
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Isthmocele is a myometrial defect in the uterine isthmus, often resulting from previous caesarean sections. With rising cesarean rates globally, including a significant increase in India, the prevalence of isthmocele has become a noteworthy clinical concern. Isthmocele can lead to symptoms such as abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, and secondary infertility, often detected through transvaginal ultrasound or MRI. Additionally, it can lead to caesarean scar pregnancy, a serious complication. The condition necessitates treatment, particularly in symptomatic cases or those planning future pregnancies. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial for preventing complications and ensuring positive pregnancy outcomes. Here, we report a case that underscores the potential for successful pregnancy outcomes despite the presence of isthmocele, highlighting the need for tailored management strategies in such high-risk cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: After caesarean section a uterine niche can be detected in 42-84% of all women and in 11-45% large defects with a residual myometrium < 2.2 mm occur. If the niche compromises > 50% of myometrial thickness, risk of uterine rupture during birth increases. The suturing technique might contribute substantially on pathogenesis of niches. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the suturing technique on niche prevalence by using a standardized two-layer surgical technique.
    UNASSIGNED: Women with one previous caesarean section were examined within 6-23 months after caesarean section using contrast medium-supported transvaginal sonography regarding the prevalence, sonomorphological aspect and clinical symptoms of a uterine niche. The surgical technique used was: dilatation of the cervix, interrupted suture of the first layer (excluding the endometrium), continuous closure of the visceral and parietal peritoneum.
    UNASSIGNED: Using native vaginal sonography, no niches were visible in the whole cohort. In three cases, there was a small niche detectable with a depth between 2.3 and 3.9 mm by contrast hysterosonography. Regarding the total myometrial thickness, the niche depth compromised less than 50%. All patients were symptom-free.
    UNASSIGNED: In our study population, there were only three cases (9.1%) with a small uterine niche. Residual myometrium and niche percentage on myometrial thickness were excellent in all three cases. Thus, our results show that the uterotomy closure technique used in the study cohort might be superior with respect to the development of uterine niches compared with the expected prevalence.
    UNASSIGNED: Nach einem Kaiserschnitt lässt sich bei 42–84 % aller Frauen eine Uterusnische nachweisen, und bei 11–45 % treten große Defekte mit einem Restmyometrium < 2,2 mm auf. Wenn die Nische > 50 % der Myometriumdicke einnimmt, steigt das Risiko einer Uterusruptur während der Geburt. Die Nahttechnik könnte wesentlich zur Pathogenese von Nischen beitragen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Einfluss der Nahttechnik auf die Nischenprävalenz mithilfe einer standardisierten zweischichtigen Operationstechnik zu untersuchen.
    UNASSIGNED: Frauen mit einem vorangegangenen Kaiserschnitt wurden innerhalb von 6–23 Monaten nach dem Kaiserschnitt mittels kontrastmittelgestützter transvaginaler Sonografie auf die Prävalenz, den sonomorphologischen Aspekt und die klinischen Symptome einer Uterusnische untersucht. Die angewandte Operationstechnik war: Dilatation der Zervix, Einzelknopfnaht der ersten Schicht (ohne Endometrium), kontinuierlicher Verschluss des viszeralen und parietalen Peritoneums.
    UNASSIGNED: Bei der nativen Vaginalsonografie waren in der gesamten Kohorte keine Nischen sichtbar. In 3 Fällen war eine kleine Nische mit einer Tiefe zwischen 2,3 und 3,9 mm in der Kontrast-Hysterosonografie nachweisbar. Bezogen auf die Gesamtdicke des Myometriums betrug die Nischentiefe weniger als 50 %. Alle Patientinnen waren symptomfrei.
    UNASSIGNED: In unserer Studienpopulation gab es nur 3 Fälle (9,1 %) mit einer kleinen uterinen Nische. Sowohl das Restmyometrium als auch der prozentuale Anteil der Nische bezogen auf die Myometriumdicke war in allen 3 Fällen ausgezeichnet. Somit zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass die in der Studienkohorte angewandte Uterotomie-Verschlusstechnik im Hinblick auf die Entstehung von Uterusnischen im Vergleich zur erwarteten Prävalenz überlegen sein könnte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Women undergoing IVF who have had a previous c-section (CS) have a lower live birth rate than those with a previous vaginal delivery. However, the precise underlying mechanisms need clarification. Does a previous CS affect the pattern of uterine contractility?.
    METHODS: Prospective evaluation in patients undergoing frozen blastocyst embryo transfer in medicated endometrial preparation cycles. Twenty patients were included in groups: A/nulliparous. B/previous vaginal delivery. C/ previous CS without a niche, whereas fifteen patients were recruited in group D (CS and a niche). Patients employed estradiol compounds and 800 mg vaginal progesterone. A 3D-scan was performed the transfer-day where uterine contractility/minute was recorded.
    RESULTS: Baseline characteristics (age, BMI, smoking, endometrial thickness) were similar. Mean frequency of uterine contractions/minute was similar between groups (1.15, 1.01, 0.92, and 1.21 for groups A, B, C, and D, respectively). There was a slight increase in the number of contractions in patients with a sonographic niche versus controls, not reaching statistical significance (p=0.48). No differences were observed when comparing patients with a previous C-section (regardless of the presence of a niche) to those without a C-section, either nulliparous (p=0.78) or with a previous vaginal delivery (p=0.80). The frequency of uterine contractions was similar between patients who achieved a clinical pregnancy and those who did not (1.19 vs. 1.02 UC/min, p=0.219, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study found no significant difference in the frequency of uterine contractility between patients with or without a previous C-section or sonographic diagnosed niche. Further investigation is necessary to understand the physiological mechanisms affecting implantation in patients with isthmocele.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 60% of patients undergoing Cesarean sections may develop Cesarean Scar Defect (CSD), presenting a significant clinical challenge amidst the increasing Cesarean section rates. This condition, marked by a notch in the anterior uterine wall, has evolved as a notable topic in gynecological research. The multifactorial origins of CSD can be broadly classified into labor-related factors, patients\' physical conditions, and surgical quality. However, conflicting influences of certain factors across studies make it challenging to determine effective preventive strategies. Additionally, CSD manifests with diverse symptoms, such as abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, secondary infertility, and Cesarean scar pregnancy. Some symptoms are often attributed to other diagnoses, leading to delayed treatment. The quandary of when and how to manage CSD also adds to the complexity. Despite the development of various therapies, clear indications and optimal methods for specific conditions remain elusive. This longstanding challenge has troubled clinicians in both identifying and addressing this iatrogenic disease. Recent studies have yielded some compelling consensuses on various aspects of CSD. This review aims to consolidate the current literature on every facet of CSD. We hope to raise awareness among clinicians about this clinical problem, encouraging more relevant research to unveil the complete picture of CSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Isthmocele or a scar defect is a relatively common consequence of cesarean section resulting in menstrual disturbances and infertility and may compromise the myometrial integrity of the uterus in women contemplating subsequent vaginal birth. Several preventive measures have been suggested, including the modification of surgical techniques used for the closure of the uterine incision. The current study aimed to compare the incidence of isthmocele and assess residual myometrial thickness in women who underwent single versus parallel layered closure to approximate the endo-myometrial layer during cesarean section. Methodology This retrospective study evaluated data of women undergoing their first cesarean section under elective conditions (n = 497) where the uterine incision was closed using a single (n = 295) or a parallel layer (n = 202) technique. Patients were evaluated twice, at 3-6 months and 18 months postpartum, with a transvaginal ultrasound noting the presence or absence of an isthmocele and measurement of the residual myometrial thickness. Results Regardless of the closure technique, 64 (12.9%) women had an ultrasound-diagnosed isthmocele. Significantly fewer patients in the parallel-layer closure group presented with an isthmocele both at 3-6 (13.6 vs. 6.9%; p = 0.019) and 18 months (16.3 vs. 7.8%; p = 0.009) postpartum. Residual myometrium was significantly thicker in the parallel-layer closure group (8.0 vs. 13.2 mm at 3-6 months postpartum; p = 0.000 and 7.2 vs. 12.3 mm at 18 months postpartum; p = 0.004). For all patients, a retroverted position of the uterus at 3-6 months follow-up examination significantly increased the frequency of isthmocele (36/395 (9.1%) with an anteverted uterus and 18/102 (17.6%) with a retroverted uterus; p = 0.002). In patients with a single-layer closure, a retroverted uterus at the 3-6-month follow-up was associated with an isthmocele in 29.5% (18/61) of patients, while no isthmocele was recorded when the uterus was retroverted in the parallel-layer closure group (0/41) (p = 0.001). At 18 months postpartum, of the 64 patients with an isthmocele, 26 (40.6%) presented with abnormal uterine bleeding mainly in the form of postmenstrual spotting. Of the 26 patients with abnormal bleeding, 23 were in the single-layer and three were in the parallel-layer closure group. Conclusions The parallel-layer closure when compared to a single-layer closure of the uterine incision in patients undergoing primary cesarean section decreased the incidence of isthmocele formation and increased residual myometrial thickness. More patients in the single-layer closure group had menstrual cycle disturbances at 18 months postpartum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The primary objective was to detect the number of women developing isthmocele following lower segment caesarean section. The secondary objectives included analysing the risk factors associated with developing isthmocele and measuring the agreement between Transvaginal Ultrasonography (TVS) and Saline infusion Sonohysterography (SIS) in diagnosing Isthmocele.
    METHODS: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and focused on women who had undergone Lower Segment cesarean Section (LSCS). The study aimed to detect any indentation of at least 2 mm in the scar site, known as isthmocele, using Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVS) and Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS) between 6 weeks and 6 months after delivery. Along with the primary objective, the study also evaluated several secondary outcomes such as maternal comorbidities, closure techniques, and labor details. The evaluation of isthmocele followed the 2019 modified Delphi consensus approach.
    RESULTS: In our study, we found that 30% of our study population had isthmocele. We also observed that the number of previous caesarean deliveries, maternal BMI, duration of surgery, and characteristics of the previous CD scar were significantly associated with the development of isthmocele. When we compared the diagnostic methods, we found that TVS and SIS had similar limits of agreement for clinically important isthmocele parameters. However, we noticed a difference in the length and distance of isthmocele from the internal os, which we observed through Bland Altman plots.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our research has shown that women who have undergone multiple caesarean deliveries, have a higher maternal body mass index (BMI), and experienced longer surgery duration are at a significantly higher risk of developing isthmocele. To prevent its development, it is recommended to promote vaginal birth after caesarean delivery whenever feasible, manage maternal obesity early on, and provide adequate surgical training to medical professionals. Additionally, transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) is an effective method for detecting isthmocele and can be used interchangeably with saline-infused sonography (SIS).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cesarean delivery rates are increasing globally, raising concerns about associated complications such as isthmocele. Isthmoceles are pouch-like defects in the anterior uterine wall at the site of a prior cesarean delivery scar.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine isthmocele prevalence, associated symptoms, and risk factors among women with a history of cesarean delivery.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated 297 women with prior cesarean delivery using transvaginal ultrasound to screen for isthmocele. Data on demographics, pregnancy details, comorbidities, and indications for cesarean delivery were collected. Isthmocele was defined sonographically as any niche or defect at the hysterotomy site. Descriptive and comparative analyses identified factors associated with isthmocele.
    RESULTS: Isthmocele prevalence was 65.3% (n=194). Abnormal vaginal bleeding was reported in 21.1% of participants, pelvic pain by 4.1% of participants, and both by 4.1% of participants. Compared to women without isthmocele, those with isthmocele were older (35.9 vs 31.6 years), had higher body mass index (26.8 vs 25.5 kg/m2), gravidity (1.8 vs 1.3), and parity (1.7 vs 1.2). Repeat cesarean delivery was more common (30.4% vs 12.6%) and elective cesarean delivery less common (33.5% vs 67.9%) among those with isthmocele.
    CONCLUSIONS: Over half of the women with history of cesarean delivery had an isthmocele. Abnormal bleeding was common. Advanced maternal age, obesity, repeat procedures, and certain comorbidities appear to increase risk. Further research on prevention and treatment is warranted given the high prevalence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isthmocele is a gynecological condition characterized by a disruption in the uterine scar, often associated with prior cesarean sections. This anatomical anomaly can be attributed to inadequate or insufficient healing of the uterine wall following a cesarean incision. It appears that isthmocele may impact a woman\'s quality of life as well as her reproductive capacity. The incidence of isthmocele can range from 20% to 70% in women who have undergone a cesarean section. This review aims to sum up the current knowledge about the effect of isthmocele on fertility and the possible therapeutic strategies to achieve pregnancy. However, currently, there is not sufficiently robust evidence to indicate the need for surgical correction in all asymptomatic patients seeking fertility. In cases where surgical correction of isthmocele is deemed necessary, it is advisable to evaluate residual myometrial thickness (RMT). For patients with RMT >2.5-3 mm, hysteroscopy appears to be the technique of choice. In cases where the residual tissue is lower, recourse to laparotomic, laparoscopic, or vaginal approaches is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A uterine scar defect, or isthmocele, is one of the known complications of cesarean delivery. It can cause obstetric as well as gynecological problems. Diagnosis can be suspected based on complaints such as abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and subfertility. It can be investigated by transvaginal ultrasound and MRI hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy gives a confirmatory diagnosis. Isthmoplasty may be offered to avoid future obstetric complications and treat symptoms. In the present case report, a patient with prolonged postmenstrual dark-colored spotting underwent isthmocele repair by a procedure that could be unique, which is transvaginal isthmocele repair with temporary occlusion of uterine vessels. This procedure offers efficacy, safety, good outcomes, and prospects. Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) is a rare but potentially serious complication of cesarean section deliveries. We describe the efficacy, safety, outcomes, and prospects of transvaginal Isthamocele repair with temporary occlusion of uterine vessels to manage CSP.





