juvenile justice system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Little is known about sleep health among staff in the US juvenile justice system. Poor sleep health is associated with negative mental and physical health, which may impact daily interactions and treatment of detained youth. The current study explored sleep-wake patterns and sleep health knowledge of Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) staff in Maryland (MD).
    UNASSIGNED: DJS Staff (N = 218) were invited to complete a survey that queried staff on their own sleep-wake patterns, job role and schedule, and knowledge of youth sleep needs. Descriptive analyses and multivariate analyses of variance (MANCOVA) were conducted to summarize workers\' sleep-wake patterns and examine differences by staff position and schedule.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifty-one percent of staff served as RAs who directly supervise the youth. Just over half (55%) worked in detention and 45% in treatment facilities. Staff reported sleeping 7.24 hours (SD = 4.10) on workdays and 8.59 hours (SD = 2.69) on non-workdays. RA staff working night/rotating versus day shifts reported the most sleep irregularity with larger weekend oversleep times. A little more than half of the staff (53.9%) were knowledgeable regarding youth sleep health with differences by position type.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings show that DJS staff are meeting recommended sleep duration guidelines but are still experiencing sleep schedule and time in bed irregularity. Knowledge variability of youth sleep health across staff may necessitate focused educational programming. Overall, this study may inform future development and prioritization of sleep and circadian health interventions and educational campaigns for staff who work with detained juveniles. This paper is part of the Sleep and Circadian Health in the Justice System Collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Trans people are incarcerated at disproportionately high rates relative to cisgender people and are at increased risk of negative experiences while incarcerated, including poor mental health, violence, sexual abuse, dismissal of self-identity, including poor access to healthcare. Aims: This scoping review sought to identify what is known about the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of correctional staff toward incarcerated trans people within the adult and juvenile justice systems. Method: This scoping review was conducted in accordance with the five-stage iterative process developed by Arksey and O\'Malley (2005), utilizing the PRISMA guidelines and checklist for scoping reviews and included an appraisal of included papers. A range of databases and grey literature was included. Literature was assessed against predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, with included studies written in English, online full text availability, and reported data relevant to the research question. Results: Seven studies were included with four using qualitative methodologies, one quantitative, and two studies employing a mixed methods approach. These studies provided insights into the systemic lack of knowledge and experience of correctional staff working with trans people, including staff reporting trans issues are not a carceral concern, and carceral settings not offering trans-affirming training to their staff. Within a reform-based approach these findings could be interpreted as passive ignorance and oversights stressing the importance of organizational policies and leadership needing to set standards for promoting the health and wellbeing of incarcerated trans persons. Conclusions: From a transformational lens, findings from this study highlight the urgent need to address the underlying structural, systemic, and organizational factors that impact upon the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors staff have and hold in correctional, and other health and community settings to meaningfully and sustainably improve health, wellbeing, and gender-affirming treatment and care for trans communities, including make possible alternative methods of accountability for those who do harms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global COVID-19 pandemic illustrates the importance of a close partnership between public health and juvenile justice systems when responding to communicable diseases. Many setting-specific obstacles must be navigated to respond effectively to limit disease transmission and negative health outcomes while maintaining necessary services for youth in confinement facilities. The response requires multidisciplinary expertise and collaboration to address unique considerations. Public health mitigation strategies must balance the risk for disease against the negative effects of restrictions. Key aspects of the COVID-19 response in the juvenile justice system of Colorado, USA, involved establishing robust communication and data reporting infrastructures, building a multidisciplinary response team, adapting existing infection prevention guidelines, and focusing on a whole-person health approach to infection prevention. We examine lessons learned and offer recommendations on pandemic emergency response planning and managing a statewide public health emergency in youth confinement settings that ensure ongoing readiness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antisocial and illegal behavior generally declines as youth approach adulthood, but there is significant individual variation in the timing of the peak and decline of offending from adolescence to young adulthood. There are two primary research questions in the present study. First, are there subgroups of youth who follow similar patterns of offending over the nine years after their first arrest? Second, what baseline factors predict which youth will follow each pattern of offending? Data were drawn from the Crossroads study, which includes a sample of racially and ethnically diverse boys who were interviewed regularly for 9 years following their first arrest. Boys were between 13 and 17 years old at the start of the study and were approximately 24-25 years old at the final interview. Trajectories were measured with youths\' self-reported offending using latent class growth analysis (LCGA). Results indicated that there were four subgroups of youth: a stable low group (55%), an escalating group (23%), a short-term recidivist group (15%), and a persistently high group (7%). Several baseline factors distinguished the groups. In particular, the results indicated that youth who were informally processed after their first arrest were more likely to be in the low offending group than any of the other LCGA groups. Age at first arrest, peer delinquency, exposure to violence, substance use, callous-unemotional traits, physical aggression, and perceptions of police legitimacy were also significantly related to group membership. Results suggest that certain risk factors identified after youths\' first arrest may predict which youth continue to offend and which desist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous research indicates that youth exhibiting antisocial behavior are at risk for utilizing a disproportionate amount of health services compared to youth without these problems. The present study investigates whether being processed by the juvenile justice system and showing callous-unemotional (CU) traits independently predict health service utilization (medical and mental health service use and out-of-home placement) over and above the severity of antisocial behavior across adolescence. A total of 766 participants who had been arrested for the first time in adolescence provided data at ten appointments over a period of seven years. Results showed that self-reported antisocial behavior at the time of arrest predicted increased use of most health service use types over the next seven years (i.e. medicine prescriptions, tests for sexually transmitted infections, mental health service appointments, and out-of-home placements). All except prescription medication use remained significant when controlling for justice system processing and CU traits. Further, justice system processing added significantly to the prediction of medical service appointments. Whereas CU traits were associated with mental health service appointments and out-of-home placements, these did not remain significant when controlling for severity of antisocial behavior. These findings are consistent with prior research documenting the health care costs of antisocial behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we summarize key findings from 20 years of research conducted at the intersection of developmental psychology and juvenile justice in the United States. We predominantly examine data from two large-scale, multisite longitudinal studies involving justice-system-involved adolescents-the Pathways to Desistance study and the Crossroads study. Topics of discussion include predictors of offending and desistance from crime; youth outcomes and psychosocial needs; and emerging research, programs, and policy initiatives. First, individual-level (e.g., age, psychosocial maturity) and contextual-level (e.g., antisocial peers, exposure to violence) risk factors associated with offending are explored. Second, we discuss short-term and long-term outcomes of justice-system contact for youths engaging in moderate offenses. We highlight main findings from the Crossroads study indicating that youths who are sanctioned by the justice system at their first arrest have worse outcomes than youths who are diverted from formal processing. Additionally, we discuss the high prevalence of youths\' exposure to violence and mental health disorders as well as the differential treatment of youths of color in the justice system. Third, we extend the conversation to justice-system-involved young adults and discuss emerging, innovative legal solutions, including young adult courts. Last, we discuss real-world implications of these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few studies have explored sleep health and environmental influences on sleep and circadian health within juvenile justice facilities. The current study aims to describe sleep and circadian health of adolescents living in detention and treatment facilities.
    Youth (N = 62) were recruited from 11 Department of Juvenile Services facilities. They completed a novel Youth Sleep and Daytime Behavior Questionnaire, daily sleep diary for seven consecutive mornings, and a brief poststudy interview. Healthcare staff completed a Youth Health Background survey for each participating youth. Facilities\' 24-hour schedules were also obtained.
    Descriptive analyses were performed to capture the youths\' sleep-wake experience while residing in Department of Juvenile Services facilities. Youth are obtaining the recommended total sleep time (M=8.9 hours, SD=1.2 hours) of 8-10 hours per night. However, they are taking twice as long to fall asleep (M=47 minutes SD=59 minutes) compared to the recommended sleep onset latency of 10-20 minutes. Youths\' perceptions reveal potential reasons for long sleep onset latencies, including early facility sleep-wake schedules (78%) and overhead lights (60%) remaining on throughout the night. Furthermore, 37% of youth received facility-ordered behavioral sleep assessments, 36% were taking exogenous melatonin, and the majority of youth were prescribed at least one psychotropic medication.
    Findings suggest sleep-wake schedules and light exposure may be associated with an increase in symptoms of insomnia and/or circadian dysregulation. Based on the findings, facility-wide interventions are needed to improve the youths\' sleep health.






  • 印度少年司法系统(JJS)中的儿童包括可能从事犯罪行为的儿童和由于各种原因无法由其原籍家庭照顾的儿童。鉴于这种情况下儿童的性质,他们在成长过程中面临多重挑战。很少有来自印度的研究系统地探讨了人际体验,包括不良的童年经历(ACE)或欺凌经历,以及它们对这些孩子心理健康的影响。
    UNASSIGNED: Children in the Juvenile Justice System (JJS) in India include children who may have engaged in criminal acts and children who cannot be cared for by their families of origin for various reasons. Given the nature of the children in such circumstances, they face multiple challenges growing up. Few studies from India have systematically explored interpersonal experiences, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or bullying experiences, and their effects on these children\'s mental health.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional study was conducted using standardized scales to identify the frequencies of and relationships between life experiences and current mental health outcomes (stress, well-being, and psychopathology) faced by children residing in seven child care institutions (CCIs) across two states in India.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 278 children who participated in the study, at least one ACE was endorsed by 86.7%, and at least one instance of bullying was experienced by 71.7%. A significant negative correlation was noted between the number of ACEs, bullying experiences, and well-being and a significant positive correlation with stress and psychopathology. Information about the family of origin was significantly associated with lower psychopathology and stress scores.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the relationship between mental health outcomes, ACEs, and bullying experiences in children in the JJS in India. The study identifies the immediate and ongoing effects of these experiences on children\'s mental health and, thus, focuses on the need for appropriate interventions to allay the effects of these experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Latinx adolescents are overrepresented in the justice system and have high untreated behavioral health needs. We examined the family as well as promotive and inhibitive environments (i.e., neighborhood and school) and their associations on behavioral health among 181 first-time justice-involved Latinx adolescents. Results showed that more optimal caregiver-adolescent attachment was associated with fewer behavioral health needs; more negative caregiver-adolescent communication with greater behavioral health needs. Increased neighborhood disadvantage and negative school interactions served as inhibitive environments and were associated with greater behavioral health needs. Moderation analyses indicated that negative communication was associated with greater behavioral health needs among dyads with large acculturation differences but not for dyads close in acculturation. Findings underscore the need to assess the family relationships and communication, promotive/inhibitive environments, and acculturation differences when determining how to meet behavioral health needs among justice-involved Latinx adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Justice-involved youth are known to be at elevated risk of substance use disorder (SUD). This review examines literature published over a 10-year period and summarizes evidence-based practices for screening, treatment, and linkage to care for justice-involved youth as well as barriers and facilitators that may arise during implementation. Strategies to incorporate a health equity lens and trauma-informed approaches are discussed. Despite high prevalence of substance use and research showing that treatment reduces recidivism, few juvenile justice systems universally screen and treat youth with SUD. There is limited developmentally appropriate guidance available for those seeking to better address substance use in juvenile justice settings. This review highlights gaps in the literature, which must be addressed to increase access to treatment and improve outcomes for this vulnerable youth population.





