
驱动蛋白 - 2
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The heterodimeric kinesin-2 motor (KIF3A/KIF3B with accessory protein KAP3) drives intraflagellar transport, essential for ciliogenesis and ciliary function. Three point mutations in the KIF3B subunit have recently been linked to disease in humans (E250Q and L523P) and Bengal cats (A334T) (Cogné et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2020, 106, 893-904). Patients display retinal atrophy and, in some cases, other ciliopathy phenotypes. However, the molecular mechanism leading to disease is currently unknown. Here, we used Kif3a -/- ;Kif3b -/- (knockout) 3T3 cells, which cannot make cilia, to characterize these mutations. While reexpression of KIF3B(E250Q) and KIF3B(L523P) did not rescue ciliogenesis, reexpression of wildtype or KIF3B(A334T) restored ciliogenesis to wildtype levels. Fluorescent tagging revealed that the E250Q mutant decorated microtubules and thus is a rigor mutation. The L523P mutation, in the alpha-helical stalk domain, surprisingly did not affect formation of the KIF3A/KIF3B/KAP3 complex but instead impaired motility along microtubules. Lastly, expression of the A334T motor was reduced in comparison to all other motors, and this motor displayed an impaired ability to disperse the Golgi complex when artificially linked to this high-load cargo. In summary, this work uses cell-based assays to elucidate the molecular effects of disease-causing mutations in the KIF3B subunit on the kinesin-2 holoenzyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most cells tightly control the length of their cilia. The regulation likely involves intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional motility of multi-subunit particles organized into trains that deliver building blocks into the organelle. In Chlamydomonas, the anterograde IFT motor kinesin-2 consists of the motor subunits FLA8 and FLA10 and the nonmotor subunit KAP. KAP dissociates from IFT at the ciliary tip and diffuses back to the cell body. This observation led to the diffusion-as-a-ruler model of ciliary length control, which postulates that KAP is progressively sequestered into elongating cilia because its return to the cell body will require increasingly more time, limiting motor availability at the ciliary base, train assembly, building block supply, and ciliary growth. Here, we show that Chlamydomonas FLA8 also returns to the cell body by diffusion. However, more than 95% of KAP and FLA8 are present in the cell body and, at a given time, just ~1% of the motor participates in IFT. After repeated photobleaching of both cilia, IFT of fluorescent kinesin subunits continued indicating that kinesin-2 cycles from the large cell-body pool through the cilia and back. Furthermore, growing and full-length cilia contained similar amounts of kinesin-2 subunits and the size of the motor pool at the base changed only slightly with ciliary length. These observations are incompatible with the diffusion-as-a-ruler model, but rather support an \"on-demand model,\" in which the cargo load of the trains is regulated to assemble cilia of the desired length.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cilia are eukaryotic organelles essential for movement, signaling or sensing. Primary cilia act as antennae to sense a cell\'s environment and are involved in a wide range of signaling pathways essential for development. Motile cilia drive cell locomotion or liquid flow around the cell. Proper functioning of both types of cilia requires a highly orchestrated bi-directional transport system, intraflagellar transport (IFT), which is driven by motor proteins, kinesin-2 and IFT dynein. In this review, we explore how IFT is regulated in cilia, focusing from three different perspectives on the issue. First, we reflect on how the motor track, the microtubule-based axoneme, affects IFT. Second, we focus on the motor proteins, considering the role motor action, cooperation and motor-train interaction plays in the regulation of IFT. Third, we discuss the role of kinases in the regulation of the motor proteins. Our goal is to provide mechanistic insights in IFT regulation in cilia and to suggest directions of future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specific recognition of cellular cargo and efficient transport to its correct intracellular destination is an infrastructural challenge faced by most eukaryotic cells. This remarkable deed is accomplished by processive motor proteins that are subject to robust regulatory mechanisms. The first level of regulation entails the ability of the motor to suppress its own activity. This autoinhibition is eventually relieved by specific cargo binding. To better understand the role of the cargo during motor activation, we dissected the activation mechanism of the ciliary homodimeric kinesin-2 from Caenorhabditis elegans by its physiological cargo. In functional reconstitution assays, we identified two cargo adaptor proteins that together are necessary and sufficient to allosterically activate the autoinhibited motor. Surprisingly, the orthologous adaptor proteins from the unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii also fully activated the kinesin-2 from worm, even though C. reinhardtii itself lacks a homodimeric kinesin-2 motor. The latter suggested that a motor activation mechanism similar to the C. elegans model existed already well before metazoans evolved, and prompted us to scrutinize predicted homodimeric kinesin-2 orthologs in other evolutionarily distant eukaryotes. We show that the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila not only possesses a homodimeric kinesin-2 but that it also shares the same allosteric activation mechanism that we delineated in the C. elegans model. Our results point to a much more fundamental role of homodimeric kinesin-2 in intraflagellar transport (IFT) than previously thought and warrant further scrutiny of distantly related organisms toward a comprehensive picture of the IFT process and its evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flagellar assembly depends on intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional motility of protein carriers, the IFT trains. The trains are periodic assemblies of IFT-A and IFT-B subcomplexes and the motors kinesin-2 and IFT dynein. At the tip, anterograde trains are remodeled for retrograde IFT, a process that in Chlamydomonas involves kinesin-2 release and train fragmentation. However, the degree of train disassembly at the tip remains unknown. Here, we performed two-color imaging of fluorescent protein-tagged IFT components, which indicates that IFT-A and IFT-B proteins from a given anterograde train usually return in the same set of retrograde trains. Similarly, concurrent turnaround was typical for IFT-B proteins and the IFT dynein subunit D1bLIC-GFP but severance was observed as well. Our data support a simple model of IFT turnaround, in which IFT-A, IFT-B and IFT dynein typically remain associated at the tip and segments of the anterograde trains convert directly into retrograde trains. Continuous association of IFT-A, IFT-B and IFT dynein during tip remodeling could balance protein entry and exit, preventing the build-up of IFT material in flagella.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ciliary extracellular vesicle (EV) shedding is evolutionarily conserved. In Chlamydomonas and C. elegans, ciliary EVs act as signaling devices.1-3 In cultured mammalian cells, ciliary EVs regulate ciliary disposal but also receptor abundance and signaling, ciliary length, and ciliary membrane dynamics.4-7 Mammalian cilia produce EVs from the tip and along the ciliary membrane.8,9 This study aimed to determine the functional significance of shedding at distinct locations and to explore ciliary EV biogenesis mechanisms. Using Airyscan super-resolution imaging in living C. elegans animals, we find that neuronal sensory cilia shed TRP polycystin-2 channel PKD-2::GFP-carrying EVs from two distinct sites: the ciliary tip and the ciliary base. Ciliary tip shedding requires distal ciliary enrichment of PKD-2 by the myristoylated coiled-coil protein CIL-7. Kinesin-3 KLP-6 and intraflagellar transport (IFT) kinesin-2 motors are also required for ciliary tip EV shedding. A big unanswered question in the EV field is how cells sort EV cargo. Here, we show that two EV cargoes- CIL-7 and PKD-2-localized and trafficked differently along cilia and were sorted to different environmentally released EVs. In response to mating partners, C. elegans males modulate EV cargo composition by increasing the ratio of PKD-2 to CIL-7 EVs. Overall, our study indicates that the cilium and its trafficking machinery act as a specialized venue for regulated EV biogenesis and signaling.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinesin is part of the microtubule-binding motor protein superfamily, which serves important roles in cell division and intraorganellar transport. The heterotrimeric kinesin-2, consisting of the heterodimeric motor subunits, kinesin family member 3A/3B (KIF3A/3B), and kinesin-associated protein 3 (KAP3), is highly conserved across species from the unicellular eukaryote Chlamydomonas to humans. It plays diverse roles in cargo transport including anterograde (base to tip) trafficking in cilia. However, the molecular determinants mediating trafficking of heterotrimeric kinesin-2 itself are poorly understood. It has been previously suggested that ciliary transport is analogous to nuclear transport mechanisms. Using Chlamydomonas and human telomerase reverse transcriptase-retinal pigment epithelial cell line, we show that RanGTP, a small GTPase that dictates nuclear transport, regulates ciliary trafficking of KAP3, a key component for functional kinesin-2. We found that the armadillo-repeat region 6 to 9 (ARM6-9) of KAP3, required for its nuclear translocation, is also necessary and sufficient for its targeting to the ciliary base. Given that KAP3 is essential for cilium formation and there are the emerging roles for RanGTP/importin β in ciliary protein targeting, we further investigated the effect of RanGTP in cilium formation and maintenance. We found that precise control of RanGTP levels, revealed by different Ran mutants, is crucial for cilium formation and maintenance. Most importantly, we were able to provide orthogonal support in an algal model system that segregates RanGTP regulation of ciliary protein trafficking from its nuclear roles. Our work provides important support for the model that nuclear import mechanisms have been co-opted for independent roles in ciliary import.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Folliculin (FLCN) is a tumor suppressor protein involved in many cellular processes, including cell signaling, apoptosis, and autophagy. In ciliated cells, FLCN localizes to primary cilia and controls mTORC1 signaling in response to flow stress. Here, we show that the ciliary localization of FLCN requires its interaction with kinesin-2, the motor protein for anterograde intraflagellar transport. FLCN binds to kinesin-2 through a loop region in the middle of the protein. Single point mutations within this region of FLCN disrupt its kinesin-2 binding and ciliary entry. The mutants lose the ability to suppress the abnormal mTORC1/2 signaling activities and anchorage-independent growth of FLCN-deficient tumor cells. These observations suggest that ciliary localization of FLCN is essential for its function as a tumor suppressor.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons contain polarised microtubule arrays essential for neuronal function. How microtubule nucleation and polarity are regulated within neurons remains unclear. We show that γ-tubulin localises asymmetrically to the somatic Golgi within Drosophila neurons. Microtubules originate from the Golgi with an initial growth preference towards the axon. Their growing plus ends also turn towards and into the axon, adding to the plus-end-out microtubule pool. Any plus ends that reach a dendrite, however, do not readily enter, maintaining minus-end-out polarity. Both turning towards the axon and exclusion from dendrites depend on Kinesin-2, a plus-end-associated motor that guides growing plus ends along adjacent microtubules. We propose that Kinesin-2 engages with a polarised microtubule network within the soma to guide growing microtubules towards the axon; while at dendrite entry sites engagement with microtubules of opposite polarity generates a backward stalling force that prevents entry into dendrites and thus maintains minus-end-out polarity within proximal dendrites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cilia and flagella serve as cellular antennae and propellers in various eukaryotic cells, and contain specific receptors and ion channels as well as components of axonemal microtubules and molecular motors to achieve their sensory and motile functions. Not only the bidirectional trafficking of specific proteins within cilia but also their selective entry and exit across the ciliary gate is mediated by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery with the aid of motor proteins. The IFT-B complex, which is powered by the kinesin-2 motor, mediates anterograde protein trafficking from the base to the tip of cilia, whereas the IFT-A complex together with the dynein-2 complex mediates retrograde protein trafficking. The BBSome complex connects ciliary membrane proteins to the IFT machinery. Defects in any component of this trafficking machinery lead to abnormal ciliogenesis and ciliary functions, and results in a broad spectrum of disorders, collectively called the ciliopathies. In this review article, we provide an overview of the architectures of the components of the IFT machinery and their functional interplay in ciliary protein trafficking.





