kin competition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group living may entail local resource competition (LRC) which can be reduced if the birth sex ratio (BSR) is biased towards members of the dispersing sex who leave the group and no longer compete locally with kin. In primates, the predicted relationship between dispersal and BSR is generally supported although data for female dispersal species are rare and primarily available from captivity. Here, we present BSR data for Phayre\'s leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus) at the Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand (N = 104). In this population, nearly all natal females dispersed, while natal males stayed or formed new groups nearby. The slower reproductive rate in larger groups suggests that food can be a limiting resource. In accordance with LRC, significantly more females than males were born (BSR 0.404 males/all births) thus reducing future competition with kin. This bias was similar in 2-year-olds (no sex-differential mortality). It became stronger in adults, supporting our impression of particularly fierce competition among males. To better evaluate the importance of BSR, more studies should report sex ratios throughout the life span, and more data for female dispersal primates need to be collected, ideally for multiple groups of different sizes and for several years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rate at which beneficial alleles fix in a population depends on the probability of and time to fixation of such alleles. Both of these quantities can be significantly impacted by population subdivision and limited gene flow. Here, we investigate how limited dispersal influences the rate of fixation of beneficial de novo mutations, as well as fixation time from standing genetic variation. We investigate this for a population structured according to the island model of dispersal allowing us to use the diffusion approximation, which we complement with simulations. We find that fixation may take on average fewer generations under limited dispersal than under panmixia when selection is moderate. This is especially the case if adaptation occurs from de novo recessive mutations, and dispersal is not too limited (such that approximately FST<0.2). The reason is that mildly limited dispersal leads to only a moderate increase in effective population size (which slows down fixation), but is sufficient to cause a relative excess of homozygosity due to inbreeding, thereby exposing rare recessive alleles to selection (which accelerates fixation). We also explore the effect of metapopulation dynamics through local extinction followed by recolonization, finding that such dynamics always accelerate fixation from standing genetic variation, while de novo mutations show faster fixation interspersed with longer waiting times. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the detection of sweeps, suggesting that limited dispersal mitigates the expected differences between the genetic signatures of sweeps involving recessive and dominant alleles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants exchange a variety of information intra- and interspecifically by using various mediating cues. For example, plant individuals that are injured by herbivores release volatile chemicals, which induce receiver plants to express anti-herbivore resistance. Remarkably, some plant species were known to represent kin specificity in the response, where cues from a damaged individual induce a higher level of resistance in a kin receiver than in a non-kin receiver. Such higher sensitivity to warning cues from kin could be advantageous via two mechanisms. If each herbivore tends to attack plants with a certain genotype, plants should be more sensitive to warning cues from kin that share genetic properties. In addition, if herbivores successively attack the neighboring plant with a high probability, and if related plants tend to grow in close proximity, plants may be more sensitive to warning cues from neighboring kin under the presence of a trade-off between sensitivity to kin and non-kin. In the present study, we constructed a mathematical model including those mechanisms to investigate the evolutionary process of the higher sensitivity to warning cues from kin than sensitivities to cues from non-kin. According to the analysis of evolutionary dynamics, we revealed that both mechanisms could contribute, although higher sensitivity to cues from kin is more likely to evolve when the spatial range of competition is greater than the range of effective alarm cues. This result highlights the importance of the competition regime in the evolution of signaling among kin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of cooperation depends on two crucial overarching factors: relatedness, which describes the extent to which the recipient shares genes in common with the actor; and quality, which describes the recipient\'s basic capacity to transmit genes into the future. While most research has focused on relatedness, there is a growing interest in understanding how quality modulates the evolution of cooperation. However, the impact of inheritance of quality on the evolution of cooperation remains largely unexplored, especially in spatially structured populations. Here, we develop a mathematical model to understand how inheritance of quality, in the form of social status, influences the evolution of helping and harming within social groups in a viscous-population setting. We find that: (1) status-reversal transmission, whereby parental and offspring status are negatively correlated, strongly inhibits the evolution of cooperation, with low-status individuals investing less in cooperation and high-status individuals being more prone to harm; (2) transmission of high status promotes offspring philopatry, with more cooperation being directed towards the higher-dispersal social class; and (3) fertility inequality and inter-generational status inheritance reduce within-group conflict. Overall, our study highlights the importance of considering different mechanisms of phenotypic inheritance, including social support, and their potential interactions in shaping animal societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have seen great interest in the suggestion that between-group aggression and within-group altruism have coevolved. However, these efforts have neglected the possibility that warfare - via its impact on demography - might influence human social behaviours more widely, not just those directly connected to success in war. Moreover, the potential for sex differences in the demography of warfare to translate into sex differences in social behaviour more generally has remained unexplored. Here, we develop a kin-selection model of altruism performed by men and women for the benefit of their groupmates in a population experiencing intergroup conflict. We find that warfare can promote altruistic, helping behaviours as the additional reproductive opportunities winners obtain in defeated groups decrease harmful competition between kin. Furthermore, we find that sex can be a crucial modulator of altruism, with there being a tendency for the sex that competes more intensely with relatives to behave more altruistically and for the sex that competes more intensely with non-relatives in defeated groups to receive more altruism. In addition, there is also a tendency for the less-dispersing sex to both give and receive more altruism. We discuss implications for our understanding of observed sex differences in cooperation in human societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dispersal has far-reaching implications for individuals, populations, and communities, especially in sessile organisms. Escaping competition with conspecifics and with kin are theorized to be key factors leading to dispersal as an adaptation. However, manipulative approaches in systems in which adults are sessile but offspring have behaviors is required for a more complete understanding of how competition affects dispersal. Here, we integrate a series of experiments to study how dispersal affects the density and relatedness of neighbors, and how the density and relatedness of neighbors in turn affects fitness. In a marine bryozoan, we empirically estimated dispersal kernels and found that most larvae settled within ~1 m of the maternal colony, although some could potentially travel at least 10s of meters. Larvae neither actively preferred or avoided conspecifics or kin at settlement. We experimentally determined the effects of spreading sibling larvae by manipulating the density and relatedness of settlers and measuring components of fitness in the field. We found that settler density reduced maternal fitness when settler neighbors were siblings compared with when neighbors were unrelated or absent. Genetic markers also identified very few half sibs (and no full sibs) in adults from the natural population, and rarely close enough to directly interact. In this system, dispersal occurs over short distances (meters) yet, in contrast with expectations, there appears to be limited kinship between adult neighbors. Our results suggest that the limited dispersal increases early offspring mortality when siblings settle next to each other, rather than next to unrelated conspecifics, potentially reducing kinship in adult populations. High offspring production and multiple paternity could further dilute kinship at settlement and reduce selection for dispersal beyond the scale of 10s of meters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outcome of sexual conflict can depend on the social environment, as males respond to changes in the inclusive fitness payoffs of harmfulness and harm females less when they compete with familiar relatives. Theoretical models also predict that if limited male dispersal predictably enhances local relatedness while maintaining global competition, kin selection can produce evolutionary divergences in male harmfulness among populations. Experimental tests of these predictions, however, are rare. We assessed rates of dispersal in female and male seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus, a model species for studies of sexual conflict, in an experimental setting. Females dispersed significantly more often than males, but dispersing males travelled just as far as dispersing females. Next, we used experimental evolution to test whether limiting dispersal allowed the action of kin selection to affect divergence in male harmfulness and female resistance. Populations of C. maculatus were evolved for 20 and 25 generations under one of three dispersal regimens: completely free dispersal, limited dispersal and no dispersal. There was no divergence among treatments in female reproductive tract scarring, ejaculate size, mating behaviour, fitness of experimental females mated to stock males or fitness of stock females mated to experimental males. We suggest that this is likely due to insufficient strength of kin selection rather than a lack of genetic variation or time for selection. Limited dispersal alone is therefore not sufficient for kin selection to reduce male harmfulness in this species, consistent with general predictions that limited dispersal will only allow kin selection if local relatedness is independent of the intensity of competition among kin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional connectivity, the realized flow of individuals between the suitable sites of a heterogeneous landscape, is a prime determinant of the maintenance and evolution of populations in fragmented habitats. While a large body of literature examines the evolution of dispersal propensity, it is less known how evolution shapes functional connectivity via traits that influence the distribution of the dispersers. Here, we use a simple model to demonstrate that, in a heterogeneous environment with clustered and solitary sites (i.e., with variable structural connectivity), the evolutionarily stable population contains strains that are strongly differentiated in their pattern of connectivity (local vs. global dispersal), but not necessarily in the fraction of dispersed individuals. Also during evolutionary branching, selection is disruptive predominantly on the pattern of connectivity rather than on dispersal propensity itself. Our model predicts diversification along a hitherto neglected axis of dispersal strategies and highlights the role of the solitary sites-the more isolated and therefore seemingly less important patches of habitat-in maintaining global dispersal that keeps all sites connected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural selection can favour cooperation, but it is unclear when cooperative populations should be larger than less cooperative ones. While experiments have shown that cooperation can increase population size, cooperation and population size can become negatively correlated if spatial processes affect both variables in opposite directions. We use a simple mathematical model of spatial common-pool resource production to investigate how space affects the cooperation-population size relationship. We find that only cooperation that is sufficiently beneficial to neighbours increases population size. However, spatial clustering variations can create a negative cooperation-population relationship between populations even when cooperation is highly beneficial, because clustering selects for cooperation but decreases population size. Individual-based simulations with variable individual movement rates produced variation in spatial clustering and the hypothesized negative cooperation-population relationships. These results suggest that variation in spatial clustering can limit the size of evolutionarily stable cooperating populations - an ecological dilemma of cooperation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal societies vary widely in the diversity of social behaviour and the distribution of reproductive shares among their group members. It has been shown that individual condition can lead to divergent social roles and that social specialisation can cause an exacerbation or a mitigation of the inequality among group members within a society. This work, however, has not investigated cases in which resource availability varies between different societies, a factor that is thought to explain variation in the level of cooperation and the disparities in reproductive shares within each social group. In this study, I focus on how resource availability mediates the expression of social behaviour and how this, in turn, mediates inequality both within and between groups. I find that when differences in resource availability between societies persist over time, resource-rich societies become more egalitarian. Because lower inequality improves the productivity of a society, the inequality between resource-rich and resource-poor societies rises. When resource availability fluctuates over time, resource-rich societies tend to become more unequal. Because inequality hinders the productivity of a society, the inequality between resource-rich and resource-poor societies falls. From the evolutionary standpoint, my results show that spatial and temporal variation in resource availability may exert a strong influence on the level of inequality both within and between societies.





