
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Condensin I is a pentameric complex that regulates the mitotic chromosome assembly in eukaryotes. The kleisin subunit CAP-H of the condensin I complex acts as a linchpin to maintain the structural integrity and loading of this complex on mitotic chromosomes. This complex is present in all eukaryotes and has recently been identified in Plasmodium spp. However, how this complex is assembled and whether the kleisin subunit is critical for this complex in these parasites are yet to be explored. To examine the role of PfCAP-H during cell division within erythrocytes, we generated an inducible PfCAP-H knockout parasite. We find that PfCAP-H is dynamically expressed during mitosis with the peak expression at the metaphase plate. PfCAP-H interacts with PfCAP-G and is a non-SMC member of the condensin I complex. Notably, the absence of PfCAP-H does not alter the expression of PfCAP-G but affects its localization at the mitotic chromosomes. While mitotic spindle assembly is intact in PfCAP-H-deficient parasites, duplicated centrosomes remain clustered over the mass of unsegmented nuclei with failed karyokinesis. This failure leads to the formation of an abnormal nuclear mass, while cytokinesis occurs normally. Altogether, our data suggest that PfCAP-H plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the condensin I complex on the mitotic chromosomes and is essential for the asexual development of malarial parasites.
    OBJECTIVE: Mitosis is a fundamental process for Plasmodium parasites, which plays a vital role in their survival within two distinct hosts-human and Anopheles mosquitoes. Despite its great significance, our comprehension of mitosis and its regulation remains limited. In eukaryotes, mitosis is regulated by one of the pivotal complexes known as condensin complexes. The condensin complexes are responsible for chromosome condensation, ensuring the faithful distribution of genetic material to daughter cells. While condensin complexes have recently been identified in Plasmodium spp., our understanding of how this complex is assembled and its precise functions during the blood stage development of Plasmodium falciparum remains largely unexplored. In this study, we investigate the role of a central protein, PfCAP-H, during the blood stage development of P. falciparum. Our findings reveal that PfCAP-H is essential and plays a pivotal role in upholding the structure of condensin I and facilitating karyokinesis.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Condensin I is a pentameric complex that regulates the mitotic chromosome assembly in eukaryotes. The kleisin subunit CAP-H of the condensin I complex acts as a linchpin to maintain the structural integrity and loading of this complex on mitotic chromosomes. This complex is present in all eukaryotes and has recently been identified in Plasmodium spp. However, how this complex is assembled and whether the kleisin subunit is critical for this complex in these parasites is yet to be explored. To examine the role of PfCAP-H during cell division within erythrocytes, we generated an inducible PfCAP-H knockout parasite. We find that PfCAP-H is dynamically expressed during mitosis with the peak expression at the metaphase plate. PfCAP-H interacts with PfCAP-G and is a non-SMC member of the condensin I complex. Notably, the absence of PfCAP-H does not alter the expression of PfCAP-G but affects its localization at the mitotic chromosomes. While mitotic spindle assembly is intact in PfCAP-H deficient parasites, duplicated centrosomes remain clustered over the mass of unsegmented nuclei with failed karyokinesis. This failure leads to the formation of an abnormal nuclear mass, while cytokinesis occurs normally. Altogether, our data suggest that PfCAP-H plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the condensin I complex on the mitotic chromosomes and is essential for the asexual development of malarial parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terminally differentiated cells are generally thought to have arrived at their final form and function. Many terminally differentiated cell types are polyploid, i.e. they have multiple copies of the normally diploid genome. Mammalian heart muscle cells, termed cardiomyocytes, are one such example of polyploid cells. Terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes are bi- or multi-nucleated, or have polyploid nuclei. Recent mechanistic studies of polyploid cardiomyocytes indicate that they can limit cellular proliferation and, hence, heart regeneration. In this short Spotlight, we present the mechanisms generating bi- and multi-nucleated cardiomyocytes, and the mechanisms generating polyploid nuclei. Our aim is to develop hypotheses about how these mechanisms might relate to cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration. We also discuss how these new findings could be applied to advance cardiac regeneration research, and how they relate to studies of other polyploid cells, such as cancer cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The close-knit group of apicomplexan parasites displays a wide variety of cell division modes, which differ between parasites as well as between different life stages within a single parasite species. The beginning and endpoint of the asexual replication cycles is a \'zoite\' harboring the defining apical organelles required for host cell invasion. However, the number of zoites produced per division round varies dramatically and can unfold in several different ways. This plasticity of the cell division cycle originates from a combination of hard-wired developmental programs modulated by environmental triggers. Although the environmental triggers and sensors differ between species and developmental stages, widely conserved secondary messengers mediate the signal transduction pathways. These environmental and genetic input integrate in division-mode specific chromosome organization and chromatin modifications that set the stage for each division mode. Cell cycle progression is conveyed by a smorgasbord of positively and negatively acting transcription factors, often acting in concert with epigenetic reader complexes, that can vary dramatically between species as well as division modes. A unique set of cell cycle regulators with spatially distinct localization patterns insert discrete check points which permit individual control and can uncouple general cell cycle progression from nuclear amplification. Clusters of expressed genes are grouped into four functional modules seen in all division modes: 1. mother cytoskeleton disassembly; 2. DNA replication and segregation (D&S); 3. karyokinesis; 4. zoite assembly. A plug-and-play strategy results in the variety of extant division modes. The timing of mother cytoskeleton disassembly is hard-wired at the species level for asexual division modes: it is either the first step, or it is the last step. In the former scenario zoite assembly occurs at the plasma membrane (external budding), and in the latter scenario zoites are assembled in the cytoplasm (internal budding). The number of times each other module is repeated can vary regardless of this first decision, and defines the modes of cell division: schizogony, binary fission, endodyogeny, endopolygeny.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular reproduction defines life, yet our textbook-level understanding of cell division is limited to a small number of model organisms centered around humans. The horizon on cell division variants is expanded here by advancing insights on the fascinating cell division modes found in the Apicomplexa, a key group of protozoan parasites. The Apicomplexa display remarkable variation in offspring number, whether karyokinesis follows each S/M-phase or not, and whether daughter cells bud in the cytoplasm or bud from the cortex. We find that the terminology used to describe the various manifestations of asexual apicomplexan cell division emphasizes either the number of offspring or site of budding, which are not directly comparable features and has led to confusion in the literature. Division modes have been primarily studied in two human pathogenic Apicomplexa, malaria-causing Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, a major cause of opportunistic infections. Plasmodium spp. divide asexually by schizogony, producing multiple daughters per division round through a cortical budding process, though at several life-cycle nuclear amplifications stages, are not followed by karyokinesis. T. gondii divides by endodyogeny producing two internally budding daughters per division round. Here we add to this diversity in replication mechanisms by considering the cattle parasite Babesia bigemina and the pig parasite Cystoisospora suis. B. bigemina produces two daughters per division round by a \"binary fission\" mechanism whereas C. suis produces daughters through both endodyogeny and multiple internal budding known as endopolygeny. In addition, we provide new data from the causative agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM), Sarcocystis neurona, which also undergoes endopolygeny but differs from C. suis by maintaining a single multiploid nucleus. Overall, we operationally define two principally different division modes: internal budding found in cyst-forming Coccidia (comprising endodyogeny and two forms of endopolygeny) and external budding found in the other parasites studied (comprising the two forms of schizogony, binary fission and multiple fission). Progressive insights into the principles defining the molecular and cellular requirements for internal vs. external budding, as well as variations encountered in sexual stages are discussed. The evolutionary pressures and mechanisms underlying apicomplexan cell division diversification carries relevance across Eukaryota.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart regeneration requires cardiomyocyte proliferation. It is thought that formation of polyploid nuclei establishes a barrier for cardiomyocyte proliferation, but the mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that the nuclear lamina filament Lamin B2 (Lmnb2), whose expression decreases in mice after birth, is essential for nuclear envelope breakdown prior to progression to metaphase and subsequent division. Inactivating Lmnb2 decreased metaphase progression, which led to formation of polyploid cardiomyocyte nuclei in neonatal mice, which, in turn, decreased myocardial regeneration. Increasing Lmnb2 expression promoted cardiomyocyte M-phase progression and cytokinesis and improved indicators of myocardial regeneration in neonatal mice. Inactivating LMNB2 in human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes reduced karyokinesis and increased formation of polyploid nuclei. In primary cardiomyocytes from human infants with heart disease, modifying LMNB2 expression correspondingly altered metaphase progression and ploidy of daughter nuclei. In conclusion, Lmnb2 expression is essential for karyokinesis in mammalian cardiomyocytes and heart regeneration.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The centriole in eukaryotes functions as the cell\'s microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) to nucleate spindle assembly. The evolutionarily conserved protein SAS-6 constitutes the center of the cartwheel assembly that scaffolds centrioles early in their biogenesis. Microsporidia possess the spindle plaque instead of centriole as their MTOC to nucleate spindle assembly. However, little is known about the components of spindle plaques in microsporidia. In our present study, we identified a SAS-6 protein in the microsporidium Nosema bombycis and named it as NSAS-6. The NSAS-6 gene contains a complete ORF of 1104 bp in length that encodes a 367-amino acid polypeptide. NSAS-6 consists of a conserved N-terminal domain and a coiled-coil domain. The high identity of SAS-6 homologous sequences from microsporidia indicates that SAS-6 is a conserved protein in microsporidia. Immunolocalization in sporoplasms, intracellular stages and mature spores showed that NSAS-6 probably localizes to the nucleus of N. bombycis and exists throughout the life cycle of N. bombycis. These results suggest that NSAS-6 is required in cell morphogenesis and division in N. bombycis. The function and structure of NSAS-6 should be the focus for further studies, which is essential to elucidate the role of SAS-6 in spindle plaque assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies have shown that nuclear envelope fission (karyokinesis) in budding yeast depends on cytokinesis, but not distinguished whether this was a direct requirement, indirect, because of cell cycle arrest, or due to bud neck-localized proteins impacting both processes. To determine the requirements for karyokinesis, we examined mutants conditionally defective for bud emergence and/or nuclear migration. The common mutant phenotype was completion of the nuclear division cycle within the mother cell, but karyokinesis did not occur. In the cdc24 swe1 mutant, at the non-permissive temperature, multiple nuclei accumulated within the unbudded cell, with connected nuclear envelopes. Upon return to the permissive temperature, the cdc24 swe1 mutant initiated bud emergence, but only the nucleus spanning the neck underwent fission suggesting that the bud neck region is important for fission initiation. The neck may be critical for either mechanical reasons, as the contractile ring might facilitate fission, or for regulatory reasons, as the site of a protein network regulating nuclear envelope fission, mitotic exit, and cytokinesis. We also found that 77-85% of pairs of septin mutant nuclei completed nuclear envelope fission. In addition, 27% of myo1Δ mutant nuclei completed karyokinesis. These data suggested that fission is not dependent on mechanical contraction at the bud neck, but was instead controlled by regulatory proteins there.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 (PGRMC1) is expressed in both oocyte and ovarian somatic cells, where it is found in multiple cellular sub-compartments including the mitotic spindle apparatus. PGRMC1 localization in the maturing bovine oocytes mirrors its localization in mitotic cells, suggesting a possible common action in mitosis and meiosis. To test the hypothesis that altering PGRMC1 activity leads to similar defects in mitosis and meiosis, PGRMC1 function was perturbed in cultured bovine granulosa cells (bGC) and maturing oocytes and the effect on mitotic and meiotic progression assessed. RNA interference-mediated PGRMC1 silencing in bGC significantly reduced cell proliferation, with a concomitant increase in the percentage of cells arrested at G2/M phase, which is consistent with an arrested or prolonged M-phase. This observation was confirmed by time-lapse imaging that revealed defects in late karyokinesis. In agreement with a role during late mitotic events, a direct interaction between PGRMC1 and Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) was observed in the central spindle at of dividing cells. Similarly, treatment with the PGRMC1 inhibitor AG205 or PGRMC1 silencing in the oocyte impaired completion of meiosis I. Specifically the ability of the oocyte to extrude the first polar body was significantly impaired while meiotic figures aberration and chromatin scattering within the ooplasm increased. Finally, analysis of PGRMC1 and AURKB localization in AG205-treated oocytes confirmed an altered localization of both proteins when meiotic errors occur. The present findings demonstrate that PGRMC1 participates in late events of both mammalian mitosis and oocyte meiosis, consistent with PGRMC1\'s localization at the mid-zone and mid-body of the mitotic and meiotic spindle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian cardiomyocytes actively proliferate during embryonic stages, following which they exit their cell cycle after birth, and the exit is maintained. Previously, we showed that two inhibitory systems (the G1-phase inhibitory system: repression of cyclin D1 expression; the M-phase inhibitory system: inhibition of CDK1 activation) maintain the cell cycle exit of mouse adult cardiomyocytes. We also showed that two CDK inhibitors (CKIs), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1), regulate the cell cycle exit in a portion of postnatal cardiomyocytes. It remains unknown whether the two inhibitory systems are involved in the cell cycle exit of postnatal cardiomyocytes and whether p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) also inhibit entry to M-phase. Here, we showed that more than 40% of cardiomyocytes entered an additional cell cycle by induction of cyclin D1 expression at postnatal stages, but M-phase entry was inhibited in the majority of cardiomyocytes. Marked cell cycle progression and endoreplication were observed in cardiomyocytes of p21(Cip1) knockout mice at 4 weeks of age. In addition, tri- and tetranucleated cardiomyocytes increased significantly in p21(Cip1) knockout mice. These data showed that the G1-phase inhibitory system and two CKIs (p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)) inhibit entry to an additional cell cycle in postnatal cardiomyocytes, and that the M-phase inhibitory system and p21(Cip1) inhibit M-phase entry of cardiomyocytes which have entered the additional cell cycle.





