joint action

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large program of research has aimed to ground large-scale cultural phenomena in processes taking place within individual minds. For example, investigating whether individual agents equipped with the right social learning strategies can enable cumulative cultural evolution given long enough time horizons. However, this approach often omits the critical group-level processes that mediate between individual agents and multi-generational societies. Here, we argue that interacting groups are a necessary and explanatory level of analysis, linking individual and collective intelligence through two characteristic feedback loops. In the first loop, more sophisticated individual-level social learning mechanisms based on Theory of Mind facilitate group-level complementarity, allowing distributed knowledge to be compositionally recombined in groups; these group-level innovations, in turn, ease the cognitive load on individuals. In the second loop, societal-level processes of cumulative culture provide groups with new cognitive technologies, including shared language and conceptual abstractions, which set in motion new group-level processes to further coordinate, recombine, and innovate. Taken together, these cycles establish group-level interaction as a dual engine of intelligence, catalyzing both individual cognition and cumulative culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implicit mentalizing involves the automatic awareness of others\' perspectives, but its domain-specificity is debated. The Joint Simon task demonstrates implicit mentalizing as a Joint Simon effect (JSE), proposed to stem from spontaneous action co-representation of a social partner\'s frame of reference in the Joint (but not Individual) task. However, evidence also shows that any sufficiently salient entity (not necessarily social) can induce the JSE. Here, we investigated the content of co-representation through a novel Joint Simon task where participants viewed a set of distinct images assigned to either themselves or their partner. Critically, a surprise image recognition task allowed us to identify partner-driven effects exclusive to the Joint task-sharing condition, versus the Individual condition. We did not observe a significant JSE, preventing us from drawing confident conclusions about the effect\'s domain-specificity. However, the recognition task results revealed that participants in the Joint task did not recognize their partner\'s stimuli more accurately than participants in the Individual task. This implies that participants were no more likely to encode content from their partner\'s perspective during the Joint task. Overall, this study pushes methodological boundaries regarding the elicitation of co-representation in the Joint Simon task and demonstrates the potential utility of a surprise recognition task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across different epochs and societies, humans occasionally gather to jointly make music. This universal form of collective behavior is as fascinating as it is fragmentedly understood. As the interest in joint music making (JMM) rapidly grows, we review the state-of-the-art of this emerging science, blending behavioral, neural, and computational contributions. We present a conceptual framework synthesizing research on JMM within four components. The framework is centered upon interpersonal coordination, a crucial requirement for JMM. The other components imply the influence of individuals\' (past) experience, (current) social factors, and (future) goals on real-time coordination. Our aim is to promote the development of JMM research by organizing existing work, inspiring new questions, and fostering accessibility for researchers belonging to other research communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating the neural mechanisms underlying both cooperative and competitive joint actions may have a wide impact in many social contexts of human daily life. An effective pipeline of analysis for hyperscanning data recorded in a naturalistic context with a cooperative and competitive motor task has been missing. We propose an analytical pipeline for this type of joint action data, which was validated on electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded in a proof-of-concept study on two dyads playing cooperative and competitive table tennis. Functional connectivity maps were reconstructed using the corrected imaginary part of the phase locking value (ciPLV), an algorithm suitable in case of EEG signals recorded during turn-based competitive joint actions. Hyperbrain, within-, and between-brain functional connectivity maps were calculated in three frequency bands (i.e., theta, alpha, and beta) relevant during complex motor task execution and were characterized with graph theoretical measures and a clustering approach. The results of the proof-of-concept study are in line with recent findings on the main features of the functional networks sustaining cooperation and competition, hence demonstrating that the proposed pipeline is promising tool for the analysis of joint action EEG data recorded during cooperation and competition using a turn-based motor task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Joint action theorizing implies that any coordinated behaviour that induces co-representation with a partner should increase social identification, especially when the associated actions require a high degree of coordination and are experienced as being performed effectively. The current research provides a first test of this new theoretical prediction for complementary (rather than synchronous) joint actions. In each of two pre-registered experiments establishing a novel paradigm, participants performed a digital joystick task with a joint performance goal with three different partners. The task varied in coordination requirements across partners. In Experiment 1, results showed that when task segments were discrete between partners, they identified less as a group than when they had to coordinate their behaviour. Surprisingly, although constant coordination increased co-representation relative to intermittent coordination, it did not correspondingly increase social identification. However, performance correlated positively with identification; as performance was worse when participants had to coordinate, this may explain the results. Experiment 2 showed that performance is causally linked to identification when coordination is necessary. Taken together, our results suggest that experiencing effective coordination leads to greater social identification. In general, paradigms capable of examining the perceptual and motor aspects of collective behaviour may offer a new perspective on social identification in general and the performance-identification link in particular.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to distinguish between one\'s own and others\' actions is a requirement for successful joint action. Such a distinction might be supported by dissociable motor activity underlying each partner\'s individual contributions to the joint action. However, little research has directly compared motor activity associated with one\'s own vs. others\' actions during joint action. The current study investigated whether motor-related cortical oscillations distinguish between self- and partner-produced actions when partners take turns producing taps to meet a joint timing goal. Across two experiments, the degree of beta suppression differentiated one\'s own from a partner\'s actions, with more suppression occurring during one\'s own actions than during a partner\'s actions. Self-partner differences in mu suppression were also evident, particularly when partners produced actions in succession. Increased beta suppression was also observed during partners\' actions when they were followed by one\'s own actions, suggesting that the coordination demands imposed by the joint action could affect the pattern of beta reactivity during a turn-taking joint action. Together, these findings demonstrate that dynamic patterns of motor activity underpin successful joint action and that periods of distinct motor activity are associated with one\'s own contributions to a joint action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Joint action (JA) is a continuous process of motor co-regulation based on the integration of contextual (top-down) and kinematic (bottom-up) cues from partners. The fine equilibrium between excitation and inhibition in sensorimotor circuits is, thus, central to such a dynamic process of action selection and execution. In a bimanual task adapted to become a unimanual JA task, the participant held a bottle (JA), while a confederate had to reach and unscrew either that bottle or another stabilized by a mechanical clamp (No_JA). Prior knowledge was manipulated in each trial such that the participant knew (K) or not (No_K) the target bottle in advance. Online transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was administered at action-relevant landmarks to explore corticospinal excitability (CSE) and inhibition (cortical silent period [cSP]). CSE was modulated early on before the action started if prior information was available. In contrast, cSP modulation emerged later during the reaching action, regardless of prior information. These two indexes could thus reflect the concurrent elaboration of contextual priors (top-down) and the online sampling of partner\'s kinematic cues (bottom-up). Furthermore, participants selected either one of two possible behavioural strategies, preferring early or late force exertion on the bottle. One translates into a reduced risk of motor coordination failure and the other into reduced metabolic expenditure. Each strategy was characterised by a specific excitatory/inhibitory profile. In conclusion, the study of excitatory/inhibitory balance paves the way for the neurophysiological determination of individual differences in the combination of top-down and bottom-up processing during JA coordination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infants experience the world through their actions with objects and their interactions with other people, especially their parents. Prior research has shown that school-age children with hearing loss experience poorer quality interactions with typically hearing parents, yet little is known about parent-child interactions between toddlers with hearing loss and their parents early in life. In the current study, we used mobile eye-tracking to investigate parent-child interactions in toddlers with and without hearing loss (mean ages: 19.42 months, SD = 3.41 months). Parents and toddlers engaged in a goal-directed, interactive task that involved inserting coins into a slot and required joint coordination between the parent and the child. Overall, findings revealed that deaf toddlers demonstrate typical action skills in line with their hearing peers and engage in similar interactions with their parents during social interactions. Findings also revealed that deaf toddlers explored objects more and showed more temporal stability in their motor movements (i.e. less variation in their timing across trials) than hearing peers, suggesting further adaptability of the deaf group to their atypical sensory environment rather than poorer coordination. In contrast to previous research, findings suggest an intact ability of deaf toddlers to coordinate their actions with their parents and highlight the adaptability within dyads who have atypical sensory experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developments in cognitive neuroscience have led to the emergence of hyperscanning, the simultaneous measurement of brain activity from multiple people. Hyperscanning is useful for investigating social cognition, including joint action, because of its ability to capture neural processes that occur within and between people as they coordinate actions toward a shared goal. Here, we provide a practical guide for researchers considering using hyperscanning to study joint action and seeking to avoid frequently raised concerns from hyperscanning skeptics. We focus specifically on Electroencephalography (EEG) hyperscanning, which is widely available and optimally suited for capturing fine-grained temporal dynamics of action coordination. Our guidelines cover questions that are likely to arise when planning a hyperscanning project, ranging from whether hyperscanning is appropriate for answering one\'s research questions to considerations for study design, dependent variable selection, data analysis and visualization. By following clear guidelines that facilitate careful consideration of the theoretical implications of research design choices and other methodological decisions, joint action researchers can mitigate interpretability issues and maximize the benefits of hyperscanning paradigms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Goal-directed behaviour requires mental representations that encode instrumental relationships between actions and their outcomes. The present study investigated how people acquire representations of joint actions where co-actors perform synchronized action contributions to produce joint outcomes in the environment. Adapting an experimental procedure to assess individual action-outcome learning, we tested whether co-acting individuals link jointly produced action outcomes to individual-level features of their own action contributions or to group-level features of their joint action instead. In a learning phase, pairs of participants produced musical chords by synchronizing individual key press responses. In a subsequent test phase, the previously produced chords were presented as imperative stimuli requiring forced-choice responses by both pair members. Stimulus-response mappings were systematically manipulated to be either compatible or incompatible with the individual and joint action-outcome mappings of the preceding learning phase. Only joint but not individual compatibility was found to modulate participants\' performance in the test phase. Yet, opposite to predictions of associative accounts of action-outcome learning, jointly incompatible mappings between learning and test phase resulted in better performance. We discuss a possible explanation of this finding, proposing that pairs\' group-level learning experience modulated how participants encoded ambiguous task instructions in the test phase. Our findings inform current debates about mechanistic explanations of action-outcome learning effects and provide novel evidence that joint action is supported by dedicated mental representations encoding own and others\' actions on a group level.





