraine symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: We psychophysically assessed the functionality of the inferred magnocellular (MC), parvocellular (PC), and koniocellular (KC) streams at different hierarchical loci across three clinical groups: individuals who experience migraine with aura (MA; n=13), experience migraine without aura (MWO; n=14), and Controls (n=15). Participants completed four experiments: Experiment 1 designed to assess retinal short-wavelength-sensitive (S-) cone sensitivities; Experiment 2 intended to measure postretinal temporal and spatiochromatic contrast sensitivities; Experiment 3 intended to assess postretinal spatiotemporal achromatic contrast sensitivities; and Experiment 4 designed to measure thalamocortical color discriminations along the three cone-excitation axes.
    UNASSIGNED: S-cone deficits were revealed with greater retinal areas being affected in MA compared to MWO participants. Findings across the four experiments suggest a prominent retinal locus of dysfunction in MA (lesser in MWO) with potential feedforward compensations occurring within the KC visual stream.
    UNASSIGNED: Complex, integrative network compensations need to be factored in when considering the dysregulating influences of migraine along the visual pathway.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    fMRI-adaptation is a valuable tool for inferring the selectivity of neural responses. Here we use it in human color vision to test the selectivity of responses to S-cone opponent (blue-yellow), L/M-cone opponent (red-green), and achromatic (Ach) contrast across nine regions of interest in visual cortex. We measure psychophysical adaptation, using comparable stimuli to the fMRI-adaptation, and find significant selective adaptation for all three stimulus types, implying separable visual responses to each. For fMRI-adaptation, we find robust adaptation but, surprisingly, much less selectivity due to high levels of cross-stimulus adaptation in all conditions. For all BY and Ach test/adaptor pairs, selectivity is absent across all ROIs. For RG/Ach stimulus pairs, this paradigm has previously shown selectivity for RG in ventral areas and for Ach in dorsal areas. For chromatic stimulus pairs (RG/BY), we find a trend for selectivity in ventral areas. In conclusion, we find an overall lack of correspondence between BOLD and behavioral adaptation suggesting they reflect different aspects of the underlying neural processes. For example, raised cross-stimulus adaptation in fMRI may reflect adaptation of the broadly-tuned normalization pool. Finally, we also identify a longer-timescale adaptation (1h) in both BOLD and behavioral data. This is greater for chromatic than achromatic contrast. The longer-timescale BOLD effect was more evident in the higher ventral areas than in V1, consistent with increasing windows of temporal integration for higher-order areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flashing light stimulation is often used to investigate the visual system. However, the magnitude of the effect of this stimulus on the various subcortical pathways is not well investigated. The signals of conscious vision are conveyed by the magnocellular, parvocellular and koniocellular pathways. Parvocellular and koniocellular pathways (or more precisely, the L-M opponent and S-cone isolating channels) can be accessed by isoluminant red-green (L-M) and S-cone isolating stimuli, respectively. The main goal of the present study was to explore how costimulation with strong white extrafoveal light flashes alters the perception of stimuli specific to these pathways. Eleven healthy volunteers with negative neurological and ophthalmological history were enrolled for the study. Isoluminance of L-M and S-cone isolating sine-wave gratings was set individually, using the minimum motion procedure. The contrast thresholds for these stimuli as well as for achromatic gratings were determined by an adaptive staircase procedure where subjects had to indicate the orientation (horizontal, oblique or vertical) of the gratings. Thresholds were then determined again while a strong white peripheral light flash was presented 50 ms before each trial. Peripheral light flashes significantly (p < 0.05) increased the contrast thresholds of the achromatic and S-cone isolating stimuli. The threshold elevation was especially marked in case of the achromatic stimuli. However, the contrast threshold for the L-M stimuli was not significantly influenced by the light flashes. We conclude that extrafoveally applied light flashes influence predominantly the perception of achromatic stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 1994 Vivien Casagrande published a review paper in which she summarized evidence for a koniocellular pathway to visual cortex. Here we try to explain how that review moved the field forward, and summarize some key unanswered questions about koniocellular pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As well as obtaining confirmation of the magnocellular system involvement in developmental dyslexia (DD); the aim was primarily to search for a possible involvement of the parvocellular system; and, furthermore, to complete the assessment of the visual chromatic axis by also analysing the koniocellular system.
    Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to achromatic stimuli with low luminance contrast and low spatial frequency, and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli with high spatial frequency were recorded in 10 dyslexic children and 10 age- and sex-matched, healthy subjects.
    Dyslexic children showed delayed VEPs to both achromatic stimuli (magnocellular-dorsal stream) and isoluminant red/green and blue/yellow stimuli (parvocellular-ventral and koniocellular streams). To our knowledge, this is the first time that a dysfunction of colour vision has been brought to light in an objective way (i.e., by means of electrophysiological methods) in children with DD.
    These results give rise to speculation concerning the need for a putative approach for promoting both learning how to read and/or improving existing reading skills of children with or at risk of DD. The working hypothesis would be to combine two integrated interventions in a single programme aimed at fostering the function of both the magnocellular and the parvocellular streams.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities affecting millions of people worldwide. Although exact causes of dyslexia are not well-known, a deficit in the magnocellular pathway may play a role. We examined possible deficiency of magnocellular, as compared to parvocellular and koniocellular pathway function by measuring luminance and color perception.
    METHODS: Visual stimuli consisted of a series of natural images, divided into layers of luminance, red-green and blue-yellow, which probed magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellular pathways, respectively. Thirteen children with dyslexia and 13 sex- and age- matched controls performed three psychophysical tasks. In the first task, subjects were instructed to match the contrast of luminance (magno) and red-green (parvo) images to that of the blue-yellow (konio) images. In the second task, subjects detected the isoluminant point of red-green images to probe parvocellular pathway. In the third task, temporal processing was assessed by measuring reaction time and percentage of correct responses in an identification task using four categories of images, activating all three pathways.
    RESULTS: The dyslexic group had significantly elevated luminance and color contrast thresholds and higher isoluminant point ratio in comparison to the control group. Furthermore, they had significantly less correct responses than the control group for the blue-yellow images.
    CONCLUSIONS: We may suggest that dyslexic subjects might suffer from both magnocellular and parvocellular deficits. Moreover, our results show partial impairment of the koniocellular pathway. Thus, dyslexia might be associated with deficits in all three visual pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutamate is used as an excitatory neurotransmitter by the koniocellular (K), magnocellular (M), and parvocellular (P) pathways to transfer signals from the primate lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) to primary visual cortex (V1). Glutamate acts through both fast ionotropic receptors, which appear to carry the main sensory message, and slower, modulatory metabotropic receptors (mGluRs). In this study, we asked whether mGluR5 relates in distinct ways to the K, M, and P LGN axons in V1. To answer this question, we used light microscopic immunocytochemistry and preembedding electron microscopic immunogold labeling to determine the localization of mGluR5 within the layers of V1 in relation to the K, M, and P pathways in macaque and squirrel monkeys. These pathways were labeled separately via wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) injections targeting the LGN layers. mGluR5 is of interest because it: 1) has been shown to be expressed in the thalamic input layers; 2) appears to be responsible for some types of oscillatory firing, which could be important in the binding of visual features; and 3) has been associated with a number of sensory-motor gating-related pathologies, including schizophrenia and autism. Our results demonstrated the presence of mGluR5 in the neuropil of all V1 layers. This protein was lowest in IVCα (M input) and the infragranular layers. In layer IVC, mGluR5 also was found postsynaptic to about 30% of labeled axons, but the distribution was uneven, such that postsynaptic mGluR5 label tended to occur opposite smaller (presumed P), and not larger (presumed M) axon terminals. Only in the K pathway in layer IIIB, however, was mGluR5 always found in the axon terminals themselves. The presence of mGluR5 in K axons and not in M and P axons, and the presence of mGluR5 postsynaptic mainly to smaller P and not larger M axons suggest that the response to the release of glutamate is modulated in distinct ways within and between the parallel visual pathways of primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marmosets are diurnal New World monkeys that show sex-linked cone photopigment polymorphism, whereby all males and some females are dichromats (\"red-green colorblind\"), but most females show trichromatic color vision. Here we asked whether trichromats express chromatic-specific circuitry in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The volume of parvocellular (P), magnocellular (M), and koniocellular (K) layers was calculated in Nissl-stained sections from the LGN of adult marmosets (Callithrix jacchus; 10 trichromatic females; 2 dichromatic females; and 13 dichromatic males). Retinal ganglion cell axon terminals within the P and K layers were reconstructed and measured following anterograde tracer (dextran) injections. We show that there is little difference in LGN layer volume with respect to age, weight, or sex of the animals, or between dichromatic and trichromatic phenotypes. The morphology of retinal ganglion cell terminals was largely indistinguishable on comparing dichromats and trichromats, and likewise on comparing terminals representing peripheral or foveal retina. We conclude that the LGN circuits we studied are largely independent of red-green color vision phenotype and visual field location.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three well characterized pathways in primate vision (midget-parvocellular, parasol-magnocellular, bistratified-koniocellular) have been traced from the first synapse in the retina, through the visual thalamus (lateral geniculate nucleus, LGN), to the visual cortex. Here we identify a pathway from the first synapse in the retina to koniocellular layer K1 in marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus). Particle-mediated gene transfer of an expression plasmid for the postsynaptic density 95-green fluorescent protein (PSD95-GFP) was used to label excitatory synapses on retinal ganglion cells and combined with immunofluorescence to identify the presynaptic bipolar cells. We found that axon terminals of one type of diffuse bipolar cell (DB6) provide dominant synaptic input to the dendrites of narrow thorny ganglion cells. Retrograde tracer injections into the LGN and photofilling of retinal ganglion cells showed that narrow thorny cells were preferentially labeled when koniocellular layer K1 was targeted. Layer K1 contains cells with high sensitivity for rapid movement, and layer K1 sends projections to association visual areas as well as to primary visual cortex. We hypothesize that the DB6-narrow thorny-koniocellular pathway contributes to residual visual functions (\"blindsight\") that survive injury to primary visual cortex in adult or early life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vision emerges from activation of chromatic and achromatic retinal channels whose interaction in visual cortex is still poorly understood. To investigate this interaction, we recorded neuronal activity from retinal ganglion cells and V1 cortical cells in macaques and measured their visual responses to grating stimuli that had either luminance contrast (luminance grating), chromatic contrast (chromatic grating), or a combination of the two (compound grating). As with parvocellular or koniocellular retinal ganglion cells, some V1 cells responded mostly to the chromatic contrast of the compound grating. As with magnocellular retinal ganglion cells, other V1 cells responded mostly to the luminance contrast and generated a frequency-doubled response to equiluminant chromatic gratings. Unlike magnocellular and parvocellular retinal ganglion cells, V1 cells formed a unimodal distribution for luminance/color preference with a 2- to 4-fold bias toward luminance. V1 cells associated with positive local field potentials in deep layers showed the strongest combined responses to color and luminance and, as a population, V1 cells encoded a diverse combination of luminance/color edges that matched edge distributions of natural scenes. Taken together, these results suggest that the primary visual cortex combines magnocellular and parvocellular retinal inputs to increase cortical receptive field diversity and to optimize visual processing of our natural environment.





