juvenile sex offenders

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Multisystemic therapy (MST) is an intense, family-focused, community-based treatment designed for youth with criminal behaviors. Literature on its usefulness among juvenile sexual offenders (JSOs) remains limited. We conducted a systematic review of published studies assessing effectiveness of MST among JSOs. A comprehensive search of published studies, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, was undertaken using multiple databases. Search terms included \"multisystemic therapy\" or \"multisystemic family therapy.\" A total of 542 articles were obtained on initial search. After excluding duplicates, 297 articles were included in further analysis that yielded 48 articles for full-text analysis. Six randomized controlled trials of MST, comprising 231 juvenile sex-offenders, were assessed for final review. MST performed favorably relative to alternative treatments among juvenile sex offenders while also demonstrating lasting treatment effect on sustained follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article renews the call by Chaffin and Bonner in 1998 to cease treating youth who engage in sexually abusive behaviors like adult male convicted sex offenders. The author urges that professionals cease imposing an adult-centered convicted sex offender paradigm in assessment and treatment. A new paradigm is advocated that considers sexual developmental and gender issues, along with judicial status in all areas of intervention (i.e., clinical and risk assessment, treatment/service planning, and possible treatment [when needed]). The paradigm is grounded on the Family Lovemap model, a conceptual framework for assessing the youth\'s bio-physio-psycho-social-sexual and erotic development. Discussed is the evidence-based, developmentally and gender sensitive risk-level tool, MEGA♪ as a viable option for assessing risk for persistent coarse sexual improprieties and sexually abusive behaviors in youth ages 4-19 (adjudicated and non-adjudicated). Selected significant empirical findings are presented from 3,901 youths who were participants in samples of the MEGA♪ validation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluated is a recently developed tool, the Youth Needs and Progress Scale (YNPS). Reported is the surprisingly palpable lack of adherence to scientific standards. A demonstrable absence of attention and accordance to scientific methods related to research and developing psychometrics is evident, that is, taking a colander approach when constructing the tool. The rudimentary steps of this project were described by Kang et al. (2019) and subsequently critiqued by this author. Significant concerns previously delineated were not addressed, but rather crystalized in a substantial U.S. federally tax funded grant for a substandard tool. These are described in this article (i.e., lack of adequate literature review, citing selective research findings, referencing face validity tools, problematic research design). The key concern is the reliance on risk recidivism tools (J-SOAP-II and ERASOR), partially based on adult research and empirically shown to have inconsistently performed in risk assessment studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among youth who commit sexual crimes, childhood trauma experiences have been linked to a host of outcomes including trauma symptom expression. Furthermore, research has begun assessing differential rates of cumulative adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) between youth who commit sexual and non-sexual crimes. Yet, few studies have comparatively examined rates of cumulative traumatic events using more robust measures of adversity. There is scant research on outcomes associated cumulative trauma among youth who commit sexual crimes including linkages to trauma symptoms and how positive parenting styles (PCSs) can attenuate in this relationship. This study aims to compare cumulative trauma experiences between youth who commit sexual (n = 112) and non-sexual crimes (n = 224). Among youth who commit sexual crimes, we test how PCSs mitigate or moderate the effects of cumulative trauma on trauma symptoms. Results from independent samples t-tests revealed significant group differences on singular and cumulative traumatic experiences, and trauma symptomatology, where youth who commit sexual crimes had higher rates of all. Stepwise linear regressions revealed mitigating effects of maternal PCSs and tests of moderation revealed main and interaction effects, where intermediate positive maternal caregiving styles for youth with higher cumulative trauma were associated with greater trauma symptomatology. Implications and limitations are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new risk/treatment needs protocol for assessing \"juveniles with sex offenses\" operationalized in the Treatment Needs and Progress Scale (TNPS) was recently introduced, prompting quick embrace before any serious examination. This article critiques the proposed protocol and TNPS. Highlighted are misleading statements, substantial omissions related to review of research, and significant margins of TNPS underpinnings that cause considerable pause. Target population, essential to adopting and implementing TNPS, is not clearly stated. Multiple basic rudimentary steps are missing in the research protocol for two age groups. The \"new\" protocol appears to be a re-installment of the old one, applying templates from adult tools and empirical findings on adults to adolescents, thus treating youth like adults, an outdated stance in contemporary research and clinical practice related to risk assessment of sexually abusive youth..






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a short-term psycho-educational group therapy model of 14 bi-weekly 90-minute meetings with parents of male juvenile sex offenders. The program is used by youth probation services in Israel as part of a multi-systemic treatment program. The group was designed for parents whose children had been convicted of a variety of sex offenses in a juvenile court, and who had been referred to the youth probation service for court-ordered treatment. The group therapy was aimed at involving the parents in the therapeutic process, promoting the offenders\' rehabilitation, and to maintain the improvement achieved through the treatment. The results show that the combination of emotional support, provision of information and knowledge, and parental guidance can empower the parents to be a supportive, directive authority in supervising their children, thereby helping to prevent their recidivism to sexually offensive behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research is becoming increasingly nuanced in its examination of offenders, and thus typological distinctions according to generalist and/or specialization offense profiles may be notable for targeted intervention efforts within and between classifications of offenders. There is a significant body of evidence identifying early-life victimization and executive function deficits as critical developmental antecedents to sexual and non-sexual offending alike, but they have not been exhaustively evaluated as a discernable experience among criminally versatile offenders (youth who commit both sexual and non-sexual crimes). This study aims to address gaps by examining associations between early-life victimization, other traumatic experiences in the home, and executive functioning deficits and then test how disparate offending groups differentially experience these early risks. Using a sample of juvenile-justice-involved youth (N = 200), who committed sexual only offenses (n = 41), non-sexual only offenses (n = 124), and criminally versatile offenders (n = 27), multivariate analysis of variance tests and bivariate correlations were conducted. Results revealed that there were statistically significant correlations between measures of executive functioning and specific incidents of victimization, particularly sexual, physical, and emotional. There were also significant group differences in measures of sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, and executive functioning with criminally versatile offenders showing higher rates of physical and emotional abuse and sexual only offenders showing higher rates of sexual abuse and some executive functioning deficits. Practice and research implications are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study evaluated the predictive validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II (J-SOAP-II) scores in a sample of juveniles who recidivated sexually or nonsexually as adults. Participants included 166 juveniles who had previously sexually offended and were followed into adulthood for an average of 10.75 years. Results of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) analyses supported the predictive validity of the J-SOAP-II Total Score, Scale 1, and Static Score in regard to adult sexual recidivism, and predictive validity was found for all J-SOAP-II scores (except Scale 1) in regard to adult nonsexual recidivism. Implications for future research on the assessment of risk factors and treatment needs for adolescents who commit sexual offenses are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a strong theoretical and research base demonstrating the link between attachment styles and adolescent sexual offending. However, this relationship may be best explained by deficit-based mediational pathways including criminogenic needs such as emotional or affect regulation and callousness. Grady, Levenson, and Bolder propose a framework that details criminogenic needs as intermediary variables in the attachment-sexual offending relationship. Using data on adolescents adjudicated of sexual and nonsexual crimes in a Western state (N = 200), two structural equation models (SEM) tested direct and indirect relationships between ambivalent and avoidant attachment styles (in separate models), dysregulation including cognitive and behavioral transitions, emotional control, and inhibited/impulsive behaviors, callousness, delinquency, and offending type (sexual or nonsexual offending). Results revealed statistically significant direct pathways between variables of interest and a multimediational effect of dysregulation and callousness in the relationship between insecure attachments and sexual offending. Treatment, policy, and research implications are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Present literature exploring neuropsychological characteristics of sexually abusive youth is lacking, especially with regard to females and youth with low intellectual functioning. Moreover, although areas of neuropsychological functioning have been researched in this population, findings are vastly inconsistent and contradictory. Such gaps in the literature create obvious barriers in the ability to adequately assess risk, particularly pertaining to neuropsychological factors that could inform effective treatment, case management, and supervision options. The purpose of this article is to explore neuropsychological and cognitive deficits that may manifest in youth who have and who have not experienced instances of abuse, for those who have and who have not been convicted of a sex offense, and to provide information for treatment providers, case managers, and supervisors regarding when to consider referring for additional testing.





