
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chromosome segregation and cell division programs associated with somatic mitosis and germline meiosis display dramatic differences such as kinetochore orientation, cohesin removal, or the presence of a gap phase.1,2,3,4,5,6 These changes in chromosome segregation require alterations to the established cell division machinery.5,6 It remains unclear what aspects of kinetochore function and its regulatory control differ between the mitotic and meiotic cell divisions to rewire these core processes. Alternative RNA splicing can generate distinct protein isoforms to allow for the differential control of cell processes across cell types. However, alternative splice isoforms that differentially modulate distinct cell division programs have remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that mammalian germ cells express an alternative mRNA splice isoform for the kinetochore component, DSN1, a subunit of the MIS12 complex that links the centromeres to spindle microtubules during chromosome segregation. This germline DSN1 isoform bypasses the requirement for Aurora kinase phosphorylation for its centromere localization due to the absence of a key regulatory region allowing DSN1 to display persistent centromere localization. Expression of the germline DSN1 isoform in somatic cells results in constitutive kinetochore localization, chromosome segregation errors, and growth defects, providing an explanation for its tight cell-type-specific expression. Reciprocally, precisely eliminating expression of the germline-specific DSN1 splice isoform in mouse models disrupts oocyte maturation and early embryonic divisions coupled with a reduction in fertility. Together, this work identifies a germline-specific splice isoform for a chromosome segregation component and implicates its role in mammalian fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The localization of the meiotic specific regulatory molecule Moa1 to the centromere is regulated by the kinetochore protein CENP-C, and participates in the cohesion of sister chromatids in the centromere region mediated by the cohesin Rec8. To examine the interaction of these proteins, we analyzed the interactions between Moa1 and Rec8, CENP-C by yeast two-hybrid assays and identified several amino acid residues in Moa1 required for the interaction with CENP-C and Rec8. The results revealed that the interaction between Moa1 and CENP-C is crucial for the Moa1 to participate in the regulation of monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores. However, mutation at S143 and T150 of Moa1, which are required for interaction with Rec8 in the two-hybrid assay, did not show significant defects. Mutations in amino acid residues may not be sufficient to interfere with the interaction between Moa1 and Rec8 in vivo. Further research is needed to determine the interaction domain between Moa1 and Rec8. This study revealed specific amino acid sites at which Moa1 affects the meiotic homologous chromosome segregation, providing a deeper understanding of the mechanism of meiotic chromosome segregation.
    减数分裂特异性调控分子Moa1定位到着丝粒受到动粒蛋白CENP-C的调控,同时Moa1参与黏连蛋白Rec8介导的着丝粒区域姐妹染色单体的黏连。为了研究这些蛋白质之间的相互作用,本研究利用酵母双杂交实验(yeast two-hybrid assay)测定分析了Moa1和CENP-C、Rec8之间的相互作用,并通过在Moa1中定点突变鉴定了与CENP-C和Rec8相互作用所需的一些氨基酸残基。实验结果表明,Moa1和CENP-C的相互作用对于Moa1参与调节姐妹动粒的单极附着很重要。然而,双杂交实验中与Rec8相互作用所需的Moa1的S143和T150突变没有显示出Moa1或Rec8功能的显著缺陷。这表明氨基酸残基的突变可能不足以干扰体内Moa1和Rec8之间的相互作用,需要进一步的研究来确定Moa1和Rec8的相互作用域。本研究揭示了影响减数分裂同源染色体分离的Moa1氨基酸位点,为减数分裂的染色体分离机制提供更深入的理解。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic chromosome segregation requires kinetochores, multi-megadalton protein machines that assemble on the centromeres of chromosomes and mediate attachments to dynamic spindle microtubules. Kinetochores are built from numerous complexes, and there has been progress in structural studies on recombinant subassemblies. However, there is limited structural information on native kinetochore architecture. To address this, we purified functional, native kinetochores from the thermophilic yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus and examined them by electron microscopy (EM), cryoelectron tomography (cryo-ET), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The kinetochores are extremely large, flexible assemblies that exhibit features consistent with prior models. We assigned kinetochore polarity by visualizing their interactions with microtubules and locating the microtubule binder, Ndc80c. This work shows that isolated kinetochores are more dynamic and complex than what might be anticipated based on the known structures of recombinant subassemblies and provides the foundation to study the global architecture and functions of kinetochores at a structural level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal pathogens such as Candida albicans pose a significant threat to human health with limited treatment options available. One strategy to expand the therapeutic target space is to identify genes important for pathogen growth in host-relevant environments. Here, we leverage a pooled functional genomic screening strategy to identify genes important for fitness of C. albicans in diverse conditions. We identify an essential gene with no known Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog, C1_09670C, and demonstrate that it encodes subunit 3 of replication factor A (Rfa3). Furthermore, we apply computational analyses to identify functionally coherent gene clusters and predict gene function. Through this approach, we predict the cell-cycle-associated function of C3_06880W, a previously uncharacterized gene required for fitness specifically at elevated temperatures, and follow-up assays confirm that C3_06880W encodes Iml3, a component of the C. albicans kinetochore with roles in virulence in vivo. Overall, this work reveals insights into the vulnerabilities of C. albicans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-genome duplication (WGD) occurs in all kingdoms and impacts speciation, domestication, and cancer outcome. However, doubled DNA management can be challenging for nascent polyploids. The study of within-species polyploidy (autopolyploidy) permits focus on this DNA management aspect, decoupling it from the confounding effects of hybridization (in allopolyploid hybrids). How is autopolyploidy tolerated, and how do young polyploids stabilize? Here, we introduce a powerful model to address this: the genus Cochlearia, which has experienced many polyploidization events. We assess meiosis and other polyploid-relevant phenotypes, generate a chromosome-scale genome, and sequence 113 individuals from 33 ploidy-contrasting populations. We detect an obvious autopolyploidy-associated selection signal at kinetochore components and ion transporters. Modeling the selected alleles, we detail evidence of the kinetochore complex mediating adaptation to polyploidy. We compare candidates in independent autopolyploids across three genera separated by 40 million years, highlighting a common function at the process and gene levels, indicating evolutionary flexibility in response to polyploidy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gametes are produced via meiosis, a specialized cell division associated with frequent errors that cause birth defects and infertility. Uniquely in meiosis I, homologous chromosomes segregate to opposite poles, usually requiring their linkage by chiasmata, the products of crossover recombination.1 The spindle checkpoint delays cell-cycle progression until all chromosomes are properly attached to microtubules,2 but the steps leading to the capture and alignment of chromosomes on the meiosis I spindle remain poorly understood. In budding yeast meiosis I, Mad2 and Mad3BUBR1 are equally important for spindle checkpoint delay, but biorientation of homologs on the meiosis I spindle requires Mad2, but not Mad3BUBR1.3,4 Here we reveal the distinct functions of Mad2 and Mad3BUBR1 in meiosis I chromosome segregation. Mad2 promotes the prophase to metaphase I transition, while Mad3BUBR1 associates with the TOGL1 domain of Stu1CLASP, a conserved plus-end microtubule protein that is important for chromosome capture onto the spindle. Homologous chromosome pairs that are proficient in crossover formation but fail to biorient rely on Mad3BUBR1-Stu1CLASP to ensure their efficient attachment to microtubules and segregation during meiosis I. Furthermore, we show that Mad3BUBR1-Stu1CLASP are essential to rescue the segregation of mini-chromosomes lacking crossovers. Our findings define a new pathway ensuring microtubule-dependent chromosome capture and demonstrate that spindle checkpoint proteins safeguard the fidelity of chromosome segregation both by actively promoting chromosome alignment and by delaying cell-cycle progression until this has occurred.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosome segregation errors caused by centromere malfunction can lead to chromosome instability and aneuploidy. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Argonaute protein CSR-1 is essential for proper chromosome segregation, though the specific mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigated how CSR-1 regulates centromere and kinetochore function in C. elegans embryos. We found that the depletion of CSR-1 results in defects in mitotic progression and chromosome positioning relative to the spindle pole. CSR-1 knockdown does not affect centromeric histone H3 variant CENP-A/HCP-3 mRNA and protein levels, but increases the localization of HCP-3 and some kinetochore proteins onto the mitotic chromosomes. Such elevation of chromatin HCP-3 localization depends on the CSR-1 RNAi pathway upstream factor EGO-1 and CSR-1\'s PIWI domain activity. Our results suggest that CSR-1 restricts HCP-3 level at the holocentromeres, prevents erroneous kinetochore assembly, and thereby promotes accurate chromosome segregation. Our work sheds light on CSR-1\'s role in regulating deposition of HCP-3 on chromatin and centromere function in the embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures chromosome segregation fidelity by manipulating unattached kinetochore-dependent assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). The MCC binds to and inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) to postpone mitotic exit. However, the mechanism by which unattached kinetochores mediate MCC formation is not yet fully understood. Here, it is shown that CCDC68 is an outer kinetochore protein that preferentially localizes to unattached kinetochores. Furthermore, CCDC68 interacts with the SAC factor CDC20 to inhibit its autoubiquitination and MCC disassembly. Therefore, CCDC68 restrains APC/C activation to ensure a robust SAC and allow sufficient time for chromosome alignment, thus ensuring chromosomal stability. Hence, the study reveals that CCDC68 is required for CDC20-dependent MCC stabilization to maintain mitotic checkpoint activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 14-3-3 family of proteins are conserved across eukaryotes and serve myriad important regulatory functions in the cell. Homo- and hetero-dimers of these proteins mainly recognize their ligands via conserved motifs to modulate the localization and functions of those effector ligands. In most of the genetic backgrounds of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, disruption of both 14-3-3 homologs (Bmh1 and Bmh2) are either lethal or cells survive with severe growth defects, including gross chromosomal missegregation and prolonged cell cycle arrest. To elucidate their contributions to chromosome segregation, in this work, we investigated their centromere- and kinetochore-related functions of Bmh1 and Bmh2. Analysis of appropriate deletion mutants shows that Bmh isoforms have cumulative and non-shared isoform-specific contributions in maintaining the proper integrity of the kinetochore ensemble. Consequently, Bmh mutant cells exhibited perturbations in kinetochore-microtubule (KT-MT) dynamics, characterized by kinetochore declustering, mis-localization of kinetochore proteins and Mad2-mediated transient G2/M arrest. These defects also caused an asynchronous chromosome congression in bmh mutants during metaphase. In summary, this report advances the knowledge on contributions of budding yeast 14-3-3 proteins in chromosome segregation by demonstrating their roles in kinetochore integrity and chromosome congression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faithful transmission of genetic material is crucial for the survival of all organisms. In many eukaryotes, a feedback control mechanism called the spindle checkpoint ensures chromosome segregation fidelity by delaying cell cycle progression until all chromosomes achieve proper attachment to the mitotic spindle. Kinetochores are the macromolecular complexes that act as the interface between chromosomes and spindle microtubules. While most eukaryotes have canonical kinetochore proteins that are widely conserved, kinetoplastids such as Trypanosoma brucei have a seemingly unique set of kinetochore proteins including KKT1-25. It remains poorly understood how kinetoplastids regulate cell cycle progression or ensure chromosome segregation fidelity. Here, we report a crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of KKT14 from Apiculatamorpha spiralis and uncover that it is a pseudokinase. Its structure is most similar to the kinase domain of a spindle checkpoint protein Bub1. In addition, KKT14 has a putative ABBA motif that is present in Bub1 and its paralogue BubR1. We also find that the N-terminal part of KKT14 interacts with KKT15, whose WD40 repeat beta-propeller is phylogenetically closely related to a direct interactor of Bub1/BubR1 called Bub3. Our findings indicate that KKT14-KKT15 are divergent orthologues of Bub1/BubR1-Bub3, which promote accurate chromosome segregation in trypanosomes.





