keratan sulfate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) are expressed on subsets of immune cells. Siglec-8 is an immune inhibitory Siglec on eosinophils and mast cells, which are effectors in allergic disorders including eosinophilic esophagitis. Inhibition occurs when Siglec-8 is crosslinked by multivalent Siglec ligands in target tissues. Previously we discovered a high-affinity Siglec-8 sialoglycan ligand on human airways composed of terminally sialylated keratan sulfate chains carried on a single protein, DMBT1. Here we extend that approach to another allergic inflammatory target tissue, human esophagus. Lectin overlay histochemistry revealed that Siglec-8 ligands are expressed predominantly by esophageal submucosal glands, and are densely packed in submucosal ducts leading to the lumen. Expression is tissue-specific; esophageal glands express Siglec-8 ligand whereas nearby gastric glands do not. Extraction and resolution by gel electrophoresis revealed a single predominant human esophageal Siglec-8 ligand migrating at >2 MDa. Purification by size exclusion and affinity chromatography, followed by proteomic mass spectrometry, revealed the protein carrier to be MUC5B. Whereas all human esophageal submucosal cells express MUC5B, only a portion convert it to Siglec-8 ligand by adding terminally sialylated keratan sulfate chains. We refer to this as MUC5B S8L. Material from the esophageal lumen of live subjects revealed MUC5B S8L species ranging from ~1-4 MDa. We conclude that MUC5B in the human esophagus is a protein canvas on which Siglec-8 binding sialylated keratan sulfate chains are post-translationally added. These data expand understanding of Siglec-8 ligands and may help us understand their roles in allergic immune regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SummaryWe previously demonstrated that among various histological types of human testicular germinal cell tumors (GCTs), embryonal carcinoma (EC) preferentially expresses low-sulfated keratan sulfate (KS) consisting of repeating N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) disaccharide units composed of galactose and 6-O-sulfated N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), which is recognized by the R-10G antibody. Recently, we generated another anti-low-sulfated KS monoclonal antibody, 294-1B1. Immunohistochemical analysis of testicular GCTs (n=83) revealed that the low-sulfated KS recognized by 294-1B1 is also preferentially expressed in EC but minimally in other GCT histological types. Moreover, immunolabeling with R-10G and 294-1B1 antibodies was resistant to peptide-N-glycosidase F digestion, and EC was not stained with the MECA-79 antibody, indicating that low-sulfated KS expressed in EC contains mucin-type core 2 O-glycans carrying GlcNAc-6-O-sulfated oligo-LacNAc. Double immunofluorescence staining showed that R-10G and 294-1B1 antibody signals colocalized with those for podocalyxin (PODXL). Furthermore, western blot analysis of recombinant human PODXL•IgG fusion proteins secreted from low-sulfated KS-expressing human embryonic kidney 293T cells revealed that PODXL functions as a core protein for low-sulfated KS. Taken together, these findings strongly suggest that the PODXL glycoform decorated with low-sulfated KS is preferentially expressed in human testicular EC and may therefore serve as a diagnostic marker for this malignancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), except hyaluronan (HA), are sulfated polysaccharides that are covalently attached to core proteins to form proteoglycans (PGs). This article summarizes key biological findings for the most widespread GAGs, namely HA, chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS), keratan sulfate (KS), and heparan sulfate (HS). It focuses on the major processes that remain to be deciphered to get a comprehensive view of the mechanisms mediating GAG biological functions. They include the regulation of GAG biosynthesis and postsynthetic modifications in heparin (HP) and HS, the composition, heterogeneity, and function of the tetrasaccharide linkage region and its role in disease, the functional characterization of the new PGs recently identified by glycoproteomics, the selectivity of interactions mediated by GAG chains, the display of GAG chains and PGs at the cell surface and their impact on the availability and activity of soluble ligands, and on their move through the glycocalyx layer to reach their receptors, the human GAG profile in health and disease, the roles of GAGs and particular PGs (syndecans, decorin, and biglycan) involved in cancer, inflammation, and fibrosis, the possible use of GAGs and PGs as disease biomarkers, and the design of inhibitors targeting GAG biosynthetic enzymes and GAG-protein interactions to develop novel therapeutic approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Keratan sulfate (KS) is a proteoglycan that is widely expressed in the extracellular matrix of various tissue types, where it performs multiple biological functions. KS is the least understood proteoglycan, which in part is due to a lack of panels of well-defined KS oligosaccharides that are needed for structure-binding studies, as analytical standards, to examine substrate specificities of keratinases, and for drug development. Here, we report a biomimetic approach that makes it possible to install, in a regioselective manner, sulfates and fucosides on oligo-N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) chains to provide any structural element of KS by using specific enzyme modules. It is based on the observation that α1,3-fucosides, α2,6-sialosides and C-6 sulfation of galactose (Gal6S) are mutually exclusive and cannot occur on the same LacNAc moiety. As a result, the pattern of sulfation on galactosides can be controlled by installing α1,3-fucosides or α2,6-sialosides to temporarily block certain LacNAc moieties from sulfation by keratan sulfate galactose 6-sulfotransferase (CHST1). The patterns of α1,3-fucosylation and α2,6-sialylation can be controlled by exploiting the mutual exclusivity of these modifications, which in turn controls the sites of sulfation by CHST1. Late-stage treatment with a fucosidase or sialidase to remove blocking fucosides or sialosides provides selectively sulfated KS oligosaccharides. These treatments also unmasked specific galactosides for further modification by CHST1. To showcase the potential of the enzymatic strategy, we have prepared a range of poly-LacNAc derivatives having different patterns of fucosylation and sulfation and several N-glycans decorated by specific arrangements of sulfates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) screening is tedious and still performed by analysis of total glycosaminoglycans (GAG) using 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMB) photometric assay, although false positive and negative tests have been reported. Analysis of differentiated GAGs have been pursued classically by gel electrophoresis or more recently by quantitative LC-MS assays. Secondary elevations of GAGs have been reported in urinary tract infections (UTI). In this manuscript, we describe the diagnostic accuracy of urinary GAG measurements by LC-MS for MPS typing in 68 untreated MPS and mucolipidosis (ML) patients, 183 controls and 153 UTI samples. We report age-dependent reference values and cut-offs for chondroitin sulfate (CS), dermatan sulfate (DS), heparan sulfate (HS) and keratan sulfate (KS) and specific GAG ratios. The use of HS/DS ratio in combination to GAG concentrations normalized to creatinine improves the diagnostic accuracy in MPS type I, II, VI and VII. In total 15 samples classified to the wrong MPS type could be correctly assigned using HS/DS ratio. Increased KS/HS ratio in addition to increased KS improves discrimination of MPS type IV by excluding false positives. Some samples of UTI patients showed elevation of specific GAGs, mainly CS, KS and KS/HS ratio and could be misclassified as MPS type IV. Finally, DMB photometric assay performed in MPS and ML samples reveal four false negative tests (sensitivity of 94%). In conclusion, specific GAG ratios in complement to quantitative GAG values obtained by LC-MS enhance discrimination of MPS types. Exclusion of patients with UTI improve diagnostic accuracy in MPS IV but not in other types.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This review delves into the roles of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), integral components of proteoglycans, in tooth development. Proteoglycans consist of a core protein linked to GAG chains, comprised of repeating disaccharide units. GAGs are classified into several types, such as hyaluronic acid, heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratan sulfate. Functioning as critical macromolecular components within the dental basement membrane, these GAGs facilitate cell adhesion and aggregation, and play key roles in regulating cell proliferation and differentiation, thereby significantly influencing tooth morphogenesis. Notably, our recent research has identified the hyaluronan-degrading enzyme Transmembrane protein 2 (Tmem2) and we have conducted functional analyses using mouse models. These studies have unveiled the essential role of Tmem2-mediated hyaluronan degradation and its involvement in hyaluronan-mediated cell adhesion during tooth formation. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of GAG functions in tooth development, integrating insights from recent research, and discusses future directions in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We recently showed that 6-sulfo sialyl N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) in O-linked glycans recognized by the CL40 antibody is abundant in the pleural mesothelium under physiological conditions and that these glycans undergo complementary synthesis by GlcNAc6ST2 (encoded by Chst4) and GlcNAc6ST3 (encoded by Chst5) in mice. GlcNAc6ST3 is essential for the synthesis of R-10G-positive keratan sulfate (KS) in the brain. The predicted minimum epitope of the R-10G antibody is a dimeric asialo 6-sulfo LacNAc. Whether R-10G-reactive KS/sulfated LacNAc oligosaccharides are also present in the pleural mesothelium was unknown. The question of which GlcNAc6STs are responsible for R-10G-reactive glycans was an additional issue to be clarified. Here, we show that R-10G-reactive glycans are as abundant in the pulmonary pleura as CL40-reactive glycans and that GlcNAc6ST3 is only partially involved in the synthesis of these pleural R-10G glycans, unlike in the adult brain. Unexpectedly, GlcNAc6ST2 is essential for the synthesis of R-10G-positive KS/sulfated LacNAc oligosaccharides in the lung pleura. The type of GlcNAc6ST and the magnitude of its contribution to KS glycan synthesis varied among tissues in vivo. We show that GlcNAc6ST2 is required and sufficient for R-10G-reactive KS synthesis in the lung pleura. Interestingly, R-10G immunoreactivity in KSGal6ST (encoded by Chst1) and C6ST1 (encoded by Chst3) double-deficient mouse lungs was markedly increased. MUC16, a mucin molecule, was shown to be a candidate carrier protein for pleural R-10G-reactive glycans. These results suggest that R-10G-reactive KS/sulfated LacNAc oligosaccharides may play a role in mesothelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Further elucidation of the functions of sulfated glycans synthesized by GlcNAc6ST2 and GlcNAc6ST3, such as R-10G and CL40 glycans, in pathological conditions may lead to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the physiopathology of the lung mesothelium.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The roles of keratan sulfate (KS) as a proton detection glycosaminoglycan in neurosensory processes in the central and peripheral nervous systems is reviewed. The functional properties of the KS-proteoglycans aggrecan, phosphacan, podocalyxcin as components of perineuronal nets in neurosensory processes in neuronal plasticity, cognitive learning and memory are also discussed. KS-glycoconjugate neurosensory gels used in electrolocation in elasmobranch fish species and KS substituted mucin like conjugates in some tissue contexts in mammals need to be considered in sensory signalling. Parallels are drawn between KS\'s roles in elasmobranch fish neurosensory processes and its roles in mammalian electro mechanical transduction of acoustic liquid displacement signals in the cochlea by the tectorial membrane and stereocilia of sensory inner and outer hair cells into neural signals for sound interpretation. The sophisticated structural and functional proteins which maintain the unique high precision physical properties of stereocilia in the detection, transmittance and interpretation of acoustic signals in the hearing process are important. The maintenance of the material properties of stereocilia are essential in sound transmission processes. Specific, emerging roles for low sulfation KS in sensory bioregulation are contrasted with the properties of high charge density KS isoforms. Some speculations are made on how the molecular and electrical properties of KS may be of potential application in futuristic nanoelectronic, memristor technology in advanced ultrafast computing devices with low energy requirements in nanomachines, nanobots or molecular switches which could be potentially useful in artificial synapse development. Application of KS in such innovative areas in bioregulation are eagerly awaited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A sulfated polysaccharide (AG) was extracted and isolated from the sea cucumber H. fuscopunctata, consisting of GlcNAc, GalNAc, Gal, Fuc and lacking any uronic acid residues. Importantly, several chemical depolymerization methods were used to elucidate the structure of the AG through a bottom-up strategy. A highly sulfated galactose (oAG-1) and two disaccharides labeled with 2,5-anhydro-D-mannose (oAG-2, oAG-3) were obtained from the deaminative depolymerized product along with the structures of the disaccharide derivatives (oAG-4~oAG-6) identified from the free radical depolymerized product, suggesting that the repeating building blocks in a natural AG should comprise the disaccharide β-D-GalS-1,4-D-GlcNAc6S. The possible disaccharide side chains (bAG-1) were obtained with mild acid hydrolysis. Thus, a natural AG may consist of a keratan sulfate-like (KS-like) glycosaminoglycan with diverse modifications, including the sulfation types of the Gal residue and the possible disaccharide branches α-D-GalNAc4S6S-1,2-α/β-L-Fuc3S linked to the KS-like chain. Additionally, the anticoagulant activities of the AG and its depolymerized products (dAG1-9) were evaluated in vitro using normal human plasma. The AG could prolong activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in a dose-dependent manner, and the activity potency was positively related to the chain length. The AG and dAG1-dAG3 could prolong thrombin time (TT), while they had little effect on prothrombin time (PT). The results indicate that the AG could inhibit the intrinsic and common coagulation pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) is a rare disorder caused by mutations in the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate-sulfatase (GALNS) encoding gene. GALNS leads to the lysosomal degradation of the glycosaminoglyccreasans keratan sulfate and chondroitin 6-sulfate. Impaired GALNS enzymes result in skeletal and non-skeletal complications in patients. For years, the MPS IVA pathogenesis and the assessment of promising drugs have been evaluated using in vitro (primarily fibroblasts) and in vivo (mainly mouse) models. Even though value information has been raised from those studies, these models have several limitations. For instance, chondrocytes have been well recognized as primary cells affected in MPS IVA and responsible for displaying bone development impairment in MPS IVA patients; nonetheless, only a few investigations have used those cells to evaluate basic and applied concepts. Likewise, current animal models are extensively represented by mice lacking GALNS expression; however, it is well known that MPS IVA mice do not recapitulate the skeletal dysplasia observed in humans, making some comparisons difficult. This manuscript reviews the current in vitro and in vivo MPS IVA models and their drawbacks.





